2,584 research outputs found

    Proportion of common wheat kernels in commercial samples of durum wheat by chemical methods

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    Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is used for production of semolina which is the required raw material for the elaboration of good quality pasta products. Common wheat (T. aestivum L,)t generally used in breadmaking, yields milling products (flour or fariña) that are not suitable for that purpose. Shortage and localization of durum wheat production, as well as its higher cost, have compelled the utilization of common wheat for the production of macaroni. When different blends of hérd or soft wheat (fariña or flour) with durum wheat are used, the quality of macaroni is reduced. Por this reason, the estimation of common wheat in pasta products is an important problem from the point of view of quality and market control, Chemical methods for detection and estimation of common wheat in pasta products have been developed in this laboratory during the past six years. The related problem of estimating the proportion of common wheat kernels in commercial samples of durum wheat has been traditionally solved either by niorphológica1 examination or by cytogenetical methods. The former are too unreliable and the latter too cumbersome, In this paper, we have reviewed the above mentioned chemical methods and investigated their application to the analysis of single kernels and the estimation of the proportion of common wheat kernels in commercial samples of durum wheat in order to avoid the cytogenetical methods or to confirm the morphological examination

    Endosperm sterol phenotype and germination in wheat

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    Free and conjugated sterols of endosperm, coats, scutellum, coleoptile and roots have been analysed at different germination stages in two wheat cultivars with different endosperm sterol phenotypes. It seems that sterol metabolism of the developing tissues, namely coleoptile and roots, is not affected by the sterol conjugation profile of the endosperm. Enough sterol is present in the mature embryo to supply the germinating axis during the observation period (144 hr at 16°). The data suggest that sterol is transferred from scutellum to coleoptile and roots during germinatio

    Towards a characterization of convergent sequences of PnP_n-line graphs

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    Let HH and GG be graphs such that HH has at least 3 vertices and is connected. The HH-line graph of GG, denoted by HL(G)HL(G), is that graph whose vertices are the edges of GG and where two vertices of HL(G)HL(G) are adjacent if they are adjacent in GG and lie in a common copy of HH. For each nonnegative integer kk, let HLk(G)HL^{k}(G) denote the kk-th iteration of the HH-line graph of GG. We say that the sequence {HLk(G)}\{ HL^k(G) \} converges if there exists a positive integer NN such that HLk(G)HLk+1(G)HL^k(G) \cong HL^{k+1}(G), and for n3n \geq 3 we set Λn\Lambda_n as the set of all graphs GG whose sequence {HLk(G)}\{HL^k(G) \} converges when HPnH\cong P_n. The sets Λ3,Λ4\Lambda_3, \Lambda_4 and Λ5\Lambda_5 have been characterized. To progress towards the characterization of Λn\Lambda_n in general, this paper defines and studies the following property: a graph GG is minimally nn-convergent if GΛnG\in \Lambda_n but no proper subgraph of GG is in Λn\Lambda_n. In addition, prove conditions that imply divergence, and use these results to develop some of the properties of minimally nn-convergent graphs.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Communication in Persons with Acquired Speech Impairment : The Role of Family as Language Brokers

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICMore than 170 million people in the world have some kind of speech impairment. The lack of professional interpreters in this domain causes their families to need to learn new communicative strategies to interact with them and assist them as interpreters. The aim of this paper is to analyze the role of these non-professional interpreters for adults with a speech impairment caused by an acquired brain injury. Data come from 13 qualitative interviews and participant observations of 7 persons with acquired brain injury and their families during 18 months. The paper shows the communicative and multimodal strategies these ad-hoc interpreters use to understand the person with impaired speech and the strategies such persons use to make themselves understandable. It also shows how meaning is negotiated and jointly constructed, the power dynamics that emerge from interpreting practices and the impact this has on the speech-impaired persons' agency

    Las pasiones políticas en la literatura medieval castellana (I)

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    En su investigación general acerca de la naturaleza del hombre, Tomás de Aquino se acercó al terreno de las pasiones, legándonos un estudio extraordinario que lleva por título Tratado de las pasiones. El objetivo del artículo es, a partir de la concepción tomista, comprobar cómo dichas pasiones son trasladadas al contexto político y social y cómo la literatura se convierte en vehículo fundamental de esta representación.In his general research on human nature, Thomas Aquinas approached the field of passions, giving us an extraordinary study whose title is On the passions. The objetive of this article is, from the thomist conception, to prove how these passions are moved to the political and social context and how literature becomes a fundamental vehicle to this representation

    Representación social de la inmigración en el discurso del Partido Popular

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    This article explores the social representation of immigration that emanates from Partido Popular’s political discourse. Partido Popular (PP) is a political party which was at the head of the state in Spain from 1996 to 2004. From Critical Discourse Analysis perspective, we will carry out a semantic analysis of the main themes and macropropositions that compose the macrostructure of the selected corpus. This corpus is formed by twenty-four parliamentary debates and thirty-two interviews done to different members of Partido Popular about immigration. From this analysis, we will show how underlying ideologies operate, how they appear discursively and they determine the speaker’s linguistic production. In the same way, we will make explicit the forms by which Partido Popular’s discourse constructs and reconstructs prejudices against migrants.Este artículo explora la representación social de la inmigración que se desprende del discurso político del Partido Popular. El Partido Popular (PP) es un partido político que estuvo a la cabeza del gobierno en España entre los años 1996 y 2004. Desde la perspectiva del Análisis Crítico del Discurso, se lleva a cabo un análisis semántico de la temática y las macroproposiciones que componen la macroestructura del corpus seleccionado. Este corpus está compuesto por veinticuatro debates parlamentarios y treinta y dos entrevistas realizadas a distintos miembros del Partido Popular sobre inmigración. Este análisis desvelará cómo operan las ideologías subyacentes y cómo estas se manifiestan discursivamente, determinando la producción lingüística de los hablantes. Igualmente, se harán explícitas aquellas formas de proyección, construcción y reconstrucción de prejuicios sobre las personas migradas, que se desprenden del discurso del Partido Popular sobre inmigración

    ¿Dónde está el punto de referencia?

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    La lengua posee u n amplio conjunto de unidades y mecanismos para la expresión del espacio y del tiempo. Toda situación (S) espacial y temporal se localiza a partir de u n punto de referencia (R), el cual puede estar inherente en el significado de ciertas unidades y, por otra parte, puede ser instaurado en el contexto comunicativo. En todos los casos desempeña un papel importante la perspectiva del hablante y sus relaciones con los otros componentes de la comunicación. Entre los diversos tipos de relaciones que contraen R y S se encuentran la orientación dimensional (horizontal o vertical) y la orientación de dinamismo (estática o dinámica). Examinando estas relaciones se observa que la coordenada espacial tiene capacidad para generar perspectivas análogas a ella en la coordenada temporal y en otros campos nocionales.Language has a wide variety of units and mechanisms for space and time expressions. Every situation (S) is identified fro m a point of reference (R), which can be inherent in the meaning of some units or be established in the communicative context. In all cases, an important role is played by the speaker's perspective and his relationship wit h the other communication elements. Even though many types of relation exist between R and S, this paper centres its analysis on dimension (horizontal or vertical orientation) and dynamism (static or dynamic orientation). Whe n examining these relations, one can observe that spatial field is able to generate analogous perspectives in time and in other notions.La langue possède u n vaste ensemble d'unités et de mécanismes pour l'expression de l'espace et du temps. Toute situation (S) spatiale o u temporelle est localisée a partir d'un point de référence (R), qui peut être inhérent dans le signifié de certaines unités et, d'autre part, peut être établi dans le contexte communicatif. Dans tous les cas, u n rôle important est joué par la perspective du locuteur et ses relations avec les autres éléments de la communication. Parmi les diverses sortes de relation que R et S acquièrent, o n trouve l'orientation de dimension (horizontale ou verticale) et l'orientation de dynamisme (statique ou dynamique). Lorsqu'on examine ces relations, o n observe que le champ spatial est capacité pour engendrer des perspectives analogues dans le champ temporel et dans d'autres champs notionnels

    Destrezas sociolingüísticas y pragmáticas en las gramáticas y en los diccionarios

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    Repercusiones de la sociolingüística andaluza en la didáctica de la lengua

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    Este trabajo hace una revisión crítica sobre la situación actual de los estudios sociolingüísticos andaluces, en su dimensión aplicada a la didáctica de la lengua española en Andalucía. El autor considera la problemática que plantea una educación lingüística que atienda al entorno comunicativo de los hablantes y, a la vez, se oriente hacia unos modelos normativos de referencia. Teniendo en cuenta las valoraciones sociolingüísticas de los rasgos de la modalidad andaluza, en este artículo se analizan algunas de las propuestas didácticas que se han hecho hasta el momento.This work makes a critical review about the current situation of Andalusian sociolinguistic studies, in its applied repercussion on teaching Spanish in Andalusia. The author considers the problems raised by the linguistic education that deals with the communicative environment of speakers and, at the same time, is directed towards some normative models of reference. Regarding how the features of the Andalusian way of speaking are valued in sociolinguistic studies, some of present-day didactic proposals are analyzed in this article.Ce travail fait une revisión critique de la situation actuelle des études sociolinguistiques andalouses et de leurs répercussions sur l'enseignement de la langue espagnole en Andalousie. L'auteur aborde les problémes poses par une education linguistique qui part de l'environnement communicatif des eleves et, en méme temps, s'adresse vers des modeles normatifs de référence. Compte tenu des valorations sociolinguistiques des traits qui caractérisent le parler andalou, cet article analyse certains modeles didactiques utilisés jusqu'á présent