6 research outputs found

    Un Complesso ipogeo nell’agro di Romana (Sassari): problematiche e ipotesi di ricerca

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    Le ricerche archeologiche condotte nel territorio di Romana, regione Costa Piras, hanno rivelato come un edificio di culto cristiano abbia riutilizzato una struttura ipogea di epoca precedente. Quest’ultima è parte integrante di un complesso monumentale molto ampio e le indagini ancora in corso avvalorano l’ipotesi di un’intensa occupazione del territorio in età ellenistica e romana. In questa sede si intende descrivere la topografia del sito, lo scavo stratigrafico dell’edificio di culto e dei livelli di abbandono delle strutture preesistenti, ricchi di materiale ceramico databile tra il II secolo a.C. e la tarda età romana imperiale

    Fish and Fishing Communities: Understanding Ancient and Modern Fisheries through Archaeological Fish Remains

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    The papers in this special issue of the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology (IJO) were presented at the 19th biennial meeting of the Fish Remains Working Group (FRWG) of the International Council of Archaeozoology (ICAZ), which was held in Alghero and Stintino, Sardinia, Italy, from October 1–7, 2017. Entitled Fish and Fishing Communities: Understanding Ancient and Modern Fisheries through Archaeological Fish Remains, this conference brought together a diverse group of 120 scholars from 29 countries with specializations in archaeology, zoology, history, and anthropology. These fish specialists ranged from undergraduate students to emeritus professors

    Metagenomics and microscope revealed T. trichiura and other intestinal parasites in a cesspit of an Italian nineteenth century aristocratic palace

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    This study evidenced the presence of parasites in a cesspit of an aristocratic palace of nineteenth century in Sardinia (Italy) by the use of classical paleoparasitological techniques coupled with next-generation sequencing. Parasite eggs identified by microscopy included helminth genera pathogenic for humans and animals: the whipworm Trichuris sp., the roundworm Ascaris sp., the flatworm Dicrocoelium sp. and the fish tapeworm Diphyllobothrium sp. In addition, 18S rRNA metabarcoding and metagenomic sequencing analysis allowed the first description in Sardinia of aDNA of the human specific T. trichiura species and Ascaris genus. Their presence is important for understanding the health conditions, hygiene habits, agricultural practices and the diet of the local inhabitants in the period under study

    Exploitation shifted trophic ecology and habitat preferences of Mediterranean and Black Sea bluefin tuna over centuries

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    During recent decades, the health of ocean ecosystems and fish populations has been threatened by overexploitation, pollution and anthropogenic-driven climate change. Due to a lack of long-term ecological data, we have a poor grasp of the true impact on the diet and habitat use of fishes. This information is vital if we are to recover depleted fish populations and predict their future dynamics. Here, we trace the long-term diet and habitat use of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT), Thunnus thynnus, a species that has had one of the longest and most intense exploitation histories, owing to its tremendous cultural and economic importance. Using carbon, nitrogen and sulphur stable isotope analyses of modern and ancient BFT including 98 archaeological and archival bones from 11 Mediterranean locations ca. 1st century to 1941 CE, we infer a shift to increased pelagic foraging around the 16th century in Mediterranean BFT. This likely reflects the early anthropogenic exploitation of inshore coastal ecosystems, as attested by historical literature sources. Further, we reveal that BFT which migrated to the Black Sea–and that disappeared during a period of intense exploitation and ecosystem changes in the 1980s–represented a unique component, isotopically distinct from BFT of NE Atlantic and Mediterranean locations. These data suggest that anthropogenic activities had the ability to alter the diet and habitat use of fishes in conditions prior to those of recent decades. Consequently, long-term data provide novel perspectives on when marine ecosystem modification began and the responses of marine populations, with which to guide conservation policy

    Nora: analisi archeozoologica di un contesto chiuso. Probabili manifestazioni cultuali in età romana

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    ItNell'ambito del progetto di ricerca Isthmos che vede la collaborazione tra la cattedra di Archeologia Greca e Romana dell'Università di Cagliari con la Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e per le province di Oristano, Medio Campidano, Carbonia-Iglesias, Ogliastra e il Comune di Pula, a partire dal maggio 2013 sono state condotte alcune indagini archeologiche all'interno di un area già occupata da servitù militare e recentemente ceduta al demanio pubblico. Lo scavo dell'area Alfa ha permesso di individuare una serie di stratigrafie inquadrabili tra l'età romana repubblicana e tardo imperiale. In particolare è stata indagata una fossa riempita da strati ricchi di elementi ceramici, alcuni votivi e molte ossa animali. È stata dunque avviata una collaborazione con il sottoscritto e Barbara Wilkens, docente di Archeozoologia all'Università di Sassari, per l'esame dei reperti osteologici. Il lavoro su questi materiali si è rivelato utile per poter rafforzare le ipotesi degli archeologi che interpretano la fossa come il risultato della dismissione di un area sacra presente verosimilmente nelle vicinanze del settore di scavo. L'esame dei resti osteologici ci permette inoltre di poter discutere sulla tipologia e morfologia delle specie rappresentate oltre che di alcune pratiche cultuali tipiche dell'età romana.EnIn May 2013 the Isthmos research project started with the collaboration of Greek and Roman Archaeology teaching post at the University of Cagliari, the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Sardegna and the city council of Pula. Some archaeological investigations carried out in a new area of the Roman city of Nora were part of the project. During the excavation some layers dated from the Republican to the Late Imperial periods were bought to light in area Alfa. In particular, the excavation concerned a pit filled with pottery, votive artefacts and animal bones. The collaboration between the Isthmos project and the teaching post of Archaeozoology at the University of Sassari allowed starting the study of animal remains. The archaeozoological framework was useful to verify the archaeological interpretation of the feature: a ditch filled with the remains from a sacred complex located close to the excavated area. in this work we will also discuss the frequency of the species and all aspects of the animal remains found into the pit, as well as the Roman ritual practices evidenced by the feature

    La Colonizzazione fenicia e punica e il suo influsso sulla fauna sarda

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    Per questo lavoro sono stati presi in considerazione i resti faunistici provenienti da alcuni siti del Sulcis e da Olbia, utilizzando come confronti le faune da altri siti nuragici e punici. Nonostante la scarsità e la discontinuità delle aree esaminate, il materiale dal Sulcis è notevolmente ricco e presenta situazioni insolite che danno nuovi motivi di interesse per lo studio delle colonie fenicie e puniche e della loro influenza sull’economia animale dell’isola