2,933 research outputs found

    Management of the Loco (Concholepas concholepas) as a Driver for Self-governance of Small-scale Benthic Fisheries in Chile

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    WRI led the "Reefs at Risk Revisited" analysis in collaboration with a broad partnership of more than 25 research, conservation, and educational organizations. Partners have provided data, offered guidance on the analytical approach, contributed to the report, and served as critical reviewers of the maps and findings.

    Geometric Objects: A Quality Index to Electromagnetic Energy Transfer Performance in Sustainable Smart Buildings

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    Sustainable smart buildings play an essential role in terms of more efficient energy. However, these buildings as electric loads are affected by an important distortion in the current and voltage waveforms caused by the increasing proliferation of nonlinear electronic devices. Overall, buildings all around the world consume a significant amount of energy, which is about one-third of the total primary energy resources. Optimization of the power transfer process of such amount of energy is a crucial issue that needs specific tools to integrate energy-efficient behaviour throughout the grid. When nonlinear loads are present, new capable ways of thinking are needed to consider the effects of harmonics and related power components. In this manner, technology innovations are necessary to update the power factor concept to a generalized total or a true one, where different power components involved in it calculation, properly reflect each harmonic interaction. This work addresses an innovative theory that applies the Poynting Vector philosophy via Geometric Algebra to the electromagnetic energy transfer process providing a physical foundation. In this framework, it is possible to analyse and detect the nature of disturbing loads in the exponential growth of new globalized buildings and architectures in our era. This new insight is based on the concept of geometric objects with different dimension: vector, bivector, trivector, multivector. Within this paper, these objects are correlated with the electromagnetic quantities responsible for the energy flow supplied to the most common loads in sustainable smart buildings. Besides, it must be considered that these phenomena are characterized by a quality index multivector appropriate even for detecting harmonic sources. A numerical example is used to illustrate the clear capabilities of the suggested index when it applies to industrial loads for optimization of energy control systems and enhance comfort management in smart sustainable buildings

    Conservation and social-ecological systems in the 21st century of the Anthropocene era

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    La conservació és un concepte «esmunyedís» que es pot interpretar de moltes maneres. Aquest assaig revisa alguns enfocaments històrics de la conservació i les seves romàntiques (fins i tot, patriòtiques) connotacions equitatives inicials equitables amb la preservació, segons proposaren els filòsofs i els naturalistes nord-americans del segle xviii. També presenta la perspectiva oposada, defensada en la mateixa època pels filòsofs europeus, consistent a reconèixer que el món real no és el mateix per a tota l'eternitat, sinó que és dinàmic i producte de la societat, la indústria i l'Estat. En el context del segle xxi, es tracten els fonaments científics, socials i ètics de l'era antropocènica i els objectius i els nivells espacials de la conservació, com també les connexions entre la conservació, la sostenibilitat i l'equitat econòmica. L'assaig explora dues opcions per a fer front a la conservació de la natura a l'Antropocè. En primer lloc, el punt de vista sostingut pel moviment de l'«ecologia profunda », i en segon, el representat pel Projecte Millennium d'Avaluació dels Ecosistemes. Hi ha una visió personal de prioritats sobre què cal conservar, i on i com fer-ho. Es tracten aspectes com la sostenibilitat ecològica i social i la conservació dels recursos marins a llarg termini a Xile considerant-los com a exemple d'un enfocament modern i comprensiu de conservació. Finalment, l'assaig se centra en la manera com el professor Ramon Margalef (1993) va visualitzar la complexa interacció entre els éssers humans i la natura i com els elements centrals d'aquest assaig continuen estant en consonància amb els seus punts de vista.Conservation is a ‘slippery’ concept that can be interpreted in many different ways. This essay reviews historical approaches to conservation and its romantic (even patriotic), initially equitable connotation of preservation, as proposed by 18th century North American philosophers and naturalists. The opposing view is presented as well, i.e., that the real world is not the same for eternity but dynamic, and the product of the interaction of society, industry and the state, as proposed by European philosophers around the same time. In the context of the Anthropocene era of the 21st century and based on scientific, societal and ethical grounds, the aims and spatial scales of conservation are discussed, as are the connections between conservation, sustainability, and economic equity. Two options to deal with the conservation of nature in the Anthropocene are explored herein. First, the view held by the ‘deep ecology’ movement, and second, that represented by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment project. A personal view on the priorities of what, where, and how to conserve is presented. The long-term social-ecological sustainability and conservation of coastal marine resources in Chile is discussed as an example of a modern and comprehensive approach to conservation. Finally, this essay calls attention to Professor Ramon Margalef (1993), specifically, his visualization of the complex interplay among humans and nature, which is very much in line with the views of the author

