17 research outputs found

    Feline chronic gingivostomatitis with calicivirus infection: case report

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    Feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is an oral inflammatory condition that frequently affects felines. Its etiology is not well defined, but several viral agents are thought to be involved. Several therapeutic protocols have been described, yet treatment response is often variable, and the therapeutic success is transient with an unpredictable duration. Therefore, the therapeutic strategy needs to be tailored for each patient. This work relates a case characterized by viral involvement in its etiopathogenesis providing an alternative to the most widely-used methods that so often frustrate both veterinary doctors and pet owners.A gengivostomatite crônica felina (FCGS) é uma condição inflamatória oral que frequentemente afeta felinos. A sua etiologia não está bem definida, mas acredita-se que vários agentes virais possam estar envolvidos. Muitos protocolos terapêuticos têm sido descritos, no entanto, a resposta ao tratamento é frequentemente variável e o sucesso terapêutico é transitório com uma duração imprevisível. Portanto, a estratégia terapêutica precisa ser adaptada para cada paciente. O presente trabalho propõe a caracterização do envolvimento viral na etiopatogenia da doença como uma alternativa aos métodos mais amplamente utilizados, que muitas vezes frustram médicos veterinários e os donos de animais de estimação

    Urachal Cyst in a Bitch

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    Background: The urachus is a tubular structure continuous with the urinary bladder and the allantois in foetal mammals. It serves as a communication between these two structures. At birth, it loses its function and undergoes atrophy by fibrous proliferation within the lumen. When this atrophy process fails at some point, congenital anomalies of the urachus occur. These anomalies are rare in animals, and to our knowledge, the urachal cyst has not yet been described in dogs. The present work is unique in that it reports a case of this congenital defect in a dog. Our aim is to increase awareness and to discuss the clinical presentation, the imaging techniques used, and the final diagnosis of this anomaly.Case: A bitch Pit Bull, 3-year-old, was presented for veterinary assistance to investigate recurrent pseudopregnancy and an irregular estrous cycle. The animal presented in good bodily condition, and the white blood count and clinical biochemistry were normal. At ultrasound, 2 tubular structures, filled by an echogenic fluid mimicking uterine topography, were found extending through the umbilical and hypogastric regions. No alterations in structure, echogenicity or echotexture of the other organs were observed, including the ovaries and uterus. On exploratory laparotomy, a cystic structure was found, with 2 segments: the larger one was on the left side, attached to the apex of the bladder by its caudal portion; the other was on the right side, attached to the spleen by its cranial portion and to the apex of the bladder by its caudal portion in connection with the left segment. The ovaries, uterus and uterine horns showed no macroscopic alterations. The structure was removed, and after analysis (macroscopic morphology, wall histopathology and biochemistry of the contained fluid), it was determined to be a urachal cyst. The animal recovered uneventfully.Discussion: Ultrasound is an important tool for the evaluation of reproductive cycle physiology and its pathologies. At first, the owner’s complaint justified a fairly straightforward evaluation and clinical management of pseudopregnancy in a very healthy animal based on the history and clinical and complementary exams. However, ultrasound examination revealed two tubular structures filled with echogenic fluid in the lower abdomen. This made the case more complex, as these were interpreted as uterine horns by three different veterinarians, leading to the possibility of pyometra. The management of this condition must be cautious, since the animal's condition could rapidly deteriorate, necessitating an exploratory laparotomy. Based on the clinical presentation, macroscopic anatomy, fluid biochemistry and histological evaluations, the diagnosis of urachal cyst was proposed. Congenital anomalies occur when the urachus fails to obliterate. Four types can be found: patent urachus, urachal sinus, urachal diverticulum and urachal cyst. The urachal cyst occurs when the urachus encompasses a cyst-like structure that is closed to the umbilicus and the bladder lumen. The urachus becomes a cystic structure since its epithelium is still intact, active and accumulating fluid, like the one analysed in this report. Most urachal cysts in humans remain asymptomatic, but when infected, they can cause focal or diffuse peritonitis and an acute abdomen. Although rare, urachal cysts can develop malignant transformation. The combination of nonspecific symptoms and the infrequent occurrence of this anomaly make its diagnosis a difficult challenge. It is commonly an incidental finding like the case reported here. Therefore, diagnostic imaging techniques, especially ultrasound, are essential for the diagnosis. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a urachal cyst in a dog. This rare anomaly of the urachus was an incidental finding in the investigation of the reproductive problems of a female dog

    Hydroxyapatite-polyhydroxybutyrate composites in experimentally made bone deffects in rabbits ulna

