352 research outputs found

    CaSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle pressures

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    We investigate by first-principles the structural behavior of CaSiO3 perovskite up to lower mantle pressures. We confirm that the cubic perovskite modification is unstable at all pressures. The zero Kelvin structure is stabilized by SiO6 octahedral rotations that lower the symmetry to tetragonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral, or to a cubic supercell. The resulting structures have comparable energies and equation of state parameters. This suggests that relatively small deviatoric/ shear stresses might induce phase transformations between these various structures softening some elastic moduli, primarily the shear modulus. The seismic signature accompanying a local increase in CaSiO3 content should be a positive density anomaly and a negative V-S anomaly

    Application of Wireless Sensor Networks for Indoor Temperature Regulation

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    International audienceWireless sensor networks take a major part in our everyday lives by enhancing systems for home automation, healthcare, temperature control, energy consumption monitoring, and so forth. In this paper we focus on a system used for temperature regulation for residential, educational, industrial, and commercial premises, and so forth. We propose a framework for indoor temperature regulation and optimization using wireless sensor networks based on ZigBee platform. This paper considers architectural design of the system, as well as implementation guidelines. The proposed system favors methods that provide energy savings by reducing the amount of data transmissions through the network. Furthermore, the framework explores techniques for localization, such that the location of the nodes can be used by algorithms that regulate temperature settings

    Quantum hydrogen-bond symmetrization in the superconducting hydrogen sulfide system.

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    The quantum nature of the proton can crucially affect the structural and physical properties of hydrogen compounds. For example, in the high-pressure phases of H2O, quantum proton fluctuations lead to symmetrization of the hydrogen bond and reduce the boundary between asymmetric and symmetric structures in the phase diagram by 30 gigapascals (ref. 3). Here we show that an analogous quantum symmetrization occurs in the recently discovered sulfur hydride superconductor with a superconducting transition temperature Tc of 203 kelvin at 155 gigapascals--the highest Tc reported for any superconductor so far. Superconductivity occurs via the formation of a compound with chemical formula H3S (sulfur trihydride) with sulfur atoms arranged on a body-centred cubic lattice. If the hydrogen atoms are treated as classical particles, then for pressures greater than about 175 gigapascals they are predicted to sit exactly halfway between two sulfur atoms in a structure with Im3m symmetry. At lower pressures, the hydrogen atoms move to an off-centre position, forming a short H-S covalent bond and a longer H···S hydrogen bond in a structure with R3m symmetry. X-ray diffraction experiments confirm the H3S stoichiometry and the sulfur lattice sites, but were unable to discriminate between the two phases. Ab initio density-functional-theory calculations show that quantum nuclear motion lowers the symmetrization pressure by 72 gigapascals for H3S and by 60 gigapascals for D3S. Consequently, we predict that the Im3m phase dominates the pressure range within which the high Tc was measured. The observed pressure dependence of Tc is accurately reproduced in our calculations for the phase, but not for the R3m phase. Therefore, the quantum nature of the proton fundamentally changes the superconducting phase diagram of H3S.We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FIS2013- 48286-C2-2-P), French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (Grant No. ANR-13-IS10-0003- 392 01), EPSRC (UK) (Grant No. EP/J017639/1), Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 11204111, 11404148, and 11274136), and 2012 Changjiang Scholars Program of China. Work at Carnegie was supported by EFree, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the DOE, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences under Award No. DE-SC-0001057. Computer facilities were provided by the PRACE project AESFT and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature1717

    The phase diagram of NiSi under the conditions of small planetary interiors

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    The phase diagram of NiSi has been determined using in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction multi-anvil experiments to 19 GPa, with further preliminary results in the laser-heated diamond cell reported to 60 GPa. The low-pressure MnP-structured phase transforms to two different high-pressure phases depending on the temperature: the Δ-FeSi structure is stable at temperatures above ∌1100 K and a previously reported distorted-CuTi structure (with Pmmn symmetry) is stable at lower temperature. The invariant point is located at 12.8 ± 0.2 GPa and 1100 ± 20 K. At higher pressures, Δ -FeSi-structured NiSi transforms to the CsCl structure with CsCl-NiSi as the liquidus phase above 30 GPa. The Clapeyron slope of this transition is -67 MPa/K. The phase boundary between the Δ -FeSi and Pmmn structured phases is nearly pressure independent implying there will be a second sub-solidus invariant point between CsCl, Δ -FeSi and Pmmn structures at higher pressure than attained in this study. In addition to these stable phases, the MnP structure was observed to spontaneously transform at room temperature to a new orthorhombic structure (also with Pnma symmetry) which had been detailed in previous ab initio simulations. This new phase of NiSi is shown here to be metastable

    Characterization of the astrophysical diffuse neutrino flux using starting track events in IceCube

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    A measurement of the diffuse astrophysical neutrino spectrum is presented using IceCube data collected from 2011-2022 (10.3 years). We developed novel detection techniques to search for events with a contained vertex and exiting track induced by muon neutrinos undergoing a charged-current interaction. Searching for these starting track events allows us to not only more effectively reject atmospheric muons but also atmospheric neutrino backgrounds in the southern sky, opening a new window to the sub-100 TeV astrophysical neutrino sky. The event selection is constructed using a dynamic starting track veto and machine learning algorithms. We use this data to measure the astrophysical diffuse flux as a single power law flux (SPL) with a best-fit spectral index of Îł=2.58-0.09+0.10 and per-flavor normalization of φper-flavorAstro=1.68-0.22+0.19×10-18×GeV-1 cm-2 s-1 sr-1 (at 100 TeV). The sensitive energy range for this dataset is 3-550 TeV under the SPL assumption. This data was also used to measure the flux under a broken power law, however we did not find any evidence of a low energy cutoff

