81 research outputs found

    Forage Quality of Cool Season Pasture Species Under Two Rotational Grazing Height Regimes

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    To optimize animal and pasture performance in management intensive grazing systems, pasture production and quality often must be compromised. Rotationally-stocking pastures at slightly taller grazing heights can increase pasture productivity, but lower forage quality may limit animal performance. Our objective was to compare the forage quality of common cool season pasture species in the Northeastern U.S., under two rotational grazing regimes defined by slightly different grass heights

    Iglesia de San Ignacio de Loyola - Ciudad de Buenos Aires Evaluación Estructural y Propuesta de Refuerzo

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    In 2003 the “San Ignacio de Loyola” church evidenced a concerning picture of cracking and fracturing that led to their preventive underpinning during five years. A summary of the Church structural behavior that enabled the design of proper reinforcements based on sound technical arguments is included. The background, field studies, features and purposes of several finite element models and the findings on the causes of cracking are detailed. Results could demonstrate that the observed damages were originated by the deterioration of the soil under Alsina street, in turns caused by the rupture of a pipeline transporting clean water. Some interesting details of the structural reinforcements made of reinforced concrete and special consideration of the issues that must be addressed to achieve the goals of structural and architectural compatibility, efficiency and durability are finally described.En el año 2003 la iglesia de San Ignacio de Loyola comenzó a mostrar un cuadro de fisuras y grietas importantes que motivaron su apuntalamiento preventivo durante cinco años. Se resumen los conceptos sobre el comportamiento estructural que permitieron el desarrollo y la ejecución de un proyecto de reparación sustentado en bases firmes y objetivas. También se incluye la investigación de los antecedentes, estudios de campo, características y propósitos de los modelos de elementos finitos y un análisis de las causas de la fisuración. Los resultados obtenidos permiten demostrar que el origen de los daños es compatible con un deterioro del suelo producido por la rotura de una cañería de agua a presión, bajo la calle Alsina. También se presentan los criterios y características de los refuerzos de hormigón armado propuestos, destacando los conceptos puestos en juego para lograr refuerzos estructurales arquitectónica y estructuralmente compatibles, eficientes y durables

    Resiliencia comunitaria en zonas rurales. Aliada para la sostenibilidad.

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    Global changes arise to society as a whole. However, the vitality and sustainability of certain geographical spaces have been particularly adversely affected. In rural areas, even survival has been at stake. To reduce the risks and vulnerabilities that occur in these contexts, a comprehensive, cooperative and complementary vision must be provided among all the key actors. In order to achieve sustainable rural communities, it is necessary, among other issues, to delve into their policies and consider them as full-fledged entities. The knowledge of those living in these regions, their background, their participation and their decision-making power over what competes with them should be appreciated. In this way, community resilience appears as an opportunity for evolution towards social justice. For this reason, the professionals who carry out their work in these rural communities, especially those who work as social practitioners, must provide a resilient approach in their analysis and actions. They must commit to a comprehensive approach, participatory, empowering and able to restructure from the bottom up when necessary: ​​a transformative approach.Los cambios globales afectan a la sociedad en su conjunto. Sin embargo, la vitalidad y sostenibilidad de ciertos espacios geográficos se han visto especialmente comprometidas. En las áreas rurales, incluso la supervivencia se ha visto en juego. Para la reducción de los riesgos y vulnerabilidades que suceden en estos contextos debe aportarse una visión integral, cooperativa y complementaria entre todos los actores clave. Para conseguir comunidades rurales sostenibles se requiere, entre otras cuestiones, ahondar en sus capacidades políticas y considerarlas como entes de pleno derecho. Debe apreciarse su saber, su bagaje, su participación y su poder de decisión sobre lo que les compete. De esta forma, la resiliencia comunitaria aparece como oportunidad de evolución hacia la justicia social. Por este motivo, los y las profesionales que realizan su labor en estas comunidades rurales, especialmente quienes trabajan en la acción social, deben aportar un enfoque resiliente en sus análisis e intervenciones. Deben comprometerse con un enfoque integral, participativo, empoderador y capaz de reestructurar desde las bases, cuando esto sea necesario: un enfoque transformador.&nbsp

    Similarità semantica e clustering di concetti della letteratura medica rappresentati con language model e knowledge graph di eventi

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    Sul web è presente una grande quantità di informazioni principalmente in formato testuale e la diffusione dei social network ne ha incrementato la produzione. La mancanza di struttura rende difficile l'utilizzo della conoscenza contenuta, generalmente espressa da fatti rappresentabili come relazioni (due entità legate da un predicato) o eventi (in cui una parola esprime una semantica relativa anche a molte entità). La ricerca sta muovendo recentemente il proprio interesse verso i Knowledge Graph che permettono di codificare la conoscenza in un grafo dove i nodi rappresentano le entità e gli archi indicano le relazioni fra di esse. Nonostante al momento la loro costruzione richieda molto lavoro manuale, i recenti passi nel campo del Natural Language Understanding offrono strumenti sempre più sofisticati: in particolare, i language model basati su transformer sono la base di molte soluzioni per l'estrazione automatica di conoscenza dal testo. I temi trattati in questa tesi hanno applicazione diretta nell'ambito delle malattie rare: la scarsa disponibilità di informazioni ha portato alla nascita di comunità di pazienti sul web, in cui si scambiano pareri di indubbia rilevanza sulla propria esperienza. Catturare la "voce dei pazienti" può essere molto importante per far conoscere ai medici la visione che i diretti interessati hanno della malattia. Il caso di studio affrontato riguarda una specifica malattia rara, l'acalasia esofagea e il dataset di post pubblicati in un gruppo Facebook ad essa dedicato. Si propone una struttura modulare di riferimento, poi implementata con metodologie precedentemente analizzate. Viene infine presentata una soluzione in cui le interazioni in forma di eventi, estratte anche con l'utilizzo di un language model, vengono rappresentate efficacemente in uno spazio vettoriale che ne rispecchia il contenuto semantico dove è possibile effettuare clustering, calcolarne la similarità e di conseguenza aggregarli in un unico knowledge graph

    Socialist and Cultural Ecofeminism Allies in Resistance

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    Effects of initial grazing date on forage production and quality of a pasture in the Veneto plain. First year results

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    Agro-environmental measures in the current Common Agricultural Policy encourage the adoption of low-input agricultural practices that would reduce the impact of farming on the environment. In a mixed sward of the Veneto plain, we studied forage production and quality of a pasture that did not receive any fertilizer and irrigation input during the trial......

    Aplicación del Método de los Elementos Finitos en la Simulación del Comportamiento Mecánico de Componentes Quirúrgicos para Restauraciones Máxilo-faciales y Odontológicas

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    The most relevant features of Finite Element Models aimed at simulating the relatively complex mechanical behavior, of surgical components are described.Theses type of analysis lead to close estimates of the static (one application) collapse and cyclic (Fatigue) loads, including all the sources of non-linearity involved: Material or physical, Geometrical and Multi-surface contact with variable coefficient of friction.Results and conclusions can be used to validate new designs to the regulatory authority (ANMAT), optimizing or improving the reliability of existing products, etcSe describen las características más relevantes de los modelos de Elementos Finitos (E. F.) para simular numéricamente el comportamiento mecánico relativamente complejo de componentes de uso quirúrgico. Estos estudios permiten estimar con buena aproximación las cargas de falla para una sola aplicación y para solicitaciones repetidas, considerando todas las fuentes de no linealidad relevantes: Material o física, Geométrica y Contacto entre superficies múltiples con fricción a coeficiente variable.Los resultados pueden utilizarse para validar diseños ante la autoridad de aplicación (ANMAT), optimizar omejorar la confiabilidad de diseños existentes, etc

