148 research outputs found

    Vacuum Mechanisms

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    Bakalářská práce se ve svém úvodu zabývá teoretickým přehledem k problematice vakuových mechanismů, zejména aplikacím s využitím přísavek. Poté následuje praktický příklad, který se týká aplikace kolaborativního robota ve výrobě v automobilovém průmyslu. Konkrétně se jedná o mechanismus pro manipulaci se svazkem hliníkových trubek. V průběhu práce je nabízen rozbor řešeného problému, pohled a stručné představení možných variant řešení. Vzhledem k povaze a zadání své práce, jsem se rozhodl pro realizaci řešení s využitím vakuových přísavek. V průběhu řešení jsou uplatněny metody výpočetní, praktické – formou laboratorního pokusu a také jsou aplikovány dostupé konfigurátory vakuové techniky.The beggining of this thesis deals with a theoretical summary of vacuum mechanisms, focused on applications with vacuum pads. Afterwards a practical example is described. It is related to application of colaborative robot designed for use in production in Automotive Industry. Specifically, it is used for a manipulation with flat tubes made of aluminium. A couple of ideas for solving this issue is mentioned and very briefly described. Due to the topic of my thesis, I decided to go on with an application of vacuum pads. In my solution, there are used some of the computational methods, a practical experiment and application of available vacuum components selectors.338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívýborn

    Hydraulic Press with Proportional Control

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem pohonu hydraulického lisu s využitím proporcionální techniky. V úvodu je práce zaměřena na popis a funkci hydraulického lisu. Dále jsou nastíněny možné varianty pohonu a jeho moderní pojetí. V práci jsou poté zohledněny bezpečnostní požadavky na hydraulický lis, které udává norma. Cílem praktické části je navržení hydraulického pohonu pro zadané parametry a konstrukci čtyř-sloupového lisu. Hydraulický lis bude využíván ke stříhání tyčí klínovitého průřezu. Návrh pohonu dále vychází ze stříhacích operací a síly potřebné k přestřižení materiálu. Praktická část je zpracována formou projektu a obsahuje výrobní dokumentaci hydraulického válce, funkční schéma hydraulického obvodu, výpočet tepelné bilance, specifikaci prvků, motorovou listinu, návod pro navazující profesi elektrotechnika a návod k obsluze a údržbě zařízení.The diploma thesis deals with the design of hydraulic press drive with proportional technology. In the introduction, the work focuses on description and function of the hydraulic presses. Furthermore, possible variants of the drive and its modern concept are outlined. The work takes into account the safety requirements for the hydraulic presses, which are determined by the legislation. The aim of the practical part is to design a drive unit for specified parameters and construction of a four-column hydraulic press. The hydraulic press will be used to cut wedge bars. The design of the drive is therefore based on the cutting operations and the required force. The practical part of the work is processed in the form of a project and contains production documentation of the hydraulic cylinder, functional diagram of the hydraulic circuit, heat balance calculation, element specifications, engine list, instruction for the related profession of electrical engineer and instructions for operation and maintenance of equipment.338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívýborn

    Measurement of Acoustic Parameters of Building Materials by Pseudorandom Sequence

