606 research outputs found

    Use of a new enrichment nanosorbent for speciation of mercury by FI-CV-ICP-MS

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    Mercury is one of the most toxic environmental pollutants and its effects on human and ecosystem health are well known. All mercury species are toxic, with organic mercury compounds generally being more toxic than inorganic species. Chromatography techniques (GC, HPLC) coupled to element specific detectors, are able to separate mercury species in order to elucidate mercury transformation and transport processes where the determination of all mercury species is desirable. However, in practice, especially in sampling campaigns for sea water analysis where a large number of samples are collected over a longer period of time, a combination of methods is usually applied to accurately determine the most toxic mercury species. These include non-chromatographic methods based on the different chemical and/or physical behavior of the mercury species. These non-chromatographic methods can be less time consuming, more cost effective and available, and present competitive limits of detection. Especially when mercury could vapor (CV) generation technique is employed, which reduces salt effect on the analytical signal and improve the sensibility. Among non-chromatographic methods, solid phase extraction and microextraction (SPE and SPME) which is becoming increasingly popular for sample preparation in organic analysis, found its way to speciation analysis of organometals. SPE/SPME is the most popular sample preconcentration method for its simplicity, high enrichment factor, low or no consumption of organic solvents and feasibly to be automated. On the other hand, the exploration of new materials, especially nanometer sized materials, as the support phase is another active research area in SPE/SPME for mercury determination. The use of nanoparticles leads to higher extraction capacity/efficiency and rapid dynamics of extraction originated from the higher surface area to volume ratio and short diffusion route. In this work, a new enrichment nanosorbent functionalized with 1,5 bis (2-pyridyl) methylene thiocarbohidrazide was synthesized and characterized. From the study of its adsorption capacity toward metal ions, Hg2+ was observed to be one of the most retained 173.1 µmol g-1 at pH 5. Thus, a flow injection solid phase extraction and cold vapor generation method for its determination and speciation based on the use of this new chelating nanosorbent was optimized. The method developed has showed to be useful for the automatic pre-concentration and sequential speciation of mercury and methylmercury in environmental and biological samples. The system was based on chelating retention of the analytes onto a mini-column filled with the new nanosorbent and their sequential elution by using two different eluents, 0.2 % HCl for CH3Hg+ and 0.1 % thiourea in 0.5 % HCl for Hg2+. The determination was performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Under the optimum conditions and 120 s preconcentration time, the enrichment factors were 4.7 and 11.0; the detection limits (3σ) were 0.002 and 0.004 µg L-1; the determination limits (10σ) were 0.011 and 0.024 µg L-1; and the precisions (calculated for 10 replicate determinations at a 2 µg L-1 standard of both species) were 2.8 and 2.6 % (RSD); for CH3Hg+ and Hg2+, respectively. Linear calibration graphs were obtained for both species from the determination limits to at least 70 µg L-1. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the newly developed method, the analysis of two certified samples, LGC 6016 estuarine water and SRM 2976 mussel tissue were addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values. The method was successfully applied to the speciation of mercury in sea-water samples collected in the Málaga Bay.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Synthesis and characterization of a new nanosorbent based on functionalized magnetic nanoparticles and its use in the determination of mercury by FI-CV-ETAAS