    Tragédia dos recursos de uso comum e ética ambiental individual responsável frente ao aquecimento global

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    The tragedy of the commons (overexploitation, pollution) is a metaphor well anchored in the literature. The air is a common pool resource and private property does not exist. The global warming of the planet, caused by excess greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, NO2, methane), generated by human activities and consuming society, which are stored in the high atmosphere causing climatic changes, is today a tragedy. We live in a new Era, that of the Antrophocene. Monocentric solutions to this tragedy: top-down —for instance the Kyoto Protocol of 1997— have failed. The article highlights the urgent need to implement polycentric solutions to face the tragedy: bottom-up, individual and collective actions in concurrence with top-down strategies. This needs to be based in the installation of a new environmental responsible ethic, for instance based in the individual responsible Kutz ethic principle. For this is needed to promote, as soon as possible, a postmodern environmental science, with credibility and a true democratization of knowledge. Moreover, there is a need for environmental alphabetization of our society based on hard knowledge about climatic changes and global warming, in all dimensions: negative, positive, new opportunities. The use of massive communication tools may be the key to achieve the goal.La tragedia de los recursos de uso común (sobreexplotación, contaminación) es una metáfora bien acuñada en la literatura. El aire es un recurso de uso común, sobre el que no existe propiedad privada. El problema del calentamiento global, derivado del exceso de gases de efecto invernadero (CO2, NO2, metano), generados por actividades humanas y el excesivo consumismo, y que se almacenan en la alta atmósfera causando cambios climáticos, es hoy una tragedia. Vivimos una nueva Era llamada del Antropoceno. Las soluciones monocéntricas globales a esta tragedia, de arriba hacia abajo —por ejemplo, Protocolo de Kyoto, de 1997— han fracasado. El artículo destaca la necesidad urgente de comenzar a usar soluciones estratégicas policéntricas —de abajo hacia arriba—, acciones individuales y colectivas, en conjunto con las globales, para enfrentar la tragedia. Ello debe basarse en la instalación masiva de una nueva ética ambiental responsable, basada, por ejemplo, en el principio ético de responsabilidad individual de Kutz. Para ello se necesita poner en acción una ciencia ambiental posmoderna, creíble, con una democratización del conocimiento, y alfabetizar a la sociedad en forma simple y directa sobre la información dura del cambio climático en todas sus dimensiones: negativas, positivas y de nuevas oportunidades. Los medios de comunicación social masivos pueden ser la clave para lograr este objetivo.A tragédia dos recursos de uso comum (superexploração, contaminação) é uma metáfora bem cunhada na literatura. O ar é um recurso de uso comum, sobre o qual não existe propriedade privada. O problema do aquecimento global derivado do excesso de gases de efeito estufa (CO2, NO2, metano), gerados por atividades humanas e o excessivo consumismo, que se armazenam na alta atmosfera causando mudanças climáticas, é hoje uma tragédia. Vivemos uma nova Era chamada de Antropoceno. As soluções monocêntricas globais a esta tragédia, de cima para baixo - por exemplo, Protocolo de Kyoto de 1997 - fracassaram. O artigo destaca a necessidade urgente de começar a usar soluções estratégicas policêntricas - de baixo para cima -, ações individuais e coletivas, em conjunto com as globais, para enfrentar a tragédia. Isso tem que basear-se na instalação massiva de uma nova ética ambiental responsável por exemplo, baseada no princípio ético de responsabilidade individual de Kutz. Para isso se necessita por em acção uma ciência ambiental pós-moderna, crível, com uma democratização do conhecimento, e alfabetizar a sociedade de forma simples e direta sobre a informação dura da mudança climática em todas suas dimensões: negativas, positivas, novas oportunidades. Os meios de comunicação social massivos podem ser a chave para lograr este objetivo

    Leo Brouwer\u27s Estudios Sencillos for Guitar: Afro-Cuban Elements and Pedagogical Devices