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    Disertační práce se zabývá výzkumem pulzní komprese akustického signálu z hlediska možnosti použití ve stavebnictví. Na základě studia a rozboru těchto metod bylo navrženo a realizováno automatizované měřicí zařízení pro nedestruktivní testování pseudonáhodnou sekvencí maximální délky a následnou automatizovanou signálovou analýzu. V jediném testovacím cyklu jsou získány tři parametry, které charakterizují lineární i nelineární chování vzorku. Nelineární parametr, čas průchodu ultrazvukových vln vzorkem, který je dále v práci porovnáván s konvenčním pulzním měřením ultrazvukových vln, a spektrální analýza, která je porovnávána s metodou impact-echo. Funkčnost a optimalizace metody byla provedena na celkem třech sadách zkušebních vzorků zhotovených z různých stavebních materiálů. Provedené experimenty prokázaly jednoduchou interpretaci použité metody a vysokou citlivost na poruchy ve struktuře vzorků spojené s teplotním namáháním. Výsledky byly korelovány konvenčními nedestruktivními metodami a destruktivními metodami byla měřena změna pevnosti v tlaku a v tahu za ohybu. Součástí práce je i kontinuální měření vlivu vlhkosti maltového vzorku na jeho základní frekvenci. Využití pulzní komprese signálu je ve stavebnictví zcela neobvyklé. Teprve v posledních letech se zvyšuje četnost této problematiky v odborných časopisech. Velký potenciál se skrývá ve zmíněném spojení tří testovacích metod do jediné, ve vysoké testovací rychlosti a opakovatelnosti měření, ale také v teoretické možnosti testovat masivní prvky.The thesis deals with research of pulse compression of the acoustic signal in terms of applications in civil engineering. Based on the study and analysis of these methods, automated measuring equipment for non-destructive testing with pseudorandom sequence of maximum length and automated signal analysis, have been designed and implemented. In a single test cycle are obtained three parameters that characterize the linear and nonlinear behavior of the sample. A nonlinear parameter, Time of Flight of ultrasonic wave in the sample is further in the work compared with the conventional pulse measuring, and spectral analysis is compared with the method impact-echo. Functionality and optimization of the testing method was performed on a total of three sets of test pieces made of various building materials. The experiments proved simple result interpretation, and high sensitivity to structural damage associated with temperature loading. The results were correlated with conventional nondestructive methods and by destructive testing was measured change in compressive strength and flexural strength. This work also includes continual measurement of fundamental frequency influenced by moisture on a mortar sample. Use of pulse compression signal is in the civil engineering quite unusual. Only in recent years this topic is discussed in scientific articles with increasing frequency. Great potential lies in the association of three test methods into a single. Beneficial is high test speed and measurement reproducibility, but also theoretical possibility of testing massive test elements.

    Hydrodynamic Pump Operated as Turbine

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    CARBOL, P. Práce hydrodynamického čerpadla v turbínovém provozu: bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízení, 2020, 61 s. Vedoucí práce: Drábková, S. Bakalářská práce se zabývá hydrodynamickým čerpadlem při práci v turbínovém provozu. V úvodu je popsáno rozdělení čerpadel na hydrodynamická a hydrostatická. Po tomto rozdělení je práce soustředěna na možnosti využití odstředivého hydrodynamického čerpadla v čerpadlovém a turbínovém provozu. Na základě poskytnutých dat z měření společností Sigma Lutín a.s. byly provedeny výpočty a grafy charakteristik potřebných k posouzení, zda je čerpadlo vhodné provozovat jako turbínu z konstrukčního a ekonomického hlediska. Poskytnutá data jsou přiložena k bakalářské práci.CARBOL, P. Hydrodynamic Pump Operated as Turbine, Bachelor Thesis. Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Hydromechanics and Hydraulics Equipment, 2020, 61 p. Thesis head: Drábková, S. Bachelor thesis deals with hydrodynamic pump operated as turbine (PAT). The introduction describes the division of pumps into hydrodynamic and hydrostatic. This thesis is focused on the possibility of using centrifugal hydrodynamic pump in classic operation and turbine operation. Based on data provided by Sigma Lutín a.s. and its statistical processing was decided whether the pump is suitable to operate as a turbine or not. Structural and economical point of view was also taken in consideration. Provided data are attached to the thesis.338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívýborn

    Application of Industrial Engineering Methods - Predictive Maintenance

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    Diplomová práce pojednává o problematice prediktivní údržby. Úvodní část práce tvoří teoretická rešerše, která se zabývá, jak obecnou problematikou údržby, kdy jsou rozebrány doposud užívané metody a způsoby přístupu k údržbě, tak prediktivní údržbou, která je rozebrána z hlediska svého principu a způsobu aplikace. Současně je zhodnocen dopad a význam prediktivní údržby pro průmysl ve 21. století. Poznatky a znalosti nabyté z teoretické části práce jsou následně aplikovány v praktické části, kde je cílem srovnání třech hlavních koncepcí údržby – klasické (reaktivní), plánované, prediktivní prostřednictvím simulačního software Witness. Koncepce údržby jsou porovnány z hlediska své schopnosti řešit a odstraňovat poruchy, které nastávají na výrobních zařízeních během provozu. Jako vstupní data pro simulaci jsou využita data o chování a poruchovosti existující výrobní linky na výrobu a balení mleté kávy.Master thesis is mainly dealing with topic of predictive maintenance. Firstly, theoretical part is served, where is the focus directed towards maintenance in general. All so far known methods of maintenance are covered. Secondly, the predictive maintenance is described from the point of its principle and practical use. Also, the importance and the influence of predictive maintenance for 21st century is mentioned. All gained knowledge within theoretical part is turned into practical part of thesis, where is the main goal to compare three main concepts of maintenance as classic (reactive), planned and predictive by simulation software Witness. These maintenance concepts are compared based on their ability to solve breakdowns which occur on machines during production run. As input data serves real data gathered from the run of existing production line for grounding and packaging coffee.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Conhecimento de universitárias sobre os riscos e benefícios associados aos contraceptivos orais combinados

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    Modelo do estudo: Estudo observacional transversal descritivo. Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento de universitárias sobre riscos e benefícios associados aos contraceptivos orais combinados (COC). Método: A população do estudo foi composta por uma amostra de conveniência de estudantes de medicina do sexo feminino. Os dados foram coletados no período de outubro a novembro de 2017 por meio de um questionário estruturado, autoaplicável e composto por 34 questões divididas em dados sociodemográficos, antecedentes contraceptivos e conhecimentos sobre riscos e benefícios associados ao uso dos COC. Resultados: Participaram desta pesquisa 86 estudantes. A maioria das participantes estava na faixa etária entre 18 e 25 anos (76,74%), era usuária dos COC (86,05%) e iniciou seu uso por indicação médica (94,59%). Poucas delas conheciam os efeitos benéficos dos COC na redução dos cânceres de endométrio (31,40%), ovário (18,60%) e colorretal (8,14%). Por outro lado, os conhecimentos dos riscos de trombose venosa profunda (97,67%) e acidente vascular encefálico (88,37%) foram satisfatórios. Adicionalmente, mais da metade das universitárias associou o uso dos COC a ganho de peso (56,98%). Conclusão: O desequilíbrio entre os conhecimentos sobre benefícios e riscos dos COC não pode ser subestimado, sendo relevante que os profissionais de saúde identifiquem equívocos relacionados aos benefícios e efeitos colaterais dos COC, a fim de proporcionarem um aconselhamento contraceptivo efetivo.Type of study: Descriptive cross-sectional observational study. Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of university students concerning the risks and benefits associated to combined oral contraceptives (COC). Methods: The study group consisted of a convenience sample of female medical students. Data was collected from October to November 2017 through a structured, self-applying questionnaire consisting of 30 questions divided into sociodemographic data, contraceptive antecedents and knowledge of risks and benefits associated with the use of COC. Results: 86 university students participated in this study. Most of them were aged between 18 and 25 years (76.74%), were COC users (86.05%) and started using it by medical indication (94.59%). Few of them knew the beneficial effects of COCs in the reduction of endometrial (31.40%), ovarian (18.60%) and colorectal (8.14%) cancers. On the other hand, knowledge of the risks of deep vein thrombosis (97.67%) and stroke (88.37%) was satisfactory. Additionally, more than half of the university students associated the use of COC with weight gain (56.98%). Conclusion: The imbalance between knowledge about COC risks and benefits cannot be underestimated, and it is relevant that health professionals identify COC benefits and side effects misconceptions in order to provide an effective contraceptive counselling

    Demanda do serviço de planejamento reprodutivo para esterilização cirúrgicano interior de São Paulo/ Demand of the reproductive planning service for surgical sterilization in the interior of São Paulo

