187 research outputs found

    Prediction of the effects of drugs on cardiac activity using computer simulations

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    [ES] Las enfermedades cardiovasculares siguen siendo la principal causa de muerte en Europa. Las arritmias cardíacas son una causa importante de muerte súbita, pero sus mecanismos son complejos. Esto denota la importancia de su estudio y prevención. La investigación sobre electrofisiología cardíaca ha demostrado que las anomalías eléctricas causadas por mutaciones que afectan a canales cardíacos pueden desencadenar arritmias. Sorprendentemente, se ha descubierto una gran variedad de fármacos proarrítmicos, incluidos aquellos que usamos para prevenirlas. Las indicaciones de uso de fármacos actuales intentaron solucionar este problema diseñando una prueba para identificar aquellos fármacos que podían ser peligrosos basado en el bloqueo de un solo canal iónico. El estudio de las interacciones fármaco-canal ha revelado la existencia no sólo de compuestos que bloquean múltiples canales, sino también una gran complejidad en esas interacciones. Esto podría explicar por qué algunos medicamentos pueden mostrar efectos muy diferentes en la misma enfermedad. Existen dos desafíos importantes con respecto a los efectos de los fármacos en la electrofisiología cardíaca. Por un lado, las empresas y entidades reguladoras están buscando una herramienta de alto rendimiento que mejore la detección del potencial proarrítmico durante el desarrollo de fármacos. Por otro lado, los pacientes con anomalías eléctricas a menudo requieren tratamientos personalizados más seguros. Las simulaciones computacionales contienen un poder sin precedentes para abordar fenómenos biofísicos complejos. Deberían ser de utilidad a la hora de determinar las características que definen tanto los efectos beneficiosos como no deseados de los fármacos mediante la reproducción de datos experimentales y clínicos. En esta tesis doctoral, se han utilizado modelos computacionales y simulaciones para dar respuesta a estos dos desafíos. El estudio de los efectos de los fármacos sobre la actividad cardíaca se dividió en el estudio de su seguridad y de su eficacia, respectivamente. Para dar respuesta al primer desafío, se adoptó un enfoque más amplio y se generó un nuevo biomarcador fácil de usar para la clasificación del potencial proarrítmico de los fármacos utilizando modelos del potencial de acción de células y tejidos cardíacos humanos. Se integró el bloqueo de múltiples canales a través de IC50 y el uso de concentraciones terapéuticas con el fin de mejorar el poder predictivo. Luego, se entrenó el biomarcador cuantificando el potencial proarrítmico de 84 fármacos. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el biomarcador podría usarse para probar el potencial proarrítmico de nuevos fármacos. Respecto al segundo desafío, se adoptó un enfoque más específico y se buscó mejorar la terapia de pacientes con anomalías eléctricas cardíacas. Por lo tanto, se creó un modelo detallado de la mutación V411M del canal de sodio, causante del síndrome de QT largo, reproduciendo datos clínicos y experimentales. Se evaluaron los posibles efectos beneficiosos de ranolazina, a la par que se aportó información sobre los mecanismos que impulsan la efectividad de la flecainida. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que, si bien ambos fármacos mostraron diferentes mecanismos de bloqueo de los canales de sodio, un tratamiento con ranolazina podría ser beneficioso en estos pacientes.[CA] Les malalties cardiovasculars continuen sent la principal causa de mort a Europa. Les arrítmies cardíaques són una causa important de mort sobtada, però els seus mecanismes són complexos. Això denota la importància del seu estudi i prevenció. La investigació sobre electrofisiologia cardíaca ha demostrat que les anomalies elèctriques que afecten a canals cardiacs poden desencadenar arrítmies. Sorprenentment, s'ha descobert una gran varietat de fàrmacs proarrítmics, inclosos aquells que utilitzem per a previndre-les. Les indicacions d'ús de fàrmacs actuals van intentar solucionar aquest problema dissenyant una prova per a identificar aquells fàrmacs que podien ser perillosos basada en el bloqueig d'un sol canal iònic. L'estudi de les interaccions fàrmac-canal ha revelat l'existència no sols de compostos que bloquegen múltiples canals, sinó també una gran complexitat en aquestes interaccions. Això podria explicar per què alguns medicaments poden mostrar efectes molt diferents en la mateixa malaltia. Existeixen dos desafiaments importants respecte als efectes dels fàrmacs en la electrofisiologia cardíaca. D'una banda, les empreses i entitats reguladores estan buscant una eina d'alt rendiment que millore la detecció del potencial proarrítmic durant el desenvolupament de fàrmacs. D'altra banda, els pacients amb anomalies elèctriques sovint requereixen tractaments personalitzats més segurs. Les simulacions computacionals contenen un poder sense precedents per a abordar fenòmens biofísics complexos. Haurien de ser d'utilitat a l'hora de determinar les característiques que defineixen tant els efectes beneficiosos com no desitjats dels fàrmacs mitjançant la reproducció de dades experimentals i clíniques. En aquesta tesi doctoral, s'han utilitzat models computacionals i simulacions per a donar resposta a aquests dos desafiaments. L'estudi dels efectes dels fàrmacs sobre l'activitat cardíaca es va dividir en l'estudi de la seva seguretat i la seva eficacia. Per a donar resposta al primer desafiament, es va adoptar un enfocament més ampli i es va generar un nou biomarcador fàcil d'usar per a la classificació del potencial proarrítmic dels fàrmacs utilitzant models del potencial d'acció de cèl·lules i teixits cardíacs humans. Es va integrar el bloqueig de múltiples canals a través d'IC50 i l'ús de concentracions terapèutiques amb la finalitat de millorar el poder predictiu. Després, es va entrenar el biomarcador quantificant el potencial proarrítmic de 84 fàrmacs. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que el biomarcador podria usar-se per a provar el potencial proarrítmic de nous fàrmacs. Respecte al segon desafiament, es va adoptar un enfocament més específic i es va buscar millorar la teràpia de pacients amb anomalies elèctriques cardíaques. Per tant, es va crear un model detallat de la mutació V411M del canal de sodi, causant de la síndrome de QT llarg, reproduint dades clíniques i experimentals. Es van avaluar els possibles efectes beneficiosos de ranolazina, a l'una que es va aportar informació sobre els mecanismes que impulsen l'efectivitat de la flecainida. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que, si bé tots dos fàrmacs van mostrar diferents mecanismes de bloqueig dels canals de sodi, un tractament amb ranolazina podria ser beneficiós en aquests pacients.[EN] Cardiovascular disease remains the main cause of death in Europe. Cardiac arrhythmias are an important cause of sudden death, but their mechanisms are complex. This denotes the importance of their study and prevention. Research on cardiac electrophysiology has shown that electrical abnormalities caused by mutations in cardiac channels can trigger arrhythmias. Surprisingly, a wide variety of drugs have also shown proarrhythmic potential, including those that we use to prevent arrhythmia. Current guidelines designed a test to identify dangerous drugs by assessing their blocking power on a single ion channel to address this situation. Study of drug-channel interactions has revealed not only compounds that block multiple channels but also a great complexity in those interactions. This could explain why similar drugs can show vastly different effects in some diseases. There are two important challenges regarding the effects of drugs on cardiac electrophysiology. On the one hand, companies and regulators are in search of a high throughput tool that improves proarrhythmic potential detection during drug development. On the other hand, patients with electrical abnormalities often require safer personalized treatments owing to their condition. Computer simulations provide an unprecedented power to tackle complex biophysical phenomena. They should prove useful determining the characteristics that define the drugs' beneficial and unwanted effects by reproducing experimental and clinical observations. In this PhD thesis, we used computational models and simulations to address the two abovementioned challenges. We split the study of drug effects on the cardiac activity into the study of their safety and efficacy, respectively. For the former, we took a wider approach and generated a new easy-to-use biomarker for proarrhythmic potential classification using cardiac cell and tissue human action potential models. We integrated multiple channel block through IC50s and therapeutic concentrations to improve its predictive power. Then, we quantified the proarrhythmic potential of 84 drugs to train the biomarker. Our results suggest that it could be used to test the proarrhythmic potential of new drugs. For the second challenge, we took a more specific approach and sought to improve the therapy of patients with cardiac electrical abnormalities. Therefore, we created a detailed model for the long QT syndrome-causing V411M mutation of the sodium channel reproducing clinical and experimental data. We tested the potential benefits of ranolazine, while giving insights into the mechanisms that drive flecainide's effectiveness. Our results suggest that while both drugs showed different mechanisms of sodium channel block, ranolazine could prove beneficial in these patients.This PhD thesis was developed within the following projects: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) DPI2015-69125-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE): Simulación computacional para la predicción personalizada de los efectos de los fármacos sobre la actividad cardiaca. Dirección General de Política Científica de la Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEU2016/088): “Modelos computacionales personalizados multiescala para la optimización del diagnóstico y tratamiento de arritmias cardiacas (personalised digital heart). Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia de la Universitat Politècnica de València, Ayuda a Primeros Proyectos de Investigación (PAID-06-18), and by Memorial Nacho Barberá. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (La Fe Biobank PT17/0015/0043).Cano García, J. (2021). Prediction of the effects of drugs on cardiac activity using computer simulations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/164094TESI

    Intercultural communication between long-stay immigrants and Catalan Primary Care Nurses : a qualitative approach to rebalancing power

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    There is a gap between the preferences of immigrant patients and their experiences with intercultural communication. This study aims to explore the experiences and perspectives of long-stay immigrants on intercultural communication in encounters with primary care (PC) nurses. Participants were selected by purposive sampling at the Maresme Primary Care Center. A focus group and five in-depth interviews with long-stay immigrants from eight countries were carried out. Data collection was guided by a script previously validated by a group of experts. We conducted a qualitative analysis following Charmaz's approach, and data saturation was reached with 11 patients (one focus group and five interviews). Long-stay immigrants would like closer and more personalized communication exchanges with greater humanity, as well as polite and respectful manners as they perceive signs of an asymmetrical care relationship. Those who had negative communication experiences tried to justify some of the behaviors as a result of having free access to public health services. This is one of the few existing studies from the point of view of long-stay immigrants. Achieving effective intercultural communication requires a process of self-reflection, awareness-raising and commitment, both on a personal and institutional level, to eliminate the asymmetry in the nurse-patient relationship. Nurses should be trained in person-centered intercultural communication

    Porous titanium-hydroxyapatite composite coating obtained on titanium by cold gas spray with high bond strength for biomedical applications

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    The lack of bioactivity of titanium (Ti) is one of the main drawbacks for its application in biomedical implants since it can considerable reduce its osseointegration capacities. One strategy to overcome this limitation is the coating of Ti with hydroxyapatite (HA), which presents similar chemical composition than bone. Nonetheless, most of the strategies currently used generate a non-stable coating and may produce the formation of amorphous phases when high temperatures are used. Herein, we proposed to generate a Ti-HA composite coating on Ti surface to improve the stability of the bioactive coating. The coating was produced by cold gas spraying, which uses relatively low temperatures, and compared to a Ti coating. The coating was thoroughly characterized in terms of morphology, roughness, porosity and phase composition. In addition, the coating was mechanically characterized using a tensile loading machine. Finally, biological response was evaluated after seeding SaOS-2 osteoblasts and measuring cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. The novel Ti-HA coating presented high porosity and high adhesion and bond strengths. No change in HA phases was observed after coating formation. Moreover, osteoblast-like cells adhered, proliferated and differentiated on Ti-HA coated surfaces suggesting that the novel coating might be a good candidate for biomedical applications

    Degradación del suelo asociada a la erosión en un aulagar quemado afectado por lluvia torrencial

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    Los incendios forestales pueden producir grandes pérdidas de nutrientes por la combustión de la vegetación, así como pérdidas posteriores por erosión. Estas pérdidas pueden acentuarse si los incendios van seguidos de lluvias torrenciales. En gran parte de la Comunidad Valenciana la torrencialidad de las lluvias se ha incrementado en los últimos 30 años, por lo que cualquier técnica de gestión basada en el uso del fuego debe tener en cuenta este factor de degradación del suelo. En el presente trabajo se han evaluado los efectos de lluvias de gran intensidad sobre la pérdida de suelo y nutrientes en suelos afectados por incendios forestales prescritos. Las simulaciones de lluvia torrencial provocaron una exportación neta de suelo mezclado con cenizas y restos vegetales parcialmente quemados de entre 300 y 8400 kg ha-1, lo que supuso unas pérdidas considerables de nutrientes, y particularmente de N. Estas lluvias supusieron la exportación de entre 1 y 3 mm de suelo y material superficial. La magnitud de las pérdidas estuvo relacionada con la intensidad del fuego y con la presencia de horizontes orgánicos de Cistus albidus y Rosmarinus officinalis. La recurrencia de ambas perturbaciones (fuego y lluvia de gran intensidad) podría degradar el suelo a largo plazo y repercutir negativamente en la regeneración de la vegetación.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos: CICYT CLI95-1948-C03-03 y GV97-RN-14-2, Generalitat Valenciana

    Inhibition of inflammatory signaling in Pax5 mutant cells mitigates B-cell leukemogenesis