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    This document presents a detailed performance and pedagogical analysis of the Estudios Sencillos by the Cuban composer, Leo Brouwer. Such pertinent musical aspects as biographical data of the composer, Afro-Cuban traditions, Cuban composers, and philosophical and artistic trends that impacted Brouwer\u27s aesthetic world are studied and discussed. Virtually any of Brouwer\u27s works can serve to convey this information, but it is particularly this group of pieces that better suits the study of Afro-Cuban elements within a pedagogical focus since no other of Brouwer\u27s compositions is set with this particular target in mind: etudes for the development and/or implementation of a particular technical skill. The author offers suggestions for each of the etudes regarding fingerings, strokes, dynamics, and interpretation based on his own findings and pedagogical experience. A chapter of the document is dedicated to describing the Afro-Cuban phenomena that served as an influence to Brouwer\u27s oeuvre. A glossary of important terms is also included

    Intensification of NH3 bubble absorption process using advanced surfaces and carbon nanotubes for NH3/LINO3 absorption chillers

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    En la presente tesis doctoral se realiza un estudio experimental de la intensificación del proceso de absorción de amoniaco por parte de la mezcla NH3/LiNO3 en absorbedores de burbuja por medio del uso de superficies avanzadas y nanotubos de carbono. Las condiciones de operación de los ensayos experimentales fueron obtenidas a partir de una simulación termodinámica de un ciclo de absorción de simple efecto con NH3/LiNO3 a las condiciones de operación de interés para una enfriadora por absorción activada por fuentes de energía a baja temperatura y enfriada por aire. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en un banco de prueba experimental diseñado para la evaluación del desempeño de absorbedores a las condiciones deseadas. El estudio del proceso de absorción se realizo en dos tipos de intercambiadores de calor trabajando como absorbedores; un intercambiador de calor de placas y un intercambiador de calor tubular. Los resultados experimentos en el absorbedor tubular muestran que las superficies avanzadas y nanotubos de carbono usados mejoran significativamente el proceso de absorción de amoniaco en el absorbedor de burbuja estudiado en comparación con un absorbedor de tubo liso con el fluido base. Las mejoras máximas alcanzadas fueron superiores al 50%.This thesis deals with an experimental study on intensification of the ammonia absorption process in the NH3/LiNO3 mixture in vertical bubble mode absorbers using advanced surfaces and nanoparticles of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Operating conditions selected for the absorber test were obtained from a thermodynamic analysis of a single effect absorption cycle with NH3/LiNO3 driven by low temperature heat sources and head released by air. The experiments were conducted in an experimental test facility designed for evaluating the absorber performance at the desired operating conditions. Intensification of the ammonia absorption process was studied using two types of heat exchangers working as bubble absorbers; a plate heat exchanger and a tubular heat exchanger. Experimental results showed that the advanced surfaces and CNTs used significantly improve the ammonia absorption process in the tubular bubble absorber analyzed in comparison with results in the smooth tube absorber with the base fluid. The maximum improvements achieved were higher than 50 %

    Extra-Heavy Crude Oil Viscosity Reduction Using and Reusing Magnetic Copper Ferrite Nanospheres

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    The main objective of this study is the synthesis, use, and reuse of magnetic copper ferrite nanospheres (CFNS) for extra-heavy oil viscosity reduction. The CFNS were synthesized using a solvothermal method resulting in mean particle size of 150 nm. Interactions of CFNS with the crude oil were evaluated through asphaltene adsorption isotherms, as well as static and dynamic rheology measurements for two cycles at 25 ◦C. Adsorption and desorption experiments corroborated that most of the asphaltenes adsorbed can be removed for nanoparticle reuse. During the rheology tests, nanoparticles were evaluated in the first cycle at different concentrations from 300 to 1500 mg/L, leading to the highest degree of viscosity reduction of 18% at 500 mg/L. SiO2 nanoparticles were evaluated for comparison issues, obtaining similar results regarding the viscosity reduction. After measurements, the CFNS were removed with a magnet, washed with toluene, and further dried for the second cycle of viscosity reduction. Rheology tests were performed for a second time at a fixed concentration of 500 mg/L, and slight differences were observed regarding the first cycle. Finally, changes in the extra-heavy oil microstructure upon CFNS addition were observed according to the significant decrease in elastic and viscous moduli.Spanish Project ref. RTI2018-099,224-B-I00 from ERDF/Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesState Research Agency. M.V.L.-RJunta de Andalucía, Spain, RNM-366 research grou