13 research outputs found

    Desestabilización de laderas y peligro de proceso de remoción en masa. Caso de estudio: faldeos del cerro Curruhuinca. San Martín de los Andes. Neuquén

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    AbstractPopulation growth inevitably leads to the expansion of urban plants and the occupation of areas unsuitable for urbanization.The uncontrolled expansion of the physical area of the cities through residential areas at unsuitable locations often leads to a loss of land and the transformation of the natural landscape. Thus the city understood as a social product in constant transformation that reflects the interaction between natural and social components has become a scene of situations of risk and social vulnerability.In the town of San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina; not only have occupied areas that correspond to the Valley glacifluvial but also the mountain slopes of the hills that surround the city from which have generated situations of risk for the population there installed.The study area corresponds to the territorial area which comprised the urban space of San Martín de los Andes: foothills of the Curruhuinca mountain, located to the North of the city of San Martín de los Andes, in sector East, referring to Arroyo Pocahullo, southern slope of the Curruhuinca Hill. From west to east includes the neighborhoods: Calderon, Godoy, July Obeid, South Park, Vallejos and three of cavalry.Here se is in danger of occurrence of gravitational movements (avalanches of rocks, translational slides, tipping, flows channelled and fall of rocks); the risk of flooding and seismic hazard, the latter in connection with the property that has mass, and therefore as effective trigger movements of removal in the destabilization of the slopes. The fall of rocks, are common in the area, product of the different factors of detonating. Settlers warn of the danger of the detachment of the same, in rainy season; and they demand from the municipality as a possible brake, the construction of retaining walls. The reality is that the slope is very unstable, and the only solution that should be used is the relocation of the entire population.The process of urbanization has characterized as very dynamic and spontaneous, being built, thus, a disorderly and dismantled social and spatial city. San Martín de los Andes is not outside of that process from the beginning of the 1980s has experienced a great population growth, due to the arrival of immigrants to the area, which were occupying areas unsuitable for settlement. The slopes of the mountain, in this case those of Cerro Curruhuinca, do not constitute a physical constraint. It is necessary to deepen studies of risk on the slopes of the mountains, build public works and increase environmental monitoring, in such a way of mitigating the damage that may occur to removal processes in mass.El incremento poblacional conlleva a la expansión de las plantas urbanas y a la ocupación de áreas no adecuadas para la urbanización. La descontrolada expansión de la superficie física de las ciudades en lugares no adecuados provoca con frecuencia, la pérdida de tierras productivas y la transformación del paisaje natural.Así, la ciudad, entendida como un producto social en constante cambio que refleja la interacción entre componentes naturales y sociales, se ha convertido en un escenario de situaciones de riesgo y vulnerabilidad social.En el caso de la localidad de San Martín de los Andes, en la provincia del Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina; no solo se han ocupado las zonas que corresponden al valle glacifluvial sino también las laderas de los cerros que rodean a la ciudad, a partir de lo cual se han generado diversas situaciones de riesgo para la población allí instalada. La zona de estudio se corresponde con los faldeos del cerro Curruhuinca ubicada en el sector norte de la ciudad de San Martín de los Andes.Las amenazas de origen natural que afectan este sector son la ocurrencia de fenómenos gravitacionales (tales como caídas de rocas, flujos y deslizamientos), peligro de inundación y movimientos sísmicos. Éstos últimos en relación con la propiedad que tienen de actuar como detonantes de movimientos de remoción en masa y por ende, afectando la estabilidad de las pendientes.El proceso de urbanización en San Martín de los Andes se ha caracterizado por ser muy dinámico y espontáneo, construyéndose, de este modo, una ciudad desordenada y desarticulada social y espacialmente. Desde la década del ochenta ha experimentado un gran crecimiento poblacional debido a la llegada de inmigrantes a la zona, los cuales fueron ocupando áreas no aptas para el asentamiento. De esta forma se han incorporado al espacio urbano las laderas de la montaña, en este caso las del cerro Curruhuinca, no constituyendo una limitante física. Por ello, se hace necesario profundizar los estudios de amenazas y riesgos en las laderas, construir obras públicas y aumentar la vigilancia ambiental, de tal manera de mitigar los daños que puedan llegar a ocurrir de darse los procesos de remoción en masa. Los pobladores son concientes del peligro latente de desprendimientos, especialmente en época de lluvias; y exigen a la municipalidad como posible freno, la construcción de obras de contención. La realidad es que la ladera es muy inestable y la mejor solución sería la reubicación de la población

    c-Jun N terminal kinase modulates NOX-4 derived ROS production and myofibroblasts differentiation in human breast stromal cells