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    Altres ajuts: We would like to thank the "Fundación Ramón Areces," a Research Contract with the "Fundación Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn o 4p-", and institutional grants from the "Fundación Ramón Areces" and "Banco de Santander" to the CBMSO. Research in the ISG group is partially supported by by Junta de Castilla y León (UIC-017, CSI001U16, and CSI234P18), and by the German Jose Carreras Foundation (DJCLS R13/26; DJCLS 07R/2019). AC-G and M.I.-H. are supported by FSE-Conserjería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León 2019 and 2020 (ESF- European Social Fund) fellowship, respectively. J.R.-G. is supported by a scholarship from University of Salamanca co-financed by Banco Santander and ESF.PAX5 is one of the most frequently mutated genes in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), and children with inherited preleukemic PAX5 mutations are at a higher risk of developing the disease. Abnormal profiles of inflammatory markers have been detected in neonatal blood spot samples of children who later developed B-ALL. However, how inflammatory signals contribute to B-ALL development is unclear. Here, we demonstrate that Pax5 heterozygosis, in the presence of infections, results in the enhanced production of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), which appears to act in an autocrine fashion to promote leukemia growth. Furthermore, in vivo genetic downregulation of IL-6 in these Pax5 heterozygous mice retards B-cell leukemogenesis, and in vivo pharmacologic inhibition of IL-6 with a neutralizing antibody in Pax5 mutant mice with B-ALL clears leukemic cells. Additionally, this novel IL-6 signaling paradigm identified in mice was also substantiated in humans. Altogether, our studies establish aberrant IL6 expression caused by Pax5 loss as a hallmark of Pax5-dependent B-ALL and the IL6 as a therapeutic vulnerability for B-ALL characterized by PAX5 loss

    The Involvement of Peripheral and Brain Insulin Resistance in Late Onset Alzheimer's Dementia

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    Nowadays, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a severe sociological and clinical problem. Since it was first described, there has been a constant increase in its incidence and, for now, there are no effective treatments since current approved medications have only shown short-term symptomatic benefits. Therefore, it is imperative to increase efforts in the search for molecules and non-pharmacological strategies that are capable of slowing or stopping the progress of the disease and, ideally, to reverse it. The amyloid cascade hypothesis based on the fundamental role of amyloid has been the central hypothesis in the last 30 years. However, since amyloid-directed treatments have shown no relevant beneficial results other theories have been postulated to explain the origin of the pathology. The brain is a highly metabolically active energy-consuming tissue in the human body. It has an almost complete dependence on the metabolism of glucose and uses most of its energy for synaptic transmission. Thus, alterations on the utilization or availability of glucose may be cause for the appearance of neurodegenerative pathologies like AD. In this review article, the hypothesis known as Type 3 Diabetes (T3D) will be evaluated by summarizing some of the data that has been reported in recent years. According to published research, the adherence over time to low saturated fatty acids diets in the context of the Mediterranean diet would reduce the inflammatory levels in brain, with a decrease in the pro-inflammatory glial activation and mitochondrial oxidative stress. In this situation, the insulin receptor pathway would be able to fine tune the mitochondrial biogenesis in neuronal cells, regulation the adenosine triphosphate/adenosine diphosphate intracellular balance, and becoming a key factor involved in the preservation of the synaptic connexions and neuronal plasticity. In addition, new targets and strategies for the treatment of AD will be considered in this review for their potential as new pharmacological or non-pharmacological approaches

    Effects of Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity on Pulmonary Function: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the ILERVAS Project

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    A few studies showed that both adherence to Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) and physical activity practice have a positive impact on pulmonary function in subjects with lung disease. These associations are not well studied in subjects free from lung disease. In a cross-sectional study conducted in 3020 middle-aged subjects free of lung disease, adherence to the MedDiet using the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener, and physical activity practice using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form were recorded. Respiratory function was assessed using forced spirometry and the results were evaluated according to the Global initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Logistic regression models were used to analyze the associations between adherence to the MedDiet and physical activity practice with the presence of ventilatory defects. Participants with a high adherence to MedDiet, in comparison to those with low adherence, had both higher forced vital capacity (FVC; 100 (87–109) vs. 94 (82–105) % of predicted, p = 0.003) and forced expired volume in the first second (FEV1; 100 (89–112) vs. 93 (80–107) % of predicted, p < 0.001). According to their degree of physical activity, those subjects with a high adherence also had both higher FVC (100 (88–107) vs. 94 (83–105) % of predicted, p = 0.027) and FEV1 (100 (89–110) vs. 95 (84–108) % of predicted, p = 0.047) in comparison with those with low adherence. The multivariable logistic regression models showed a significant and independent association between both low adherence to MedDiet and low physical activity practice, and the presence of altered pulmonary patterns, with differences between men and women. However, no joint effect between adherence to MedDiet and physical activity practice on respiratory function values was observed. Low adherence to MedDiet and low physical activity practice were independently associated with pulmonary impairment. Therefore, the lung mechanics seem to benefit from heart-healthy lifestyle behaviors.This study was supported by grants from the Diputació de Lleida, Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR696 and SLT0021600250), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria PI12/00803 and PI15/00260), and European Union (European Regional Development Fund, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, “Una manera de hacer Europa”). CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas, CIBER de Nutrición y Obesidad, and CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias are initiatives of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Benzodiazepines and Related Drugs as a Risk Factor in Alzheimer's Disease Dementia.

