1,922 research outputs found
Proyecto de construcción en la N-340 acceso este a Tarifa
El objeto del presente proyecto es la construcción de un nuevo acceso a Tarifa en la N-340. La zona de actuación será en el p.k 84+600 donde se encontraba un nudo de intersecciones. Todo ello dará paso a un glorieta, de manera que se pueda regular el flujo de vehículos adecuadamente.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Civi
Didactic strategies for comprehension and learning of structural concepts
p. 926-937In previous papers we have established the convenience of formulating educational
strategies at the university level for both disciplines: Civil Engineering and Architecture,
which involves academic topics of mutual interest by means of shared practices. As a
particular matter of this approach, the application of physical experimental models is
considered of special usefulness, in order to understand in better ways the performance of materials and structural systems.
Several strategies of selection and development of such physical models will be discussed in this work, considering as a first step, the establishment of its correspondence with the different levels of structural complexity studied in curriculum plan: statics, strength of materials and structural design, among others.
This task constitutes a part of the work program of the Laboratory of Structural Models,
which is an academic project that develops and applies different didactic prototypes to
structure courses in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, campus Azcapotzalco, in
Mexico City, project we have already presented in recent forums.
Two different modes of application are implemented in classroom sessions and in
structures workshop: the devices for functional demonstration of typical cases of structural work as well as the experimentation with student's own designs of destructible models where certain typologies are tested up to its failure limit.
The first one allows teachers to explain adequately the theoretical principles and formulas
(that usually are expressed on the blackboard) by means of didactic models identified in
accordance to specific cases of the curriculum on variable level of complexity. This kind of practice allows the students of architecture and civil engineering to realize in better ways the possibilities of use and application of the different structural typologies. Such
experimental models are part of more than fifty devices of the Laboratory's catalog.
In the same sense, the possibility of observation of structural work of their own
architectural designs, allows future professionals to achieve a better conception of the
structural solutions that affect positively their designs. Based on specific predefined guides, the students develop their own architectural-structural projects and subject them to diverse loads, observing their behavior under the influence of variable stresses leading up the experiment to its last resistance.
From both experiences a significant learning is obtained for the student's formation and
training, who will be capable in his future professional work to use better tools of
comprehension of the structural concepts applied to architecture as well as of increasing his conscience of the benefits and convenience of multidisciplinary work.Moreno, C.; Abad, A.; Gerdingh, JG.; Garcia M., C.; Gonzalez C., O. (2010). Didactic strategies for comprehension and learning of structural concepts. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/695
Astrometry with "Carte du Ciel" plates, San Fernando zone. II. CdC-SF: a precise proper motion catalogue
The historic plates of the "Carte du Ciel", an international cooperative
project launched in 1887, offer valuable first-epoch material for the
determination of absolute proper motions. We present the CdC-SF, an astrometric
catalogue of positions and proper motions derived from the "Carte du Ciel"
plates of the San Fernando zone, photographic material with a mean epoch of
1901.4 and a limiting magnitude of V~16, covering the declination range of
-10deg < declination < -2deg. Digitization has been made using a conventional
flatbed scanner. Special techniques have been developed to handle the
combination of plate material and the large distortion introduced by the
scanner. The equatorial coordinates are on the ICRS defined by Tycho-2, and
proper motions are derived using UCAC2 as second-epoch positions. The result is
a catalogue with positions and proper motions for 560000 stars, covering 1080
degrees squared. The mean positional uncertainty is 0.20" (0.12" for
well-measured stars) and the proper-motion uncertainty is 2.0 mas/yr (1.2
mas/yr for well-measured stars). The proper motion catalogue CdC-SF is
effectively a deeper extension of Hipparcos, in terms of proper motions, to a
magnitude of 15.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A&
La Reutilización del patrimonio industrial como recurso turístico. Aproximación geográfica al turismo industrial
L'article analitza el patrimoni industrial des del punt de vista de les possibilitats ofertes com a recurs turístic. La recuperació del passat i el reforç de la memòria col·lectiva són a la base de totes les experiències de reutilització turística d'aquest ric i extens patrimoni. Els exemples són nombrosos a tots els països desenvolupats, tot i que van començar en primer lloc als països del Nord d'Europa. Museus, centres culturals, centres d'interpretació... s'han creat on abans hi havia velles fàbriques, després abandonades. Unides de vegades a rutes turístiques de caràcter industrial, s'han convertit ja en un important atractiu pels nombrosos visitants que busquen les fites més significatives del nostre passat industrial. Apareix així una nova tendència turística, el turisme industrial, que té una clara referència geogràfica perquè busca els valors culturals d'uns paisatges de vella vocació industrial i de fort contingut econòmic i social.El artículo analiza el patrimonio industrial desde el punto de vista de las posibilidades ofrecidas como recurso turístico. La recuperación del pasado y el