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    BACKGROUND: Hard consistency, developed under the influence of tumor cell factors, is a characteristic feature of a breast tumor. Activation of resident fibroblasts leading to a myofibroblast phenotype is the principal feature that orchestrates this fibrotic process. The aim of this study was to assess the effects induced by TGF-β1, a growth factor abundantly present in tumor microenvironment, on the molecular mechanisms that mediate myofibroblastic differentiation of normal human mammary fibroblasts. METHODS: We used an immortalized fibroblastic cell line derived from normal mammary tissue (RMF-EG cells) to study the effect of TGF-β1 in the expression of α-SMA and CTGF as markers of myofibroblastic differentiation. The influence of redox status and JNK activity on TGF-β1-induced transcriptional activity was measured by a luciferase reporter assay. We also used a shRNA approach to evaluate the influence of NOX4 in myofibroblastic differentiation. RESULTS: TGF-β1 stimulates the expression of myofibroblast markers α-SMA and CTGF. Using a NOX inhibitor (DPI) and cells expressing a shRNA for NOX4, we demonstrated that TGF-β1 promotes an oxidative environment that favors myofibroblastic differentiation. We also found that activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase is required for TGF-β1-dependent expression of CTGF, NOX4 and α-SMA. CONCLUSIONS: Human mammary stromal fibrosis, evaluated by the expression of early and late markers as CTGF and α-SMA, depends on the activation of JNK signaling pathway. Our results show that JNK activation is an early event that precedes the increase in ROS levels leading to myofibroblastic differentiation and tumor fibrosis, suggesting that inhibition of JNK may be used a method to interrupt the development of tumor desmoplasia

    Effectiveness of Thrombectomy in Stroke According to Baseline Prognostic Factors: Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting Analysis of a Population-Based Registry

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    Background and Purpose In real-world practice, the benefit of mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is uncertain in stroke patients with very favorable or poor prognostic profiles at baseline. We studied the effectiveness of MT versus medical treatment stratifying by different baseline prognostic factors. Methods Retrospective analysis of 2,588 patients with an ischemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion nested in the population-based registry of stroke code activations in Catalonia from January 2017 to June 2019. The effect of MT on good functional outcome (modified Rankin Score 85 years, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS] >25, time from onset >6 hours, Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score 3), good (if NIHSS <6 or distal occlusion, in the absence of poor prognostic factors), or reference (not meeting other groups' criteria). Results Patients receiving MT (n=1,996, 77%) were younger, had less pre-stroke disability, and received systemic thrombolysis less frequently. These differences were balanced after the IPTW stratified by prognosis. MT was associated with good functional outcome in the reference (odds ratio [OR], 2.9; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.0 to 4.4), and especially in the poor baseline prognostic stratum (OR, 3.9; 95% CI, 2.6 to 5.9), but not in the good prognostic stratum. MT was associated with survival only in the poor prognostic stratum (OR, 2.6; 95% CI, 2.0 to 3.3). Conclusions Despite their worse overall outcomes, the impact of thrombectomy over medical management was more substantial in patients with poorer baseline prognostic factors than patients with good prognostic factors

    Desestabilización de laderas y peligro de proceso de remoción en masa. Caso de estudio: faldeos del cerro Curruhuinca. San Martín de los Andes. Neuquén

