324 research outputs found

    Factores que influyen en la reprobación en la educación media superior bajo un modelo por competencias

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    En este trabajo se identificaron algunos factores que influyen en la reprobación estudiantil en el nivel medio superior, trabajando bajo un modelo por competencias, en el área de matemáticas. La investigación se realizó en la Escuela Industrial y Preparatoria Técnica “Pablo Livas” (EIPTPL) perteneciente a la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, analizando la unidad de aprendizaje Matemáticas I, la cual se imparte en el segundo semestre, correspondiente al semestre Enero-Junio 2014. Los factores que se consideraron fueron al docente, las actividades que se realizan, el programa analítico y el propio estudiante. La recopilación de datos se realizó a través de una encuesta, que se aplicó a una muestra representativa de estudiantes inscritos a la unidad de aprendizaje Matemáticas II y que hubiesen reprobado la primera oportunidad de Matemáticas I. Se obtuvieron resultados que nos permiten determinar al docente junto con las actividades como principales factores que afectan a los estudiantes para reprobar Matemáticas I

    Outsourcing de software: Variables críticas en el proceso de toma de decisiones

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    Key words: Information Technology, outsourcing, Process, SMSE, SoftwareAbstract. The Software Outsourcing has become a solution for organizations or businesses, due to various reasons or variables that range from reducing costs to keep their technology updated. Outsourcing is defined as business processes that are performed by an organization (Supplier) establishes a contractual relationship (Costumer-Supplier) and is given the responsibility for execution of business processes to the supplier. Based on the significant investment in imports generated by companies in Mexico, it was performed a literature review to identify the key variables that, in principle, influence the decision to turn to Software Outsourcing and, at the end, we propose a Software Outsourcing Model.Palabras clave: Outsourcing, Proceso, PyMEs, Software, Tecnologías de InformaciónResumen. El Outsourcing de Software se ha convertido en una solución para lasorganizaciones o empresas, debido a diferentes motivos o variables que van desde reducir costos hasta mantener su tecnología actualizada. El Outsourcing lo definimos como los procesos de negocio que son realizados por una organización (Proveedor), se establece una relación contractual (Cliente-Proveedor) y se le da la responsabilidad de la ejecución de los procesos de negocio al proveedor. Partiendo de la importante inversión en importaciones, generada por las empresas en México, se realiza una revisión de literatura para identificar lasprincipales variables que, en principio, influyen en la decisión de recurrir al Outsourcing de Software y, finalmente, se propone un Modelo de Outsourcing de Software

    Proceso de construcción de indicadores de transferencia de tecnología en México

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    La transferencia tecnológica (TT) es la plataforma de colaboración que permite incrementar las capacidades de las instituciones y empresas, permitiendo que los conocimientos de una de ellas pasen a otra para ser adoptados y usados en su beneficio. El abanico de mecanismos para la transferencia es muy amplio, cubre actividades tradicionales de capacitación hasta actividades más complejas en el plano competitivo como el licenciamiento de propiedad intelectual, la creación de empresas spin-off y los parques tecnológicos. En 2017, la Secretaría de Economía lanzó el Observatorio Mexicano de Innovación (OMI) como instrumento de política pública apoyado por el Comité Intersectorial para la Innovación con la finalidad de fortalecer el ecosistema mexicano de innovación, específicamente a través de indicadores orientados a evaluar la posición de México en el ámbito internacional. Entre los indicadores que monitorea están la ciencia y tecnología, la transferencia de tecnología (TT), la innovación, el emprendimiento y la internacionalización. Dada la importancia que tiene la medición de las actividades de transferencia, el objetivo del presente trabajo es describir y analizar el proceso de construcción indicadores que midan la TT en el país para conocer con mayor detalle su estado actual, su evolución, el desempeño y la rentabilidad de apoyos para fomentar la TT otorgados por el Gobierno Federal. También se presenta de manera sintética el resultado de la aplicación piloto de la encuesta para formar los indicadores, aplicada en 2018. Así, se ha encontrado que estos indicadores son útiles para medir insumos y resultados, pero que se requiere un trabajo continuo para avanzar en la aplicación de los de impacto

