1,377 research outputs found

    Frequency addressing of nano-objects by electrical tuning of optical antennas

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    We first analyze the equivalent circuit parameters of linear wire optical nano-antennas in uniaxial anisotropic media. We then exploit the electro-optic response of a bipolar nematic liquid crystal to demonstrate tuning of an optical antenna using a low frequency external electric field as the control mechanism

    New Technologies for Ecosystem Analysis Planning and Management

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    Planning the rural environment is one of the most intriguing examples of technical challenge where a multi-disciplinary approach plays a crucial role. The agricultural production, both food and non-food, the social role of rural settlements, the state and diffusion of the infrastructural networks, the rural architectonic heritage that in many countries constitutes a major positive value, should be appropriately considered and sinergically interlaced for a sound planning of agricultural biosystems. Human activities impose a transformation of the extra-urban land that may lead to the modification of the frail equilibrium of whole ecosystems. Sound planning strategies should be therefore pursued, employing a multidisciplinary approach that should take into account geographical, environmental and landscape factors as variables interacting among themselves and with the social and economic aspects. In order to simultaneously analyse all these properties, tools able to manage, interpret and integrate several data are necessary

    Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (AHSCT): Standard of Care for Relapsing–Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients

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    Abstract Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) has been used in the treatment of highly active multiple sclerosis (MS) for over two decades. It has been demonstrated to be highly efficacious in relapsing–remitting (RR) MS patients failing to respond to disease-modifying drugs (DMDs). AHSCT guarantees higher rates of no evidence of disease activity (NEDA) than those achieved with any other DMDs, but it is also associated with greater short-term risks which have limited its use. In the 2019 updated EBMT and ASBMT guidelines, which review the clinical evidence of AHSCT in MS, AHSCT indication for highly active RRMS has changed from “clinical option” to “standard of care”. On this basis, AHSCT must be proposed on equal footing with second-line DMDs to patients with highly active RRMS, instead of being considered as a last resort after failure of all available treatments. The decision-making process requires a close collaboration between transplant hematologists and neurologists and a full discussion of risk–benefit of AHSCT and alternative treatments. In this context, we propose a standardized protocol for decision-making and informed consent process

    Influence of the area per player in non-professional soccer players: A pilot study focused on positional roles

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    This study analyses the influence of different area per player (AP; 75, 98 and 131 m2 ) on the average metabolic power (MP) and other soccer-related performance variables in relation to the positional roles. We recruited 19 non-professional male soccer players (25.2 ± 6.3 y; 23.7 ± 2.3 kg/m2; 16.4 ± 6.3 y soccer experience) to play three different small-sided games (SSGs): SSG1 (5 vs. 5; 30 × 30 m; 5 min), SSG2 (5 vs. 5; 35 × 45 m; 5 min) and SSG3 (7 vs. 7; 35 × 45 m; 8 min). Specific playing rules were applied. GPS-assessed soccer-related variables were: average MP (AMP), distance covered in 1 min (DIS); % time spent at high speed (v > 16 km/h; % hst) or MP (>20 W/kg; % hmpt); % distance covered at high positive/negative speed (2 < v < 4 m/s2, % ACC; −6 < v < −2 m/s2, % DEC); and number of actions at high MP (hmpa). All recorded variables differed when each SSG was compared to the others (p < 0.05), but for hmpa for attackers. Most performance variables were positively associated with increasing AP (p < 0.05), but for % ACC and % DEC, and differed among positional roles within the same SSG (p < 0.05). Here the general applicability of SSGs, regardless the physical/technical skills of the group of players, to enhance performance is confirmed; furthermore, quantitative advices on AMP and other performance variables are provided to achieve significant improvements in all soccer players of the team

    Directive Ultra-Wideband Planar Antennas

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    Two different techniques for Directive Ultra-Wideband Planar Antennas were presented throughout chapter 1: the operation of a novel bow-tie antenna with high front-to-back ratio and directivity and a differential planar UWB antenna characterized by higher gain (more than 11 dB around 7 GHz) with respect to conventional printed radiators has been demonstrated

    Modeling and design of a plasma-based transmit-array with beam scanning capabilities