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    El incremento poblacional conlleva a la expansión de las plantas urbanas y a la ocupación de áreas no adecuadas para la urbanización. La descontrolada expansión de la superficie física de las ciudades en lugares no adecuados provoca con frecuencia, la pérdida de tierras productivas y la transformación del paisaje natural.Así, la ciudad, entendida como un producto social en constante cambio que refleja la interacción entre componentes naturales y sociales, se ha convertido en un escenario de situaciones de riesgo y vulnerabilidad social.En el caso de la localidad de San Martín de los Andes, en la provincia del Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina; no solo se han ocupado las zonas que corresponden al valle glacifluvial sino también las laderas de los cerros que rodean a la ciudad, a partir de lo cual se han generado diversas situaciones de riesgo para la población allí instalada. La zona de estudio se corresponde con los faldeos del cerro Curruhuinca ubicada en el sector norte de la ciudad de San Martín de los Andes.Las amenazas de origen natural que afectan este sector son la ocurrencia de fenómenos gravitacionales (tales como caídas de rocas, flujos y deslizamientos), peligro de inundación y movimientos sísmicos. Éstos últimos en relación con la propiedad que tienen de actuar como detonantes de movimientos de remoción en masa y por ende, afectando la estabilidad de las pendientes.El proceso de urbanización en San Martín de los Andes se ha caracterizado por ser muy dinámico y espontáneo, construyéndose, de este modo, una ciudad desordenada y desarticulada social y espacialmente. Desde la década del ochenta ha experimentado un gran crecimiento poblacional debido a la llegada de inmigrantes a la zona, los cuales fueron ocupando áreas no aptas para el asentamiento. De esta forma se han incorporado al espacio urbano las laderas de la montaña, en este caso las del cerro Curruhuinca, no constituyendo una limitante física. Por ello, se hace necesario profundizar los estudios de amenazas y riesgos en las laderas, construir obras públicas y aumentar la vigilancia ambiental, de tal manera de mitigar los daños que puedan llegar a ocurrir de darse los procesos de remoción en masa. Los pobladores son concientes del peligro latente de desprendimientos, especialmente en época de lluvias; y exigen a la municipalidad como posible freno, la construcción de obras de contención. La realidad es que la ladera es muy inestable y la mejor solución sería la reubicación de la población


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    Population growth inevitably leads to the expansion of urban plants and the occupation of areas unsuitable for urbanization.The uncontrolled expansion of the physical area of the cities through residential areas at unsuitable locations often leads to a loss of land and the transformation of the natural landscape. Thus the city understood as a social product in constant transformation that reflects the interaction between natural and social components has become a scene of situations of risk and social vulnerability. In the town of San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina; not only have occupied areas that correspond to the Valley glacifluvial but also the mountain slopes of the hills that surround the city from which have generated situations of risk for the population there installed.The study area corresponds to the territorial area which comprised the urban space of San Martín de los Andes: foothills of the Curruhuinca mountain, located to the North of the city of San Martín de los Andes, in sector East, referring to Arroyo Pocahullo, southern slope of the Curruhuinca Hill. From west to east includes the neighborhoods: Calderon, Godoy, July Obeid, South Park, Vallejos and three of cavalry. Here se is in danger of occurrence of gravitational movements (avalanches of rocks, translational slides, tipping, flows channelled and fall of rocks); the risk of flooding and seismic hazard, the latter in connection with the property that has mass, and therefore as effective trigger movements of removal in the destabilization of the slopes. The fall of rocks, are common in the area, product of the different factors of detonating. Settlers warn of the danger of the detachment of the same, in rainy season; and they demand from the municipality as a possible brake, the construction of retaining walls. The reality is that the slope is very unstable, and the only solution that should be used is the relocation of the entire population. The process of urbanization has characterized as very dynamic and spontaneous, being built, thus, a disorderly and dismantled social and spatial city. San Martín de los Andes is not outside of that process from the beginning of the 1980s has experienced a great population growth, due to the arrival of immigrants to the area, which were occupying areas unsuitable for settlement. The slopes of the mountain, in this case those of Cerro Curruhuinca, do not constitute a physical constraint. It is necessary to deepen studies of risk on the slopes of the mountains, build public works and increase environmental monitoring, in such a way of mitigating the damage that may occur to removal processes in mass

    Analisis y diseno para la implementacion de CRM en multihogar.

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    Real-time H2 O2 measurements in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) show increased antioxidant capacity in cells from osteoporotic women.

