3,625 research outputs found

    La ética en el Comité de Ética en Investigación: conflictos de interés

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    Este artículo discute los conflictos de interés presentes en los Comités de Ética en Investigación (CEI). En primer lugar analiza los argumentos a favor y en contra de los CEI con y sin fines de lucro en los Estados Unidos, teniendo en cuenta sus respectivos conflictos de interés. Luego extrapola dicho análisis con lo que ocurre actualmente en Argentina, compara con la situación en Europa y la nueva corriente de los CEI regionales o centrales, y si ésta podría ser una solución a los conflictos de interés presentes en los CEI de Argentina. Finalmente, propone una posible alternativa con el objeto de sobrepasar dichos conflictos de interés.This article discusses the conflicts of interest in the Research Ethics Committees (REC). First of all, it analyzes the opinions in favour and against the for-profit and not-for-profit REC in the United States, considering their specific conflicts of interest. It also compares this analysis to the current situation in Argentina, the regional or central REC trend in Europe, and whether the regional REC could be a solution for Argentina. Finally, it proposes an alternative in order to solve the conflict of interest in REC in Argentina.Fil: Bueno, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química Biológica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentin

    Study and Control of Thermal Transport in Complex Fluids

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    In this thesis, we propose the study of heat transport in liquids as a novel approach to the study of the dynamic structure of liquids. We focus our attention on the thermal conductivity, which is highly sensitive to changes in the dynamic nature of the whole systems. This strategy was used to characterize different fluids, which leads to the discovery of new phenomenology in these systems, with unforeseen applications in areas such important as energy storage or biology. We focus our research in two different projects. First, we study the effect of dissolving different solutes into the tetrahedral structure of liquid water. This shows the sensitivity of the thermal conductivity to changes in the microscopic arrangement, demonstrating the formation of supramolecular structures within the liquid. On the other hand, we perform a systematic study of the thermal transport in ILs, which shows a large thermal conductivity difference between liquid and solid phases. This suggests their use as thermal regulator in different technological aplications. Moreover, we have improved these systems by using azobenzene based compouds, which allow an active control of the thermal conductivity by an external stimulus, in this case the application of UV light

    Warm hilltop inflation

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    We study the low-temperature limit of warm inflation in a hilltop model. This limit remains valid up to the end of inflation, allowing an analytic description of the entire inflationary stage. In the weak dissipative regime, if the kinetic density of the inflaton dominates after inflation, low scale inflation is attained with Hubble scale as low as 1 GeV. In the strong dissipative regime, the model satisfies the observational requirements for the spectral index with a mild tuning of the model parameters, while also overcoming the η\eta-problem of inflation. However, there is some danger of gravitino overproduction unless the particle content of the theory is large.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Concomitancias entre la pintura de Salvador Soria Zapater y la musica de Francisco Llacer Pla: Espacios sugerentes

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    El artículo, tras introducirnos brevemente en las figuras de Salvador Soria Zapater y de Francisco Llacer Pla, nos da las claves de la obra "Espacios sugerentes", opus 43 de Francisco Llacer Pla, inspirada en la homonima de Salvador Soria. (F.D.

    El registro sedimentario de las transgresión del Albiense-Cenomaniense en la Serranía de Cuenca (Cordillera Ibérica, España) : evolución paleogeográfica y paleoflora

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, leída el 07-11-2022This Ph.D. thesis presents a high‐resolution palaeogeographical study of the onset and evolution of the largest ever recorded marine transgression, the “mid” Cretaceous transgression, in an exceptional setting located in the Western Tethys, at the eastern margin of Iberia: the Cuenca Basin (Spain). The study of the Cuenca Basin allows the accurate reconstruction of the time‐space evolution of the transgressive event due to:(1) The Albian to early Cenomanian sedimentary succession represents the sedimentary record of that major transgressive event. This succession is composed of the siliciclastic deposits of the Utrillas Gr, interpreted as an arid braidplain system, and the mixed shallow marine deposits of the La Bicuerca Mb (Aras de Alpuente Fm).(2) The basin is located at the interface between those areas entirely dominated by marine sedimentation during the “mid” and Late Cretaceous, and the areas that were dominated mainly by continental sedimentation until the transgression reached its climax during the Cenomanian‐Turonian boundary. Additionally, the Albian to early Cenomanian time in Iberia was characterised by: (a) representing the transition from the Late Jurassic‐Early Cretaceous syn‐rift stage to the Late Cretaceous post‐rift stage, and (b) being an extremely prolific time span regarding the deposit of amber‐bearing successions...Esta tesis doctoral presenta un estudio de alta resolución sobre el comienzo y evolución de la mayor transgresión marina del Mesozoico, la transgresión del Cretácico “medio”, en un contexto privilegiado, localizado al oeste del Océano del Tethys, en el margen este de Iberia: La Serranía de Cuenca (España). El estudio de esta cuenca sedimentaria ha permitido realizar una reconstrucción espacio‐temporal precisa y pormenorizada del registro geológico de la transgresión debido a dos factores:(1) La sucesión sedimentaria Albiense ‐ Cenomaniense inferior representa el registro de la transgresión del Cretácico “medio”. Esta sucesión comprende un cambio lateral de facies entre los depósitos siliciclásticos del Gr. Utrillas, interpretados como una llanura alluvial de tipo braided, y los mixtos del Mb. La Bicuerca (Fm. Aras de Alpuente), interpretados como depositados en un ambiente marino somero.(2) La cuenca sedimentaria está localizada en una zona de transición entre las areas dominadas por sedimentación marina durante el Cretácico “medio” y Superior (hacia el SE de la zona de estudio), y la sáreas que estuvieron dominadas por sedimentación continental (localizadas al NO de la zona estudiada)hasta que tuvo lugar el máximo de la transgresión durante el límite Cenomaniense‐Turoniense. Además, cabe destacar que el intervalo Albiense ‐ Cenomaniense inferior en Iberia estuvo caracterizado por: (a) registrar la transición de la etapa sin‐rift del Jurásico Superior ‐ Cretácico Inferior a la etapa postrift del Cretácico Superior, y (b) ser un periodo en cuyos depósitos se han descubierto numerosos yacimientos ambarígenos...Fac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEunpu

    Fragmented spaces in the urban landscape : a socio-spatial analysis of educational supply in the city of Madrid

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABAltres ajuts: Consejería de Educación e Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid i la Fundación Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI) (BOCM1094/ 2019).The geography of school choice critically shapes families' educational opportunities. Residential segregation, social inequalities and the educational marketplace interact in complex ways and produce spatialised educational opportunities for families. This paper analyses the link between these dimensions and how they structure families' educational opportunities in the city of Madrid. Based on several administrative datasets that capture students' residential location, their socio-economic position, the schools they attend and the characteristics of school supply, our analysis reveals the uneven spatial distribution of the different school modalities in Madrid, where advantaged families and neighbourhoods have more diversified and socio-economically homogenous nearby schooling options. The results also depict the way the city is spatially divided along a continuum of 'privileged' residential and educational assets. The paper reflects on how reforms expanding school choice and diversification of the educational market undertaken by the regional government may have increased the link between residential and school segregation

    MisUnderstandings of defence diplomacy as public diplomacy: Insights from three Spanish elites

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    The author would like to acknowledge the suggestions made by three anonymous reviewers, whose comments have helped to improve the quality of the article. Likewise, he gratefully acknowledges the support of the research project PID2019-108036GB-I00/AEI/10.1339/501100011033, funded by the Spanish State Research Agency.Defence diplomacy and public diplomacy are two diplomatic practices often treated in the literature as two disconnected realms. While the former focuses on the peaceful and cooperative use of armed forces, the latter emphasizes on the advancement of strategic communication in the international policy of actors. However, it is possible to bridge the differences between the two using the concept of soft power. By doing so, defence public diplomacy can be understood as a set of practices developed by states seeking to influence and attract third states while employing military force within these parameters. This paper contributes firstly to the conceptual debate bridging both types of diplomacies. Secondly, it selects a case study, Spain, to examine the perceptions of three different Spanish elites involved in the formulation and implementation of defence public policy: politicians, the military and defence industry managers. This paper adopts a qualitative methodology, including in-depth interviews, focus groups with experts, and manual content analysis of primary documentary sources. The results show that these elites agree on the importance of defence diplomacy for the achievement of state goals but continue to understand it fundamentally from a classical diplomatic prism. They also discuss the inclusion of new concepts, such as deterrence, as part of a defence public diplomacy.Likewise PID2019-108036GB-I00/AEI/10.1339/501100011033Spanish Governmen

