188 research outputs found

    Taksonomski sastav epifitskih dijatomeja (Bacillariophyta) u područjima invazivnih makroalgi Caulerpa Taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh i Caulerpa Racemosa (Forsskäl) J. Agardh (Jadransko more, Hrvatska)

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    There is a considerable lack of data on marine benthic diatoms in the Adriatic. In response to this fact the present study has been undertaken which focuses on the taxonomy of epiphytic diatoms in areas affected by invasive macroalgae representing the the genus of Caulerpa J.V. Lamouroux, 1809 on the eastern Adriatic Sea coast. Material for the study of epiphytic diatoms was collected during two years (autumn 2008 – autumn 2010) from an area influenced by Caulerpa taxifolia in the bay of Stari Grad (the Island of Hvar), and from areas influenced by Caulerpa racemosa in Dubrovnik and on the Island of Mljet (Gonoturska Bay). In order to compare epiphyte assemblages, sampling of coexisting autochthonous brown and green algae was conducted at the same stations. Light and electron microscopy examinations provide for the first time the information on the general morphology and ultrastructure of taxa, and enable a determination of the taxonomy of diatoms. The seasonal dynamics were described on a fine time scale. For the first time in the Central and Southern Adriatic Sea the composition of benthic diatoms and seasonal dynamics of taxa in areas affected by invasive macroalge Caulerpa taxifolia and Caulerpa racemosa were determined. The results of the presented PhD thesis contribute to the knowledge of benthic diatoms in the Adriatic, as well as of a global biogeographic distribution of diatoms (chorology). The results of this study will enable a better understanding of the functioning of ecosystems dominated by macroalgae Caulerpa spp. Knowledge of the diatom community structure in the areas impacted by Caulerpa spp. is important for studies of the toxic effects of the host.Morske bentoske dijatomeje u Jadranu su slabo poznate. Istraživanja u okviru disertacije su usmjerena na taksonomski sastav epifitskih dijatomeja u područjima invazivnih makroalgi roda Caulerpa uz istočnu obalu Jadrana. Materijal je sakupljan tijekom dvije godine (jesen 2008 – jesen 2010) u području s Caulerpa taxifolia u Starigradskom zaljevu na otoku Hvaru, te u područjima zahvaćenim makroalgom Caulerpa racemosa u Dubrovniku i u uvali Gonoturska na otoku Mljetu. Na istim su postajama istovremeno prikupljani uzorci autohtonih smeđih i zelenih algi radi analize odnosa epifitskih dijatomeja i domaćina. Pomoću svjetlosne i elektronske mikroskopije, po prvi se put u srednjem i južnom Jadranu odredio taksonomski sastav dijatomeja, opisala morfologija i ultrastruktura pojedinih vrsta te utvrdila sezonska na finoj vremenskoj skali. Dobivene spoznaje doprinjele su poznavanju bentoskih dijatomeja u Jadranu, ali i globalne biogeografske rasprostranjenosti dijatomeja (korologiji). Dobiveni rezultati omogućit će bolje razumijevanje funkcioniranja ekosustava u kojima dominiraju makroalge Caulerpa spp.. Saznanja o taksonomskom sastavu dijatomeja u područjima s Caulerpa spp. važna su za istraživanja toksičnog učinka domaćina

    Bioethanol production on renewable resources

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    Povećana zabrinutost za sigurnost opskrbe naftom i negativan utjecaj fosilnih goriva na okoliš, stavlja pritisak na društvo za pronalaskom obnovljive alternative za dobivanje goriva. Biogoriva kao biodizel, bioplin dobivena iz biomase poželjna su zamjena za fosilna goriva jer su trenutno jedini put ka održivom razvoju. Ovaj rad bavi se proizvodnjom bioetanola na šećernim, škrobnim i lignoceluloznim sirovinama. Brazil i SAD ističu se kao vodeći proizvođači bioetanola prve generacije, no u ovom radu navedene su prednosti lignoceluloznih sirovina kao biomase. Opisane su značajke trenutne proizvodnje bioetanola u svijetu i njegove upotrebe kao goriva.Increased concern about oil supply and negative impact of fossil fuels on the environment has put pressure on society to find alternative, renewable sources of energy. Biofuels as biodiesel, biogas and bioethanol are currently seen as only path to sustainable development. This work deals with ethanol production from sugar, starchy and lignocellulosic biomass. Brazil and USA are the most prominent producers of first generation bioethanol but some advantages of lignocellulosic biomass are quoted in this work. There are also mentioned current characteristics of global bioethanol production and its usage as biofuel