    Response of obesity-resistant BALB/c mice to a ketogenic diet

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    Introduction. The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet in which the body undergoes metabolic adjustments that stimulate ketogenesis, thereby increasing circulating ketone bodies. Loss of body weight is attributed to these adjustments, as well as neuroprotective properties. However, the mechanisms involved are still not fully elucidated. That aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of a ketogenic diet on body composition, feeding behavior and glucose metabolism in mice of the BALB/c strain, a mouse model resistant to obesity. Materials and methods. BALB/c mice of both sexes, 12 weeks old, were divided into KD and control groups, which received a ketogenic diet (Research Diets) or standard chow (LabDiet 5001), respectively, for 23 days. Throughout the experiment, body weight gain, water and food intake were measured, whereas body mass index (BMI), the percentage of interscapular, inguinal, and visceral adipose tissue and blood b-hidroxybutyrate levels were measured at the end of the protocol. In addition, glucose tolerance tests were carried out at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Results. Similar body weight gain (10%) was observed in males and females on KD compared to the control group (p\u3c0.05). However, a higher BMI was observed only in males. The KD group consumed 50% less food in both sexes, whereas water consumption was diminished 25% in males and 50% in females, compared to the control (p= 0.0001). The estimated energy intake was lower (12 Kcal) in males on ketogenic diet, but not in females. Regarding the metabolic state at day 23, in KD mice levels of b-hidroxybutyrate increased to 0.4 mmol/L in males and 0.7 mmol/L in females. Mice of both sexes on KD showed increased inguinal and visceral fat, when compared to the control group on standard chow. At day 23, the glucose tolerance test showed an increase in the area under the curve, indicating impaired glucose tolerance, in both males and females on KD. Conclusions. In obesity-resistant BALB/c mice, the consumption of a ketogenic diet for a short period induces a state of nutritional ketosis accompanied by weight gain, increased fat tissue, and impaired glucose intolerance

    Bose-Einstein condensation by polarization gradient laser cooling

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    Attempts to create quantum degenerate gases without evaporative cooling have been pursued since the early days of laser cooling, with the consensus that polarization gradient cooling (PGC, also known as "optical molasses") alone cannot reach condensation. In the present work, we report that simple PGC can generate a small Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) inside a corrugated micrometer-sized optical dipole trap. The experimental parameters enabling BEC creation were found by machine learning, which increased the atom number by a factor of 5 and decreased the temperature by a factor of 2.5, corresponding to almost two orders of magnitude gain in phase space density. When the trapping light is slightly misaligned through a microscopic objective lens, a BEC of 250\sim 250 87^{87}Rb atoms is formed inside a local dimple within 40 ms of PGC.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    A new initialization procedure for the distributed estimation of distribution algorithms

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    Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are one of the most promising paradigms in today’s evolutionary computation. In this field, there has been an incipient activity in the so-called parallel estimation of distribution algorithms (pEDAs). One of these approaches is the distributed estimation of distribution algorithms (dEDAs). This paper introduces a new initialization mechanism for each of the populations of the islands based on the Voronoi cells. To analyze the results, a series of different experiments using the benchmark suite for the special session on Real-parameter Optimization of the IEEE CEC 2005 conference has been carried out. The results obtained suggest that the Voronoi initialization method considerably improves the performance obtained from a traditional uniform initialization

    Quantic Analysis of Formation of a Biomaterial of Latex, Retinol, and Chitosan for Biomedical Applications

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    The present work shows the quantum theoretical analysis and practical tests for the formation of a homogeneous mixture with Latex (Lx), Chitosan (Qn) and Retinol (Rl), which work as possible biomaterial for regeneration of epithelial tissue. Lx, Qn, and Rl compounds molecules were designed through Hyperchem to get the coefficient of electrostatic potential calculations. The amounts used to create the biomaterial are minimum depending on the quantities of molecules used in chemical design. A positive calculation was obtained for the reaction of these three compounds and the formation of the biomaterial in physical checking theory etc

    Role of fractal dimension in random walks on scale-free networks

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    Fractal dimension is central to understanding dynamical processes occurring on networks; however, the relation between fractal dimension and random walks on fractal scale-free networks has been rarely addressed, despite the fact that such networks are ubiquitous in real-life world. In this paper, we study the trapping problem on two families of networks. The first is deterministic, often called (x,y)(x,y)-flowers; the other is random, which is a combination of (1,3)(1,3)-flower and (2,4)(2,4)-flower and thus called hybrid networks. The two network families display rich behavior as observed in various real systems, as well as some unique topological properties not shared by other networks. We derive analytically the average trapping time for random walks on both the (x,y)(x,y)-flowers and the hybrid networks with an immobile trap positioned at an initial node, i.e., a hub node with the highest degree in the networks. Based on these analytical formulae, we show how the average trapping time scales with the network size. Comparing the obtained results, we further uncover that fractal dimension plays a decisive role in the behavior of average trapping time on fractal scale-free networks, i.e., the average trapping time decreases with an increasing fractal dimension.Comment: Definitive version published in European Physical Journal

    Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter

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    It is known that Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) are the most frequent bacteria in hospital units. It is also known that GNBs generate a greater number of nosocomial infections in critical areas. In the present work, the adhesion of the bacterial cell wall (BCW) to the compounds of the material layers of a high efficiency filter (HEPA) was analyzed. The analysis was carried out by means of molecular simulation and quantum chemistry. The BCW and HEPA molecules were designed using Hyperchem software for simulation. The calculations of the quantum interactions of the molecules were carried out using the theory of the electron transfer coefficient (ETC). It obtained from 4 to 6 compounds that are more likely to interact even as a chemical reaction. The compounds of the glass fibers are the ones that work best for the adhesion and destruction of the BCW