154 research outputs found

    CO2 Flushing Triggers Paroxysmal Eruptions at Open Conduit Basaltic Volcanoes

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    Open conduit volcanoes erupt with the highest frequency on Earth. Their activity is characterized by an outgassing flux that largely exceeds the gas that could be released by the erupted magma; and by frequent small explosions intercalated by larger events that pose a significant risk to locals, tourists, and scientists. Thus, identifying the signs of an impending larger explosion is of utmost importance for the mitigation of volcanic hazard. Larger explosive events have been associated with the sudden ascent of volatile rich magmas, however, where and why magma accumulates within the plumbing system remains unclear. Here we show that the interaction between CO2-rich fluids and magma spontaneously leads to the accumulation of volatile-rich, low density and gravitationally unstable magma at depth, without the requirement of permeability barriers. CO2-flushing forces the exsolution of water and the increase of magma viscosity, which proceeds from the bottom of the magma column upward. This rheological configuration unavoidably leads to the progressive thickening of a gas-rich and low density (i.e., gravitationally unstable) layer at the bottom of the feeding system. Our calculations account for observations, gas monitoring and petrological data; moreover, they provide a basis to trace the approach to deeply triggered large or paroxysmal eruptions and estimate their size from monitoring data. Our model is finally applied to Stromboli volcano, an emblematic example of open conduit volcano, but can be applied to any other open conduit volcano globally and offers a framework to anticipate the occurrence of unexpectedly large eruptions

    Multiproxy investigation of the last 2,000 years BP marine paleoenvironmental record along the western Spitsbergen margin

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    A reconstruction of the last 2,000 years BP of environmental and oceanographic changes on the western margin of Spitsbergen was performed using a multidisciplinary approach including the fossil assemblages of diatoms, planktic and benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils and the use of geochemistry (X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction). We identified two warm periods (2,000–1,600 years BP and 1,300–700 years BP) that were associated with the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period that alternate with colder oceanic conditions and sea ice coverage occurred during the Dark Ages (1,600–1,300 years BP) and the beginning of the Little Ice Age. During the Medieval Warm Period the occurrence of ice-rafted debris and Aulocoseira spp., a specific diatom genus commonly associated with continental freshwater, suggests significant runoff of meltwaters from local glaciers

    Multidisciplinary approach to constrain kinematics of fault zones at shallow depths: a case study from the Cameros–Demanda thrust (North Spain)

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    Determining transport direction in thrusts is one of the main issues to study deformation and to achieve reliable balanced cross-sections reconstruction of inverted basins and thrust systems. Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility provides a tool to study deformation in fault rocks through the relationships between the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid and deformational structures. The Cameros-Demanda Thrust (N Spain) shows a relatively simple history, with an average N-directed movement during the Cenozoic, and provides the possibility of determining the relationships between magnetic fabrics and transport directions in thrusts. The outcropping rocks are Mesozoic limestones in the hangingwall of the main thrust and Cenozoic conglomerates and Albian sandstones and coal in its footwall. Illite crystallinity and organic matter maturity indicate P-T conditions on the order of....The study of AMS in fault rocks (more than 400 samples distributed in 25 sites with fault gouge, breccia and microbreccia) in the Cameros thrust and its comparison with kinematic indicators (foliation, S/C structures and slickenside striations) indicates, in spite of the a priori simple relationships inferred from thrust geometry, a complex history of movements, changing from top-to-the-NW to top-to-the-NE along the history of Cenozoic thrusting. The transport direction is either oblique to the magnetic lineation and perpendicular to the strike of magnetic foliation, and can be checked with shear structures observed in thin sections and other kinematic indicators. The results obtained indicate that AMS can give clues about the transport direction in thrusts depending on the particular structures developed in each studied area

    Preliminary data on the structure and potential of the Tocomar geothermal field (Puna plateau, Argentina).

