168 research outputs found

    Italian translation of the questionnaire for professional training evaluation

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    This works illustrates the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Questionnaire for Professional Training Evaluation (Q4TE), validated by Grohmann and Kauffeld (2013). This 12-item questionnaire provides evaluation for different training outcomes, it is time efficient and applicable to several professional contexts, and it shows sound psychometric properties. In order to test the Italian form, we led two studies. In study 1 (N=125), an EFA led to a two-factor solution accounting for short and long-term training outcomes. In study 2 (N=122) a five-model comparison was performed. Although at a first stage a two factor solutions seemed to emerge, CFA found the best fit in a 6 inter-correlated first-order factors model (satisfaction, utility, knowledge, application to practice, individual organizational results and global organizational results). Relationships with learning transfer, transfer quantity, type of training, training methodologies, and individual variables (gender, age, tenure) are explored. Limitations, research and practical implications are discussed

    The potential role of perceived support for reduction of special education teachers’ burnout

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    Teacher burnout is conceived as a general concern in special education because of the emotionally demanding work context. This study explored the potential role of perceived support for reduction of burnout in a sample of 276 special education teachers working in lower (n=130) and higher (n=146) secondary schools. Participants completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Educators Survey (MBI-ES) and a scale on the perceived collaboration and support from general education teachers. To explore the association between perceived support and each burnout measure considered (emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and personal accomplishment), correlation analyses were performed. Then, in order to check the robustness of our empirical findings, multilevel regression models (at teacher-school-administrative area level) were used controlling for several variables (teacher socio-demographic characteristics, teacher training and professional background, inclusive teaching practice and school context). Results suggest the potential role of perceived support in reducing emotional exhaustion and improving personal accomplishment in all the models considered. Instead, the relationship between perceived support and depersonalisation seems to be quite controversial, moreover when adding controls related to teacher’s training and professional background

    Perception of attachment security in families with children affected by neurological illness

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    This study analyzes inter-family relationships of families with children with neurological problems using Bowlby’s attachment theory as model of reference. The research was conducted in two hospitals in Serbia specialized in neurological diseases: cerebral palsy and epilepsy. It is hypothesized that neurological problems could be associated to a discrepancy of inter-family attachment perceptions. Two groups were selected, a clinical one composed of 25 nuclear families: mother, father and child with a certified diagnosis of either cerebral palsy or epilepsy; and a control group of 25 nuclear families: mother, father and child with no pathology. Kerns, Klepac and Cole’s Security Scale (1996) was used for the investigation, with the addition of two modified version for administration to the parents. Data analysis demonstrated that the clinical group is substantively higher (p=.076) with respect to the discrepancy of attachment perceived by the children and the attribution of meaning that parents give to their child’s attachment perception towards them. Further analyses carried out on parent-child relationships demonstrated a significant difference (p =.017) between the clinical and control groups, with respect to the perception of father-child attachment. We conclude that in the clinical group, there is a discrepancy of attachment perceptions that particularly affects the father-child relationship. It appears that hospitalization and the consequent separation of the nuclear families may influence the formation of secure attachment relationships, in particular between father and child

    Towards a community clinical psychology? Insights from a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature

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    The present systematic review provides a narrative synthesis of the peer-reviewed literature concerning the synergy between community and clinical psychology, with the specific aim of detecting the theoretical, research, and practical basis for the development of a well-integrated community clinical psychology perspective. The authors screened 216 records on the topic, found in major citation databases (PsycArticles, PsycINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science) without time or language restrictions. Six articles addressing the review question were identified and examined through seven conceptual criteria referred to contextual premises, definitions, addressed problems/issues, application areas, reference theoretical models, examined constructs, and required professional competences. The results do not show evidence for a well-integrated community clinical psychological perspective, despite the many synergies between such disciplines on a theoretical and applied level. Community and clinical psychology could thus be further integrated in the future, potentially giving rise to a new and independent field of knowledge to get more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between individuals and social contexts

    Il gruppo come risorsa per familiari di soggetti con disagio psichico nella Fondazione Internazionale Don Luigi di Liegro