    Predictive ability analysis of the simulator FDS in order to evaluate the effects of hydrocarbon fires

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    This project has as a main target to determine the validity of data provided by FDS simulator in function of its similitude with experimental data obtained through different PhD thesis. To start with, in a background section, is explained what is understand for fire and flames, which are the main types of fires that can occur in industry and, finally, which are the main features that define pool fires, which are object of study of this project. In this section, a brief introduction of computational fluids dynamic (CFD) has also been described, as the main simulation strategies in CFD (RANS, LES and DNS). Finally, the used simulation tools have been described. A whole chapter has been dedicated to the description of the different mathematical models FDS uses in order to perform its calculations, regarding to fluids hydrodynamics, combustion and thermal radiation transport. A brief summary of found validation results performed previously with FDS and which are related to the matter of this project have been summarized. After FDS introduction, a chapter has been dedicated to the description of the installation where the experiments were performed, the results of which will be compared with simulation data provided by FDS. Besides the description of the experimental scenario, the different measurement methods used experimentally to catch the registered variables are also described, and experimental results obtained have been compiled. Described the experimental installation and the measurement methods, it has been explained how experimental scenario has been implemented into FDS (originally, the reproduced scenario has been set as similar as possible to the real installation), and which have been the measurement methods for the output variables. Later, emplacement studies have been carried out, in order to find which domain and grid size (symmetry has also been studied) can provide the data which is most nearby to experimental results and, at the meantime, does not require an excessive computational time to be calculated. In addition to the study of the effect of the emplacement on the simulation results, the effect of setting a square pool shape instead of circular on the simulation results has also been studied, and which is the behaviour of both pool shapes when wind speed is increased. Following the pool shape study, a brief sensitivity study in order to check how simulation results vary when some input variables are slightly modified. Finally, sustainability and costs studies have been performed, the tasks planning during the entire stance at CERTEC has been presented and the project conclusions have been exposed

    Sampling design may obscure species–area relationships in landscape-scale field studies

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    We investigated 1) the role of area per se in explaining anuran species richness on reservoir forest islands, after controlling for several confounding factors. We also assessed 2) how sampling design affects the inferential power of island species–area relationships (ISARs) aiming to 3) provide guidelines to yield reliable estimates of area-induced species losses in patchy systems. We surveyed anurans with autonomous recording units at 151 plots located on 74 islands and four continuous forest sites at the Balbina Hydroelectric Reservoir landscape, central Brazilian Amazonia. We applied semi-log ISAR models to assess the effect of sampling design on the fit and slope of species–area curves. To do so, we subsampled our surveyed islands following both a 1) stratified and 2) non-stratified random selection of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 islands covering 1) the full range in island size (0.45–1699 ha) and 2) only islands smaller than 100 ha, respectively. We also compiled 25 datasets from the literature to assess the generality of our findings. Island size explained ca half of the variation in species richness. The fit and slope of species–area curves were affected mainly by the range in island size considered, and to a very small extent by the number of islands surveyed. In our literature review, all datasets covering a range of patch sizes larger than 300 ha yielded a positive ISAR, whereas the number of patches alone did not affect the detection of ISARs. We conclude that 1) area per se plays a major role in explaining anuran species richness on forest islands within an Amazonian anthropogenic archipelago; 2) the inferential power of island species–area relationships is severely degraded by sub-optimal sampling designs; 3) at least 10 habitat patches spanning three orders of magnitude in size should be surveyed to yield reliable species–area estimates in patchy systems