9 research outputs found

    Sexual Satisfaction and Mental Health in Prison Inmates

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    The main goal of this study was to investigate the association between sexual satisfaction and mental health, and the combined effect of two previously found, statistically significant moderators: partner status and sexual abstinence. In-person interviews were conducted with 223 participants (49.327% males and 50.673% females). The effect of sexual satisfaction on mental health and the interactions of sexual satisfaction X partner status, sexual satisfaction X sexual abstinence, and sexual satisfaction X partner status X sexual abstinence were examined using simple moderation and moderated moderation tests after controlling for a set of sociodemographic, penitentiary, and interpersonal variables. Results revealed a direct relationship between sexual satisfaction and mental health only for the sexually abstinent group. Partner status was not significant as a moderator. It seems that the lack of sexual relationships is more powerful as a moderator than the lack of a romantic relationship. Additionally, the sexually abstinent group showed lower levels of sexual satisfaction in those with a partner outside or inside prison, and lower mental health independently of the current romantic status, than sexually active inmates. These findings point to the importance of sexual satisfaction to mental health in sexual situations of extreme disadvantage

    Association between Sexual Satisfaction and Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents and Young Adults

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    Abstract: The role of sexual satisfaction in adolescents and young adults’ mental health has not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this work is to study di_erences in sexual satisfaction and mental health (anxiety and depression) based on romantic relationship status (having a partner vs. not having one) and gender. Likewise, the association between sexual satisfaction and mental health and the moderating e_ect of romantic relationship status and gender was addressed in this research. A total of 1682 Spanish adolescents (14–17) and young adults (1829) agreed to participate in this cross-sectional investigation. Two-factor ANOVA and MANOVA, and hierarchical regression models were utilized in this study. In general, results showed more mental health for those not in a current relationship and for women. Additionally, higher levels of sexual satisfaction was associated with lower levels of anxiety for adolescents and lower levels of depression for young adults. These associations were stronger for those in a current relationship. This study highlights the importance of sexual satisfaction as a modifying factor against mental health problems, especially in the context of a current romantic relationshipThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business (grant number PSI2013-46830-P) and Regional Ministry of Education of Castile and Leon, in Spain (grant number SA081A11-1

    La evolución de la sexualidad prepuberal y adolescente: diferencias en afectos y conductas entre varones y mujeres

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    Este trabajo aborda y profundiza en el debate sobre la existencia de un posible doble patrón en afectos y conductas sexuales entre varones y mujeres prepúberes y adolescentes. En este sentido, diferentes estudios plantean la existencia de este doble patrón sexual, si bien es verdad que se pone de manifiesto de forma más evidente con respecto a los afectos que con respecto a las conductas. Estudios más recientes incluso plantean que varones y mujeres mantienen el mismo tipo y frecuencia de conductas sexuales, especialmente a medida que tienen más edad. Además, existen diferentes planteamientos sobre el posible origen de este doble patrón sexual. Finalmente, entendemos que las diferencias, cuando existen, se relacionan tanto con factores biológicos como socioculturale

    Teachers' training in sex education: past, present and future

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    Resumen Este trabajo pretende hacer un análisis sobre la formación del profesorado en materia de educación sexual, considerando 3 momentos: pasado, presente y futuro próximo. Para ello, en primer lugar, se revisan las posibilidades de formación universitaria y continua en las últimas décadas, y se ofrecen algunos datos sobre la formación actual del profesorado en activo en el conjunto del Estado. En segundo lugar, en relación con la formación futura, se revisan los planes de estudio de los grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria de las universidades españolas que surgen de la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Los resultados muestran una escasa formación en sexualidad y educación sexual del profesorado en activo, y unas pobres expectativas en cuanto a las posibilidades de formación inicial (solo 3 universidades recogen de manera explícita y concreta esta formación, aunque desde la optatividad). Finalmente, se aportan sugerencias de mejora en el ámbito de la formación universitaria y continuaAbstract This paper aims to analyze the level of sex education training of Spanish teachers in the past, present and near future. Firstly, a review of the possibilities of university and continuous training in recent decades is offered. Secondly, some data on the current level of training of Spanish teachers are provided. Thirdly, a review of the new curricula of the degrees in Preschool and Primary Education resulting from the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area is included. According to results, teachers currently lack sexuality and sex education training, and prospective possibilities of university training are scarce as well (only three Spanish universities offer explicit and speciÞ cally this training, although through optional subjects). Finally, suggestions for improvement both in the Þ eld of university and continuous training are offered

