101 research outputs found

    Episodios de fortaleza y debilidad económica en el Perú: El impacto de la Crisis Mundial

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    Sobre la base del análisis de las series desestacionalizadas del PBI y de la inversión privada durante el periodo 1980-2009, estudia el impacto de la crisis financiera internacional en la economía del país.

    Cognitive structures of content for controlled summarization

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    In the current information age, where over 1 Petabyte of data is created every day on the web, demand continues to rise for effective technological tools to aid end-users in consuming information in a timely way. Automatic summarization is the task of consuming a text document –or collection of documents-- and presenting the user with a shorter text, the \textit{summary}, that retains the gist of the information consumed. In general, a good summary should present content bits that are relevant –be informative--, non-redundant -be non-repetitive--, organized in a sensical way –be coherent--, and read as a unified thematic whole –be cohesive. The particular information needs of each user prompted many variations of the summarization task. Among them, extractive summarization consists of extracting spans of text -usually sentences- from the input document(s), concatenating them, and presenting them as the final summary. Traditionally, extractive systems focus their attention on presenting highly informative content, regardless of whether content bits are repeated or presented in an incoherent, non-cohesive manner. How to balance these properties remains an understudied problem, even though the understanding of the trade-offs between them could enable a system to produce text with relevant content that is also more readable to humans. This thesis argues that extractive summaries can be presented in a non-redundant, cohesive way, and still be informative. We investigate the interaction between these summary properties and develop models that balance their trade-off during document understanding and during summary production. At the core of these models, an algorithm --inspired by psycholinguistic models of memory-- simulates how humans keep track of relevant content in short-term memory, and how cohesion and non-redundancy constraints are applied among content bits in memory. The results are encouraging. When modeling trade-off during document understanding in an unsupervised scenario, we find that our models are able to detect relevant content, reduce redundancy, and significantly improve cohesion in summaries, especially when the input document exhibits high redundancy. Furthermore, we show that this balance can be controlled through specific, interpretable hyper-parameters. In a similar reinforcement learning scenario, we find that informativeness and cohesion can influence each other positively. Finally, when modeling trade-off during summary extraction, our models are able to better enforce cohesive ties between semantically similar text spans in neighboring sentences. Our approach produces summaries that are perceived by humans as more cohesive and as informative as summaries only built for informativeness. Catering to the need to process extremely long and redundant input, we design this system to be capable of consuming sequences of text of arbitrary length and test it on scenarios with single, long documents, and multi-documents

    Comparison of continuous and discontinuous collisional bumpers: Dimensionally scaled impact experiments into single wire meshes

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    An experimental inquiry into the utility of discontinuous bumpers was conducted to investigate the collisional outcomes of impacts into single grid-like targets and to compare the results with more traditional bumper designs that employ continuous sheet stock. We performed some 35 experiments using 6.3 and 3.2 mm diameter spherical soda-lime glass projectiles at low velocities (less than 2.5 km/s) and 13 at velocities between 5 and 6 km/s, using 3.2 mm spheres only. The thrust of the experiments related to the characterization of collisional fragments as a function of target thickness or areal shield mass of both bumper designs. The primary product of these experiments was witness plates that record the resulting population of collisional fragments. Substantial interpretive and predictive insights into bumper performance were obtained. All qualitative observations (on the witness plates) and detailed measurements of displaced masses seem simply and consistently related only to bumper mass available for interaction with the impactor. This renders the grid bumper into the superior shield design. These findings present evidence that discontinuous bumpers are a viable concept for collisional shields, possibly superior to continuous geometries

    'Don't Get Too Technical with Me': A Discourse Structure-Based Framework for Science Journalism

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    Science journalism refers to the task of reporting technical findings of a scientific paper as a less technical news article to the general public audience. We aim to design an automated system to support this real-world task (i.e., automatic science journalism) by 1) introducing a newly-constructed and real-world dataset (SciTechNews), with tuples of a publicly-available scientific paper, its corresponding news article, and an expert-written short summary snippet; 2) proposing a novel technical framework that integrates a paper's discourse structure with its metadata to guide generation; and, 3) demonstrating with extensive automatic and human experiments that our framework outperforms other baseline methods (e.g. Alpaca and ChatGPT) in elaborating a content plan meaningful for the target audience, simplifying the information selected, and producing a coherent final report in a layman's style.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 202


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    The article studies the so-called actions with the right of veto, a special type of actions that are not very widespread, but which can be very useful. Its history, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed from the revision of the Peruvian legislation on the matter.</p

    Algunas consideraciones con respecto a las acciones con derecho a veto

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    The article studies the so-called actions with the right of veto, a special type of actions that are not very widespread, but which can be very useful. Its history, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed from the revision of the Peruvian legislation on the matter.El artículo trata sobre las denominadas acciones con derecho a veto, un tipo especial de acciones poco difundidas, pero que pueden ser de gran utilidad. Se estudiará su historia, ventajas y desventajas a partir de la revisión de la legislación peruana sobre la materi

    Relación de la auditoria Interna y Gestión Administrativa de las empresas comerciales de la ciudad de Jaén

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    El principal objetivo de este artículo es medir la relación que existe entre auditoría interna y gestión administrativa de las empresas de la ciudad de Jaén; La gestión en las empresas, está evolucionando debido a factores internos y externos, y en este sentido, las empresas tienden a competir en un entorno empresarial en evolución y el logro de sus metas y objetivos relacionados externamente con el cumplimiento de la ley. Las conclusiones: El coeficiente de correlación Rho Spearman 0,996 positivo muy fuerte, al igual que el valor igual a 0,000 (p-valor < 0.05), con el objetivo principal de medir la relación entre el control interno y la gestión de una empresa en la ciudad de Jaén, Este resultado nos permite aceptar la hipótesis alternativa de que existe una relación significativa entre la auditoría interna y la gestión empresarial de la ciudad de Yen, y rechazar la hipótesis nula. Los resultados muestran que la evaluación interna es importante para los encuestados. El elemento principal de la auditoría interna también fortalece la gestión de las empresas en la ciudad de Jaén.TARAPOTOEscuela Profesional de ContabilidadAuditori

    Impact experiments into multiple-mesh targets: Concept development of a lightweight collisional bumper

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    The utility of multiple-mesh targets as potential lightweight shields to protect spacecraft in low-Earth orbit against collisional damage is explored. Earlier studies revealed that single meshes comminute hypervelocity impactors with efficiencies comparable to contiguous targets. Multiple interaction of projectile fragments with any number of meshes should lead to increased comminution, deceleration, and dispersion of the projectile, such that all debris exiting the mesh stack possesses low specific energies (ergs/sq cm) that would readily be tolerated by many flight systems. The study is conceptually exploring the sensitivity of major variables such as impact velocity, the specific areal mass (g/sq cm) of the total mesh stack (SM), and the separation distance (S) between individual meshes. Most experiments employed five or ten meshes with total SM typically less than 0.5 the specific mass of the impactor, and silicate glass impactors rather than metal projectiles. While projectile comminution increases with increasing impact velocity due to progressively higher shock stresses, encounters with multiple-meshes at low velocity (1-2 km/s) already lead to significant disruption of the glass impactors, with the resulting fragments being additionally decelerated and dispersed by subsequent meshes, and, unlike most contiguous single-plate bumpers, leading to respectable performance at low velocity. Total specific bumper mass must be the subject of careful trade-off studies; relatively massive bumpers will generate too much debris being dislodged from the bumper itself, while exceptionally lightweight designs will not cause sufficient comminution, deceleration, or dispersion of the impactor. Separation distance was found to be a crucial design parameter, as it controls the dispersion of the fragment cloud. Substantial mass savings could result if maximum separation distances were employed. The total mass of debris dislodged by multiple-mesh stacks is modestly smaller than that of single, contiguous-membrane shields. The cumulative surface area of all penetration holes in multiple mesh stacks is an order of magnitude smaller than that in analog multiple-foil shields, suggesting good long-term performance of the mesh designs. Due to different experimental conditions, direct and quantitative comparison with other lightweight shields is not possible at present

    CUNI-Malta system at SIGMORPHON 2019 shared task on morphological analysis and lemmatization in context : operation-based word formation

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    This paper presents the submission by the Charles University-University of Malta team to the SIGMORPHON 2019 Shared Task on Morphological Analysis and Lemmatization in context. We present a lemmatization model based on previous work on neural transducers (Makarov and Clematide, 2018b; Aharoni and Goldberg, 2016). The key difference is that our model transforms the whole word form in every step, instead of consuming it character by character. We propose a merging strategy inspired by Byte-Pair-Encoding that reduces the space of valid operations by merging frequent adjacent operations. The resulting operations not only encode the actions to be performed but the relative position in the word token and how characters need to be transformed. Our morphological tagger is a vanilla biLSTM tagger that operates over operation representations, encoding operations and words in a hierarchical manner. Even though relative performance according to metrics is below the baseline, experiments show that our models capture important associations between interpretable operation labels and fine-grained morpho-syntax labelspeer-reviewe