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    Lo studio approfondisce la relazione tra associazioni di familiari e istituzioni mediante lo studio di caso di un gruppo di familiari di disabili psichici, all’interno di un’organizzazione No Profit romana, in una fase di ripensamento della loro funzione. Ci si propone di rilevare aspetti della cultura locale, esplorando le dinamiche simbolico-emozionali del gruppo tramite l’analisi dei testi prodotti nei diversi incontri, con lo scopo di individuare nuove possibili funzioni del gruppo in questo contesto. I risultati mostrano un processo di sviluppo delle rappresentazioni del malato mentale e nella definizione di una domanda ai servizi di salute mentale, in relazione al cambiamento culturale organizzativo.This study aims at investigating the relationship between family associations, Mental Health Services and Non-Profit Organizations. Specifically, we present a case study of a group of relatives of persons with psychological disorders, in a Non-Profit organization in Rome. The research has the purpose to detect some components of the local culture, based on the exploration of the emotional symbolic dynamics during the group meetings, entirely recorded, processed through a text analysis, in order to identify and develop a new function of the group in this context. Findings from the data suggest a possible change in this group of family members- that concerns their representation of their relatives with psychological disorders and their demand to the institutions- and a relation with the cultural change of the Organization

    What Do University or Graduate Students Need to Make the Cut? A Meta-analysis on Career Intervention Effectiveness

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    The usefulness of providing career interventions in the transition from university to labour market is more and more advocated, in order to increase young people's competencies about career management and entrepreneurial skills. The present paper aims at focusing on the effectiveness of career interventions for university or graduate students and on its relationship with some study design and intervention characteristics. A meta-analysis was conducted on studies published between 2000 and 2015 which complied with the following inclusion criteria: university or graduate students as target population, the evaluation of specific career-related interventions or programs, and an experimental or quasiexperimental design. The selection procedure resulted in 9 eligible studies – overall assessing 12 interventions – out of 823 examined articles. The results indicated, on average, a large effect (weighted ES = .80; 95% CI = .54, 1.06) better outcomes from socio-constructivist interventions compared to those based on social cognition theory and person-environment fit model, and higher impact on the reduction of career indecision than on the increase of decision-making self-efficacy. Some recommendations for researchers and policy makers are provided, as well as methodological issues and practical implications for career interventions are discussed

    Simboli e significati nella cultura locale di una periferia urbana: uno studio di caso

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    Una ricerca psicologico-clinica esplora la Cultura Locale (i significati emozionali condivisi da chi partecipa a un contesto, atti a mantenere stabilitĂ  e coesione, a regolare e l’emozionalitĂ  dei processi di convivenza) di un quartiere della periferia romana nel momento della pianificazione di servizi per la comunitĂ . La ricerca Ăš fondata sulla analisi del testo computer assistita (Analisi Emozionale del Testo) di interviste somministrate a 8 figure chiave, e sulla analisi delle corrispondenze multiple di 314 questionari sulla percezione soggettiva della qualitĂ  di vita e sulla anticipazione dei rapporti sociali, somministrati a cittadini del quartiere. I risultati della analisi di interviste e questionari hanno messo in luce la qualitĂ  di vita come soggettivamente percepita dagli abitanti e le caratteristiche della cultura locale del territorio oggetto dello studio. Vengono fornite indicazioni pragmatiche sulla attivazione di servizi coerenti con la cultura locale del territorio esaminato. Viene messo in evidenza il possibile contributo della psicologia clinica alle discipline geografiche, urbanistiche, ambientali.This clinical-psychological research explores the Local Culture (emotional meanings shared by people in a given context aimed at maintaining stability and unity as well as regulating emotions affecting cohabitation) of a suburban neighborhood in Rome in the phase of community service planning. The inquiry is based on a computer-assisted text analysis (Emotional Text Analysis) of interviews of 8 key figures, and on the multiple correspondence analysis of questionnaires on the subjective perception of the quality of life and on the expectation of social relationships. The questionnaires have been administered to 314 inhabitants. The results of the analysis of interviews and questionnaires highlighted the quality of life in terms of subjective perception and the specific features of the local culture of the territory considered for this study. Practical solutions are indicated based on the Local Culture of the neighborhood in question. The possible contribution of clinical psychology to geographic, urban, and environmental disciplines is also highlighted. © 2019 The Author(s