    Bienestar de las mujeres lesbianas en el medio rural: un estudio exploratorio

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    homosexuality; lesbians; quality of life; wellbeing; ruralHomosexuality, especially in rural areas has been relegated to the background, especially related with women. The aim of this study is to investigate rural homosexual women wellbeing and the relationships between different wellbeing variables in this population. Based on a cross-sectional study semi-structured interviews and scales for different variables related to wellbeing were conducted. The results showed a satisfactory general wellbeing perception, although experience of loneliness is high. Furthermore, relationships between some of the variables studied were founded. This study highlights the importance of research about homosexual women, while reflecting the need for future intervention.La homosexualidad, especialmente en el medio rural, ha sido relegada a un segundo plano, especialmente cuando se trata de la mujer. Este estudio tiene por objetivo aproximarse al estado de bienestar de mujeres homosexuales en el medio rural, así como conocer las relaciones entre diferentes aspectos del bienestar en esta población. Basándonos en un diseño transversal, se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas, así como escalas para conocer diferentes variables relacionadas con el bienestar. Los resultados mostraron una percepción general de bienestar vital satisfactoria, contraste con la vivencia de soledad. Asimismo, se observó relación entre algunas de las variables estudiadas. Este trabajo resalta la importancia y necesidad de abordar la investigación de mujeres homosexuales, al mismo tiempo que refleja la necesidad de intervención futura

    Transsexuality and aging: an important reality to investigate

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    This paper makes a brief tour of some most important issues fortranssexual people in old age. Firstly, it exposes the current needs and difficulties on transsexualism aging and focuses upon studies of age on transsexuals. Finally, this review propose several proposals to improve wellbeing of older transsexual people

    Estudio de las necesidades socio-emocionales y sexuales de los presos

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    El trabajo que se presenta versa sobre una cuestión de indiscutible relevancia penitenciaria: las necesidades sexuales de los presos. Su originalidad radica en abordar esta cuestión desde un planteamiento empírico, a través del análisis estadístico de una muestra de internos e internas del centro penitenciario de Topas (Salamanca). El objetivo del estudio es conocer cómo estas personas perciben la satisfacción de sus necesidades amorosas y sexuales. Los resultados y conclusiones a los que los autores llegan son de gran sentido común, a saber, tener relaciones afectivas y sexuales produce una mayor satisfacción emocional y sexual que no tenerlas. El mérito de este trabajo radica principalmente en su originalidad y propuestas político-criminales sugeridas por los autores

    Interpersonal needs and satisfaction with life among rural lesbians: A Spanish sample study

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    The aim of this study is to investigate interpersonal needs and life satisfaction among lesbians in rural Spain. Forty in-person interviews were conducted to collect both survey and interview data. The quantitative results show that life satisfaction is inversely associated with romantic-emotional loneliness and positively associated with sexual satisfaction. Qualitative data are used to then elucidate these associations. The findings highlight the importance of romantic relationships in the lives of rural lesbians who live in communities that lack organized support for sexual minorities. Increased visibility might help them to better fulfil some of their interpersonal needs.The author(s) would like to thank the Fundación Triángulo Extremadura organization for supporting this research with a scholar grant

    Sexuality in old age: key issues, gender differences and future proposals

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    This work presents a brief overview of some of the most important issues related to sexuality during old age. First, it presents the state of the current situation, in order to later explore some of the elements that have been considered key factors in experiencing sexuality, specifically in this stage of life, while exploring certain needs and difficulties. Similarly, some of the differences between men and women, within this context, are presented. Finally, future proposals aimed at better understanding this topic in old age are presented, with suggestions on how to improve wellbeing and care in regard to sexuality among the aging population