    Cosmic-Ray Anisotropies in Right Ascension Measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    We present measurements of the large-scale cosmic-ray (CR) anisotropies in R.A., using data collected by the surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory over more than 14 yr. We determine the equatorial dipole component, through a Fourier analysis in R.A. that includes weights for each event so as to account for the main detector-induced systematic effects. For the energies at which the trigger efficiency of the array is small, the east-west method is employed. Besides using the data from the array with detectors separated by 1500 m, we also include data from the smaller but denser subarray of detectors with 750 m separation, which allows us to extend the analysis down to ∌0.03 EeV. The most significant equatorial dipole amplitude obtained is that in the cumulative bin above 8 EeV, %, which is inconsistent with isotropy at the 6σ level. In the bins below 8 EeV, we obtain 99% CL upper bounds on d ⊄ at the level of 1%-3%. At energies below 1 EeV, even though the amplitudes are not significant, the phases determined in most of the bins are not far from the R.A. of the Galactic center, at GC =-94°, suggesting a predominantly Galactic origin for anisotropies at these energies. The reconstructed dipole phases in the energy bins above 4 EeV point instead to R.A. that are almost opposite to the Galactic center one, indicative of an extragalactic CR origin

    Pbca-Type In2O3: the high-pressure post-corundum phase at room temperature

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp5061599High-pressure powder X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements in cubic bixbyite-type indium oxide (c-In2O3) have been performed at room temperature. On increasing pressure c-In2O3 undergoes a transition to the Rh2O3-II structure but on decreasing pressure Rh2O3-II-type In2O3 undergoes a transition to a previously unknown phase with Pbca space group which is isostructural to Rh2O3-III. On further decrease of pressure, we observed a phase transition to the metastable corundum-type In2O3 near room conditions. Recompression of the metastable corundum-type In2O3 at room temperature leads to a transition to the Rh2O3-III phase, thus showing that the Rh2O3-III phase is the post-corundum phase at room temperature. Our results are supported by theoretical ab initio calculations. Furthermore, they show that the Rh2O3-III phase could be present in other sesquioxides, thus prompting to a revision of the pressure-temperature phase diagrams of sesquioxidesFinancial support by the Spanish MEC under Grant No. MAT2010-21270-C04-01/03/04, MAT2013-46649-C4-1/2/3-P, by MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 project (CSD2007-00045) and by Generalitat Valenciana (GVA-ACOMP-2013-012). Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and ALBA Synchrotron Light Source are also acknowledged. B.G.-D. and J.A.S. acknowledge financial support through the FPI program and Juan de la Cierva fellowship, respectively. We also thank J. L. Jorda for fruitful discussions. A.L.J.P. acknowledges financial support through Brazilian CNPq. A.S. expresses thanks to FEDER Grant UNLV10-3E-1253 for financial support.García-Domene, B.; Sans Tresserras, JÁ.; Gomis, O.; Manjón Herrera, FJ.; Ortiz, HM.; Errandonea, D.; Santamaría Pérez, D.... (2014). Pbca-Type In2O3: the high-pressure post-corundum phase at room temperature. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118(35):20545-20552. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp5061599S20545205521183

    Immune response of healthy horses to DNA constructs formulated with a cationic lipid transfection reagent

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    Background Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) vaccines are used for experimental immunotherapy of equine melanoma. The injection of complexed linear DNA encoding interleukin (IL)-12/IL-18 induced partial tumour remission in a clinical study including 27 grey horses. To date, the detailed mechanism of the anti-tumour effect of this treatment is unknown. Results In the present study, the clinical and cellular responses of 24 healthy horses were monitored over 72 h after simultaneous intradermal and intramuscular application of equine IL-12/IL-18 DNA (complexed with a transfection reagent) or comparative substances (transfection reagent only, nonsense DNA, nonsense DNA depleted of CG). Although the strongest effect was observed in horses treated with expressing DNA, horses in all groups treated with DNA showed systemic responses. In these horses treated with DNA, rectal temperatures were elevated after treatment and serum amyloid A increased. Total leukocyte and neutrophil counts increased, while lymphocyte numbers decreased. The secretion of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interferon gamma (IFNγ) from peripheral mononuclear blood cells ex vivo increased after treatments with DNA, while IL-10 secretion decreased. Horses treated with DNA had significantly higher myeloid cell numbers and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand (CXCL)-10 expression in skin samples at the intradermal injection sites compared to horses treated with transfection reagent only, suggesting an inflammatory response to DNA treatment. In horses treated with expressing DNA, however, local CXCL-10 expression was highest and immunohistochemistry revealed more intradermal IL-12-positive cells when compared to the other treatment groups. In contrast to non-grey horses, grey horses showed fewer effects of DNA treatments on blood lymphocyte counts, TNFα secretion and myeloid cell infiltration in the dermis. Conclusion Treatment with complexed linear DNA constructs induced an inflammatory response independent of the coding sequence and of CG motif content. Expressing IL-12/IL-18 DNA locally induces expression of the downstream mediator CXCL-10. The grey horses included appeared to display an attenuated immune response to DNA treatment, although grey horses bearing melanoma responded to this treatment with moderate tumour remission in a preceding study. Whether the different immunological reactivity compared to other horses may contributes to the melanoma susceptibility of grey horses remains to be elucidated