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    Os biomateriais hoje utilizados no tratamento das fraturas ósseas e da perda do tecido ósseo ainda apresentam deficiências a serem corrigidas. O presente trabalho consta da análise preliminar de características essenciais para utilização de compósitos de hidroxiapatita (HAP-91®) e polihidroxibutirato (PHB) em ortopedia. Estudou-se a biocompatibilidade, osseointegração, osseocondução e biodegradação dos compósitos em defeitos ósseos. Foram implantados três compósitos fabricados com diferentes proporções desses biomateriais em defeitos circulares bilaterais no olécrano de 30 coelhos, onde cada membro recebeu um compósito, com um total de 12 membros por grupo. Os membros do grupo 1 receberam compósitos contendo 10% de HAP-91® e 90% de PHB, do grupo 2 contendo 25% de HAP-91® e 75% de PHB, do grupo 3, 50% de cada biomaterial e os animais do grupo controle não receberam compósito. Os membros foram avaliados quanto à claudicação, circunferência do membro, sensibilidade dolorosa, deiscência e infecção nos oito primeiros dias após a cirurgia e aos 45 e 90 dias. Foram radiografados imediatamente após a cirurgia e aos oito, 45 e 90 dias. Nessas mesmas datas, 4 animais de cada grupo foram eutanasiados, coletando-se material para processamento histológico. Existiu diferença significante entre os valores de circunferência do membro no pré-operatório e do primeiro dia após a cirurgia dentro de todos os grupos, o que não ocorreu em relação aos dias quatro e oito. Não houve diferença entre os grupos para esse parâmetro assim como para os demais. Não foi observado contato direto entre osso e compósito nas radiografias obtidas aos oito dias após as cirurgias, mas aos 45 e 90 dias nos três grupos tratados observou-se este contato. À análise histológica do grupo controle observou-se processo típico de reparação, ou seja, tecido conjuntivo denso vascularizado e trabéculas ósseas novas aos oito dias com evolução para osso trabecular mais organizado aos 90 dias e cortical lateral restabelecida. Os tecidos observados nos grupos 1, 2 e 3 foram semelhantes ao controle, sendo a proporção de tecido ósseo formada no defeito, maior do que a de tecidos moles em todas as datas. Nos grupos dois e três foram observadas projeções de tecido ósseo e conjuntivo no interior dos poros do compósito. Infiltrados inflamatórios não foram observados em nenhum momento. O grupo 3 apresentou interface com maior proporção de tecido ósseo formado na região do defeito e no interior do compósito do que os grupos 1 e 2. Observou- se osteoclastos nas bordas dos compósitos e fragmentos dos mesmos separados do bloco principal aos 45 e 90 dias nos três grupos. Concluiu-se que os compósitos são biocompatíveis, osteocondutores, se integram ao tecido ósseo e são degradados in vivo.Biomaterials used today to treat bones' defects and fractures still bear some deficiencies to be corrected. This study is a preliminary analysis of composites' made of hydroxyapatite (HAP-91®) and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) essentials characteristics to be used in orthopedics. The composites were studied in osseous defects concerning their biocompatibility, osseointegration, osseoconduction, and biodegradation. Bone defects were made bilaterally in the olecranon of 30 white rabbits and each filled with a composite, with a total of 12 members per group. Limbs in the 1 group received composite # 1: 10% of HAP-91® and 90% of PHB; limbs in 2 group received composite # 2: 25% HAP- 91® and 75% PHB; and in 3 group the composite # 3: 50% of each biomaterial. Defects in the control group were not filled. Limbs were evaluated in the first eight days after surgery and again at 45 and 90 days afterwards for lameness, circumference, pain, dehiscence, and infection. Radiographs were taken 8, 45 and 90 days after surgeries when four animals in each group were euthanized and samples with defects taken for histology. Significant differences in circumference data were found for all groups before and one day after surgery, what did not happen with four and eight days. No significant differences were found between groups for circumference as well as for the other clinical parameters. Radiographs taken 8 days after surgery showed no bone- composite apposition, but those for the 45th and 90th days after showed that composites were in direct contact with bone. Histological observations indicated a normal repair process in the 8th day, i.e., a vascularized, dense connective tissue and new, early trabecular bone; this evolved to fully organized trabecular bone and the lateral cortical completely formed by the 90th-day. At the three observation dates, tissues in 1, 2, and 3 group samples were found similar to those in control, where more bone than soft tissues were found in the defect. Projections of connective and bone tissues were seen inside composites #2 and 3. No inflammatory cells in any place whatsoever were found at any observation date. Clearly more bone built up in 3 samples, and at its interface, than in the 1 and 2 groups samples. At the 45 and 90th days, in all three groups, osteoclasts were seen in the bone-composite interface, and also composite pieces, detached from the original block, were found within the bone structure and surrounding soft tissues. Conclusion is that the composites are biocompatible, osseoconductive, integrate to bone and can undergo in vivo degradation.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Development of rigid resorbable membranes and their application on periodontal regeneration