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    Abstract This work presents the proof of concept of a novel plasma-based transmit-array antenna with beam scanning capabilities. The transmit-array operates above the GHz (precisely at 1.6 GHz) and is capable of steering its main lobe up to thirty degrees. A metallic half-wave dipole is used as the active element of the transmit-array, while twenty-five cylindrical plasma discharges are adopted to steer the beam of the antenna simply by turning them on or off. These passive elements are geometrically displaced in a triangular lattice. A customized two-steps optimization strategy is used to choose the best geometrical parameters of the array and to select the subset of plasma discharges that maximizes the gain of the antenna for each desired scanning angle. Towards this aim, a particle swarm optimization is first used to optimize the geometrical parameters of the array, and then a genetic algorithm is adopted to select the optimal subset of plasma discharges that need to be turned on to scan the beam towards different directions. The designed transmit-array was modeled in CST Microwave Studio, using realistic plasma parameters extrapolated from measurements of a fabricated plasma discharge prototype

    Spatial modeling for low pathogenicity avian influenza virus at the interface of wild birds and backyard poultry

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    Low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (LPAIV) is endemic in wild birds and poultry in Argentina, and active surveillance has been in place to prevent any eventual virus mutation into a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV), which is exotic in this country. Risk mapping can contribute effectively to disease surveillance and control systems, but it has proven a very challenging task in the absence of disease data. We used a combination of expert opinion elicitation, multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA), and ecological niche modeling (ENM) to identify the most suitable areas for the occurrence of LPAIV at the interface between backyard domestic poultry and wild birds in Argentina. This was achieved by calculating a spatially‐explicit risk index. As evidenced by the validation and sensitivity analyses, our model was successful in identifying high‐risk areas for LPAIV occurrence. Also, we show that the risk for virus occurrence is significantly higher in areas closer to commercial poultry farms. Although the active surveillance systems have been successful in detecting LPAIV‐positive backyard farms and wild birds in Argentina, our predictions suggest that surveillance efforts in those compartments could be improved by including high‐risk areas identified by our model. Our research provides a tool to guide surveillance activities in the future, and presents a mixed methodological approach which could be implemented in areas where the disease is exotic or rare and a knowledge‐driven modeling method is necessary

    Luminosity- and morphology-dependent clustering of galaxies

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    How does the clustering of galaxies depend on their inner properties like morphological type and luminosity? We address this question in the mathematical framework of marked point processes and clarify the notion of luminosity and morphological segregation. A number of test quantities such as conditional mark-weighted two-point correlation functions are introduced. These descriptors allow for a scale-dependent analysis of luminosity and morphology segregation. Moreover, they break the degeneracy between an inhomogeneous fractal point set and actual present luminosity segregation. Using the Southern Sky Redshift Survey~2 (da Costa et al. 1998, SSRS2) we find both luminosity and morphological segregation at a high level of significance, confirming claims by previous works using these data (Benoist et al. 1996, Willmer et al. 1998). Specifically, the average luminosity and the fluctuations in the luminosity of pairs of galaxies are enhanced out to separations of 15Mpc/h. On scales smaller than 3Mpc/h the luminosities on galaxy pairs show a tight correlation. A comparison with the random-field model indicates that galaxy luminosities depend on the spatial distribution and galaxy-galaxy interactions. Early-type galaxies are also more strongly correlated, indicating morphological segregation. The galaxies in the PSCz catalog (Saunders et al. 2000) do not show significant luminosity segregation. This again illustrates that mainly early-type galaxies contribute to luminosity segregation. However, based on several independent investigations we show that the observed luminosity segregation can not be explained by the morphology-density relation alone.Comment: aastex, emulateapj5, 20 pages, 13 figures, several clarifying comments added, ApJ accepte

    Sistemas de argumentación masiva sobre base de datos federadas

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    En la presente investigaci on se propone la integraci on de las tecnolog as de Bases de Datos, y en particular de las Bases de Datos Federadas, como medio de almacenamiento de informaci on masiva probablemente inconsistente e incompleta, con los Sistemas de Argumentaci on Rebatible Basados en Reglas. Para esto primeramente se estudiar a el problema de la creaci on de una vista uni cada de datos a partir del conocimiento almacenado por varias Bases de Datos, resolviendo de manera esc eptica los con ictos potenciales debido a inconsistencias e incompletitudes, y luego se pasar a a la investigaci on acerca de la producci on masiva de reglas de conocimiento a partir del conocimiento almacenado en esta vista. Una ventaja de un sistema de estas caracter sticas es que el mismo podr e acceder a un gran n omero de fuentes de conocimiento sin tener que conocer c omo acceder a cada una de ellas y obtener conclusiones (nuevas reglas de conocimiento) a partir de grandes cantidades de datos, de manera que estas sean m as objetivas e imparciales al estar basadas en un conocimiento mucho m as rico, amplio y diversi cado, permitiendo producir sistemas capaces de entregar respuestas m as precisas y justas a las consultas realizadas a un agente aut onomo con estas capacidades.Eje: Agentes y sistemas inteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI