593 research outputs found

    A scalar field condensation instability of rotating anti-de Sitter black holes

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    Near-extreme Reissner-Nordstrom-anti-de Sitter black holes are unstable against the condensation of an uncharged scalar field with mass close to the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. It is shown that a similar instability afflicts near-extreme large rotating AdS black holes, and near-extreme hyperbolic Schwarzschild-AdS black holes. The resulting nonlinear hairy black hole solutions are determined numerically. Some stability results for (possibly charged) scalar fields in black hole backgrounds are proved. For most of the extreme black holes we consider, these demonstrate stability if the ``effective mass" respects the near-horizon BF bound. Small spherical Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black holes are an interesting exception to this result.Comment: 34 pages; 13 figure

    Quantum buoyancy, generalized second law, and higher-dimensional entropy bounds

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    Bekenstein has presented evidence for the existence of a universal upper bound of magnitude 2πR/c2\pi R/\hbar c to the entropy-to-energy ratio S/ES/E of an arbitrary {\it three} dimensional system of proper radius RR and negligible self-gravity. In this paper we derive a generalized upper bound on the entropy-to-energy ratio of a (D+1)(D+1)-dimensional system. We consider a box full of entropy lowered towards and then dropped into a (D+1)(D+1)-dimensional black hole in equilibrium with thermal radiation. In the canonical case of three spatial dimensions, it was previously established that due to quantum buoyancy effects the box floats at some neutral point very close to the horizon. We find here that the significance of quantum buoyancy increases dramatically with the number DD of spatial dimensions. In particular, we find that the neutral (floating) point of the box lies near the horizon only if its length bb is large enough such that b/bC>F(D)b/b_C>F(D), where bCb_C is the Compton length of the body and F(D)DD/21F(D)\sim D^{D/2}\gg1 for D1D\gg1. A consequence is that quantum buoyancy severely restricts our ability to deduce the universal entropy bound from the generalized second law of thermodynamics in higher-dimensional spacetimes with D1D\gg1. Nevertheless, we find that the universal entropy bound is always a sufficient condition for operation of the generalized second law in this type of gedanken experiments.Comment: 6 page

    Ultraspinning instability of anti-de Sitter black holes

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    Myers-Perry black holes with a single spin in d>5 have been shown to be unstable if rotating sufficiently rapidly. We extend the numerical analysis which allowed for that result to the asymptotically AdS case. We determine numerically the stationary perturbations that mark the onset of the instabilities for the modes that preserve the rotational symmetries of the background. The parameter space of solutions is thoroughly analysed, and the onset of the instabilities is obtained as a function of the cosmological constant. Each of these perturbations has been conjectured to represent a bifurcation point to a new phase of stationary AdS black holes, and this is consistent with our results.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. v2: Reference added. Matches published versio

    The information paradox: conflicts and resolutions

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    Many relativists have been long convinced that black hole evaporation leads to information loss or remnants. String theorists have however not been too worried about the issue, largely due to a belief that the Hawking argument for information loss is flawed in its details. A recently derived inequality shows that the Hawking argument for black holes with horizon can in fact be made rigorous. What happens instead is that in string theory black hole microstates have no horizons. Thus the evolution of radiation quanta with E ~ kT is modified by order unity at the horizon, and we resolve the information paradox. We discuss how it is still possible for E >> kT objects to see an approximate black hole like geometry. We also note some possible implications of this physics for the early Universe.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, Latex; (Expanded version of) proceedings for Lepton-Photon 201

    Liver Transplantation Prevents Progressive Neurological Impairment in Argininemia

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    Argininemia is a rare hereditary disease due to a deficiency of hepatic arginase, which is the last enzyme of the urea cycle and hydrolyzes arginine to ornithine and urea. The onset of the disease is usually in childhood, and clinical manifestations include progressive spastic paraparesis and mental retardation. Liver involvement is less frequent and usually not as severe as observed in other UCDs. For this reason, and because usually there is a major neurological disease at diagnosis, patients with argininemia are rarely considered as candidates for OLT despite its capacity to replace the deficient enzyme by an active one. We report on long-term follow-up of two patients with argininemia. Patient 1 was diagnosed by the age of 20 months and despite appropriate conventional treatment progressed to spastic paraparesis with marked limp. OLT was performed at 10 years of age with normalization of plasmatic arginine levels and guanidino compounds. Ten years post-OLT, under free diet, there is no progression of neurological lesions. The second patient (previously reported by our group) was diagnosed at 2 months of age, during a neonatal cholestasis workup study. OLT was performed at the age of 7 years, due to liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension, in the absence of neurological lesions and an almost-normal brain MRI. After OLT, under free diet, there was normalization of plasmatic arginine levels and guanidino compounds. Twelve years post-OLT, she presents a normal neurological examination. We conclude that OLT prevents progressive neurological impairment in argininemia and should be considered when appropriate conventional treatment fails