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    In this work, a new chelating sorbent which employs 1,5-bis(di-2-pyridil)methylene thiocarbohydrazide as the functional group and magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) as its support (DPTH-MNP) was synthetized and characterized. The MNPs were prepared by coprecipitation of Fe+2 and Fe+3 with NH3 and then coated with silica in order to easily bind the support and the functionalizing molecule. The aim of the synthesis of this material is applying it as a solid-phase extracting agent and evaluating its potential for the extraction and pre-concentration of trace amounts of analytes present in biological and environmental samples with on-line methods. The MNPs’ magnetic core would allow overcoming the usual backpressure problems that happen in solid-phase extraction methods thanks to the possibility of immobilizing the MNPs by applying an external magnetic field. From the study of its adsorption capacity toward metal ions, mercury and antimony were the most retained. Thus, a flow injection solid phase extraction and cold vapor generation method for mercury determination based on the use of this new chelating nanosorbent was optimized. The greatest efforts were put into the reactor design to minimize compaction and loss of nanosorbent. The knotted reactor shown in Figure 1 was chosen as the best. Then, chemical and flow variables were optimized by Central composite designs (CCDs). The method developed has showed to be useful for the automatic pre-concentration and determination of mercury in environmental and biological samples. The determination was performed using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). Under the optimum conditions, pH 5 and 120 s preconcentration time, the enrichment factor was 5.33; the detection limit (3σ) was 7.8 ng L-1; the determination limit (10σ) was 99 ng L-1; and the precisions (calculated for 10 replicate determinations at a 1 and 5 µg L-1 standards) were 1.7 and 1.9 % (RSD), respectively. Two linear calibration graphs were obtained, from the determination limits to 10 µg L-1 and from 10 to at least 50 µg L-1. From the comparison with other similar methods found in the bibliography, the detection limit and precisions calculated with our method were better. In order to evaluate the accurate and applicability of the method, the analysis of five certified samples LGC 6016 estuarine water, TMDA 54.4 fortified lake water, SRM 2976 mussel tissue, TORT-1 lobster hepatopancreas and DOLT-1 dogfish liver by standard addition and external calibration, were addressed. The results showed good agreement between the certified values, or added amounts of mercury, and the found concentrations. The method was successfully applied to the determination of mercury in sea-water samples collected in the Málaga Bay.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Simultaneous determination of traces of PT, PD, OS, IR, RH, AG and AU by using magnetic nanoparticles solid phase extraction coupled with ICP OES

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    The direct analysis of these target analytes is very limited being essential sample pre-treatment techniques and the use of very sensitive instrumental techniques to carry out determinations. The inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry shows a poor sensitivity because the concentration of some elements in environmental samples is below the detection limit of ICP OES. To solve this problem, preconcentration separation procedures have been proposed, minimizing the spectral and matrix interferences. Thus, enrichment is a very important issue for achievement of low detection limits [1-4]. In this study, a chelating resin 1,5 bis (di 2 pyridil) methylene thiocarbonohydrazide bonded to iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (DPTH-MNPs) were synthesized. These magnetic nanoparticles were employed as a solid phase extraction (SPE) adsorbent for the separation and concentration of trace amounts of 7 elements (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt, Ir, Rh and Os) from environmental water samples. The main aim of this work was to develop a precise and accurate method for the simultaneous determination of the maximum possible number of elements by using this new absorbent and a multimode sample introduction system (MSIS). The MSIS acts as a system for the generation, separation and introduction of chemical vapours (CVG) and also as an introduction system for sample aerosols, in a simultaneous form, into an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer. The on-line SPE-CVG-ICP-OES system developed was applied in the determination of the aforementioned metals in natural water samples (sea water, estuarine, lake and river water), with the least demanding and simple sample preparation procedure. The developed method was validated by analysing natural water certified reference materials (TMDA 54.4 fortified lake waters and SRM 1643e, trace elements in water; and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIST-2557 autocatalyst). Sea water, tap water and well water samples collected from Malaga (Spain) were also analysed. The procedure has been demonstrated to be fast, easy, automatic, selective and economical, and the sensitivity was good. The main advantage of DPTH-MNPs is its very good stability and resistance because chemisorption of chelating molecules on the surface of solid supports provides immobility, mechanical stability and insolubility. The precision (RSD), accuracy (by standard addition or recovery) and limit of detection (LOD) were used to evaluate the characteristics of the procedure. Furthermore, the proposed method was applied in the simultaneous determination of the 7 elements mentioned above with a sample throughput of about 13 h-1, thereby, reducing the time of analysis and the volume of reagents and sample required. References [1] M. Tuzen, M. Soylak, D. Citak, H.S. Ferreira, M.G.A. Korn, M.A. Bezerra, A pre-concentration system for determination of copper and nickel in water and food samples employing flame atomic absorption spectrometry, Journal of Haz-ardous Materials 162 (2009) 1041–1045. [2] Y. Cui, X. Chang, Y. Zhai, X. Zhu, H. Zheng, N. Lian, ICP-AES determination of trace elements after preconcentrated with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde-modified nanometer SiO2 from sample solution, Microchem. J. 83 (2006) 35–41. [3] P. Liang, B. Hu, Z. Jiang, Y. Qin, T. Peng, Nanometer-sized titanium dioxide micro-column on-line preconcentration of La, Y, Yb, Eu, Dy and their determination by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom. 16 (2001) 863–866. [4] B. Feist, B. Mikula, K. Pytlakowska, B. Puzio, F. Buhl, Determination of heavy metals by ICP-OES and F-AAS after preconcentration with 2,2-bipyridyl and erythrosine, J. Hazard. Mater. 152 (2008) 1122–1129.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La hidroxiapatita asociada al sulfato cálcico como material de substitución ósea. Aspectos biológicos.

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    La cirugía ortopédica y máxilo-facial necesitan realizar en muchas ocasiones resecciones masivas de tejido óseo. Esto ha hecho que se haya propuesto la utilización de materiales inertes como substitutos óseos, gracias a la habilidad que tienen de permitir la regeneración del hueso, tanto en el campo de la medicina como en el de la odontología. Nuestro trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar un biomaterial compuesto de hidroxiapatita y sulfato cálcico como material de substitución ósea en forma de cilindros. Se han intervenido 75 animales de experimentación (conejo Albino de Nueva Zelanda), divididos en tres grupos, cada uno de ellos compuesto por 25 animales. En el grupo I o control, los animales fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente realizándoseles una cavidad a nivel metafisodiafisario en el fémur sin realizar implantes. A los animales del grupo II y III se les realizó la misma intervención, pero se les implantó un cilindro de hidroxiapatita (HA) y sulfato cálcico a dos concentraciones diferentes, 50% - 50% y 70% - 30% respectivamente. El estudio ha demostrado una regeneración ósea de la cavidad rellenada a expensas de la rápida reabsorción del yeso, y de una lenta reabsorción de la hidroxiapatita.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluación de un algoritmo para detección de áreas quemadas en bosques de Canarias

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    Se aplicó un clasificador bayesiano, inicialmente desarrollado y validado con éxito para la detección de áreas quemadas en regiones de bosque boreal usando el conjunto de datos LTDR (Long-Term Data Record) de 0,05º (~ 5 km) de resolución espacial, a una serie temporal de imágenes diarias Terra-MODIS de zonas forestales de Monteverde y Pinar de las Islas Canarias para el periodo 2002-2012. A partir de los dos productos MODIS, MOD09GQ (250 m) y MOD11A1 (1 km), que representan las imágenes diarias de reflectancia y temperatura de superficie respectivamente, se construyeron compuestos de 10 días mediante el criterio de máxima temperatura. Las variables estadísticas utilizadas en el clasificador bayesiano fueron los índices de vegetación GEMI y BBFI, junto con la banda espectral NIR, todos ellos relativos al año anterior y al año de ocurrencia del incendio. Se crearon polígonos de referencia de los 14 incendios mayores de 100 hectáreas identificados en el periodo analizado, utilizando conjuntamente imágenes LANDSAT post-fuego e información oficial de la base de datos nacional de incendios forestales del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA). El algoritmo de detección se entrenó usando un incendio producido en el sur de Tenerife en julio de 2012 que afectó a más de 6000 ha. Los resultados muestran que 13 de los 14 incendios registrados en ese periodo en el conjunto de las Islas Canarias, fueron detectados. El área total quemada detectada supone un 64,9% de los datos de referencia del MAGRAMA y un 78,6% según los datos obtenidos a partir de las imágenes LANDSAT. La aplicación de la metodología propuesta podría mejorar estos resultados considerando otros criterios de composición, índices de vegetación, variables estadísticas y/o región de entrenamiento, que mejor caractericen la respuesta espectral de la dinámica de la cobertura forestal de las Islas Canarias afectada por el fueg