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    A doença periodontal apresenta alta prevalência em cães apresentando progressiva destruição dos tecidos periodontais de suporte, ou seja, osso alveolar, ligamento periodontal e cemento. Assim, diversos materiais objetivando a regeneração periodontal foram desenvolvidos e estão em uso, incluindo as membranas para regeneração tecidual guiada (RTG) e a aplicação de enxertos e biomateriais. Recentemente, novas possibilidades surgiram com o desenvolvimento das membranas multifuncionais para RTG. Neste trabalho, dois tipos diferentes de membranas multifuncionais foram desenvolvidos e avaliados in vivo. O primeiro tipo de membrana reabsorvível e rígida desenvolvida utilizou a associação da hidroxiapatita ao polihidroxibutirato. Neste, três membranas foram fabricadas pelo método de moldagem por injeção com diferentes proporções de hidroxiapatita, 25, 35 ou 50%. Após a conformação com broca odontológica, elas apresentaram uma superfície de complexidade microtopográfica com poros, estruturas lineares e grânulos de hidroxiapatita expostos. Em seguida, as membranas contendo 25 e 35% de hidroxiapatita foram testadas na regeneração de defeitos periodontais de furca classe II induzidos em cães. Os defeitos tratados com as membranas foram comparados a defeitos que não as receberam, coletando-se o dente com os tecidos periodontais nos dias 60 e 120 após a cirurgia para análise por tomografia micro-computadorizada e histologia. Observou-se, clinicamente, a exposição das membranas à cavidade oral em associação à recessão gengival em torno do oitavo dia após a cirurgia. Apesar de regeneração parcial ter sido observada no grupo tratado, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos, provavelmente devido à contaminação dos defeitos tratados. O segundo tipo de membrana multifuncional desenvolvido foi denominado biomaterial em bicamada por seu design com uma camada lisa e outra de grande complexidade topográfica, apresentando macro, micro a nanoporos. Ela foi fabricada em constituição trifásica com a associação do ácido poli (láctico-co- glicólico) ao fosfato de cálcio e também foi avaliada em defeitos periodontais de furca classe II induzidos em cães. A regeneração foi analisada clinicamente, seguida da coleta de material compreendendo o dente e tecidos de suporte aos 60 e 120 dias após a cirurgia para análise por tomografia micro-computadorizada e histologia, comparando-se defeitos tratados com o biomaterial em bicamada com defeitos sem a aplicação do biomaterial. Foi observada diferença significativa no volume de tecido ósseo regenerado e número, espessura e distância entre as trabéculas ósseas em ambas as datas de avaliação. A presença de ligamento periodontal e cemento foram observados juntamente com o tecido ósseo. Portanto, o biomaterial em bicamada favoreceu a regeneração periodontal, enfatizando-se neste trabalho a formação de osso alveolar na região vestibular do defeito.Periodontal disease is highly prevalent in dogs, which presents progressive destruction of the periodontal supportive tissues, i.e., alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cementum. Thus, many materials aiming at regenerating the periodontium were developed and are now in clinical use, including membranes for guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and the application of grafts and biomaterials. Recently, new possibilities arose with the development of multifunctional membranes for GTR. In the present work, two different multifunctional membranes were developed and evaluated in vivo. The first type of resorbable and rigid membrane developed used the association of hydroxyapatite and polyhydroxybutyrate. With these materials, three membranes were manufactured by injection molding with different proportions of hydroxyapatite, 25, 35 or 50%. After grinding them with a dental bur, their surface was characterized as a complex microtopography by having pores, linear structures and exposed hydroxyapatite granules. Next, the membranes containing 25 and 35% hydroxyapatite were tested on the regeneration of periodontal class II furcation defects induced in dogs. Defects treated with the membranes were compared to the ones that did not receive them, collecting the teeth and periodontal tissues at 60 and 120 days after surgery for micro-computed tomography and histologic analysis. Clinically, membranes were exposed to the oral cavity in association to gingival recession around the 8th day after surgery. Although partial regeneration was observed in treated group, no significant difference between groups was found, probably due to the contamination of treated defects. The second type of multifunctional membrane developed was called bilayered biomaterial for its design: a flat layer coupled to another layer presenting a surface with a high topographical complexity with macro, micro and nanopores. It was manufactured in a three phase constitution with the association of polylactide-co-glycolide acid to calcium phosphate and was also evaluated on the regeneration of class II furcation defects induced in dogs. The regeneration was clinically evaluated and the teeth with the surrounding periodontium were collected at 60 and 120 days after surgery for microxiv computed and histologic analysis. Defects treated with the bilayered biomaterial were compared to defects that did not receive the biomaterial. Significant difference was observed for the volume of the regenerated bone and the number, thickness and distance of the trabeculae. Periodontal ligament and cementum were observed along with bone. Therefore, the bilayered biomaterial favored periodontal regeneration, here emphasizing the formation of alveolar buccal bone.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Regeneração periodontal em cães

