446 research outputs found

    Соціальна культура громадян - найкращий антикризовий засіб

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    An anthracene-functionalized thermosensitive block copolymer was synthesized, which formed micelles by heating its aqueous solution above the lower critical solution temperature (LCST). The micelles were subsequently crosslinked by UV illumination at 365 nm with a normal handheld UV lamp. The micelles showed a small size (30 nm) and high loading capacity (16.0 ± 0.1%) for paclitaxel and released paclitaxel for more than ten days

    Diabetes influences liver stiffness in chronic hepatitis C patients with and without virological cure: A longitudinal study

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim was to prospectively assess the variation in liver stiffness (LS) and the associated factors for LS progression in a cohort of naïve, non-responder (NR), and sustained virological response (SVR) chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients. METHODS: This was a longitudinal study on CHC patients prospectively followed with serial elastography (Fibroscan®). The LS progression rate was determined, and the associated factors for progression were assessed using multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 406 patients were followed up for 44 (35-53) months [naïve (29%), NR (24%), and SVR (47%)]. At the end of the follow-up period, the SVR group had a significant decrease in LS [11.8 (9.2) vs. 8.8 (8.4) kPa (p<0.001)], the NR group had a significant increase in LS [6.6 (5.2) vs. 7.1 (4.5) kPa (p=0.069)], and the naïve group had no change in LS [6.3 (3.0) vs. 6.0 (3.8) kPa (p=0.22)]. The related factors for LS progression were lack of SVR (p=0.002) and diabetes (p=0.05). In the non-diabetic SVR group, a negative rate of progression (-0.047 kPa/month) was observed, whereas in the diabetic SVR group, a positive rate of progression (+0.037 kPa/month) was observed. The highest rate of progression was observed in NR with diabetes at the rate of +0.044 kPa/month. CONCLUSION: LS in diabetes patients progresses despite SVR, suggesting the need for a close follow-up of this group post-treatment considering the risk of progression of liver disease even after SVR

    Ruin and dividend measures in the renewal dual risk model

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    In this manuscript we consider the dual risk model with financial application, where the random gains occur under a renewal process. We particularly work the Erlang(n) case for common distribution of the inter-arrival times, from there it is easy to understand that our method or procedures can be generalised to other cases under the matrix-exponential family case. We work several and different problems involving future dividends and ruin. We also show that our results are valid even if the usual income condition is not satisfied. In most known works under the dual model, the main target under study have been the calculation of expected discounted future dividends and optimal strategies, where the dividend calculation have been done on aggregate. We can find works, at first using the classical compound Poisson model, then some examples of other renewal Erlang models. Knowing that ruin is ultimately achieved, we find important that dividends should be evaluated on an individual basis, where the early dividend contribution for the aggregate are of utmost importance. From our calculations we can really see how much important is the contribution of the first dividend. Afonso et al. (Insur Math Econ, 53(3), 906–918, 2013) had worked similar problems for the classical compound Poisson dual model. Besides that we find explicit formulae for both the probability of getting a dividend and the distribution of the amount of a single dividend. We still work the probability distribution of the number of gains to reach a given upper target (like a constant dividend barrier) as well as for the number of gains down to ruin. We complete the study working some illustrative numerical examples that show final numbers for the several problems under study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    STU Black Holes and String Triality

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    We find double-extreme black holes associated with the special geometry of the Calabi-Yau moduli space with the prepotential F=STU. The area formula is STU-moduli independent and has [SL(2,Z)]3{[SL(2,Z)]}^3 symmetry in space of charges. The dual version of this theory without prepotential treats the dilaton S asymmetric versus T,U-moduli. We display the dual relation between new (STU) black holes and stringy (S|TU) black holes using particular Sp(8, Z) transformation. The area formula of one theory equals that of the dual theory when expressed in terms of dual charges. We analyse the relation between (STU) black holes to string triality of black holes: (S|TU), (T|US), (U|ST) solutions. In the democratic STU-symmetric version we find that all three S and T and U duality symmetries are non-perturbative and mix electric and magnetic charges.Comment: 12 pages, 2 Postscript figures, ref.added, minor corrections, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Rutin-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes: molecular docking, physicochemistry and cytotoxicity in fibroblasts

