49 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the thermoplasticity of different gutta-percha cones and the TC system

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermoplasticity of three commercial brands of gutta-percha (Tanari, Dentsply 0.06, and Roeko), and of the TC system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Standardized specimens were fabricated from the materials to be evaluated. Specimens were placed in water at 70ºC for 60 seconds. Following that, they were positioned between two glass slabs and each set was compressed by a 5kg weight. Images of the specimens before and after compression were digitized and analyzed by the Image Tool software. The flow capacity of each material was confirmed by the difference between the initial and final areas of each sample. RESULTS: The resulting data were analyzed by ANOVA. The TC system presented the greatest thermoplasticity values (

    Effect of root canal preparation, type of endodontic post and mechanical cycling on root fracture strength

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of the type of root canal preparation, intraradicular post and mechanical cycling on the fracture strength of roots. Material and Methods: eighty human single rooted teeth were divided into 8 groups according to the instruments used for root canal preparation (manual or rotary instruments), the type of intraradicular post (fiber posts- FRC and cast post and core- CPC) and the use of mechanical cycling (MC) as follows: Manual and FRC; Manual, FRC and MC; Manual and CPC; Manual, CPC and MC; Rotary and FRC; Rotary, FRC and MC; Rotary and CPC; Rotary, CPC and MC. The filling was performed by lateral compactation. All root canals were prepared for a post with a 10 mm length, using the custom #2 bur of the glass fiber post system. For mechanical cycling, the protocol was applied as follows: an angle of incidence of 45°, 37°C, 88 N, 4 Hz, 2 million pulses. All groups were submitted to fracture strength test in a 45° device with 1 mm/ min cross-head speed until failure occurred. Results: The 3-way ANOVA showed that the root canal preparation strategy (

    Effect of root canal preparation, type of endodontic post and mechanical cycling on root fracture strength

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of the type of root canal preparation, intraradicular post and mechanical cycling on the fracture strength of roots. Material and Methods: eighty human single rooted teeth were divided into 8 groups according to the instruments used for root canal preparation (manual or rotary instruments), the type of intraradicular post (fiber posts- FRC and cast post and core- CPC) and the use of mechanical cycling (MC) as follows: Manual and FRC; Manual, FRC and MC; Manual and CPC; Manual, CPC and MC; Rotary and FRC; Rotary, FRC and MC; Rotary and CPC; Rotary, CPC and MC. The filling was performed by lateral compactation. All root canals were prepared for a post with a 10 mm length, using the custom #2 bur of the glass fiber post system. For mechanical cycling, the protocol was applied as follows: an angle of incidence of 45°, 37°C, 88 N, 4 Hz, 2 million pulses. All groups were submitted to fracture strength test in a 45° device with 1 mm/ min cross-head speed until failure occurred. Results: The 3-way ANOVA showed that the root canal preparation strategy (

    The Efficacy of Passive Ultrasonic Activation of Organic Solvents on Dissolving Two Root Canal Sealers

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    Introduction: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the dissolving efficacy of eucalyptol and orange oil solvents associated with passive ultrasonic activation (PUA) in zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) based and epoxy resin-based root canal sealers. Methods and Materials: Seventy samples of each sealer were prepared and then randomized according to the solvent and the time of the ultrasonic activation (n=5). The mean amount of weight loss of sealers was calculated in percentages and was analyzed by using the Kruskal-Wallis and Bonferroni post-hoc tests. Results: The greatest values of weight loss were obtained with the ZOE sealer groups (P<0.05), regardless of the solvent that was used. An application of PUA for 3 min, with a renewal of orange oil solvent each min, showed the greatest percentage of weight loss in ZOE sealer compared to the others templates (P<0.05). Neither the solvent nor the different times had any influence on the weight loss of the resin sealer (P>0.05). Conclusion: The application of PUA with essential oils can be an effective method in dissolving ZOE based sealers.Keywords: Eucalyptol; Orange Oil; Retreatment; Solvent; Ultrasoun

    Incidence of Dentinal Defects and Vertical Root Fractures after Endodontic Retreatment and Mechanical Cycling

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of dentinal defects and vertical root fractures (VRFs) after endodontic retreatment and mechanical cycling (MC). Methods and Materials: Two hundred mandibular premolars were selected. Forty teeth were left unprepared (control group). The remaining 160 root canals were prepared with ProTaper instruments and filled by using two different techniques [eighty with lateral compaction (LC) and eighty with single-cone (SC)]. Forty canals from each group (LC and SC) received no further treatment. The remaining eighty teeth were divided into two groups (LCR and SCR) (n=40) in order to undergo the removal of the root filling, re-preparation and refilling with lateral compaction and single-cone, respectively. All of the teeth were subjected to MC (1,000,000 cycles, 130 N, 2.2 Hz and 37°C). The roots were sectioned at 3, 6 and 9 mm from the apex and observed under 20× magnification. The defects were classified as: no defect, VRF and other defects. Statistical analysis was performed using the Fisher’s Exact test and the Chi-Squared tests (α=0.05). Results: MC alone did not promote any other defects or VRFs. Experimental groups presented higher dentinal defects than the control group (P=0.021). Retreatment groups did not present a higher amount of dentinal defects than the groups that were subjected to the first treatment (P>0.05). Conclusion: Endodontic treatment and retreatment, regardless of the filling technique and MC, did not influence the occurrence of dentinal defects or VRFs in the human premolars.Keywords: Defects; Endodontics; Retreatment; Root Cana

    Análise in vivo do selamento do canal protéico com diferentes materais adesivos

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    This in vivo study analyzed the sealing ability of two adhesives in post spaces, cyanoacrylate (Super Bonder® - Henkel Loctite Adesivos Ltda., Itapevi, SP, Brazil) and ScotchbondTM Multi-Purpose (3M Dental Products, St. Paul, MN, USA), testing the hypothesis that their use would result in a decreased leakage through the remaining filling material. Forty extracted premolars (80 root canals) of dogs were used. The root canals were cleaned, shaped and filled by the lateral condensation technique using Sealer 26TM. The post space was created removing two thirds of the filling material within the root canal. The canals were randomly divided in three groups, which were treated as follows: Group A received the ScotchbondTM Multi-Purpose adhesive system; for Group B the cyanoacrylate adhesive, Super BonderTM, was employed; and no adhesive was applied into the post space for Group C (control group). A glass ionomer provisional restoration was placed allowing the sealer to set for 72 hours. Then the restoration was removed and the root canal was exposed to the oral environment for 45 days. The dogs were then killed and their jaws were removed. The post spaces were filled with India ink and the teeth were restored for 96 hours. Afterwards, the teeth were extracted and the roots were sectioned at the furcation for allocation to their specific groups. The teeth were turned transparent and the quantitative analysis of leakage was performed using light microscopy. The results showed no significant differences between groups, rejecting the initial hypothesis. Leakage occurred in a great extent in all specimens. Therefore, sealing post spaces with the adhesives used in this study was not an effective method to prevent microleakage.Esse estudo in vivo analisou a capacidade de selamento do canal protético com dois adesivos, o Super Bonder® (Henkel Loctite Adesivos Ltda., Itapevi, SP) e o Scotchbond® Multi-Purpose (3M Dental Products, St. Paul, MN, EUA), testando a hipótese de que a aplicação desses adesivos resulta em menor infiltração de corante no material obturador remanescente. Quarenta dentes pré-molares (80 canais) de cães foram obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral usando o cimento endodôntico Sealer 26®. O canal protético foi preparado removendo-se 2/3 da obturação do canal radicular. Os canais preparados foram distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em três grupos: no grupo A, foi realizado o selamento do canal protético com o adesivo dentinário; no grupo B, esta impermeabilização foi realizada com o Super Bonder®; e no grupo C, controle, não foi aplicado qualquer material às paredes do canal protético. Os dentes foram selados, provisoriamente, com cimento de ionômero de vidro por 72 horas, objetivando a presa do cimento endodôntico. Removido o selamento coronário, os canais ficaram expostos ao meio bucal por 45 dias, quando os cães foram mortos e os maxilares removidos. Tinta nanquim foi colocada no canal protético e os dentes foram selados por 96 horas. Depois de extraídos, os dentes foram seccionados na região da furca e cada raiz alocada em seu respectivo grupo. Feita a diafanização, foi realizada a análise quantitativa da infiltração do corante com lupa esteroscópica. Os resultados mostraram não haver diferenças entre os três grupos experimentais, negando a hipótese inicial. Houve infiltração do corante no remanescente obturador de todas as raízes analisadas

    Effect of root canal preparation, type of endodontic post and mechanical cycling on root fracture strength

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of the type of root canal preparation, intraradicular post and mechanical cycling on the fracture strength of roots. Material and Methods: Eighty human single rooted teeth were divided into 8 groups according to the instruments used for root canal preparation (manual or rotary instruments), the type of intraradicular post (fiber posts-FRC and cast post and core-CPC) and the use of mechanical cycling (MC) as follows: Manual and FRC; Manual, FRC and MC; Manual and CPC; Manual, CPC and MC; Rotary and FRC; Rotary, FRC and MC; Rotary and CPC; Rotary, CPC and MC. The filling was performed by lateral compactation. All root canals were prepared for a post with a 10 mm length, using the custom # 2 bur of the glass fiber post system. For mechanical cycling, the protocol was applied as follows: an angle of incidence of 45 degrees, 37 degrees C, 88 N, 4 Hz, 2 million pulses. All groups were submitted to fracture strength test in a 45 degrees device with 1 mm/min cross-head speed until failure occurred. Results: The 3-way ANOVA showed that the root canal preparation strategy (p<0.03) and post type (p<0.0001) affected the fracture strength results, while mechanical cycling (p=0.29) did not. Conclusion: The root canal preparation strategy only influenced the root fracture strength when restoring with a fiber post and mechanical cycling, so it does not seem to be an important factor in this scenario

    Avaliação do pH, da liberação de íons cálcio e da adesividade de cimentos endodônticos contendo hidróxido de cálcio ou à base de MTA

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi a avaliação da liberação de íons cálcio, do pH e da adesividade de alguns cimentos utilizados em Endodontia: Sealapex (G1), Sealer 26 (G2), Acroseal (G3), Epiphany (G4), MTA Branco (G5), Endo CPM Sealer (G6). Após a espatulação, os materiais foram inseridos em tubos de polietileno medindo 1,5 mm de diâmetro interno e 1 cm de comprimento com ambas extremidades abertas e imersos em frascos de vidro contendo 10 mL de água ultra pura. Nos períodos de 2, 6, 12, 24 e 48 horas, 7, 14 e 28 dias foram realizadas as análises, sendo o tubo contendo o cimento transferidos para novo frasco a cada período. O pH e a liberação de íons cálcio foram avaliados, respectivamente por meio de pH metro e espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Para a avaliação da adesividade dos cimentos endodônticos às paredes dentinárias, os canais radiculares de 28 dentes humanos uniradiculados foram dilatados com brocas de Gates Glidden número 1, 2 e 3 e brocas largo número 1, 3 e 5. As raízes foram cortadas em máquina de corte para confecção de discos de 2 mm de espessura. Durante o preparo e depois da secção os espécimes foram irrigados com solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% e com EDTA a 17 % para a remoção da smear layer. Após a divisão aleatória nos grupos experimentais, os espécimes foram secos e preenchidos com os cimentos endodônticos, sendo mantidos em estufa a 37oC e 95% de umidade relativa do ar por 48 hs. Em seguida, cada conjunto dentina/cimento endodôntico foi submetido ao teste push-out em uma máquina de ensaio mecânico e a tensão necessária para a remoção do cimento medida em Mega Pascal (MPa). Após a coleta dos dados estes foram submetidos à análise estatística de Análise Variância e teste Tukey, com nível de 5% de significância. Os maiores valores de pH foram obtidos pelos G6, seguido por G2 e G5 após 2 horas (P<0,05)...The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the pH, calcium ion release and adhesiveness provide by 6 endodontic filling materials: Sealapex (G1), Sealer 26 (G2), Acroseal (G3), Epiphany (G4), White MTA (G5), Endo CPM Sealer (G6). After manipulation, the sealers (n=10) were placed in tubes with 10 mm-long and 1.5 mm in diameter and immediately immersed in a glass flask containing 10 ml of ultra pure water, which was hermetically sealed and stored at 37°C. At 2, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hr, and at 7, 14 and 28 days after mixing the tubes were moved to new flask with fresh solution and the water in which they were immersed was analyzed for pH with a pH meter and for released calcium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. To evaluate the adhesiveness of the sealers to the root canal wall, 28 teeth were enlarged to size 5 Largo drill and cut in a cutting machine to create 2 mm thickness slices. During all this procedure the root canal was irrigated with sodium hypochlorite 2.5% and with EDTA 17% to remove the smear layer. The slices were randomly allocated to one of the groups, dried and filled with the sealers and kept in a controlled environment (37oC and 95% humidity) to allow the setting of the sealers. After that, the slice root/endodontic sealer was submitted to push out test in a mechanical testing machine and the results were expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa). The results obtained at each time were statistically evaluated. After 2 hours the uppermost pH was found in the G6, followed by G2 and G5 (P<0,05). From 6 h till 24 h the highest value were observed in groups G5, G6 and G2. After 48 hours, the pH of groups G5 and G6 were stood out. Finally from the 7th to 28th days of evaluation G2, G5 and G6 presented the utmost pH. With regards to calcium ions release in beginning periods the G6 was statistical significantly from the other groups until the 7th day (P<0.05)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    The Use of Intracanal Cryotherapy to Reduce Postoperative Endodontic Pain: A Scoping Review Protocol of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

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    Scoping Review Protocol - Intracanal Cryotherapy to Reduce Postoperative Endodontic Pai