    What’s Your Natural Next Question? The Inquiry Approach to Learning Economics

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    During the current academic year, both introductory and upper-division economics courses at Olivet have used an app in Canvas, developed by Beagle Learning, for the purpose of engaging students in critical thinking using an inquiry learning process. Students iteratively cycle through: 1) posing a goal question, 2) finding a resource which provides an answer to that question, at least in part, which then 3) prompts an additional question whose answer increases the degree of certainty regarding the original goal question. This presentation will concentrate on how this process has been incorporated into the Principles of Economics class, which is a required course for all majors in the McGraw School of Business, as well as a General Education option in the Social Science section of the Cultural Literacy category. It will begin with a brief description of Beagle Learning, which was co-founded by Olivet alumna Carolyn Goettsch Bickers ’13, as well as an explanation of the events which led to this partnership. Following this introduction, the presentation will focus on how the Beagle app has facilitated assignments which have enabled both structured and guided inquiry. In the latter case, these assignments have provided the research base for students to engage in a series of in-class debates on contemporary topics that were related to relevant subject during that week. Survey data, from students who have completed this course, or who are currently enrolled, will also be included

    Slimme Technologie voor Slimme Zorg

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    Het nemen van vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen is een controversieel thema in de zorg. Hoewel er veel inspanningen worden geleverd door medewerkers en beleid, blijft het gebruik van fysieke fixatie hoog. Fysieke fixatie verwijst naar ‘elk materiaal, uitrusting of handelingsmethode (menselijk of mechanisch toegepast), in de buurt van het lichaam van een persoon die door hem niet eenvoudig kan worden verwijderd en die zijn bewegingsvrijheid of de normale toegang tot het lichaam beperkt’ (Retsas, 1998). Fysieke fixatie wordt ingezet op grond van meerdere redenen en het gebrek aan of onbekendheid van mogelijke alternatieven is er daar één van (Hardeman e.a. 2013). Medewerkers in zorgorganisaties ervaren een nood aan informatie en ondersteuning rondom de praktijk van vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen (Louage, De Coster & Van Audenhove, 2003). Ook de Vlaamse overheid ziet monitoring van fysieke fixatie als onderdeel van een kwaliteitsbeleid in woonzorgcentra (Spruytte, Sevenants & Van Audenhove, 2016). Slimme technologie biedt kansen op een zo menselijk en veilig mogelijke manier van zorg. Een zorgvuldige inzet van bed- en opsta-technologie kan een alternatief zijn voor fysieke fixatie en bijdragen aan een meer kwaliteitsvolle manier van leven voor de bewoner en samenwerken voor medewerkers in de zorgorganisaties. Nochtans kan slimme technologie, zoals bed- en opsta-alarmering, een alternatief bieden voor fysieke fixatie en bijdragen aan een kwaliteitsvollere manier van leven voor de bewoner en samenwerken voor medewerkers in de zorgorganisatie. Er zijn verschillende soorten bed- en opsta-alarmeringstechnologie op de markt die ofwel aan de persoon, aan het bed of in de omgeving van het bed worden bevestigd. Deze technologieën kunnen niet enkel detecteren wanneer iemand zijn bed verlaat, maar ook wanneer men aanstalten maakt om het bed te verlaten of er niet tijdig naar teruggekeerd is in een bepaalde tijdspanne. De acht technologieën uit het STAFF-project zijn aan het bed ofwel in de omgeving van het bed bevestigd en maken gebruik van lichtsensoren, druksensoren, piëzo-elektrische sensoren, infraroodsensoren of cameratechnologie. Dit zeven-stappenplan is gebaseerd op de ervaringen van het beleid, zorgpersoneel, bewoners en onderzoekers gedurende een 6 maanden interventiestudie. Het moet een leidraad vormen voor zorgorganisaties die met slimme technologie aan de slag willen.nrpages: 54status: publishe