    Bioethanol production on renewable resources

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    Povećana zabrinutost za sigurnost opskrbe naftom i negativan utjecaj fosilnih goriva na okoliš, stavlja pritisak na društvo za pronalaskom obnovljive alternative za dobivanje goriva. Biogoriva kao biodizel, bioplin dobivena iz biomase poželjna su zamjena za fosilna goriva jer su trenutno jedini put ka održivom razvoju. Ovaj rad bavi se proizvodnjom bioetanola na šećernim, škrobnim i lignoceluloznim sirovinama. Brazil i SAD ističu se kao vodeći proizvođači bioetanola prve generacije, no u ovom radu navedene su prednosti lignoceluloznih sirovina kao biomase. Opisane su značajke trenutne proizvodnje bioetanola u svijetu i njegove upotrebe kao goriva.Increased concern about oil supply and negative impact of fossil fuels on the environment has put pressure on society to find alternative, renewable sources of energy. Biofuels as biodiesel, biogas and bioethanol are currently seen as only path to sustainable development. This work deals with ethanol production from sugar, starchy and lignocellulosic biomass. Brazil and USA are the most prominent producers of first generation bioethanol but some advantages of lignocellulosic biomass are quoted in this work. There are also mentioned current characteristics of global bioethanol production and its usage as biofuel

    Intercultural differences between Austria and Croatia in the context of business communication

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    Purpose: The globalization of economy in the context of adaptation and successful communication within the EU emphasizes the importance of perceiving and adapting to intercultural diversity in order to achieve business success. This paper analyzes the notion of interculturalism from the aspect of observing business relations. It emphasizes the perception of intercultural outcomes of business cooperation. In the focus were specific characteristics of Croatia and Austria, countries geographically close, but with many diversities. Methodology: The research tasks were to determine the phenomena of business intercultural interaction, obstacles in intercultural communication and the dimensions of cultural values ​​according to Hofstede. Respondents’ attitudes were examined by a survey containing 18 statements. The respondents had experience in Croatian-Austrian intercultural business relations. Three hypotheses were formulated following the idea that even though the two countries share a part of history and have built rich cooperation, there are significant differences that may be of importance for business communication. Results: The first hypothesis suggested higher business formality in the Austrian culture, whereas results show that the attitude towards formality is equal. The Croatian culture lacks intercultural experience, which makes it less adaptable. Equality in gender relations was confirmed. These limitations mostly apply to a small sample showing small differences as it is a preliminary study. Conclusion: The research provides a foundation for a broader and deeper survey that will provide guidelines for understanding intercultural communication and its rules

    Changes of flavour and aroma compounds of lager beer during storage in different packaging

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    U ovom radu praćena je promjena koncentracije hlapivih sastojaka arome i okusa piva donjeg vrenja tijekom čuvanja od šest mjeseci. Tijekom čuvanja piva dolazi do promjene kemijskog sastava piva i tvorbe nepoželjnih sastojaka arome. Analiza je provedena u uzorcima piva pakiranim u četiri različite vrste ambalaže: povratna staklena boca, PET ambalaži (Amasorb, 2%, 33g, Poliprotect, 36g i Amasorb, 4%, 36g). Koncentracija hlapivih spojeva u uzorcima piva odreĎivana je kromatografskom metodom HS-GC-FID i HS-GC-MS sustavom. Na osnovi rezultata ovog rada može se zaključiti da koncentracije hlapivih sastojaka arome i okusa piva odgovaraju standardima kvalitete pretpostavljene za pivo donjeg vrenja i nakon šest mjeseci skladištenja, neovisno o vrsti ambalaže.In this study the concentration of volatile aroma and flavour compounds in lager beer was monitored during the six month storage period. A change in the chemical composition of the beer and the formation of undesirable aromas occurs during storage of the beer. The analysis was carried out for beer samples packed in four different types of packaging: returnable glass bottle 0,5 L, PET packaging (Amasorb, 2%, 33g, Poliprotect, 36g and Amasorb, 4%, 36g). Concentration of volatile compounds in beer samples was determined by chromatographic method, HS-GC-FID and HS-GC-MS system. Based on the results of this paper it can be concluded that the concentrations of volatile compounds of the flavor and the taste of beer correspond to the quality standards assumed for the lower beer and after six months of storage, irrespective of the type of packaging

    Axillary surgery for invasive breast cancer treatment; evolution, current guidelines and controversis

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    U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća prisutan je konstantan trend deeskalacije aksilarne kirurgije u liječenju invazivnog karcinoma dojke. Početkom stoljeća biopsija sentinel limfnog čvora postaje zlatni standard i do danas gotovo potpuno zamjenjuje aksilarnu disekciju kod liječenja ranog stadija raka dojke. Istraživanja koja su u tijeku pokušavaju utvrditi postoji li u ovoj populaciji opravdanost ikakvog kirurškog postupka u aksili. Istovremeno se šire indikacije za preoperativno sistemsko onkološko liječenje, međutim, sve do 2017. godine vrlo je konzervativan kirurški pristup u okviru neoadjuvantnog liječenja, s aksilarnom limfadenektomijom kao jedinom opcijom. Iako je biopsija limfnog čvora čuvara nakon neoadjuavntnog liječenja već tri godine preporučena svim relevantnim smjernicama za liječenje karcinoma dojke, još uvijek je prisutan velik otpor u prihvaćanju ovog koncepta u svakodnevnu kliničku praksu. Ovaj pregled je prikaz znanstveno utemeljenog razvoja smjernica u aksilarnoj kirurgiji, postojećih kontroverzi i istraživanja koja ih pokušavaju riješiti.There has been a constant trend of de-escalation in axillary surgery for invasive breast cancer treatment in the last few decades. From the beginning of this century sentinel lymph node biopsy is a gold standard for the axillary staging of early breast cancer patients. Ongoing trials are aiming to determine if any type of axillary surgery is justified for the breast cancer treatment of the above-mentioned population. At the same time,the indications for preoperative systemic oncology treatment are expanding. However, for the axillary surgery following neoadjuvant treatment, very conservative approach remained the standard treatment until 2017, with the axillary lymph dissection as the only valid option. Although sentinel node biopsy after preoperative systemic treatment is recommended option by all relevant breast cancer treatment guidelines, a tremendous resistance is present in adopting this concept into everyday clinical practice. This review is a demonstration of the scientifically based evolution of the current guidelines in axillary surgery, the existing controversies, and the ongoing trials that are aiming to resolve them

    Oncoplastic Breast Conservation: A Standard of Care in Modern Breast Cancer Surgical Management

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    Within the multimodal treatment, the extent of surgery for early-stage breast cancer treatment may be safely de-escalated. This strategy is associated with less morbidity, therefore significant improvements in quality of life (QoL). Nevertheless, conventional, ablative-only breast conservative surgery (BCS) has several limitations considering breast aesthetics and may impact QoL just opposite than anticipated. The concept of oncoplastic breast conservation emerged at the end of the last century intending to overcome these limitations. Although the primary goal remains oncological safe cancer resection, the enhanced aesthetic outcomes, achieved with this approach, significantly contribute to higher patient satisfaction. The author believes that mastectomy should no longer be offered as an equivalent treatment option for early-stage breast cancer patients with low-volume breast disease, irrespective of the availability of postmastectomy breast reconstruction. Moreover, with the opportunities of oncoplastic breast conservative surgery, the technical feasibility of breast conservation should not represent an issue even in a higher stage of the disease. Clinical decision on the type of oncoplastic procedure is mainly based upon the anticipated percentage of breast volume loss and the residual breast volume, as well as the availability of additional donor sites, patients’ preference, and surgeons’ skills

    The professional discourse and teaching in the shaping of the modern architect and urban planner in São Paulo: 1948-1962

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    In Brazil, between the 1940’s and 1960’s, there were deep changes in the architect profession and education. Those changes were the result of influences that existed within the international framework of ideals and became extremely important in the Brazilian context. These ideals were disseminated through journals and events, such as the Brazilian Congresses of Architects and National Students Meetings of Architecture and Urbanism. In Sao Paulo, the implementation of those changes was possible as a consequence of the association from the Brazilian Institute of Architects – IAB and many other agents. This article is an effort to analyze the circumstances and the agents involved in the discussions that resulted in what is known as the 1962 Reform of FAUUSP – Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo – which was made to form the modern architect. In order that, this documental research, considered the debates in the bulletins and minutes of the IAB/SP, in addition to existing documents in the archives of FAUUSP and the Polytechnic Scholl of University of São Paulo in the period between the foundation of FAUUSP (1948) and 1962 Reform. As a result, a new professional arose, the architect and urban planner.En Brasil entre los años 1940 y 1960, al mismo tiempo en que ocurrían cambios en la profesión, se implementaron modificaciones importantes en la enseñanza de la arquitectura. Parte de esto fue el resultado de la influencia de los ideales presentes en el contexto internacional, que se materializó en el contexto nacional por medio de su difusión en revistas y eventos nacionales, como los Congresos de Arquitectos de Brasil y Reuniones Nacionales de Estudiantes de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. En São Paulo, los cambios implementados fueron una consecuencia de varios agentes diferentes, unidos conjuntamente través del cuerpo principal de la categoría de arquitectos, el IAB / SP - Instituto de Arquitectos de Brasil. En este contexto, este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las circunstancias y los actores involucrados en las discusiones que culminaron en lo que se conoce como la Reforma de 1962, de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de São Paulo - FAUUSP, que tenía la intención de formar el arquitecto y moderno urbanista. Con este fin, la investigación, de carácter documental, fueran considerados los debates en los boletines y actas de las reuniones del IAB/SP y documentos existentes en los archivos de la FAUUSP y la Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad de São Paulo, en el período comprendido entre la fundación de la FAUUSP (1948) y la Reforma de 1962. Como resultado, hubo la aparición de un nuevo perfil profesional, del arquitecto y urbanista. No Brasil, entre as décadas de 1940 e 1960, a profissão do arquiteto e o ensino de arquitetura passaram, em sintonia, por profundas alterações. Essas modificações, resultado das influências presentes nos ideais do contexto internacional se concretizaram, no contexto nacional, a partir da sua difusão em periódicos e em eventos nacionais como os Congressos Brasileiros de Arquitetos e Encontros Nacionais de Estudantes de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Em São Paulo, as mudanças foram consequência da associação de diversos agentes que se consorciaram através do principal órgão da categoria dos arquitetos, o Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil (IAB/SP). Nesse contexto, este artigo se propõe a analisar as circunstâncias e os agentes envolvidos nas discussões que culminaram no que se conhece como a Reforma de 1962 da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (FAUUSP), que tinha como intuito formar o arquiteto moderno. Para tal, a pesquisa, de caráter documental, considerou os debates presentes nos boletins e atas das assembleias do IAB/SP e os documentos existentes nos arquivos da FAUUSP e da Escola Politécnica da USP, no período compreendido entre a fundação da FAUUSP (1948) e a Reforma de 1962. O que se viu, foi o surgimento de um novo perfil profissional, o do arquiteto e urbanista.

    Relationship between marine epilithic diatoms and environmental variables in oligotrophic bay, NE Mediterranean

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    The taxonomic composition and structure of a marine epilithic diatom community were sampled from the bottom of the two sites at monthly intervals from January to December 2011 in the small semi-enclosed oligotrophic Neum Bay in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Middle Adriatic). Altogether, 264 diatom taxa (species and infraspecific taxa) within 69 genera were identified. Among them, 149 and 203 taxa occurred in samples from the shallow (0.5 m depth) and deep (8 m depth) sites, respectively. The monthly distribution of most of the diatoms was irregular and high numbers of sporadic taxa were found. SIMPER analysis indicated that the difference between shallow and deep sites could be largely attributed to the frequently recorded diatom taxa and those with high percentage abundances. They were Halamphora coffeiformis, Caloneis excentrica, Cocconeis scutellum var. scutellum, Licmophora flabellata, Licmophora gracilis, Licmophora sp., Navicula abunda, Rhabdonema adriaticum, and Striatella unipunctata. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that temperature, oxygen saturation (O2/O2′), silicate concentration (SiO4), and salinity were the most important factors influencing diatom community structure in the bay

    Conserved DNA motifs, including the CENP-B box-like, are involved in satellite DNA array rearrangements

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    Satellite DNAs (satDNAs), despite rapid evolution that continuously remodel the genomic landscape, occupy functionally essential centromeric regions. Difficult to be explored due to their repetitive nature and divergence, satDNAs are still hardly accessible frontiers of eukaryotic genomes and knowledge concerning functional significance of satellite DNAs is rather limited. In this work, we provide a comprehensive analysis of six satDNAs in the library of recently separated root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax. We disclosed two different conserved regions common for analyzed satDNAs. One appeared to be highly similar to the CENP-B box of human alpha satDNA, which emerged, in sequence alignment, as a conserved segment common for six divergent satDNAs shared by closely related genomes. Observed results emphasize it as the most prominent example of the CENP-B box-like motif out of mammals. The proposed feature of the CENP-B box-like motif is to act as a promoter in the hypothesized cut-and-paste transposition-related mechanism. This observation could represent a novel role of the CENP-B box, in addition to the known function in centromere protein binding. We propose that the second conserved sequence motif detected in explored satDNAs is involved in illegitimate recombination. In parallel to alpha satDNAs, we found organization of satDNA arrays in nematodes comparable to that found in human and primates, in the form of simple and complex higher order repeats (HORs). In contrast to human satDNA organization, characterized by phylogenetically distinct HOR and monomeric forms, organizational patterns observed in nematodes are consistent with frequent and continuous shuffling of sequences between HORs and monomeric arrays. Our results suggest the role of conserved domains in mechanisms that cause rapid shuffling of sequences among divergent satDNAs, on the level of short-segment tracts. In context of satDNA evolution, our finding provides, for the first time, an experimentally verified link between conserved domains and satDNA rearrangement events