113 research outputs found


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    Proponho um olhar sobre o teatro negro e a dramaturgia negra brasileiros a partir de vivências minhas enquanto artista e sujeito negro, analisando os processos de segregação e dominação coloniais que permeiam corpos/as/es, imaginários e subjetividades. Para tanto, descrevo a criação e aplicação do projeto de extensão GiraDramatúrgica - Núcleo de Pesquisa e Criação em Dramaturgia (realizado na Universidade Estadual do Paraná de abril a novembro de 2020), que promoveu encontros e criações dramatúrgicas por e entre pessoas negras para pensar, investigar e desenvolver narrativas cênicas negras verdadeiramente nossas

    A natureza jurídica do incentivo fiscal referente à contribuição para o pis e à cofins na zona franca de Manaus / The legal nature of the tax incentive regarding the contribution to pis and cofins in the Manaus free zone

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    O presente artigo busca abordar sobre a criação da Zona Franca de Manaus - ZFM, dando ênfase para o contexto histórico de seu projeto, para a legislação que deu origem à ZFM e para os principais incentivos fiscais que os contribuintes da região amazônica fazem jus. Será observado quando há a incidência de um tributo, aprofundando o conhecimento na regra-matriz de incidência tributária, analisando todos os seus critérios. Serão estudados os conceitos dos incentivos fiscais para diferenciar “imunidade” de “isenção”. Será feita uma análise entre a legislação que institui a Zona Franca e a compatibilidade com a Constituição Federal de 1988. Após tais análises, estudar-se-á sobre a equiparação das vendas para a ZFM à exportação para chegar a uma definição sobre a natureza jurídica dos incentivos aplicados na Zona Franca de Manaus, mais especificamente sobre as contribuições para o PIS e a COFINS. Será observado que tais contribuições não incidem sobre as receitas das vendas de mercadorias para pessoas localizadas na ZFM. Ao final do trabalho, busca-se responder as seguintes questões: Qual a natureza jurídica do incentivo fiscal da Zona Franca de Manaus

    Fungal contamination in white medical coats of dentistry professionals

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    Background: The white medical coats used by health professionals may serve as a source of infection in health services because it is a potential vehicle for transmission of microorganisms. There are several studies that warn of the inherent dangers in bacterial contamination in lab coats, but there are few reports of fungal contamination in this personal protection equipment. Aims: The study aims to identify fungi in dental lab coats. Method: Samples were collected from ten dentists from a dentistry-school clinic of a higher education institution of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, using sterile swab, soaked in saline contained in a test tube. Each sample was inoculated on chloramphenicol-containing Saboroud Dextrose agar and incubated at room temperature for fungal growth. Phenotypic and biochemical methods were used to identify the colonies. Results: Fungal growth was observed in all samples of the lab coats, and 19 isolates were counted. The genera Cladosporium and Aspergillus were the most frequent in this study. The results emphasize the role of fungi as contaminants in lab coats; and, as an effective means of transmission of pathogens in the community. Conclusions: This study suggests a methodology for the proper washing and decontamination of the lab coat and advocates the need to implement more rigid norms in concern to the use of lab coats, as well as educational campaigns to guide dentists about the correct use of this Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Keywords: Individual Protection Equipment. Fungi. Cross infection

    Checklist of the birds of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil: diversity and conservation

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    Several phytogeographic regions (Cerrado, Pantanal, Atlantic Forest, Gran Chaco, and Chiquitano Dry Forests) converge in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and influence regional biodiversity. Despite a list of birds in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul being published by Nunes et al. (2017), it is necessary to update and critically review avifauna records. In this study, we gathered the results of several records obtained from species lists and online data platforms of the 336 sites in this state over the last decades and grouped them into Main (Primary and Secondary) and Tertiary Lists. The avifauna of Mato Grosso do Sul is composed of 678 species, of which 643 (95%) have records proving their occurrence (Primary List), whereas 34 still lack documentation (Secondary List). The number of related species for Mato Grosso do Sul represents 34% of the Brazilian avifauna. Some species stand out for their unique occurrence in Mato Grosso do Sul, such as Melanerpes cactorum, Celeus lugubris, Phaethornis subochraceus, and Cantorchilus guarayanus, reflecting the influence of different phytogeographic regions of the Chaco and Chiquitano Dry Forests. Migrants represent 20% of the bird community occurring in the state, of which 93 species correspond to migrants from various regions of South America (south and west) and 40 to boreal migrants. Thirty-three species perform nomadic movements across the Pantanal Plain and other regions of the state. Thirty-one species are included in some conservation-threatened categories of global and/or national endangered species lists. Other 30 species are included in the near-threatened category at the global level and 23 at the national level. In addition, species typical of dry forests (in Serra da Bodoquena and Maciço do Urucum) and those from the Atlantic Forest in the south of the state deserve attention due to their restricted distribution and the high anthropogenic pressure on their habitat

    Checklist of the birds of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil: diversity and conservation

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    Several phytogeographic regions (Cerrado, Pantanal, Atlantic Forest, Gran Chaco, and Chiquitano Dry Forests) converge in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and influence regional biodiversity. Despite a list of birds in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul being published by Nunes et al. (2017), it is necessary to update and critically review avifauna records. In this study, we gathered the results of several records obtained from species lists and online data platforms of the 336 sites in this state over the last decades and grouped them into Main (Primary and Secondary) and Tertiary Lists. The avifauna of Mato Grosso do Sul is composed of 678 species, of which 643 (95%) have records proving their occurrence (Primary List), whereas 34 still lack documentation (Secondary List). The number of related species for Mato Grosso do Sul represents 34% of the Brazilian avifauna. Some species stand out for their unique occurrence in Mato Grosso do Sul, such as Melanerpes cactorum, Celeus lugubris, Phaethornis subochraceus, and Cantorchilus guarayanus, reflecting the influence of different phytogeographic regions of the Chaco and Chiquitano Dry Forests. Migrants represent 20% of the bird community occurring in the state, of which 93 species correspond to migrants from various regions of South America (south and west) and 40 to boreal migrants. Thirty-three species perform nomadic movements across the Pantanal Plain and other regions of the state. Thirty-one species are included in some conservation-threatened categories of global and/or national endangered species lists. Other 30 species are included in the near-threatened category at the global level and 23 at the national level. In addition, species typical of dry forests (in Serra da Bodoquena and Maciço do Urucum) and those from the Atlantic Forest in the south of the state deserve attention due to their restricted distribution and the high anthropogenic pressure on their habitat

    "Sou escravo de oficiais da Marinha": a grande revolta da marujada negra por direitos no período pós-abolição (Rio de Janeiro, 1880-1910)

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    Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species

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