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    A doença periodontal pode ser definida como a condição inflamatória dos tecidos de suporte do dente em resposta ao acúmulo do biofilme. A consequencia é a formação de graves defeitos ósseos, devido à perda dos tecidos periodontais, levando, em última instância, à perda dos dentes, predisposição a fraturas de mandíbula e formação de comunicações oronasais. O principal tratamento é a prevenção, incluindo a escovação dentária diária e a profilaxia periodontal, procedimento realizado pelo médico veterinário para remoção do biofilme e cálculo dentário acumulados. A recuperação dos tecidos perdidos, ou seja, a regeneração periodontal, é um processo mais complexo, pois envolve a formação de três tecidos intimamente ligados: osso alveolar, ligamento periodontal e cemento. Assim, diversos materiais e técnicas foram e são constantemente desenvolvidos, incluindo membranas para regeneração tecidual guiada e a aplicação de enxertos e biomateriais, amplamente estudados na odontologia humana e já disponíveis para aplicação na rotina clínica veterinária. Adicionalmente, novas possibilidades surgem com a associação dessas técnicas a fatores de crescimento e células-tronco e o desenvolvimento das membranas multifuncionais.Periodontal disease can be defined as the inflammatory condition of the tooth-supportive tissues as a response to biofilm accumulation. The consequence is the formation of severe bone defects due to the loss of periodontal tissues that ultimately lead to tooth loss, predispose to mandible fractures and formation of oronasal communications. The main treatment is prevention, including daily tooth brushing and periodontal prophylaxis, a procedure done by veterinaries to remove retained biofilm and calculus. Recovering lost tissues, i.e. periodontal regeneration, is a more complex process involving the formation of three tissues highly connected: alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cementum. Therefore, several materials and techniques were and are constantly developed, including membranes for guided tissue regeneration and the application of bone grafts and biomaterials, widely studied in human dentistry and already available for veterinary practice. Additionally, new possibilities rise with the association of these techniques to growth factors and stem cells and the development of multifunctional membranes

    Preconditioning Methods to Improve Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Bone Regeneration—A Systematic Review

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have long been used in research for bone regeneration, with evidence of their beneficial properties. In the segmental area of MSC-based therapies, MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) have also shown great therapeutic effects in several diseases, including bone healing. This study aimed to assess whether the conditioning of MSCs improves the therapeutic effects of their derived extracellular vesicles for bone regeneration. Electronic research was performed until February 2021 to recover the studies in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. The studies were screened based on the inclusion criteria. Relevant information was extracted, including in vitro and in vivo experiments, and the animal studies were evaluated for risk of bias by the SYRCLE tool. A total of 463 studies were retrieved, and 18 studies met the inclusion criteria (10 studies for their in vitro analysis, and 8 studies for their in vitro and in vivo analysis). The conditioning methods reported included: osteogenic medium; dimethyloxalylglycine; dexamethasone; strontium-substituted calcium silicate; hypoxia; 3D mechanical microenvironment; and the overexpression of miR-375, bone morphogenetic protein-2, and mutant hypoxia-inducible factor-1α. The conditioning methods of MSCs in the reported studies generate exosomes able to significantly promote bone regeneration. However, heterogeneity regarding cell source, conditioning method, EV isolation and concentration, and defect model was observed among the studies. The different conditioning methods reported in this review do improve the therapeutic effects of MSC-derived EVs for bone regeneration, but they still need to be addressed in larger animal models for further clinical application

    Prevalence of periodontal disease in dogs and owners’ level of awareness - a prospective clinical trial

