20 research outputs found

    The widespread consume of ergogenic supplements in strength training practitioners

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    O consumo indiscriminado de suplementos ergogênicos em praticantes de treinamento de forçaO objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar o consumo de suplementos nutricionais, alimentos e outros fatores relevantes que podem influenciar a saúde do praticante de musculação, além de destacar seu ponto de vista sobre o fato da suplementação. Aplicamos um questionário com perguntas abertas e fechadas a 55 indivíduos (homens e mulheres, idade média de 26,81 ± 8,16 anos) praticantes de treinamento de força na cidade de Carapicuíba, São Paulo, Brasil. Podemos observar uma predominância na frequência semanal de cinco dias de treinamento, onde há consumo generalizado de suplementos dietéticos e esteroides anabolizantes e, em muitos casos, há negligência dos profissionais que trabalham com treinamento de força em questão. ABSTRACTThe widespread consume of ergogenic supplements in strength training practitionersThe aim of the study was to characterize the consumption of nutritional supplements, food and other relevant factors that may influence health and income from bodybuilding practitioner, besides highlighting their point of view about supplementation consumption. We applied a questionnaire with open and closed questions to 55 individuals (male and female, 26.81 ± 8.16 year’s average) strength training practitioners in the City of Carapicuiba, São Paulo, Brazil. It can be observe a predominance in the weekly frequency of five days of training where there is widespread consume of dietary supplements and anabolic steroids and in many cases there is negligence of the power of strength training practitioners in question

    Ingestão prévia de BCAA melhora desempenho em corredores amadores

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    Uma das manipulações dietéticas mais utilizadas entre atletas que praticam atividades de endurance é a suplementação com aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA). Entretanto, o papel ergogênico destes aminoácidos ainda não está totalmente estabelecido. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de BCAA sobre o desempenho em corrida de 10 km. Os sujeitos (n=11 homens) deste estudo foram recrutados de maneira aleatória, eram saudáveis e não atletas, idade entre 20 a 40 anos, os quais foram divididos em grupo Placebo (n=5) e grupo BCAA (n=6). O consumo de BCAA (18 mg.kg-1) ou placebo, seguindo modelo duplo cego cruzado, foi realizado 1h antes do início da prova. A prova de rua teve percurso controlado de 10 km. Com relação ao desempenho na prova, foi detectada diferença estatística entre o grupo que ingeriu previamente BCAA (46,8±8,72 min) e o grupo Placebo (54,5±9,40 min; p<0,05). No entanto, não foi observado diferença na percepção subjetiva do esforço (Escala de Borg) entre os dois grupos estudados. Em conclusão, a suplementação de BCAA afetou o desempenho de corredores de rua não atletas, sem alterações visíveis sobre a percepção subjetiva do esforço

    Ingestão prévia de BCAA melhora desempenho em corredores amadores

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    Uma das manipulações dietéticas mais utilizadas entre atletas que praticam atividades de endurance é a suplementação com aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA). Entretanto, o papel ergogênico destes aminoácidos ainda não está totalmente estabelecido. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de BCAA sobre o desempenho em corrida de 10 km. Os sujeitos (n=11 homens) deste estudo foram recrutados de maneira aleatória, eram saudáveis e não atletas, idade entre 20 a 40 anos, os quais foram divididos em grupo Placebo (n=5) e grupo BCAA (n=6). O consumo de BCAA (18 mg.kg-1) ou placebo, seguindo modelo duplo cego cruzado, foi realizado 1h antes do início da prova. A prova de rua teve percurso controlado de 10 km. Com relação ao desempenho na prova, foi detectada diferença estatística entre o grupo que ingeriu previamente BCAA (46,8±8,72 min) e o grupo Placebo (54,5±9,40 min; p&lt;0,05). No entanto, não foi observado diferença na percepção subjetiva do esforço (Escala de Borg) entre os dois grupos estudados. Em conclusão, a suplementação de BCAA afetou o desempenho de corredores de rua não atletas, sem alterações visíveis sobre a percepção subjetiva do esforço