refuerzo de la memoria colectiva están en la base de todas las experiencias de reutilización turística de este rico y extenso patrimonio. Los ejemplos son numerosos en todos los países desarrollados, aunque empezaron en primer lugar en los del Norte de Europa. Museos, centros culturales, centros de interpretación... se han creado en lo que antes fueron viejas fábricas luego abandonadas. Enlazados a veces mediante rutas turísticas de carácter industrial, se han convertido ya en un importante atractivo para numerosos visitantes que buscan los hitos más significativos de nuestro pasado industrial. Aparece así una nueva tendencia turística, el turismo industrial, que tiene una clara referencia geográfica porque busca los valores culturales de unos paisajes de vieja vocación industrial y de fuerte contenido económico y social.This paper analyzes the opportunities that the industrial heritage offers as a tourist resource. This rich and widespread industrial legacy is used as a tool to recover past and collective memories. There are numerous examples in all developed countries, although the first experiences were in Northern European countries. Museums, Cultural and interpretation centers have been created in old abandoned factories. Progressively, these factories sometime unified in industrial routes have increasingly become a new attraction for those interested in finding more about our industrial past. A new tourist theme has appeared, the so called industrial tourism, that has an important geographic content since it tries to recover the cultural, social and economic values of the old industrial landscapes
El turismo idiomático en España como potenciador cultural en ciudades patrimoniales: el caso de Salamanca y Alcalá de Henares
Tourism includes, between its types, the language as cultural resource for the temporal journey to some destinies. This kind of tourism still is not very known in our country and the article is one of the first contributions from Geography. Designated as language tourism, this investigation focuses on Spain, with several indicators, and on two very important heritage cities. Almost 240,000 idiomatic tourists came to Spain in 2007, with a main distribution in Andalusia, Castile and León, Comunidad de Madrid and Catalonia. From an urban point of view some cities stand out, in the coast due to the sea and in the interior of the country. It is the case of Salamanca and Alcalá de Henares.El turismo incluye, entre sus más variadas modalidades, al idioma como recurso cultural para el desplazamiento temporal hacia determinados destinos. Este turismo es todavía poco conocido en nuestro país y el artículo supone una de las primeras aportaciones desde el campo disciplinar de la Geografía. Denominado turismo idiomático, en esta investigación hacemos énfasis en los datos que sirven para caracterizarlo a nivel español y en dos ciudades marcadamente patrimoniales. Un total próximo a los 240.000 turistas idiomáticos vinieron a España en 2007, con una distribución principalmente localizada en Andalucía, Castilla y León, Comunidad de Madrid y Cataluña. A nivel urbano destacan especialmente algunas ciudades, tanto costeras por el atractivo añadido del mar, como de interior y con carácter monumental. Es el caso de Salamanca y Alcalá de Henares
Industrial landscapes and industries for tourism: heritage symbolism and territorial scope
[Resumen] El concepto de turismo industrial explica un fenómeno emergente referido a las
prácticas turísticas surgidas en torno a las industrias aún en activo, con visitas que pretenden
aproximar al visitante a los procesos técnicos de producción, o a los lugares de tradición histórica
con instalaciones que abandonaron hace tiempo la actividad y se han reabierto para el
turismo. En ambos casos la experiencia personal de visita gira en torno a las tecnologías y el
saber hacer, los edificios y los lugares industriales, las etapas económicas y sociales y la estética
que crea la industrialización o la pérdida definitiva de la producción. Los territorios juegan un
papel muy importante por ser el marco de las distintas fases de la Revolución Industrial, con
las sucesivas transformaciones y declives, que generan vestigios e hitos patrimoniales que son
testigos directos de un importante legado material[Resumo] O concepto de turismo industrial explica un fenómeno emerxente referido ás prácticas turísticas
xurdidas ao redor das industrias aínda en activo, con visitas que pretenden aproximar o
visitante aos procesos técnicos de produción, ou aos lugares de tradición histórica con instalacións
que abandonaron hai tempo a actividade e se reabriron para o turismo. En ambos os
casos a experiencia persoal da visita xira á volta das tecnoloxías e o saber facer, os edificios e os
lugares industriais, as etapas económicas e sociais e a estética que crea a industrialización ou a
perda definitiva da produción. Os territorios xogan un papel moi importante por seren o marco
das distintas fases da Revolución Industrial, con sucesivas transformacións e declives que xeran
vestixios e fitos patrimoniais que son testemuñas directas dun importante legado material.[Abstract] Industrial tourism responds to an emerging phenomenon relating to tourism activity surrounding industries that are still operating, with tours and visits designed to provide visitors with
an insight into production processes. It also includes visits to sites with a long-standing industrial tradition that have fallen into disuse and which have been reopened for tourists. In
both cases the visit hinges on technologies and know-how, as well as the industrial buildings
and sites themselves, considering social and economic cycles and the aesthetics generated by
industrialisation or the ultimate loss of production activity. Territory plays a vital role in that it
provides a setting for the various phases of the Industrial Revolution, marked by successive
periods of transformation and decline, generating heritage-related remains and landmarks
that are direct witnesses to a considerable material legac
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