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    Benzodiazepines (BZDs) and Z-drugs are compounds widely prescribed in medical practice due to their anxiolytic, hypnotic, and muscle relaxant properties. Yet, their chronic use is associated with cases of abuse, dependence, and relapse in many patients. Furthermore, elderly people are susceptible to alterations in pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics as well as to drug interaction due to polypharmacy. These situations increase the risk for the appearance of cognitive affectations and the development of pathologies like Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the present work, there is a summary of some clinical studies that have evaluated the effect of BZDs and Z-drugs in the adult population with and without AD, focusing on the relationship between their use and the loss of cognitive function. Additionally, there is an assessment of preclinical studies focused on finding molecular proof on the pathways by which these drugs could be involved in AD pathogenesis. Moreover, available data (1990-2019) on BZD and Z-drug use among elderly patients, with and without AD, was compiled in this work. Finally, the relationship between the use of BZD and Z-drugs for the treatment of insomnia and the appearance of AD biomarkers was analyzed. Results pointed to a vicious circle that would worsen the condition of patients over time. Likewise, it put into relevance the need for close monitoring of those patients using BZDs that also suffer from AD. Consequently, future studies should focus on optimizing strategies for insomnia treatment in the elderly by using other substances like melatonin agonists, which is described to have a much more significant safety profile

    A metabolic perspective of late onset Alzheimer's disease

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    After decades of research, the molecular neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is still one of the hot topics in biomedical sciences. Some studies suggest that soluble amyloid β (Aβ) oligomers act as causative agents in the development of AD and could be initiators of its complex neurodegenerative cascade. On the other hand, there is also evidence pointing to Aβ oligomers as mere aggravators, with an arguable role in the origin of the disease. In this line of research, the relative contribution of soluble Aβ oligomers to neuronal damage associated with metabolic disorders such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and obesity is being actively investigated. Some authors have proposed the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and the induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) as important mechanisms leading to an increase in Aβ production and the activation of neuroinflammatory processes. Following this line of thought, these mechanisms could also cause cognitive impairment. The present review summarizes the current understanding on the neuropathological role of Aβ associated with metabolic alterations induced by an obesogenic high fat diet (HFD) intake. It is believed that the combination of these two elements has a synergic effect, leading to the impairement of ER and mitochondrial functions, glial reactivity status alteration and inhibition of insulin receptor (IR) signalling. All these metabolic alterations would favour neuronal malfunction and, eventually, neuronal death by apoptosis, hence causing cognitive impairment and laying the foundations for late-onset AD (LOAD). Moreover, since drugs enhancing the activation of cerebral insulin pathway can constitute a suitable strategy for the prevention of AD, we also discuss the scope of therapeutic approaches such as intranasal administration of insulin in clinical trials with AD patients

    Cognitive decline in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Neuropathological substrate and genetic determinants

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    Cognitive impairment and behavioral changes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are now recognized as part of the disease. Whether it is solely related to the extent of TDP-43 pathology is currently unclear. We aim to evaluate the influence of age, genetics, neuropathological features, and concomitant pathologies on cognitive impairment in ALS patients. We analyzed a postmortem series of 104 ALS patients and retrospectively reviewed clinical and neuropathological data. We assessed the burden and extent of concomitant pathologies, the role of APOE ε4 and mutations, and correlated these findings with cognitive status. We performed a logistic regression model to identify which pathologies are related to cognitive impairment. Cognitive decline was recorded in 38.5% of the subjects. Neuropathological features of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) were found in 32.7%, explaining most, but not all, cases with cognitive impairment. Extent of TDP-43 pathology and the presence of hippocampal sclerosis were associated with cognitive impairment. Mutation carriers presented a higher burden of TDP-43 pathology and FTLD more frequently than sporadic cases. Most cases (89.4%) presented some degree of concomitant pathologies. The presence of concomitant pathologies was associated with older age at death. FTLD, but also Alzheimer's disease, were the predominant underlying pathologies explaining the cognitive impairment in ALS patients. In sum, FTLD explained the presence of cognitive decline in most but not all ALS cases, while other non-FTLD related findings can influence the cognitive status, particularly in older age groups