    Identifying the ideal weekly training load for in-game performance in an elite Brazilian soccer team

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the ideal training load to be applied during periods of fixture congestion to ensure an adequate dose-response effect for performance maintenance. Methods: Match performance data and corresponding pre-match training load sessions (both N = 498 match performance cases and training-block session cases) were collected (with the catapult system, VECTOR7) from 36 male professional soccer players (23.5 +/- 5.2 years; 178 +/- 4 cm; 75.5 +/- 6.0 kg) belonging to the Brazilian First Division team during the 2022 season. The following data were collected in match and training sessions: jump, acceleration, deceleration, and change of direction (COD); running distance producing metabolic power at different intensities (>20, >20-35, >35-45, >45-55, and >55 W kg(-1)), total distance (m), relative distance (m/min), running distance at different speeds (>20, >25, and >30 km/h), number of sprints (running >25 km/h), and maximum speed (km/h). Mixed linear model (MLM), decision tree regression (DTR), and cluster K means model (SPSS v.26) approach were performed to identify the most critical variables (and their respective load) in the training sessions that could explain the athlete's match performance. Results: MLM and DTR regression show that training load significantly affects game performance in a specific way. According to the present data, an interference phenomenon can occur when a high load of two different skills (running in a straight line vs COD, deceleration, and jumping) is applied in the same training block of the week. The cluster approach, followed by a chi-squared test, identified significant associations between training load and athlete match performance in a dose-dependent manner. Discussion: The high load values described here have a beneficial effect on match performance, despite the interference between stimuli discussed above. We present a positive training load from a congested season from the Brazilian First Division team. The study suggests that an interference effect occurs when high physical training loads are applied to different specific physical skills throughout the season.The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UID04045/2020 and Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP-Grant number: 2021/03601-1).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Surfe profissional brasileiro: existe correlação entre atividades desenvolvidas e ranking?

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    ResumoIntrodução: No contexto atual, pouco se sabe sobre as atividades que caracterizam o treinamento desenvolvido pelos surfistas profissionais brasileiros, inferindo assim a interferência do mesmo na melhora do rendimento físico e técnico destes atletas. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi de explorar as atividades desenvolvidas pelos surfistas profissionais e correlacionar com a posição no ranking nacional. Métodos: Para tanto, participaram da amostra 14 atletas. Realizou-se uma pesquisa do tipo survey que utilizou como instrumento, para coleta de dados, um questionário com nove questões relacionando as características dos sujeitos analisados e as atividades desenvolvidas na busca de melhorar o desempenho esportivo. Foi realizado o teste de correlação de Spearman entre o número de atividades que cada sujeito desenvolvia e sua posição no ranking. Resultados: Os resultados indicaram que o treinamento físico constitui-se, majoritariamente, pelas seguintes atividades: alongamento, corrida, filmagem, musculação, bicicleta, ioga, prática mental, natação, treino de bateria e boxe. Não foi encontrada nenhuma correlação entre o número de atividades desenvolvidas e posição no ranking nacional. Conclusão: Conclui-se não existe correlação entre a posição no ranking nacional e o número de atividades desenvolvidas pelos atletas.         Palavras-chave: Surfe. Rendimento esportivo. Treinamento

    Role of Training and Detraining on Inflammatory and Metabolic Profile in Infarcted Rats: Influences of Cardiovascular Autonomic Nervous System

