10 research outputs found

    Clinical characteristics of a large familial cohort with Medullary thyroid cancer and germline Cys618Arg RET mutation in an Israeli multicenter study

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    ObjectiveTo determine genealogical, clinical and pathological characteristics of a cohort with Cys618Arg mutation from an Israeli multicenter MTC study.MethodsRetrospective database analysis examining RET mutations and comparing Cys618Arg and Cys634Arg/Thr/Tyr subgroups.ResultsGenetic testing was performed in 131/275 MTC patients (47.6%). RET mutations were found in 50/131 (38.2%), including Cys618Arg (28/50 cases,56%), and Cys634Arg/Thr/Tyr (15/50,30%). Through genealogical study, 31 MTC patients were found descendants of one family of Jewish Moroccan descent, accounting for 27/28 patients with documented Cys618Arg mutation and 4 patients without available genetic testing. Familial Cys618Arg cases (n=31) and Cys634Arg/Thr/Tyr cases (n=15, from 6 families) were compared. Although surgical age was similar (25.7 vs 31.3 years, p=0.19), the Cys618Arg group had smaller tumors (8.9mm vs 18.5mm, p=0.004) and lower calcitonin levels (33.9 vs 84.5 X/ULN, p=0.03). Youngest ages at MTC diagnosis were 8 and 3 years in Cys618Arg and Cys634Arg/Thr/Tyr cohorts, respectively. Long-term outcome was similar between groups. The Cys618Arg cohort had lower rates of pheochromocytoma (6.5% vs 53.3%, p=0.001) and primary hyperparathyroidism (3.2% vs 33.3%, p=0.01).ConclusionThis is the first description of RET mutation distribution in Israel. Of 131 tested MTC patients, Cys618Arg was the predominant mutation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest cohort of Cys618Arg mutation described. For Cys618Arg and Cys634Arg/Thr/Tyr cohorts, MTC was diagnosed earlier than expected, likely due to familial genetic screening, and MTC outcomes were similar between groups. International studies are necessary to further characterize the clinical features of Cys618 mutations due to their relative rarity

    Restoration of Regenerative Osteoblastogenesis in Aged Mice: Modulation of TNF

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    Skeletal changes accompanying aging are associated with both increased risk of fractures and impaired fracture healing, which, in turn, is due to compromised bone regeneration potential. These changes are associated with increased serum levels of selected proinflammatory cytokines, e.g., tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α). We have used a unique model of bone regeneration to demonstrate (1) that aged-related deficits in direct bone formation can be restored to young mice by treatment with TNF blockers and (2) that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 is a candidate for mediation of the osteoinhibitory effects of TNF. It has been hypothesized recently that TNF antagonists may represent novel anabolic agents, and we believe that the data presented here represent a successful test of this hypothesis. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Researc

    Kallmann Syndrome: Eugenics and the Man behind the Eponym

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    Kallmann syndrome is named after Franz Joseph Kallmann, a German-born psychiatrist who described in 1944 twelve subjects from three families who presented with a syndrome of missed puberty, anosmia, and color blindness. Yet, several other eponyms for the same syndrome can be found in the literature. Despite the fact that Kallmann syndrome is the most recognized eponym, very little is known about the man for whom the syndrome is named. A biographical note on Franz Joseph Kallmann and his historical context is presented

    Humoral hypercalcemia of pregnancy treated with bisphosphonates

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    SUMMARY Hypercalcemia can be hazardous during pregnancy, most cases being due to primary hyperparathyroidism. We report a case of hypercalcemia with suppressed PTH levels necessitating treatment with bisphosphonates during pregnancy. A 38-year-old woman at the 26th week gestation was admitted because of symptomatic hypercalcemia. She did not take any medication that could influence her calcium levels. Physical examination was unremarkable. Laboratory tests on admission were: calcium 12.7 mg/dL (8.5-10.5 mg/dL), phosphorus 1.8 mg/dL (2.5-4.5 mg/dL) and PTH on 3 consecutive tests 1.2, 1.3 and 1.2 pg/mL (15-65 pg/mL). Her 24h urine calcium was 900 mg, 25-OH-D 40 ng/mL (30-58 ng/mL) and 1,25-OH-D 99 pg/mL (80-146 for women in the third trimester). Abdominal ultrasound revealed multiple hypervascular liver lesions consistent with hemangiomas by MRI. Breast and neck ultrasound were normal, and chest CT revealed few non-significant 0.3-0.7 cm pulmonary nodules with no change after an interval of 3 months. She was treated with isotonic saline, loop diuretics and calcitonin. Despite this treatment, calcium levels remained high (14.1 mg/dL), and pamidronate was initiated. On 35th week gestation, she underwent a cesarean section complicated by hypocalcemia of the newborn. Eight weeks after delivery, her calcium levels are 9.4 mg/dL and PTH 18 mg/dL. According to the extensive workup and the post-partum normalization of PTH and calcium levels, we conclude that excessive secretion of placental PTHrP was the cause of hypercalcemia in this patient. No significant adverse effect of bisphosphonate on the mother or baby were seen at the short term follow up

    Long-Term Outcome after Hemithyroidectomy for Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Comparative Study and Review of the Literature

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    Background: The extent of surgery for differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) remains a controversial issue. Since a less aggressive approach is becoming more predominant, we aim here to study the short- and long-term outcomes of DTC patients after hemithyroidectomy. Methods: From a total of 1252 consecutive papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) patients, 109 treated with hemithyroidectomy and 50 with total thyroidectomy but no I131 were included. Persistent or recurrent disease was defined based on histopathology, imaging studies, and thyroglobulin levels. Results: Our hemithyroidectomy cohort included females (84.4%), microcarcinomas (81.9%), TNM stage I (95.4%), and a low American Thyroid Association (ATA) recurrence risk (94.5%). At one-year post-treatment, 3.7% had persistent disease (all female, median age 55 years, tumor size 7.5 mm). Recurrent disease was detected in 7.5% of those with excellent response at 1-year. With a follow-up of 8.6 years (1–48), all 109 patients were disease free at last visit, including the 11 patients (10.1%) who received additional treatment. Also, when comparing the hemi- and total thyroidectomy groups no significant differences were found in the rate of persistent and recurrent disease, overall mortality, and disease status at last visit. Conclusions: For properly selected low-risk PTC patients, hemithyroidectomy is a safe treatment option with a favorable long-term outcome

    Ernest L. Mazzaferri, MD, MACP (1936-2013)

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    Professor and physician Dr. Ernest L. Mazzaferri Sr. passed away on May 14, 2013, at 76 years of age ( 1 , 2 ). Ernie is remembered as a caring and talented physician, an accomplished scholar and educator, as well as a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He was a luminary figure, and few people have had a greater impact in thyroidology in recent decades. Here we include reflections from a few of us that knew him, as well as commentaries from people who did not. Ernie's passion was caring for patients and how to improve their care. Our goal is to pay tribute and memorialize the person we knew and the impact that he had on patients around the world through his dedication to research, lecturing, and writing that achieved remarkable global influence

    Colesteatoma causando paralisia facial Cholesteatoma causing facial paralysis

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    A paralisia facial causada pelo colesteatoma é pouco freqüente. As porções do nervo mais acometidas são a timpânica e a região do 2º joelho. Nos casos de disseminação da lesão colesteatomatosa para o epitímpano anterior, o gânglio geniculado é o segmento do nervo facial mais sujeito à injúria. A etiopatogenia pode estar ligada à compressão do nervo pelo colesteatoma seguida de diminuição do seu suprimento vascular como também pela possível ação de substâncias neurotóxicas produzidas pela matriz do tumor ou pelas bactérias nele contidas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência, as características clínicas e o tratamento da paralisia facial decorrente da lesão colesteatomatosa. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo envolvendo dez casos de paralisia facial por colesteatoma selecionados através de levantamento de 206 descompressões do nervo facial com diferentes etiologias, realizadas na UNIFESP-EPM nos últimos dez anos. RESULTADOS: A incidência de paralisia facial por colesteatoma neste estudo foi de 4,85%,com predominância do sexo feminino (60%). A idade média dos pacientes foi de 39 anos. A duração e o grau da paralisia (inicial) juntamente com a extensão da lesão foram importantes em relação à recuperação funcional do nervo facial. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico precoce é fundamental para que ocorra um resultado funcional mais adequado. Nos casos de ruptura ou intensa fibrose do tecido nervoso, o enxerto de nervo (auricular magno/sural) e/ou a anastomose hipoglosso-facial podem ser sugeridas.<br>Facial paralysis caused by cholesteatoma is uncommon. The portions most frequently involved are horizontal (tympanic) and second genu segments. When cholesteatomas extend over the anterior epitympanic space, the facial nerve is placed in jeopardy in the region of the geniculate ganglion. The aetiology can be related to compression of the nerve followed by impairment of its blood supply or production of neurotoxic substances secreted from either the cholesteatoma matrix or bacteria enclosed in the tumor. AIM: To evaluate the incidence, clinical features and treatment of the facial palsy due cholesteatoma. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical retrospective. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Retrospective study of 10 cases of facial paralysis due cholesteatoma selected through a survey of 206 decompressions of the facial nerve due various aetiologies realized in the last 10 years in UNIFESP-EPM. RESULTS: The incidence of facial paralysis due cholesteatoma in this study was 4,85%, with female predominance (60%). The average age of the patients was 39 years. The duration and severity of the facial palsy associated with the extension of lesion were important for the functional recovery of the facial nerve. CONCLUSION: Early surgical approach is necessary in these cases to improve the nerve function more adequately. When disruption or intense fibrous replacement occurs in the facial nerve, nerve grafting (greater auricular/sural nerves) and/or hypoglossal facial anastomosis may be suggested

    Bilateral ptosis and supranuclear downgaze paralysis Ptose bilateral e paralisia supranuclear do olhar conjugado para baixo

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    The purpose of this article is to highlight an uncommon combination of supranuclear downward gaze paralysis with bilateral eyelid ptosis in a 53-years-old man with a radiation induced midbrain tumor and to discuss the aspects regarding the centers and pathways that mediate supranuclear vertical gaze movements.<br>O objetivo deste artigo é ressaltar uma rara condição caracterizada por paralisia supranuclear do olhar conjugado para baixo associada a ptose palpebral bilateral em um homem de 53 anos, causada por tumor mesencefálico radio-induzido, e discutir os aspectos relacionados ao controle supranuclear dos movimentos oculares verticais