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    Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) have been functionalized with rutin through three steps (i. reaction step; ii. purification step; iii. drying step) and their physicochemical properties investigated with respect to morphological structure, thermal analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and cytotoxicity. The molecular docking suggested the rutin-functionalized MWCNT occurred by hydrogen bonds, which was confirmed by FTIR assays, corroborating the results obtained by thermal analyses. A tubular shape, arranged in a three-dimensional structure, could be observed. Mild cytotoxicity observed in 3T3 fibroblasts suggested a doseeffect relationship after exposure. These findings suggest the formation of aggregates of filamentous structures on the cells favoring the cell penetration.The authors acknowledge Classius Ferreira da Silva, from the Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, for the scanning electron microscopy analyses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Complexity measures of heart-rate variability in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with alternative pulmonary capacities

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    Objective: the complexity of heart-rate variability (HRV) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients with different pulmonary capacities was evaluated. Methods: We set these according to their pulmonary capacity, and specifically forced vital capacity (FVC). We split the groups according to FVC (FVC > 50% (n = 29) and FVC < 50% (n = 28)). In ALS, the presence of an FVC below 50% is indicative of noninvasive ventilation with two pressure levels and with the absence of other respiratory symptoms. As the number of subjects per group was different, we applied the unbalanced one-way analysis of variance (uANOVA1) test after three tests of normality, and effect size by Cohen’s d to assess parameter significance. Results: with regard to chaotic global analysis, CFP4 (p < 0.001; d = 0.91), CFP5 (p = 0.0022; d = 0.85), and CFP6 (p = 0.0009; d = 0.92) were enlarged. All entropies significantly increased. Shannon (p = 0.0005; d = 0.98), Renyi (p = 0.0002; d = 1.02), Tsallis (p = 0.0004; d = 0.99), approximate (p = 0.0005; d = 0.97), and sample (p < 0.0001; d = 1.22). Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) (p = 0.0358) and Higuchi fractal dimension (HFD) (p = 0.15) were statistically inconsequential between the two groups. Conclusions: HRV complexity in ALS subjects with different pulmonary capacities increased via chaotic global analysis, especially CFP5 and 3 out of 5 entropies

    Alternative communication technology applied inlaryngectomized people due to head and neck cancer

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    Study design: Integrative literature review. Aims: To summarize the main results of research and publications related to the use of alternative communication technologies for people with restrictions on their communication skills, particularly those laryngectomized with head and neck cancer. Method: This study was based on bibliographic research in electronic databases: PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO and CINAHL through the use of the following descriptors: “Head and Neck Neoplasms”, “Head and Neck Cancer”, “Quality of Life” and “Communication” , their corresponding in Portuguese and their crosses. Results: Selected 14 articles published in the period from 2004 to 2014, categorized into two units of analysis: I: Illness and treatment impact on quality of life and physical aspects, functional and symptoms (N = 5), II: Psychosocial aspects related to the treatment of head and neck cancer (N = 9). The articles indicated that the disease and the treatment of cancer cause body changes, at times traumatic, with important impacts on the functional and esthetic aspects, with speech, nutrition and physical appearance alterations, besides affecting the psychological factors. The laryngectomy is highly stressing and compromises the communication and social interactions, particularly in relation to their families and the health team. The consequences are manifested in everyday life of these subjects, including emotional responses ranging in a singular way to each individual. The use of alternative communication resources can encourage active social participation by people with communication difficulties and favor therefore their quality of life (QoL). Conclusion: The use of alternative resources for communication, by partial or total laryngectomized favors the exercise of the autonomy, maintaining communication skills, active social participation and improves QoL in person’s with cancerModelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e publicações relacionados ao uso de tecnologias de comunicação alternativa por pessoas com restrições de sua capacidade de comunicação, particularmente daquelas laringectomizadas por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Método: estudo baseado em levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados eletrônicas: PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO e CINAHL, através do uso dos descritores: “Head and Neck Neoplasms”, “Head and Neck Cancer”, “Quality of Life” e “Communication”, seus correspondentes em português e seus cruzamentos. Resultados: Foram selecionados 14 artigos, publicados no período de 2004 à 2014, categorizados em duas unidades de análise: I: Impacto do adoecimento e do tratamento na qualidade de vida e aspectos físicos, funcionais e sintomas (N=5), II: Aspectos psicossociais relacionados ao tratamento de câncer de cabeça e pescoço (N=9). Os artigos indicaram que o adoecimento e o tratamento do câncer causam alterações corporais, por vezes traumáticas, com impactos importantes sobre os aspectos funcionais e estéticos, com alterações da fala, da alimentação e aparência física, além de afetar fatores psicológicos. A laringectomia é altamente estressante e compromete a comunicação e as interações sociais, particularmente em relação a seus familiares e equipe de saúde. Essas consequências manifestam-se na vida cotidiana desses sujeitos, incluindo respostas emocionais que variam de forma singular a cada individuo. O uso de recursos de comunicação alternativa pode favorecer a participação social ativa por parte de pessoas com dificuldades de comunicação e favorecer, assim, sua qualidade de vida (QV). Conclusão: O uso de recursos alternativos para a comunicação, por parte de laringectomizados parciais ou totais, favorece o exercício da autonomia, a manutenção da capacidade de comunicação, a ativa participação social e melhora da QV da pessoa com cânce

    Persistência da sindrome metabólica em crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso de acordo com dois críterios diagnósticos: Um estudo longitudinal.

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    Objective: To investigate the persistence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) in children and adolescents are overweight according to the diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) and National Cholesterol Education Panel Adult Treatment Program- III (NCEP / ATP III). Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted at the Center for Childhood Obesity between April/2009 and April/2012, involving 133 children and adolescents are overweight. The evaluation was made at first and after 24 months of follow up, anthropometry being performed, then the nutritional classification and diagnosis of MS which was subsequently divided into three groups: negative, intermittent and and persistent MS. Descriptive and agreement between the two criteria and also between groups analysis was performed using the Kappa index, using SPSS version 17.0 (95% CI). Results: Among those evaluated, the majority were female (60.9%), and adolescent with severe obesity. Among the components of metabolic syndrome, fasting glucose, blood pressure levels and insulin resistance were reduced in the period. There was no significant correlation between the diagnostic criteria, although it has seen significant coincidence in the group with persistent metabolic syndrome (p = 0.002). Conclusion: A significant similarity between the criteria of WHO and NCEP/ATPIII only in the group with persistent SM, demonstrating sensitivity of the tests, but the use of more specific markers for this age group it is necessary to identify the early SM.Objetivo: Verificar a persistência da síndrome metabólica (SM) em crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso de acordo com os critérios diagnósticos da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e do National Cholesterol Education Program- Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III). Métodos: Estudo longitudinal, realizado no Centro de Obesidade Infantil de abril/2009 a abril/2012, envolvendo 133 crian- ças e adolescentes com excesso de peso. A avaliação se deu em um primeiro momento e após 24 meses de seguimento, sendo realizada antropometria, seguida da classificação nutricional e diagnóstico da SM que foi, posteriormente, dividida em três grupos: SM negativa, intermitente e persistente. A análise descritiva e de concordância entre os dois critérios e também entre os grupos se deu através do índice de Kappa, no programa SPSS versão 17.0 (IC95%). Resultados: Entre os avaliados, a maioria era do sexo feminino (60,9%), adolescente e cursava com obesidade acentuada. Dentre os componentes da síndrome metabólica, a glicemia de jejum, os níveis pressóricos e a resistência insulínica sofreram redução no período. Não foi verificada concordância significativa entre os critérios diagnósticos, embora tenha se observado coincidência significativa no grupo que apresentou a síndrome metabólica persistente (p=0,002). Conclusão: Verificou-se semelhança significativa entre os critérios da OMS e NCEP/ATPIII apenas no grupo com persistência da SM, demonstrando sensibilidade dos testes, porém faz-se necessário a utilização de marcadores mais específicos a essa faixa etária a fim de identificar precocemente a SM

    Limb immobilization alters functional electrophysiological parameters of sciatic nerve

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    Immobilization, used in clinical practice to treat traumatologic problems, causes changes in muscle, but it is not known whether changes also occur in nerves. We investigated the effects of immobilization on excitability and compound action potential (CAP) and the ultrastructure of the rat sciatic nerve. Fourteen days after immobilization of the right leg of adult male Wistar rats (n=34), animals were killed and the right sciatic nerve was dissected and mounted in a moist chamber. Nerves were stimulated at a baseline frequency of 0.2 Hz and tested for 2 min at 20, 50, and 100 Hz. Immobilization altered nerve excitability. Rheobase and chronaxy changed from 3.13±0.05 V and 52.31±1.95 µs (control group, n=13) to 2.84±0.06 V and 59.71±2.79 µs (immobilized group, n=15), respectively. Immobilization altered the amplitude of CAP waves and decreased the conduction velocity of the first CAP wave (from 93.63±7.49 to 79.14±5.59 m/s) but not of the second wave. Transmission electron microscopy showed fragmentation of the myelin sheath of the sciatic nerve of immobilized limbs and degeneration of the axon. In conclusion, we demonstrated that long-lasting leg immobilization can induce alterations in nerve function