152 research outputs found

    Ferrer Guardia en la Revolución Mexicana = Ferrer Guardia in the Mexican Revolution

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    Després de la seva mort davant del escamot d'afusellament el 1909, Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia es va convertir en un símbol internacional de les lluites socials. L'article analitza les formes en que el seu projecte pedagògic i la seva figura màrtir es van difondre a Mèxic de la mà de la premsa i les organitzacions anarquistes i anarcosindicalistes durant la dècada revolucionària de 1910.After his death in 1909 in front of the execution squad, Francisco Ferrer Guardia became an international symbol of social struggles. This essay analizes the way in which his pedagogical project and his martyrdom were spread in Mexico by anarchist and anarchosyndicalist periodicals and organizations during the revolutionary decade of 1910.Tras su muerte frente al pelotón de fusilamiento en 1909, Francisco Ferrer Guardia se convirtió en un símbolo internacional de las luchas sociales. El artículo analiza las formas en que su proyecto pedagógico y su figura mártir se difundieron en México de la mano de la prensa y las organizaciones anarquistas y anarcosindicalistas durante la década revolucionaria de 1910

    La vida y el tiempo de Porfirio Díaz

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    TELLO DÍAZ, Carlos. Porfirio Díaz. Su vida y su tiempo. La Guerra 1830- 1867. México: Conaculta, Debate, 2015. 590 p. [ISBN 978-607-313-327-2] México: Conaculta/Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial S.A. de C.V. [ISBN 978-607-745-083-2]TELLO DÍAZ, Carlos. Porfirio Díaz. Su vida y su tiempo. La Guerra 1830- 1867. México: Conaculta, Debate, 2015. 590 p. [ISBN 978-607-313-327-2] México: Conaculta/Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial S.A. de C.V. [ISBN 978-607-745-083-2

    Verifying the biocontrol activity of novel film‐forming formulations of Candida sake CPA‐1: resilience in relation to environmental factors, rainfall episodes, and control of Botrytis cinerea on different hosts

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    BACKGROUND The efficacy of Candida sake CPA‐1 as a biocontrol agent against several diseases has been studied since it was isolated 20 years ago. However, it was only recently that two suitable and effective film‐forming formulations based on potato starch and maltodextrins were developed using the fluidized‐bed spray‐drying system. The present work aimed to confirm the capability of both novel formulations by testing their resilience on grapes at different temperatures (0, 22, and 30 °C), relative humidities (40% and 85%), and simulated rainfall levels. Another objective was to examine the control of Botrytis cinerea in different hosts. RESULTS The CPA‐1 cells from both dried formulations survived better than the liquid formulation on grapes stored at 0 and 22 °C regardless of the relative humidity. After simulated rainfall, potato starch formulation achieved significantly higher populations than maltodextrin formulation, although the highest reduction was −1.6 log N N0−1. A positive effect of cell establishment prior to the simulated rainfall was shown, and recovered cells from the potato starch formulation were significantly higher after 72 h of cell establishment. Finally, both formulations reduced the incidence and severity of B. cinerea on pears, apples, and tomatoes. CONCLUSION The potential of these novel film‐forming formulations of C. sake CPA‐1 was verified. The resilience of formulated C. sake was better than the commercialized liquid formulation, the adherence of the formulations to the grapes improved after an establishment period prior to rain exposure, and the control of B. cinerea was verified in a wider range of hosts. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    México al servicio de los republicanos españoles

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    Durante la Guerra civil el gobierno mexicano, encabezado por Lázaro Cárdenas, actuó en diversos frentes para apoyar a la República española: la venta de armas, la defensa diplomática y la política de asilo, aspectos todos que se analizan en la reseña

    La escuela moderna en México. Una azarosa aventura revolucionaria

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    Novel film‐forming formulations of the biocontrol agent Candida sake CPA‐1: biocontrol efficacy and performance at field conditions in organic wine grapes

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    BACKGROUND: The biocontrol agent (BCA)Candida sakeCPA-1 has previously effectively reducedBotrytisbunch rot (BBR) andit was also suggested as a promising strategy to control sour rot in grapes under field conditions. However, biocontrol efficacyof solid formulations of CPA-1 has never been tested in field trials. The present study aims to confirm the efficacy against BBRand sour rot in grapes under field conditions of two novel formulations recently developed by the addition of biodegradablecoatings using a fluidized-bed spray-drying system.RESULTS: Novel film-forming formulations of the BCAC. sakeCPA-1 controlledB. cinereaas well as liquid formulation. Sour rotcontrol resulted better in the second season and severity reductions were more satisfactory than incidence control. Visual andcryoSEM observations revealed that film-forming treatments were uniformly distributed on plant surfaces. CPA-1 coating couldbe observed on grapes at harvest time.CONCLUSION: The results of this work suggest that solid formulations would be a competitive alternative to conventionalfungicides because they were easy to package and transport, and cell viability could be maintained for a long period of time.© 2018 Society of Chemical Industryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Novel film-forming formulations of the biocontrol agent Candida sake CPA-1: biocontrol efficacy and performance at field conditions in organic wine grapes

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Carbó, A., Torres, R., Usall, J., Marín, A., Chiralt, A. and Teixidó, N. (2019), Novel film¿forming formulations of the biocontrol agent Candida sake CPA¿1: biocontrol efficacy and performance at field conditions in organic wine grapes. Pest. Manag. Sci., 75: 959-968, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.5200. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] BACKGROUND The biocontrol agent (BCA) Candida sake CPA-1 has previously effectively reduced Botrytis bunch rot (BBR) and it was also suggested as a promising strategy to control sour rot in grapes under field conditions. However, biocontrol efficacy of solid formulations of CPA-1 has never been tested in field trials. The present study aims to confirm the efficacy against BBR and sour rot in grapes under field conditions of two novel formulations recently developed by the addition of biodegradable coatings using a fluidized-bed spray-drying system. RESULTS Novel film-forming formulations of the BCA C. sake CPA-1 controlled B. cinerea as well as liquid formulation. Sour rot control resulted better in the second season and severity reductions were more satisfactory than incidence control. Visual and cryoSEM observations revealed that film-forming treatments were uniformly distributed on plant surfaces. CPA-1 coating could be observed on grapes at harvest time. CONCLUSION The results of this work suggest that solid formulations would be a competitive alternative to conventional fungicides because they were easy to package and transport, and cell viability could be maintained for a long period of time.The authors thank Cristina Solsona, Celia Sanchez, Andrea Berge and Dani Lastrada for their technical assistance. The authors are grateful to INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria) and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) for financial support through national project RTA2012-00067-C02-01. The authors are also grateful to INIA and FSE (Fondo Social Europeo) for the PhD grant awarded to A. Carbo. They are also grateful to the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya.Carbó, A.; Torres, R.; Usall, J.; Marín, A.; Chiralt Boix, MA.; Teixidó, N. (2019). Novel film-forming formulations of the biocontrol agent Candida sake CPA-1: biocontrol efficacy and performance at field conditions in organic wine grapes. Pest Management Science. 75(4):959-968. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.5200S95996875