308 research outputs found

    Changes in dominant Escherichia coli and antimicrobial resistance after 24 hr in fecal matter.

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    Intestinal bacteria carry antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes in mobile genetic elements which have the potential to spread to bacteria in other animal hosts including humans. In fecal matter, Escherichia coli can continue to multiply for 48 hr after being excreted, and in certain environments, E. coli survive long periods of time. It is unclear the extent to which AMR in E. coli changes in the environment outside of its host. In this study, we analyzed changes in the population structure, plasmid content, and AMR patterns of 30 E. coli isolates isolated from 6 chickens (cloacal swabs), and 30 E. coli isolates from fecal samples (from the same 6 chickens) after 24 hr of incubation. Clonality of isolates was screened using the fumC gene sequence and confirmed in a subset of isolates (n = 14) by multi-locus sequence typing. Major shifts in the population structure (i.e., sequence types) and antibiotic resistance patterns were observed among the numerically dominant E. coli isolates after 24 hr. Four E. coli clones isolated from the cloaca swabs and the corresponding fecal samples (after 24 hr incubation) showed different antibiotic resistance patterns. Our study reveals that fecal matter in the environment is an intermediate habitat where rapid and striking changes occur in E. coli populations and antibiotic resistance patterns

    Análisis de la identidad cultural de la nacionalidad Secoya para fortalecer sus raíces ancestrales, creación de marca y aplicación en textiles.

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo fortalecer el origen de la nacionalidad Siekoya pai, mediante el conocimiento de sus raíces ancestrales se conceptualizó y creó una marca a partir de la cosmovisión cultural de la nacionalidad en la provincia de Sucumbíos, para luego realizar elementos gráficos obtenidos de los rasgos más importantes abstraídos de la cultura que los rodea para su posterior aplicación en textiles. La metodología aplicada en la investigación tuvo como finalidad obtener la información más relevante como características y particularidades de la nacionalidad Siekoya pai, que permitió generar un concepto general de sus tradiciones, costumbres y cultura que ayude en el proceso gráfico y la persuasión social, además, fue posible fundamentar información importante para la realización de piezas gráficas. Por medio del trabajo de campo, la observación, registro en fichas y entrevistas se apreciaron diferentes singularidades en cada artesanía y rostro pintado que los nativos elaboran para sus rituales, así como en su forma de vida. Se pudo clasificar elementos conceptuales que se usaron en la abstracción gráfica, así como los colores y la vinculación que tienen con la naturaleza desde el dios luna (Ñañë), flora y fauna. Se tomaron en cuenta los elementos gráficos más representativos para aplicarlos en prendas textiles y para la creación de la marca inspirada en el conocimiento cultural de la nacionalidad Siekoya pai. Se concluye que la marca ayudara al desarrollo de la nacionalidad Siekoya pai. Se recomienda utilizar tanto los elementos gráficos compositivos como la marca en cualquier ilustración turística.The objective of this research was to strengthen the origin of the Siekoya pai nationality, through the knowledge of its conceptual roots and to créate a brand based on the cultural worldview of nationality in the province of Sucumbíos, and the to produce graphic elements more important obtained the abstracted feactures of the culture that surrounds them for their subsequent implementation in textiles. The methodology applied in the research had the purpose of obtaining the most relevant information as characteristic and particularities of the Siekoya pai nationality, which allowed to generate a general concept of their traditions, customs and culture that aid the processes of graphic pieces. Throungh fieldwork, observation, registration sheet and interviews, different singularities were obseved in each handicraft and painted faces elaborated for their rituals as well as in their way of life. It was posible to classify the conceptual elements that were nature from the moon god (Ñañë), flora and fauna. The most representative graphic elemnts were taken into account to apply then in textile clothing and the process for the creation of the brand inspired by the cultural knowledge of the Siekoya pai nationality. It is concluded that the brand helps the development of the Siekoya pai nationality. It is recommended to use both elements graphics composite as mark in any touristic illustration

    Primary Care Use among HIV Positive Inpatients at an Inner City Public Hospital: The Impact of Crack Cocaine Use

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    We studied factors associated with HIV care utilization in symptomatic HIV-positive crack-using and non-using patients at a public hospital in Miami, Florida. A bedside survey conducted with 89 HIV-positive crack-users and 93 HIV-positive non-users examined health care knowledge, perceived health status, drug use, and HIV care patterns. A multi-nominal model was utilized to calculate the adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of three levels of care: currently receiving care (having seen an HIV provider in the past 4 months), having dropped out of care (having seen an HIV provider at least once but not in the past 4 months), and never having seen an HIV provider. Crack use and homelessness were associated with having dropped out of care. Better knowledge of HIV, living with HIV for a longer time, and being employed were associated with currently being in care. Attention to socioeconomic factors and substance abuse rehabilitation is needed to improve treatment outcomes

    Sexual Risk, Substance Use and Undiagnosed Seropositivity among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women in Miami, Florida