    A fixed point formula for the index of multi-centered N=2 black holes

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    We propose a formula for computing the (moduli-dependent) contribution of multi-centered solutions to the total BPS index in terms of the (moduli-independent) indices associated to single-centered solutions. The main tool in our analysis is the computation of the refined index Tr(-y)^{2J_3} of configurational degrees of freedom of multi-centered BPS black hole solutions in N=2 supergravity by localization methods. When the charges carried by the centers do not allow for scaling solutions (i.e. solutions where a subset of the centers can come arbitrarily close to each other), the phase space of classical BPS solutions is compact and the refined index localizes to a finite set of isolated fixed points under rotations, corresponding to collinear solutions. When the charges allow for scaling solutions, the phase space is non-compact but appears to admit a compactification with finite volume and additional non-isolated fixed points. We give a prescription for determining the contributions of these fixed submanifolds by means of a `minimal modification hypothesis', which we prove in the special case of dipole halo configurations.Comment: 61 pages, 3 figure

    Distributions of charged massive scalars and fermions from evaporating higher-dimensional black holes

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    A detailed numerical analysis is performed to obtain the Hawking spectrum for charged, massive brane scalars and fermions on the approximate background of a brane charged rotating higher-dimensional black hole constructed in arXiv:0907.5107. We formulate the problem in terms of a "spinor-like" first order system of differential wave equations not only for fermions, but for scalars as well and integrate it numerically. Flux spectra are presented for non-zero mass, charge and rotation, confirming and extending previous results based on analytic approximations. In particular we describe an inverted charge splitting at low energies, which is not present in four or five dimensions and increases with the number of extra dimensions. This provides another signature of the evaporation of higher-dimensional black holes in TeV scale gravity scenarios.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, minor typos corrected, 1 page added with a discussion on higher spins, added reference

    AdS5AdS_{5} black hole at N=2 supergravity

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    In this paper, we consider the charged non-extremal black hole at five dimensional N = 2 supergravity. We study thermodynamics of AdS_{5} black hole with three equal charges (q_{1} = q_{2} = q_{3} = q). We obtain Schrodinger like equation and discuss the effective potential. Then, we consider the case of the perturbed dilaton field background and find presence of odd coefficients of the wave function. Also we find that the higher derivative corrections have no effect on the first and second even coefficients of the wave function.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures. Published versio

    Radiation from a D-dimensional collision of shock waves: first order perturbation theory

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    We study the spacetime obtained by superimposing two equal Aichelburg-Sexl shock waves in D dimensions traveling, head-on, in opposite directions. Considering the collision in a boosted frame, one shock becomes stronger than the other, and a perturbative framework to compute the metric in the future of the collision is setup. The geometry is given, in first order perturbation theory, as an integral solution, in terms of initial data on the null surface where the strong shock has support. We then extract the radiation emitted in the collision by using a D-dimensional generalisation of the Landau-Lifschitz pseudo-tensor and compute the percentage of the initial centre of mass energy epsilon emitted as gravitational waves. In D=4 we find epsilon=25.0%, in agreement with the result of D'Eath and Payne. As D increases, this percentage increases monotonically, reaching 40.0% in D=10. Our result is always within the bound obtained from apparent horizons by Penrose, in D=4, yielding 29.3%, and Eardley and Giddings, in D> 4, which also increases monotonically with dimension, reaching 41.2% in D=10. We also present the wave forms and provide a physical interpretation for the observed peaks, in terms of the null generators of the shocks.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; v2 some corrections, including D dependent factor in epsilon; matches version accepted in JHE

    An instability of higher-dimensional rotating black holes

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    We present the first example of a linearized gravitational instability of an asymptotically flat vacuum black hole. We study perturbations of a Myers-Perry black hole with equal angular momenta in an odd number of dimensions. We find no evidence of any instability in five or seven dimensions, but in nine dimensions, for sufficiently rapid rotation, we find perturbations that grow exponentially in time. The onset of instability is associated with the appearance of time-independent perturbations which generically break all but one of the rotational symmetries. This is interpreted as evidence for the existence of a new 70-parameter family of black hole solutions with only a single rotational symmetry. We also present results for the Gregory-Laflamme instability of rotating black strings, demonstrating that rotation makes black strings more unstable.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figure