205 research outputs found

    A column-generation-based approach for solving the bus rapid transit route design problem

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    Bus rapid transit systems have been gaining popularity all over the world. They constitute an alternative for urban transportation systems by providing reserved lanes for buses and thus improving transportation times. Nonetheless, there are several intrinsic strategic and operational problems that need to be addressed. In this work we focus on developing mathematical and computational tools to support the problem of designing the routes to be operated on the system and their frequencies. This document is composed of two chapters. In the first chapter, we present the preliminary topics that are required to have a better understanding of the subsequent sections. This chapter is divided into four sections containing topics on convex analysis, Linear, Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, Solution Methodologies and Complexity Theory. In the second chapter, we present the main results of the capstone project in the format of a research article. In particular, we present the literature review, problem definition and a new formulation for the Bus Rapid Transit Route Design Problem. Then, we introduce a column-generation-based approach to solve large-scale instances of the LP relaxation of the formulation and show some computational experiments to test the proposed approach.Bus rapid transit systems have been gaining popularity all over the world. They constitute an alternative for urban transportation systems by providing reserved lanes for buses and thus improving transportation times. Nonetheless, there are several intrinsic strategic and operational problems that need to be addressed. In this work we focus on developing mathematical and computational tools to support the problem of designing the routes to be operated on the system and their frequencies. This document is composed of two chapters. In the first chapter, we present the preliminary topics that are required to have a better understanding of the subsequent sections. This chapter is divided into four sections containing topics on convex analysis, Linear, Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, Solution Methodologies and Complexity Theory. In the second chapter, we present the main results of the capstone project in the format of a research article. In particular, we present the literature review, problem definition and a new formulation for the Bus Rapid Transit Route Design Problem. Then, we introduce a column-generation-based approach to solve large-scale instances of the LP relaxation of the formulation and show some computational experiments to test the proposed approach.Matemático (a)Pregrad

    Plan de manejo integral de residuos o desechos peligrosos generados por la utilización de agroquímicos en la vereda el Manzano del municipio de Pereira

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    Este trabajo nace ante la necesidad de generar alternativas de manejo, que conduzcan al adecuado uso y disposición de los Residuos o Desechos Peligrosos (ESPEL), que se generan como consecuencia de la utilización de agroquímicos en los diferentes tipos de cultivos de la vereda el Manzano del municipio de Pereira. A través de los años los campesinos de la zona han estado utilizando para su proceso productivo, grandes cantidades de agroquímicos, los cuales por su inadecuado uso y disposición generan daño al ambiente y a la salud humana. Este proyecto fue presentado a la asociación de cebolleros de la zona con el fin de contar con su apoyo y participación. Inicialmente, se llevó a cabo una encuesta estructurada con el fin de generar un diagnóstico sobre la cantidad de RESPEL generados y el manejo actual de los mismos, para posteriormente generar un plan de manejo para estos residuos, el cual cumpla con los requisitos que exige la normatividad legal vigente.This work was born from the necessity of generating management alternatives that lead to the adequate use and disposition of the Residue or Hazardous Waste, that are generated as a consequence of the use of agrochemicals in different types of crops of the Manzano Village in the Pereira Municipality. Through the years, the campesinos of this area have been using big quantities of agrochemicals in their productive processes, which due to inadequate use and disposition generate harm to the environment and human health. This Project was presented to the association of onion growers of the area, in order to count on their support and participation. Initially, a structured survey was taken in order to establish a diagnosis about the quantity of hazardous waste generated and the current management applied. With this information a management plan was made for this type of waste, with the requisites that the current law demands

    Parameter selection in the design of displacement and motion functions by means of B-splines

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    This work analyses the incidence of the parameter selection of B-spline curves, used in the design of displacement and motion functions, on its degree of freedom and shape. A complete design process based on the use of non-parametric B-spline curves and the convenience of selecting the curve parameters from the point of view of its practical application is shown. In order to make easy the design and use of the displacement function, the algorithms for derivation and integration of the B-splines used are presented. Three case studies validate the proposed design process and the selection of the adequate parameters. The first case presents the design of a displacement function of a roller follower driven by a disk cam; the corresponding cam profile and its prototype are shown. The second case presents the design of the motion function corresponding to the cutting unit of a manufacturing cardboard tube machine. The third case exposes the design of the displacement function of the bar feeding mechanism in a single-spindle automatic lathe, to produce a partial thread screw of hexagonal head.Postprint (author's final draft

    Diseño y desarrollo de un floculante de origen natural a partir de mucilago de sábila

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    El presente trabajo implica la aplicación de las metodologías del pensamiento de diseño y el modelo de negocios del lienzo al diseño y desarrollo de nuevos productos en la industria química. Utilizando herramientas de administración y gestión de proyectos como el reporte A3 y documentado a través de la norma UNE 1166001:2006 para la gestión de proyectos de innovación, desarrollo e investigación. Se aplican las fases del pensamiento de diseño: empatizar, definir, idear, prototipar y evaluar para diseñar un prototipo de floculante de origen vegetal (sábila) resaltando las oportunidades técnicas y económicas del emprendimiento de dicho proyecto. La utilización de la herramienta mapa de empatía para recolectar información acerca de lo que requieren los clientes permitió diseñar pensando en el cliente y la aplicación del modelo de negocios del lienzo para establecer los elementos fundamentales del proyecto para un futuro emprendimiento

    Análisis comparativo y diagnóstico del departamento de mantenimiento del Hospital Universitario del Valle Evaristo García

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    En el presente trabajo se presenta un análisis comparativo para el posterior diagnóstico del estado del departamento de mantenimiento del Hospital Universitario de Valle. En este estudio se tomó una muestra de 4 instituciones de carácter público y privado a nivel nacional que tuvieran similitudes con el HUV, que tengan implementados planes de gestión tecnológica y departamentos de ingeniería o ingeniería clínica y que se pudiera acceder a la información requerida, esto con el fin de hacer una comparación mas profunda con entidades reconocidas y poder brindar un diagnóstico mas objetivo. Los criterios que se evaluaron fueron, entre otros, el personal especializado, el inventario de equipos, el proceso de adquisición, la planeación estratégica, el presupuesto del departamento de mantenimiento, la planeación y realización de mantenimiento preventivo, la implementación de indicadores de gestión, el apoyo de la dirección general las instituciones y el manejo de software especializados. Al finalizar el presente documento, se plantea un diagnóstico del estado inicial del departamento de mantenimiento del HUV y se generan algunas recomendaciones para la solución de los problemas encontrados. Este diagnóstico puede ser un punto de partida para que la institución inicie un proceso de mejoramiento continuo con el fin de elevar sus niveles de calidad y eficiencia en los procesos desarrollados por el departamentoPregradoIngeniero(a) Biomédico(a

    Pharmacological Opportunities for Prevention of Preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is a disorder that occurs during pregnancy, it has an estimated worldwide prevalence of 5–8%, being one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Currently, different diagnostic criteria exist, however, due to its complexity; the clinical presentation that makes up this syndrome could make its presence unclear. The pathophysiology of PE has been recently postulated and divided into three processes: inadequate uterine remodeling, placental dysfunction and maternal endothelial dysfunction. Despite the advances in the treatment of PE, the outcome of the medical interventions has failed to decrease the morbidity and mortality of this disease. The main reason might be the multifactorial origin of pathogenic processes that lead to the development of PE. That is why treatment is focused on the prevention of PE in patients that might present the risk before developing it late in pregnancy. The knowledge of the pathophysiological factors that trigger the processes that culminate in the presentation of PE, is key for prevention of this disease. However, the origin of these processes is poorly understood. It may be attributed to the ethical considerations that come with the study of these population of patients compared with the study of non-pregnant women

    Clinical Trials in Pregnant Women with Preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is the leading cause of preterm birth by medical indication when associated with premature detachment of placenta normoinserta, and Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with high perinatal morbidity and mortality and long-term sequelae. The main problem of PE is threefold: the diagnostic difficulty, the complicated interrelationship of the pathophysiological processes, and the vulnerability of the maternal-fetal binomial to the therapeutic interventions. The approach for management with PE is preventing its late occurrence in pregnancy. The key to preventing PE is knowledge of the factors that trigger the pathophysiological processes that culminate in the presentation of PE. Understanding the developmental characteristics of the placenta in pregnancy at high risk for PE is essential for understanding the pathophysiology and developing strategies for prevention. When deciding that the population of study is a group of pregnant women, the first ethical criteria that need to be reviewed are those aimed at the protection of the fetus. There are no specific guidelines on how to assess fetal well-being during pregnancy routinely in the clinic, and this deficiency is shifted to clinical research with pregnant women

    Solución BI para reporte BSC de la empresa Lineadirecta SAS

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    (Ururi, 2017) El concepto de Inteligencia de negocios comienza a surgir en 1996 cuando Gartner Group, en uno de sus reportes, manifestó que “Se requiere intuición para tomar decisiones correctas” y que “las herramientas de reporte, consulta y análisis de datos pueden ayudar a los usuarios de negocios a navegar a través de un mar de información para sintetizar la información valiosa que en él se encuentra”. Con el paso del tiempo esta categoría de herramientas y conceptos asociados se les llama "Inteligencia de Negocios". El objetivo básico de la Inteligencia de Negocios por sus siglas en ingles Business Intelligence es apoyar de forma sostenible y continuada a las organizaciones para mejorar su competitividad, facilitando la información necesaria para la toma de decisiones. Las necesidades de reporting y análisis de la información para la toma de decisiones en todas las áreas del negocio producen una creciente necesidad de obtención de informes, más allá de las funcionalidades proporcionadas por las aplicaciones informáticas de uso habitual. Mediante el uso de tecnologías y las metodologías de Business Intelligence pretendemos convertir datos en información y a partir de la información ser capaces de descubrir conocimientoIngeniero de Sistemaspregrad

    Time measurement characterization of stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand transitions by using a smartphone

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    The aim of this study is to analyze a common method to measure the acceleration of a daily activity pattern by using a smartphone. In this sense, a numerical approach is proposed to transform the relative acceleration signal, recorded by a triaxial accelerometer, into an acceleration referred to an inertial reference. The integration of this acceleration allows to determine the velocity and position with respect to an inertial reference. Two different kinematic parameters are suggested to characterize the profile of the velocity during the sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transitions for Parkinson and control subjects. The results show that a dimensionless kinematic parameter, which is linked to the time of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transitions, has the potential to differentiate between Parkinson and control subjects.Peer ReviewedPreprin


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    This review gives an overview of advances in the study of gelatinous zooplankton in the Eastern Tropical Pacific area. The review provides a brief description of the main phylums that make up the gelatinous zooplankton, Cnidaria and Ctenofora, and about the Thaliacea class, belonging to the subphylum Urochordata, whose members are present in this area. In addition, we made a comparison of benefits and limitations of traditional capture and study methods versus molecular methods based on the following criteria: sensitivity, specificity, probability of false results (false positive and false negative), invasiveness and cost. Finally, we review and summarize the available information of gelatinous zooplankton for the Eastern Tropical Pacific (PET) related to collection methods, and species list for the region. PET has an elevated marine biodiversity and ideal physical and chemical conditions for the development of zooplankton communities; however, studies on these taxa are reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out more studies of this group in this zone including both traditional and molecular methods to efficiently understand populations, their dynamics, demographic connectivity and behavior in more detail. The application of molecular methods in these species will provide a base line of molecular data that will allow scientists to establish evolutionary and conservation units, assess genetic diversity, understand the effective population size of their populations and the identification of genetic connectivity and gene flow areas.Esta revisión da un vistazo general a los avances en el estudio de zooplancton gelatinoso en el área del Pacífico Este Tropical. Se inicia con una breve descripción de los principales filos que conforman el zooplancton gelatinoso, Cnidaria y Ctenofora, y sobre la clase Thaliacea, perteneciente al subfilo Urochordata, cuyos integrantes son frecuentes en esta zona. Además, se realiza una comparación de los beneficios y limitaciones encontradas en los métodos tradicionales de captura y estudio versus los métodos moleculares basándonos en criterios como sensibilidad, identificación del organismo, probabilidad de resultados falsos (falsos positivos y falsos negativos), invasividad y costo. Finalmente, recopilamos información disponible sobre zooplancton gelatinoso en el Pacífico Este Tropical (PET) para observar la forma de captura y los especímenes encontrados en éste. El PET presenta un alto grado de biodiversidad y de condiciones fisicoquímicas ideales para el desarrollo de este tipo de organismos, pero han sido poco estudiados. Es necesario realizar más estudios de este grupo en esta zona utilizando métodos tradicionales y moleculares para eficientemente entender estas poblaciones, su dinámica, conectividad demográfica y comportamiento con mayor detalle. La implementación de métodos moleculares en estas especies permitirá el establecimiento de una línea base de datos moleculares que permitirá a futuro establecer unidades evolutivas y de conservación, el manejo del número efectivo de reproductores, valorar la diversidad genética y la identificación de áreas de conectividad genética y flujo genético.&nbsp