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    Oxidative stress (OS) derived from an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a major determinant of aging and lifespan. It has also been associated with several age-related disorders, like postmenopausal osteoporosis of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs are the common precursors for osteoblasts and adipocytes; appropriate commitment and differentiation of MSCs into a specific phenotype is modulated, among other factors, by ROS balance. MSCs have shown more resistance to ROS than differentiated cells, and their redox status depends on complex and abundant anti-oxidant mechanisms. The purpose of this work was to analyze in real time,

    Real-Time H2O2 Measurements in Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) Show Increased Antioxidant Capacity in Cells From Osteoporotic Women

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    © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Oxidative stress (OS) derived from an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a major determinant of aging and lifespan. It has also been associated with several age-related disorders, like postmenopausal osteoporosis of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs are the common precursors for osteoblasts and adipocytes; appropriate commitment and differentiation of MSCs into a specific phenotype is modulated, among other factors, by ROS balance. MSCs have shown more resistance to ROS than differentiated cells, and their redox status depends on complex and abundant anti-oxidant mechanisms. The purpose of this work was to analyze in real time, H2O2 signaling in individual h-MSCs, and to compare the kinetic parameters of H2O2 management by cells derived from both control (c-) and osteoporotic (o-) women. For these purposes, cells were infected with a genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor named HyPer, which is specific for detecting H2O2 insi

    Sheep and goat grazing diets on an annual Mediterranean grassland containing tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum (PODP.))

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    Abstract The development of mixed grazing systems is an interesting alternative for the utilization of rangelands with ecological and/or economic limitations; therefore, the study of patterns and eating habits of different species in the same grazing area is important. A mixed grazing study was carried out on a Mediterranean grassland sown with Thinopyrum ponticum 30 years ago (Rinconada de Maipú, Chile 33° 28’S; 70° 51ʼ W) with the purpose of quantifying the botanical composition, dietary overlap and selectivity indexes of the main grass species consumed by goats and sheep. Trophic behavior was studied in seven young Suffolk Down rams, seven young Merino-Precoz rams and seven young Boer-Criollo bucks grazing together during three grassland phenological stages. During the grassland vegetative stage, diets were mainly composed of annual grasses and forbs. Perennial grasses dominated the animals’ diets during the reproductive and dry grassland stages. The diversity of the goats’ diets was higher than that of the sheep, demonstrating greater plasticity in their dietary habits. However, in this environment, both species behaved as generalist herbivores. The level of diet overlap between the sheep and goats was high, especially when grazing during the grassland reproductive and dry phenological stages, suggesting potential competition during lower forage quality stages.Resumen El desarrollo de sistemas mixtos de pastoreo puede ser una alternativa interesante para la utilización de pastizales con limitaciones ecológicas y/o económicas, por lo que es importante el estudio de patrones y hábitos alimenticios de diferentes especies en la misma área de pastoreo. Con el proproposito de cuantificar la composición botánica de la dieta, la sobreposición dieratia e índices de selectividad de las principales especies consumidas por caprinos y ovinos, se realizó un estudio de pastoreo mixto sobre un pastizal mediterráneo sembrado con Thinopyrum ponticum hace 30 años (Rinconada de Maipú, Chile 33°28’S; 70°51’W). Se estudió el comportamiento trófico de siete carnerillos Suffolk Down, siete carnerillos Merino Precoz y siete chivitos Boer-Criollo, que pastorearon juntos durante tres etapas fenológicas del pastizal. En la etapa vegetativa del pastizal, las dietas estuvieron compuestas principalmente de pastos y dicotiledóneas anuales. Los pastos perennes dominaron las dietas de los animales durante las etapas reproductiva y seca del pastizal. La diversidad de dietas de los caprinos fue mayor que la de ovinos, proporcionándole a estos una mayor plasticidad en sus hábitos alimenticios. Sin embargo, en este ambiente ambas especies se comportan como herbívoros generalistas. El nivel de superposición dietaria entre ovinos y caprinos fue alto, especialmente durante las etapas reproductiva y seca de los pastizales, lo que sugiere una competencia potencial durante la época en que la calidad nutritiva del forraje es menor