1,526 research outputs found

    El sistema español de investigación científica y desarrollo tecnológico : el Plan Nacional I+D

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    Tras presentar una breve introduccion historica a las iniciativas Ilevadas a cabo por el gobierno sobre Ciencia y Tecnologia y analizar la "Ley sobre Ia Ciencia", se estudia el "Plan nacional de I+D" que se ha creado a partir de esta ley. Se examinan los siguientes aspectos: Objetivos, programas de implementaci6n y politicas regionales asi comp los aspectos relacionados con la cooperacibn internacional en el contexto de 1+D. Se concluye con una actualizacibn de las principales fuentes de informacibn de I+D, a nivel nacional y regional.______________________________After presenting a brief historical overview on government-led initiatives in Science and Technology and analysing the "National Research and Development (R&D)Plan" created by such legislation is studied. The following aspects are examined: Objectives, implemented programmes, and regional policies as well as those aspects relating to international cooperation in the context of R&D. This article concludes with an update of the main sources of R&D information, both at the national and regional level

    Nuevas recepciones, viejos consumos Las recientes ofertas de contenidos como agentes de transformación de lo imaginario

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    El presente artículo explora los imaginarios urbanos en el entorno de la televisión y lasredes sociales. Para ello, acude a conceptos centrales en las teorías contemporáneasdel consumo, así como a un recorrido por la teoría de los imaginarios urbanosdesarrollada por el investigador Armando Silva. Luego, evalúa las mediaciones propiasde la sociedad del espectáculo, a partir de las cuales identifica unos imaginarios quese ven reelaborados en el contexto de las redes sociale

    La prevención de las infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud : un reto en el mejoramiento de la seguridad del paciente

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    Las infecciones intrahospitalarias, concepto queha evolucionado recientemente en infeccionesasociadas a la atención en salud, representan unproblema de salud pública y son un indicador dela calidad de la prestación y gestión del servicio.Implican un aumento del uso de antimicrobianosy de la estancia hospitalaria y se asocian aun mayor riesgo de mortalidad, con consecuenciassociales y económicas para pacientes e institucionesy, por ende, un aumento de los costosde atención para el sistema de salud.Q3Editorial239-24

    Nonlinear model predictive control for thermal management in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) for the thermal management (TM) of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) is presented. TM in PHEVs is crucial to ensure good components performance and durability in all possible climate scenarios. A drawback of accurate TM solutions is the higher electrical consumption due to the increasing number of low voltage (LV) actuators used in the cooling circuits. Hence, more complex control strategies are needed for minimizing components thermal stress and at the same time electrical consumption. In this context, NMPC arises as a powerful method for achieving multiple objectives in Multiple input- Multiple output systems. This paper proposes an NMPC for the TM of the High Voltage (HV) battery and the power electronics (PE) cooling circuit in a PHEV. It distinguishes itself from the previously NMPC reported methods in the automotive sector by the complexity of its controlled plant which is highly nonlinear and controlled by numerous variables. The implemented model of the plant, which is based on experimental data and multi- domain physical equations, has been validated using six different driving cycles logged in a real vehicle, obtaining a maximum error, in comparison with the real temperatures, of 2C. For one of the six cycles, an NMPC software-in-the loop (SIL) is presented, where the models inside the controller and for the controlled plant are the same. This simulation is compared to the finite-state machine-based strategy performed in the real vehicle. The results show that NMPC keeps the battery at healthier temperatures and in addition reduces the cooling electrical consumption by more than 5%. In terms of the objective function, an accumulated and weighted sum of the two goals, this improvement amounts 30%. Finally, the online SIL presented in this paper, suggests that the used optimizer is fast enough for a future implementation in the vehicle.Accepted versio

    Reducing human effort in engineering drawing validation.

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    Oil & Gas facilities are extremely huge and have complex industrial structures that are documented using thousands of printed sheets. During the last years, it has been a tendency to migrate these paper sheets towards a digital environment, with the final end of regenerating the original computer-aided design (CAD) projects which are useful to visualise and analyse these facilities through diverse computer applications. Usually, this was done manually by re-sketching each page using CAD applications. Nevertheless, some applications have appeared which generate the CAD document automatically given the paper sheets. In this last case, the final document is always verified by an engineer due to the need of being a zero-error process. Since the need of an engineer is absolutely accepted, we present a new method to reduce the required engineer working time. This is done by highlighting the digitised components in the CAD document that the automatic method could have incorrectly identified. Thus, the engineer is required only to look at these components. The experimental section shows our method achieves a reduction of approximately 40% of the human effort keeping a zero-error process

    TEMPLUM: A Process Adapted Numerical Simulation Code for The 3D Predictive Assessment of Laser Surface Heat Treatments in Planar Geometry