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    This paper utilizes the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance data in Miami for the men who have sex with men cycle (NHBS-MSM2) in 2008. We analyzed sexual risk, substance use and undiagnosed seropositivity in a diverse sample of men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) and compared them with MSM. Of 152 MSMW, 15.1% tested HIV positive with 73.9% previously undiagnosed. Almost half (44.1%) of the MSMW reported unprotected sex with male and female partners in the past year. More MSMW than MSM had undiagnosed HIV infection, exchanged sex for money or drugs, used crack and cocaine, been high during sex, and had not received HIV treatment if HIV positive. Undiagnosed HIV infection among MSMW was associated with Black race, older age, non-alcohol use and Ecstasy use. Our findings indicate that MSMW represent a unique population at risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV in Miami

    Staphylococcus aureus outbreak in the intensive care unit of the largest public hospital in Quito, Ecuador

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a frequent cause of nosocomial pneumonia and bacteremia worldwide. Classical and molecular epidemiology approaches were used to study a S. aureus outbreak in the intensive care unit (ICU) of one of the largest public hospitals in Quito. Staphylococcus aureus isolates from 17 patients and 19 potential carriers from the staff were collected from March 2007 to February 2008 and analyzed by pulsed-fi eld gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to determine their clonal relationships. During this period the hospital reported 16 cases of hospital-acquired staphylococcal pneumonia and an apparent outbreak occurred from June to September 2007. DNA from these isolates formed six different PFGE patterns: four clonal groups, and two groups of clonally related isolates. Molecular typing failed to identify any staphylococcal reservoir among staff members. The current study suggested that a staphylococcal outbreak that occurred in the summer of 2007 was caused by different bacterial clones, although some clones were shared by two patients. Historical analysis of the staphylococcal infections in the ICU showed a higher incidence during the summer months, which coincided with the programmed personnel shift. This observation suggests that outbreaks might be produced by the introduction of improperly trained personnel. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(2):81-86]Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus; staphylococal pneumonia; nosocomial outbreaks; MRS

    Cultura financiera y morosidad en los responsables financieros del Colegio Generalísimo José de San Martin, Tingo María 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar en qué medida la cultura financiera influye sobre la morosidad, en los responsables financieros del Colegio Generalísimo José de San Martín, Tingo María 2021; para ello se valió de una metodología de investigación de tipo explicativo, de diseño no experimental y de corte transversal, por lo que el enfoque es de tipo cuantitativo. En cuanto a la población, esta estuvo conformada por 125 responsables financieros del Colegio Generalísimo José de San Martín de Tingo María, por lo que la muestra no probabilística se determinó en 51 personas elegidos por conveniencia. Los resultados exponen un valor de R cuadrado de 16.27 %, lo cual indica que la influencia entre las variables es baja; además se determinó que la formula resultante correspondiente al modelo de regresión es de Y = 16.550 + 0.238 X, lo que se traduce en que mientras mejor sea la educación financiera, la conciencia financiera y los valores financieros la morosidad disminuirá

    Incentivos tributarios en el marco del COVID-19 y su incidencia en la liquidez de la empresa More & More E. I. R. L., año 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Incentivos Tributarios en el marco del Covid-19 y su Incidencia en la Liquidez de la Empresa More & More E.I.R.L año 2020”, se tubo por problema general ¿Existe incidencia de los incentivos tributarios otorgados en el marco del COVID-19 en la liquidez de la empresa More & More EIRL año 2020?,cuyo objetivo es Determinar la incidencia de los incentivos tributarios otorgados en el marco del COVID-19 en la liquidez de la empresa More & More EIRL año 2020. Esta investigación se realizó bajo lineamientos de un enfoque cualitativo, diseño no experimental, corte transversal y alcance descriptivo, para ello, se utilizó como técnica el análisis documental concernientes al tema tributario. Asimismo, se utilizó como instrumento la guía de análisis documental. nuestra población es La Empresa More & More año 2020, la muestra conformada por documentación de tributario se aplicó como tipo de muestra el no probabilístico categorizado por conveniencia. De la información reunida durante el periodo 2020 de Covid-19 se llegó a la conclusión de que los incentivos tributarios otorgados por el gobierno en el marco del Covid-19, incidieron de manera favorable en la Liquidez el cual se reflejó en los Estados Financieros, reafirmando con ello solidez, viabilidad, crecimiento y continuidad de la empresa

    Trends in the HIV Epidemic among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Miami-Dade County, Florida, 2004-2014

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    Miami, Florida has a large population of Hispanic and black men who have sex with men (MSM), a population more likely to become HIV infected than white MSM. We present here HIV behavioral trends in this population that reflect the effects of public health prevention in Miami over a 10-year period. Using National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) data of MSM in Miami-Dade County, Florida, in 2004-05, 2008, 2011 and 2014, chi-square trend analyses were used to assess the epidemiologic trends related to HIV infection rates, HIV testing rates, undiagnosed HIV infection, use antiretroviral therapy (ART) and access to HIV care. Of 258, 527, 511, and 536 MSM, HIV rates have remained steady between 22.5% (95% CI 17.4-27.6) in 2004-05 to a high of 25.9% (95% CI 22.2-29.6) in MSM4 in 2014, with no significant trend. There was an increase in HIV testing in the past six months between 2004 (48.4%;95% CI 41.8-55.0) and 2014 (55.8;95% CI 51.3-60.3), p \u3c .001; and a decrease in unrecognized HIV infection from 48.3% (95% CI 35.4- 61.2) in 2004 to 31.4% (95% CI 23.7-39.1) in 2014, p = .004, over the same period. Being currently on ART and knowledge of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) also increased significantly during this 10-year period. HIV surveillance is providing valuable information, notably, as HIV testing rates have gone up unrecognized infections have decreased. Continued use of the NHBS system should provide insights into the epidemic and assist in reaching public health goals for the control of HIV infections

    Diseño de un sistema de automatización del sistema de secado de residuos orgánicos para la obtención de insumo base de alimento para animales

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    En la ciudad de Lima, se estima que cerca del 98% de los residuos sólidos generados son aprovechables, puesto que estos son principalmente residuos orgánicos. Ante ello, nació Sinba, una empresa dedicada a la gestión de residuos sólidos municipales [RSM] y no municipales. Esta organización, presenta una línea de manejo de residuos sólidos compuestos principalmente por sobrantes de comida humana. Por ello, el presente trabajo presenta el análisis para el modelamiento de la función de transferencia y el controlador PID para el control automatizado de la etapa de secado de residuos orgánicos para la obtención del insumo básico para producir alimentos para animales. Para la obtención del modelo de la función de transferencia se usa como base datos de temperatura a la entrada y salida medidos en un secador rotatorio adiabático de diámetro dos metros y largo nueve metros sin inclinación que gira a velocidad constante. La función de transferencia y controlador en cuestión, se determinaron usando la herramienta System Identification Toolbox de Matlab.In the city of Lima, it is estimated that around 98% of the solid waste generated is usable, since this is mainly organic waste. Given this, Sinba was born, a company dedicated to the management of municipal solid waste [MSW] and non-municipal waste. This organization presents a line of solid waste management composed mainly of leftover human food. Therefore, this work presents the analysis for the modeling of the transfer function and the PID controller for the automated control of the drying stage of organic waste to obtain the basic input to produce animal feed. To obtain the transfer function model, temperature data at the inlet and outlet measured in an adiabatic rotary dryer with a diameter of two meters and a length of nine meters without inclination that rotates at a constant speed are used as a basis. The transfer function and controller in question were determined using Matlab's System Identification Toolbox.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Diseño de un sistema distribuido de antenas para la optimización de cobertura en la estación central del metropolitano

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    La presente tesis consiste en el diseño de un sistema MIMO mediante la tecnología DAS (Distributed Antenna System), orientada a una red RF Indoor en la estación central del metropolitano, mejorando la cobertura de señal de los sistemas 2G, 3G y 4G. La tesis se ha organizado de la siguiente forma: En el primer capítulo se presenta el planteamiento del estudio de investigación, identificando las problemáticas existentes, trazando objetivos a lograr al final de la tesis. Parte importante de este capítulo es la justificación del estudio y su importancia que posee, así también identificar las variables, para finalmente tener un claro concepto de la problemática. En el segundo capítulo se presenta el marco teórico. Primero se describe los antecedentes del estudio de investigación relacionadas a las estaciones macro y sistemas Indoor que se ven involucrados en la estación central del metropolitano, así también la descripción de las bases teóricas vinculadas al problema, se elaboró un glosario de los términos que a la comprensión de la tesis. En el tercer capítulo se muestra el diseño metodológico, teniendo claro el tipo de investigación que será realizado, así mismo la operacionalización de las variables, que son segmentadas para poder ser medidas y/o controladas, por último la técnica de investigación a realizar. En el cuarto capítulo se muestra el cronograma de trabajo, aspectos económicos como presupuestos y financiamientos en base a los recursos a utilizar en el estudio. En el quinto capítulo se muestran las mediciones actuales de los parámetros de cobertura móvil en la estación central del Metropolitano. El sexto capítulo presenta las conclusiones y observaciones de la presente tesis. This thesis is about the design of a system MIMO using technology DAS (Distributed Antenna System), oriented to an RF Indoor network in the metropolitan central station, improving signal coverage of 2G, 3G and 4G systems. The thesis is organized as follows: In the first chapter, the approach of the research study was made identifying existing problems, tracing objectives to be achieved at the end of the thesis. An important part of this chapter is the justification of the study and its importance that it has, this we help us to identify variables to finally have a clear understanding of the problem. The second chapter presents the theoretical framework. First the background of the research study related to macro-stations and Indoor systems that are involved in the metropolitan central station and also the description of the theoretical basis related to the problem, a glossary of terms was made that support us to the understanding of the thesis. In the third chapter the methodological design is shown, knowing clearly the type of research to be done, likewise the operationalization of the variables, which are separated with the objective of be measured or controlled. Lastly, investigative technique to perform is shown. In the fourth chapter, we show the work schedule, budget and economic issues such as financing based on the resources used in the study sample. In the fifth chapter we show the current measurements of the parameters of mobile coverage in the metropolitan central station. The sixth chapter presents the conclusions and observations of this thesis.Tesi