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    Periodontal disease (PD) is widely known among veterinarians for its high prevalence and serious consequences to the dogs. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of PD in dogs that live in the micro-region of Viçosa, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Viçosa (HVT - Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa), as well as to assess how aware of this disease dog owners are. In order to do so, all dogs treated at the HVT from March 10th, 2009 to November 30th, 2009, on alternate days, had their oral cavities examined. Medical history data, such as age, type of food, main complaint and owner consent, halitosis, presence of dental calculus, inflammation and gingival recession and tooth loss, were collected. A prevalence of 88.67% was found for PD in dogs referred to the HVT, and 2.67% were referred due to this disease. Of all the owners who participated in the study, 43.83% knew about periodontal disease and of these 17.46% made use of some type of prevention or treatment. Therefore, periodontal disease is highly prevalent and the owners are not aware of the disease. Thus, a dog owner clarification program on periodontal disease is needed in the area where HVT-UFV operates.A doença periodontal (DP) é amplamente conhecida pelos médicos veterinários por sua alta prevalência e graves consequências aos cães. Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar sua ocorrência em cães da microrregião de Viçosa atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (HVT), assim como o grau de conhecimento dos proprietários em relação à doença. Para tanto, todos os cães atendidos no HVT no período de 10 de março de 2009 a 30 de novembro de 2009, em dias alternados, tiveram suas cavidades orais examinadas. Informações, abrangendo dados de anamnese como idade, tipo de alimentação, queixa principal e anuência do proprietário, halitose, presença de cálculo dentário, inflamação e recessão gengival e perda dentária foram colhidas. Observou-se uma prevalência de 88,67% para a DP em cães encaminhados ao HVT, sendo que 2,67% foram encaminhados devido a essa doença. De todos os proprietários que participarem do estudo, 43,83% conheciam a doença periodontal e, destes 17,46% utilizavam alguma medida de prevenção ou tratamento. Portanto, a doença periodontal é de grande prevalência e os proprietários não estão cientes da doença. Com isso, torna-se necessário estabelecer um programa de esclarecimento dos proprietários de cães da região atendida pelo HVT-UFV quanto à doença periodontal

    Biodegradable polymer nanofiber membrane for the repair of cutaneous wounds in dogs - two case reports

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    The study of wound healing and its treatment is extremely important in veterinary medicine due to the high frequency of wounds and the difficulty in treating wounds by second intention. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a nanofiber membrane made of biodegradable polymers as a method of wound treatment in dogs. This study comprised two dogs with bite wounds. Debridement and cleaning was performed followed by the application of the membrane. In one dog, the wound was in the left proximal calcaneal region with clinical signs of infection, necrotic tissue, and muscle and the gastrocnemius tendon were exposed. The wound displayed rapid formation of granulation tissue which became excessive, so it was necessary to debride several times. However, with the suspension of the use of the membrane, formation of this tissue was not observed, and the wound evolved to epithelialization and fast contraction. In the second dog, there was a deep wound on the medial aspect of the proximal right hind limb, with clinical signs of infection, with muscle exposure. Once the membrane was placed, granulation tissue formed, and the membrane was used until the level of this tissue reached the skin. The wound underwent rapid epithelialization and contraction, without developing exuberant granulation tissue. Efficient wound repair was observed and the dogs exhibited greater comfort during application and use of the membrane. More studies should be conducted in dogs focusing on the application of this membrane until the appearance of healthy granulation tissue, as continued use seems to stimulate the formation of exuberant granulation tissue.O estudo da reparação e tratamento das feridas cutâneas possui extrema importância em medicina veterinária devido à alta frequência e dificuldade no tratamento por segunda intenção. Este estudo objetivou avaliar o uso da membrana de nanofibras de polímeros biodegradáveis, como alternativa no tratamento de feridas em cães. Foram incluídos no trabalho dois cães com feridas por mordedura. Foi realizado o debridamento e limpeza das feridas e a aplicação da membrana. Em um animal, a ferida em região proximal ao calcâneo esquerdo, apresentava sinais clínicos de infecção, com tecido necrótico, exposição da musculatura e do tendão gastrocnêmio. Foi observada formação rápida de tecido de granulação que se tornou exuberante, sendo necessário debridamento seriado. Porém, com a suspensão do uso da membrana a formação desse tecido não foi mais observada, evoluindo para epitelização e rápida contração. No outro animal, a ferida em face medial proximal do membro pélvico direito, era profunda, com sinais clínicos de infecção e musculatura exposta. A formação de tecido de granulação também apresentou-se rápida, utilizando-se a membrana apenas até que o nível deste tecido se igualasse ao da pele, evoluindo para rápida epitelização e contração sem formação de tecido de granulação exuberante. Foi observada reparação eficiente e com maior conforto para os pacientes durante aplicação e utilização da membrana. Acredita-se que mais estudos devam ser realizados focando a aplicação em cães até o aparecimento do tecido de granulação saudável, pois as observações deste estudo indicam possível estimulação do tecido de granulação exuberante com utilização da membrana