    Quantification of Small Non-Coding RNAs Allows an Accurate Comparison of miRNA Expression Profiles

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are highly conserved ∌22-mer RNA molecules, encoded by plants and animals that regulate the expression of genes binding to the 3â€Č-UTR of specific target mRNAs. The amount of miRNAs in a total RNA sample depends on the recovery efficiency that may be significantly affected by the different purification methods employed. Traditional approaches may be inefficient at recovering small RNAs, and common spectrophotometric determination is not adequate to quantify selectively these low molecular weight (LMW) species from total RNA samples. Here, we describe the use of qualitative and quantitative lab-on-a-chip tools for the analysis of these LMW RNA species. Our data emphasize the close correlation of LMW RNAs with the expression levels of some miRNAs. We therefore applied our result to the comparison of some miRNA expression profiles in different tissues. Finally, the methods we used in this paper allowed us to analyze the efficiency of extraction protocols, to study the small (but significant) differences among various preparations and to allow a proper comparison of some miRNA expression profiles in various tissues

    Molecular analysis of sarcomeric and non-sarcomeric genes in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

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    Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a common genetic heart disorder characterized by unexplained left ventricle hypertrophy associated with non-dilated ventricular chambers. Several genes encoding heart sarcomeric proteins have been associated to HCM, but a small proportion of HCM patients harbor alterations in other non-sarcomeric loci. The variable expression of HCM seems influenced by genetic modifier factors and new sequencing technologies are redefining the understanding of genotype–phenotype relationships, even if the interpretations of the numerous identified variants pose several challenges. Methods and results: We investigated 62 sarcomeric and non-sarcomeric genes in 41 HCM cases and in 3 HCM-related disorders patients. We employed an integrated approach that combines multiple tools for the prediction, annotation and visualization of functional variants. Genotype–phenotype correlations were carried out for inspecting the involvement of each gene in age onset and clinical variability of HCM. The 80% of the non-syndromic patients showed at least one rare non-synonymous variant (nsSNV) and among them, 58% carried alterations in sarcomeric loci, 14% in desmosomal and 7% in other non-sarcomeric ones without any sarcomere change. Statistical analyses revealed an inverse correlation between the number of nsSNVs and age at onset, and a relationship between the clinical variability and number and type of variants. Conclusions: Our results extend the mutational spectrum of HCM and contribute in defining the molecular pathogenesis and inheritance pattern(s) of this condition. Besides, we delineate a specific procedure for the identification of the most likely pathogenetic variants for a next generation sequencing approach embodied in a clinical context

    Whole exome sequencing in an Italian family with isolated maxillary canine agenesis and canine eruption anomalies

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    Objective: The aim of this study was the clinical and molecular characterization of a family segregating a trait consisting of a phenotype specifically involving the maxillary canines, including agenesis, impaction and ectopic eruption, characterized by incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. Design: Clinical standardized assessment of 14 family members and a whole-exome sequencing (WES) of three affected subjects were performed. WES data analyses (sequence alignment, variant calling, annotation and prioritization) were carried out using an in-house implemented pipeline. Variant filtering retained coding and splice-site high quality private and rare variants. Variant prioritization was performed taking into account both the disruptive impact and the biological relevance of individual variants and genes. Sanger sequencing was performed to validate the variants of interest and to carry out segregation analysis. Results: Prioritization of variants “by function” allowed the identification of multiple variants contributing to the trait, including two concomitant heterozygous variants in EDARADD (c.308C>T, p.Ser103Phe) and COL5A1 (c.1588G>A, p.Gly530Ser), specifically associated with a more severe phenotype (i.e. canine agenesis). Differently, heterozygous variants in genes encoding proteins with a role in the WNT pathway were shared by subjects showing a phenotype of impacted/ectopic erupted canines. Conclusions: This study characterized the genetic contribution underlying a complex trait consisting of isolated canine anomalies in a medium-sized family, highlighting the role of WNT and EDA cell signaling pathways in tooth development