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    Objetivos:Descrever a demanda do Serviço de Planejamento Reprodutivo para Esterilização Cirúrgica do município de São Carlos, SP. (SPREC). Métodos: Descrição observacional transversal sobre dados de prontuário. Resultados: Analisaram-se dados de114usuários do SPREC. Todos viviam em união conjugal estável e limitada condição socioeconômica. Os homens tinham maior escolaridade, maior renda e menor número de filhos. Laqueadura tubária e vasectomia foram solicitadas em proporções semelhantes. Entretanto, o interesse pela primeira correlacionou-se diretamente com baixa renda e maior número de filhos. Além disso, mais de um terço dos parceiros de mulheres em uso de contraceptivo hormonal solicitou vasectomia. Em quase todos os casos, não houve mudança na demanda das pessoas relacionada ao método de esterilização requerido à entrada no serviço. Conclusões: Ainda que o serviço tivesse uma proposta de aconselhamento reprodutivo, a demanda não foi por informações ou orientações para uma tomada de decisão; foi pelo encaminhamento das escolhas sobre a esterilização cirúrgica que a pessoa já havia feito. Havia diferença de condição socioeconômica entre homens e mulheres e influência desta condição na escolha do método cirúrgico para esterilização. Este achado indicou que é preciso adotar práticas pela equidade. As possibilidades para estas práticas foram identificadas no próprio ambiente da demanda do SPREC

    Research activities on radioactive waste management and on the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle performed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

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    The Euratom Research and Training Programme contributes, within its portfolio of activities, to establish and improve the scientific basis of knowledge for the safe management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. This includes research and innovation activities undertaken by the Joint Research Centre (or JRC, the European Commission’s science and knowledge service) in its laboratories. This paper provides an overview and some highlights of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) activities which are dedicated to the safety of spent fuel and high level radioactive waste forms. The fields of experimental and modelling research address various stages of spent fuel management after discharge from the reactor core: cooling in the spent fuel pool; handling, transport, extended interim storage and retrieval thereafter; disposal in a deep geological repository and long term behaviour of the spent fuel/waste form after disposal. The safety of the “back-end” of nuclear fuel cycles which include U-Pu recycling and/or a “fully closed” cycle with minor actinides separation and transmutation is also a major area of research. Both normal operation and accident scenarios, which cause fuel degradation/melting, are investigated. Possible applications for legacy waste management, decommissioning, and safeguards are considered. The relevance of the research is linked to the possibility of investigating “real” spent fuel and highly radioactive compounds using JRC’s research infrastructure, which includes hot cells and shielded facilities, and state of the art experimental methods that are (in some cases) rare or even unique. The activities are performed in collaboration with partners and/or in the context of international initiatives. Opportunities and perspectives for enhanced cooperation, including access and sharing of infrastructure are being developed

    Apresentação de questionário para levantamento de conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas de médicos e enfermeiros da atenção primária à saúde em relação ao cuidado de mulheres com diabetes mellitus gestacional/ Presentation of a questionnaire to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of doctors and nurses towards primary healthcare for women with gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Objetivo: Apresentar um questionário validado para avaliar conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas de médicos e enfermeiros da atenção primária à saúde sobre cuidado de mulheres com diabetes mellitus gestacional. Métodos: A partir de entrevistas com especialistas e consulta à literatura, elaborou-se um questionário fechado, o qual foi validado por seis médicos e seis enfermeiros com respectiva experiência assistencial; em seguida, esse questionário foi ajustado segundo esta validação e estruturado na forma do instrumento que se apresenta ao final deste artigo.Resultados: As entrevistas com especialistas e a consulta à literatura possibilitou criar um conjunto de 40 questões. Na validação pelos médicos e enfermeiros, identificaram-se problemas relacionados ao enunciado de algumas perguntas, a necessidade de ajustes nas questões relacionadas ao diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus e a necessidade de acréscimo de perguntas sobre aspectos insuficientemente contemplados no documento inicial. Após as correções indicadas pela validação, consolidou-se um instrumento contendo 50 questões sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas de médicos e enfermeiros da atenção primária à saúde sobre o cuidado de gestantes com diabetes mellitus gestacional.Conclusões: Passou-se a dispor de um instrumento validado para avaliação da qualidade técnica assistencial prestada por médicos e enfermeiros da atenção primária à saúde as grávidas com diabetes mellitus gestacional, potencialmente útil a interesses de gestão e pesquisa