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    AbstractThis study presents new stratigraphic, structural and hydrogeological data on the Tocomar geothermal volcanic area (Puna plateau, Central Andes, NW Argentina), together with preliminary geochemical and magnetotelluric data.The main geothermal reservoir is located within the fractured Pre-Palaeozoic–Ordovician units. The reservoir is recharged by meteoric waters. Geothermal fluids upwell where main regional structures intersect secondary structures associated with the development of the Tocomar basin. Preliminary data indicate a reservoir temperature of ∌ 200° C and a local geothermal gradient of ∌ 130° C/km associated with the Quaternary volcanic activity in the Tocomar area

    Amphibole and apatite insights into the evolution and mass balance of Cl and S in magmas associated with porphyry copper deposits

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    Chlorine and sulfur are of paramount importance for supporting the transport and deposition of ore metals at magmatic–hydrothermal systems such as the Coroccohuayco Fe–Cu–Au porphyry–skarn deposit, Peru. Here, we used recent partitioning models to determine the Cl and S concentration of the melts from the Coroccohuayco magmatic suite using apatite and amphibole chemical analyses. The pre-mineralization gabbrodiorite complex hosts S-poor apatite, while the syn- and post-ore dacitic porphyries host S-rich apatite. Our apatite data on the Coroccohuayco magmatic suite are consistent with an increasing oxygen fugacity (from the gabbrodiorite complex to the porphyries) causing the dominant sulfur species to shift from S2− to S6+ at upper crustal pressure where the magmas were emplaced. We suggest that this change in sulfur speciation could have favored S degassing, rather than its sequestration in magmatic sulfides. Using available partitioning models for apatite from the porphyries, pre-degassing S melt concentration was 20–200 ppm. Estimates of absolute magmatic Cl concentrations using amphibole and apatite gave highly contrasting results. Cl melt concentrations obtained from apatite (0.60 wt% for the gabbrodiorite complex; 0.2–0.3 wt% for the porphyries) seems much more reasonable than those obtained from amphibole which are very low (0.37 wt% for the gabbrodiorite complex; 0.10 wt% for the porphyries). In turn, relative variations of the Cl melt concentrations obtained from amphibole during magma cooling are compatible with previous petrological constraints on the Coroccohuayco magmatic suite. This confirms that the gabbrodioritic magma was initially fluid undersaturated upon emplacement, and that magmatic fluid exsolution of the gabbrodiorite and the pluton rooting the porphyry stocks and dikes were emplaced and degassed at 100–200 MPa. Finally, mass balance constraints on S, Cu and Cl were used to estimate the minimum volume of magma required to form the Coroccohuayco deposit. These three estimates are remarkably consistent among each other (ca. 100 km3) and suggest that the Cl melt concentration is at least as critical as that of Cu and S to form an economic mineralization

    Understanding cyclic seismicity and ground deformation patterns at volcanoes: intriguing lessons from Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador

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    Cyclic seismicity and ground deformation patterns are observed on many volcanoes worldwide where seismic swarms and the tilt of the volcanic flanks provide sensitive tools to assess the state of volcanic activity. Ground deformation at active volcanoes is often interpreted as pressure changes in a magmatic reservoir, and tilt is simply translated accordingly into inflation and deflation of such a reservoir. Tilt data recorded by an instrument in the summit area of Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador, however, show an intriguing and unexpected behaviour on several occasions: prior to a Vulcanian explosion when a pressurisation of the system would be expected, the tilt signal declines significantly, hence indicating depressurisation. At the same time, seismicity increases drastically. Envisaging that such a pattern could carry the potential to forecast Vulcanian explosions on Tungurahua, we use numerical modelling and reproduce the observed tilt patterns in both space and time. We demonstrate that the tilt signal can be more easily explained as caused by shear stress due to viscous flow resistance, rather than by pressurization of the magmatic plumbing system. In general, our numerical models prove that if magma shear viscosity and ascent rate are high enough, the resulting shear stress is sufficient to generate a tilt signal as observed on Tungurahua. Furthermore, we address the interdependence of tilt and seismicity through shear stress partitioning and suggest that a joint interpretation of tilt and seismicity can shed new light on the eruption potential of silicic volcanoes

    Controls on explosive-effusive volcanic eruption styles

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    One of the biggest challenges in volcanic hazard assessment is to understand how and why eruptive style changes within the same eruptive period or even from one eruption to the next at a given volcano. This review evaluates the competing processes that lead to explosive and effusive eruptions of silicic magmas. Eruptive style depends on a set of feedbacks involving interrelated magmatic properties and processes. Foremost of these are magma viscosity, gas loss, and external properties such as conduit geometry. Ultimately, these parameters control the speed at which magmas ascend, decompress and outgas en route to the surface, and thus determine eruptive style and evolution