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exercise training (ET, 50-70% of VO2max, 5 days/week) and detraining (DT) on inflammatory and metabolic profile after myocardial infarction (MI) in rats. Male Wistar rats were divided into control (C, n = 8), sedentary infarcted (SI, n = 9), trained infarcted (TI, n = 10; 3 months of ET), and detrained infarcted (DI, n = 11; 2 months of ET + 1 month of DT). After ET and DT protocols, ventricular function and inflammation, cardiovascular autonomic modulation (spectral analysis), and adipose tissue inflammation and lipolytic pathway were evaluated. ET after MI improved cardiac and vascular autonomic modulation, and these benefits were correlated with reduced inflammatory cytokines on the heart and adipose tissue. These positive changes were sustained even after 1 month of detraining. No expressive changes were observed in oxidative stress and lipolytic pathway in experimental groups. in conclusion, our results strongly suggest that the autonomic improvement promoted by ET, and maintained even after the detraining period, was associated with reduced inflammatory profile in the left ventricle and adipose tissue of rats subjected to MI. These data encourage enhancing cardiovascular autonomic function as a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of inflammatory process triggered by MI.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Sao Judas Tadeu Univ USJT, Human Movement Lab, BR-03166000 São Paulo, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Nutr Physiol Discipline, Dept Physiol, BR-04021001 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Extremo Catarinense UNESC, Lab Exercise Physiol & Biochem, BR-88806000 Criciuma, SC, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Sch Med, Heart Inst InCor, Hypertens Unit, BR-05403900 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo State UNESP, Dept Phys Educ, Immunometab Res Grp, BR-19060900 Presidente Prudente, SP, BrazilFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Nutr Physiol Discipline, Dept Physiol, BR-04021001 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2013/14788-9FAPESP: 07/58942-0CNPq: CNPq: 563961/2010-4CNPq: 479076/2012-0CNPq: 457581/2013-1CAPES: CAPES: 074/2012CAPES: 095/2010Web of Scienc

    Cardiac autonomic dysfunction in chronic stroke women is attenuated after submaximal exercise test, as evaluated by linear and nonlinear analysis

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud We evaluated cardiac autonomic modulation in women with chronic ischemic stroke (at least 4 years post-stroke) at rest and in response to submaximal exercise test.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud Fourteen post-stroke women (S group) and 10 healthy women (C group) participated in this study. Autonomic modulation (using linear and nonlinear analysis), blood pressure and metabolic variables at rest were evaluated immediately after the exercise test and during the recovery period (20 min). All participants underwent submaximal exercise test on cycle ergometer with gas analysis.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud At rest, the S group displayed higher lactate concentration, systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) values when compared to C group. Furthermore, the S group had lower heart rate variability (HRV) in time domain (SDNN: S = 30 ± 5 vs. 40 ± 8 ms; rMSSD: S = 14 ± 2 vs. C = 34 ± 3 ms), decreased high frequency band of pulse interval (S = 8.4 ± 2 vs. 33.1 ± 9 %) and 2V pattern of symbolic analysis (S = 17.3 ± 1 vs. 30 ± 3 %) (both indicators of cardiac vagal modulation) when compared to C group. Immediately after exercise, S group presented higher values of lactate, SBP, DBP and double product when compared to C group, as well as decreased heart rate recovery (HRR) measured at the first, second and third minutes. At recovery time, all HRV parameters in time and frequency domains improved in the S group; however, HF band remained lower when compared to C group.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud After the exercise test, women with chronic stroke presented reduced heart rate variability, reduced cardiac vagal modulation, as well as reduced HRR, while displayed an improvement of heart rate variability and cardiac vagal modulation when compared to their baseline. These results reinforce the importance of a physically active lifestyle for cardiovascular autonomic disorders observed in chronic stroke women.Conselho National de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CNPq-BPQ)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Sleep duration in elderly obese patients correlated negatively with intake fatty

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    Study objectives: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between sleep duration and dietary habits in elderly obese patients treated at an institute of cardiology. Methods: The fifty-eight volunteers were elderly patients with obesity (classified as obese according to BMI) of both genders, between 60 and 80 years of age. All participants were subjected to assessments of food intake, anthropometry, level of physical activity, and duration of sleep. Results: The men had significantly greater weight, height, and waist circumference than women. Sleep durations were correlated with dietary nutrient compositions only in men. We found a negative association between short sleep and protein intake (r = -0.43; p = 0.02), short sleep and monounsaturated fatty acids intake (r = -0.40; p = 0.03), and short sleep and cholesterol dietary intake (r = -0.50; p = 0.01). Conclusions: We conclude that mainly in men, volunteers that had short sleep duration showed a preference for high energy-density as fatty food, at least in part, may explain the relationship between short sleep duration and the development of metabolic abnormalities