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    A process adapted numerical simulation code for the 3D predictive assessment of laser heat treatment of materials has been developed. Primarily intended for the analysis of the laser transformation hardening of steels, the code has been successfully applied for the predictive characterization of other metallic and non metallic materials posing specific difficulties from the numerical point of view according to their extreme thermal and absorption properties. Initially based on a conventional FEM calculational structure, the developed code (TEMPLUM) reveals itself as an extremely useful prediction tool with specific process adapted features (not usually available in FEM heat transfer codes) in the field of laser heat treatment applications

    Clinical usefulness of detecting galactomannan antigen in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in an University tertiary hospital in Bogota (Colombia) 2010-2012

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    Objetivo: Determinar la utilidad clínica de la detección antigénica de galactomanano (GM) en pacientes con sospecha de aspergilosis invasora.Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, en el que se evaluaron los pacientes a quienes se les realizó la prueba Platelia® para la detección de GM en suero, entre el 1 de enero de 2010 y el 1 de abril de 2012, que hubiesen sido atendidos en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio; se recolectaron los datos clínicos, microbiológicos y radiológicos para su posterior análisis.Resultados: Se incluyeron 52 pacientes. Se diagnosticó aspergilosis invasora en 13 pacientes. De estos, el antígeno de GM fue positivo solo en 5 casos, 5 fueron diagnosticados por patología y 3 por clínica y radiología, pues fueron negativos para la patología y para el GM. Se presen-taron 3 casos de falsos positivos y 5 de falsos negativos.Conclusiones: La prueba de GM ha sido un gran avance en la atención médica de los pacien-tes con neoplasia hematológica. Sin embargo, cada hospital debe evaluar la utilidad de esta prueba en sus propias condiciones, a pesar de que nuestros resultados no muestran un ade-cuado rendimiento de la prueba, no es posible generalizar su rendimiento y es necesaria la realización de un estudio prospectivo en nuestro medio.Q3Artículo original31-37Aim: To determine the clinical utility of galactomannan antigen detection in patients with suspect of Invasive Aspergillosis.Tools and methods: A retrospective descriptive study was performed on patients seen in the University Hospital who were tested with the Platelia® Galactomannan (GM), between the 1st of January 2010 and the 1st of April of 2012. Clinical, microbiological and radiological data were collected for further analysis.Results: A total of 52 patients were included in the study. Invasive Aspergillosis (IA) was detec-ted in 13 patients, in whom the GM antigen was positive in only 5 cases, another 5 cases were detected by pathology, and the remaining 3 were detected clinically and by radiology because they were negative for the pathology and the GM. Additionally, 3 cases were false positives and 5 cases were false negative.Conclusions: The GM test has been a big advance in the medical care of patients with hema-tological malignancies. However, each hospital must evaluate the utility of these test in their own conditions, as our results do not show good performance of the test, these results can not be generalized. There is a need to perform a prospective study on this aspect

    Temporal evolution of acid mine drainage (AMD) leachates from the abandoned tharsis mine (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain)

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    Acid mine drainage (AMD) due to the mining of sulfide deposits is one of the most important causes of water pollution worldwide. Remediation measures, especially in historical abandoned mines, require a deep knowledge of the geochemical characteristics of AMD effluents and metal fluxes, considering their high spatial and temporal evolution, and the existence of point and diffuse sources with a different response to rainfall events. This study investigates the temporal variations and hydrogeochemical processes affecting the composition of main AMD sources from the Tharsis mines (SW Spain), one of most important historical metal mining districts in the world. To address this, a fortnightly-monthly sampling was performed during two years in the main AMD sources and streams within the mine site covering different hydrological conditions. A seasonal pattern was observed linked to hydrological variations; higher pollutant concentrations were observed during the dry season (maximum values of 4,6 g/L of Al, 11,8 g/L of Fe, and 67 g/L of sulfate) and lower ones were observed during the rainy periods. Stream samples exhibited a negative correlation between electrical conductivity (EC) and flow, while positive values were observed in AMD sources, where groundwater fluxes were predominant. High flow also seems to be the main driver of Pb fluxes from AMD sources, as the concentration of Pb in waters increased notably during these events. The precipitation of secondary Fe minerals may limit the mobility of As and V, being retained in the proximity of mine sites. The concentration of Zn in waters seems to be controlled by the original grade in the metal deposit from which the waste is generated, together with the age of these wastes. The pollutant load delivered by the Tharsis mines to the surrounding water courses is very high; e.g., mean of 733 ton/yr of Al or 2757 ton/yr of Fe, deteriorating the streams and reservoirs downstream.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economic and Competitiveness through the projects CGL2016-78783-C2-1-R (SCYRE) and by H2020 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT RawMaterials) through the projects Modular recovery process services for hydrometallurgy and water treatment (MORECOVERY). C.R Canovas thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the Postdoctoral Fellowship granted under application reference RYC2019- 027949-I. F. Macias was funded by the R&D FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020 call through the project RENOVAME (FEDER; UHU-1255729). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBU

    Antidepressivos de nova geração na neuropatia diabética dolorosa

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    La incidencia de neuropatía diabética aumenta con la duración de la diabetes y el grado de hiperglicemia. El dolor es uno de los síntomas más comunes e incapacitantes de la neuropatía diabética y su control farmacológico es complejo. La efectividad de los antidepresivos ha sido descrita en diferentes tipos de dolor neuropático, pero su verdadera efectividad, al ser usados como analgésicos en el dolor en la neuropatía diabética, aún es controvertida. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis para determinar el nivel de evidencia en relación con la potencia analgésica de estos nuevos antidepresivos para el manejo del dolor en el paciente con neuropatía diabética dolorosa. Métodos: La búsqueda cubrió las bases de datos Cochrane, MEDLINE, EMBASE y LILACS entre enero de 2000 y agosto de 2007. De cada artículo se obtuvo la siguiente información: criterios para diagnóstico de neuropatía diabética, edad promedio de los pacientes, antidepresivo recibido y dosis, tamaño de la muestra, duración de la enfermedad, seguimiento del tratamiento, medidas de desenlace, evaluación del dolor y medicación de rescate. Resultados: Se obtuvo un RR combinado de 1,67 (IC 95% 1,38 - 2,02). El NNT correspondiente para la Duloxetina fue de 6 (95% CI 5- 8), para obtener una analgesia superior a 50% en pacientes con dolor por neuropatía diabética. Discusión: Se ha demostrado que los antidepresivos son empleados con frecuencia y efectivos como analgésicos para el dolor por neuropatía diabética.The incidence of diabetic neuropathy increases with the duration of diabetes and the degree of hyperglycaemia. Pain is one of the most common and incapacitating symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and its pharmacological control is complex. The effectiveness of antidepressive agents has been described in different types of neuropathic pain, but their effectiveness, when used as analgesics in painful diabetic neuropathy, still remains controversial. Objective: To review the possible role of new-generation antidepressive agents in the treatment of pain in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This work has thus consisted of a meta-analysis for determining which antidepressive agent had the best analgesic potential in managing pain in patients suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy. Methods: This search covered the Cochrane, MEDLINE, EMBASE and LILACS databases, between January 2000 and August 2007. The following information was obtained from each article: criteria for diagnosing diabetic neuropathy, patients' age average, antidepressant drug received and dose, sample size, duration of the disease and treatment follow-up, outcome measurement, evaluation of pain and rescue medication. Results: A combined RR: 1.67 (95% CI 1.38 - 2.02) was obtained; this result indicated that the antidepressive agent duloxetine, was effective for controlling pain in diabetic neuropathy. The corresponding NNT for Duloxetine was established, according to our interests; NNT = 6 (95% CI 5- 8) for achieving greater than 50% analgesia in patients suffering from painful diabetic neuropathy. Discussion: Antidepressive agents are frequently employed in the specific case of diabetic neuropathy; their analgesic benefit has been demonstrated.A incidência de neuropatia diabética aumenta com a duração da diabetes e o grau de hiperglicemia. A dor é um dos sintomas mais comuns e incapacitantes da neuropatia diabética e seu controle farmacológico é complexo. A efetividade dos antidepressivos tem sido descrita em diferentes tipos de dor neuropática, mas sua verdadeira efetividade, quando utilizados como analgésicos na dor na neuropatia diabética, ainda é controvertida. Objetivo: realizar uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise para determinar o nível de evidencia em relação com a potência analgésica destes novos antidepresivos para o manejo da dor no paciente com neuropatia diabética dolorosa. Métodos: A procura cobriu as bases de dados Cochrane, MEDLINE, EMBASE e LILACS entre janeiro de 2000 e agosto de 2007. De cada artigo se obteve a seguinte informação: critérios para diagnóstico de neuropatia diabética, idade em media dos pacientes, antidepressivo recebido e dose, tamanho da amostra, duração da enfermidade, seguimento do tratamento, medidas de desenlace, avaliação da dor e medicação de resgate. Resultados: obteve-se um RR combinado de 1,67 (IC 95% 1,38 - 2,02). O NNT correspondente  para a Duloxetina foi de 6 (95% CI 5- 8), para obter uma analgesia superior a 50% em pacientes com dor por neuropatia diabética. Discussão: tem se demonstrado que os antidepressivos são empregados com freqüência e efetivos como analgésicos para a dor por neuropatia diabética