    Directional Coupler Calibration for Accurate Online Incident Power Measurements

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] This letter proposes a calibration method to properly measure the incident power in a directional coupler (DC) when the measurement configuration has low directivity. The proposed method is based on measurements of short-circuits placed at different distances to calibrate the DC response. Results show that the method is clearly robust and provides accurate measurements even for directivities as low as 10 dB.This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Valencia Region 2014-2020 Operational Program under Project IDIFEDER/2018/027.Penaranda-Foix, FL.; Catalá Civera, JM.; Gutiérrez Cano, JD.; García-Baños, B. (2021). Directional Coupler Calibration for Accurate Online Incident Power Measurements. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 31(6):624-627. https://doi.org/10.1109/LMWC.2021.3070788S62462731

    Sequential determination of traces of As, Sb and hg by on-line magnetic solid phase extraction coupled with Hr-Cs-Cvg-Gfaas

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    A green and rapid method was developed for the simultaneous separation/preconcentration and sequential monitoring pf arsenic, antimony and mercury by flow injection magnetic solid phase extraction coupled with on-line chemical vapor generation and determination by high resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The system is based on chelating/cationic retention of the analytes onto a magnet based reactor designed to contain functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). The MNP score allows overcoming the back-pressure problems that usually happen in SPME methods with NPs thanks to the possibility of inmobilizing the MNPs by applying an external magnetic field. Several chemical and flow variables were considered as factors in the optimization process using central composite designs. With the optimized procedure the detection limits obtained were 0.2, 0.003 and 0.4 µg/L for As, Sb and Hg respectively. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the developed method the analysis of two certified samples TM 24.3 and TMDA 54.4 Fortified Lake Waters was addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Implemento mecánico para cuchara bivalva y su uso en la ejecución de pozos verticales de gran diámetro

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    Publication number: ES2593952 A1 Also published as: ES2593952 A8 ES2593952 B2 Application number: P201500466 (12.06.2015)La presente invención tiene como objeto la mejora de un procedimiento para ejecutar pozos verticales subterráneos de gran diámetro mediante cuchara bivalva de acero. La invención introduce mejoras en la excavación de pozos verticales, realizados mediante cuchara bivalva de acero, cuando se llega a capas de arcilla o limos que impiden que el sistema de cerramiento del pozo. La invención consiste en un implemento de acero que se fija a La cuchara bivalva mediante tornillos, colocando un implemento a un lado de la cuchara bivalva y otro implemento en el otro lado de dicha cuchara, de forma que cuando la bivalva se abre, estos implementos sobresalen del ancho de la excavación, rompiendo estos dispositivos la capa de arcilla o limos y facilitando, de este modo, el descenso seguro de los tubos de hormigón.Universidad de Almerí

    Cold vapour generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and solid phase extraction based on a new nanosorbent for sensitive HG determination in environmental samples (sea water and river water)

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    Reunión bianual del Grupo Regional Andaluz de la Sociedad Española de Química AnalíticaMercury is not an essential element for plant or animal life and it is a potential environmental toxic because of its tendency to form covalent bonds with organic molecules and the high stability of the Hg-C bond. Reports estimate a total mercury concentration in natural waters ranging from 0.2 to 100 ng L-1. Due to this fact, highly sensitive methods are required for direct determination of such extremely low levels. In this work, a rapid and simple method was developed for separation and preconcentration of mercury by flow injection solid phase extraction coupled with on-line chemical vapour generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The system is based on chelating retention of the analyte onto the mini column filled with a mesoporous silica functionalized with 1,5 bis (di-2-pyridyl) methylene thiocarbohydrazide. The main aim of this work was to develop a precise and accurate method for the determination of the Hg. Under the optima conditions and 120 s preconcentration time, the detection limit obtained was 0.009 μg L-1, with RSDs 3.7 % for 0.2 μg L-1, 4.8 % for 1 μg L-1 and enrichment factor 4, Furthermore, the method proposed has permitted the determination of Hg with a reduction in the analysis time, the sample throughput was about 18 h-1, low consumption of reagents and sample volume. The method was applied to the determination of Hg in sea water and river water. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the newly developed method, the analysis of two certified samples, TMDA 54.4 Fortified Lake, and LGC6187 River sediment was addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech