85 research outputs found

    Le "sacré noir" chez Georges Bataille et Hubert Aquin

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    ThĂšse de doctorat rĂ©alisĂ©e en cotutelle entre l'UniversitĂ© Paris IV Sorbonne et l'UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©alDes affinitĂ©s rapprochent l’Ɠuvre d’Hubert Aquin et celle de Georges Bataille. Ces deux auteurs explorent une voie mystique prĂ©sentant de fortes similitudes, apparentĂ©e Ă  ce que Roger Caillois appelle le « sacrĂ© gauche », c’est-Ă -dire le sacrĂ© impur, malĂ©fique, dont l’accĂšs serait donnĂ© selon Georges Bataille par la transgression, et qui correspondrait, pour reprendre l’expression bataillienne, au « moment privilĂ©giĂ© d’unitĂ© communielle ». L’objectif de l’auteur français est de dĂ©gager l’expĂ©rience mystique de ses antĂ©cĂ©dents religieux et de rendre le phĂ©nomĂšne de l’extase accessible Ă  tous. La sortie de soi est rendue possible par la communication, qui implique la rupture de son intĂ©gritĂ© et de celle d’autrui. Bien que provenant d’un horizon culturel diffĂ©rent, Hubert Aquin thĂ©orise Ă©galement et met en scĂšne dans et par le rĂ©cit une certaine forme d’«extrĂȘme du possible » qui s’avĂšre trĂšs proche de « l’impossible » bataillien. Cette thĂšse se propose de montrer en quoi les thĂ©ories de « l’expĂ©rience intĂ©rieure » et de l’érotisme de Bataille Ă©clairent tant les essais que le Journal, les romans, rĂ©cits et nouvelles d’Aquin, nous amenant par la mĂȘme occasion Ă  dĂ©finir les particularitĂ©s de la voie mystique empruntĂ©e par l’auteur quĂ©bĂ©cois, et aussi, plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement et plus fondamentalement, de souligner deux façons diffĂ©rentes d’apprĂ©hender et de vivre le refus de la transcendance : l’une, celle de Georges Bataille, qui consiste Ă  embrasser Ă  corps perdu la perte de Dieu et de soimĂȘme dans un formidable Ă©clat de rire, et l’autre, celle d’Hubert Aquin, qui rĂ©side dans le tiraillement incessant et douloureux entre ce qui Ă©loigne du Christ et ce qui rapproche de Lui. Le premier chapitre de la thĂšse est thĂ©orique ; il est consacrĂ© aux trois concepts qui rĂ©gissent l’ensemble de notre analyse : le mysticisme, le sacrĂ© et l’érotisme. La singularitĂ© de la nouvelle thĂ©ologie mystique que propose Georges Bataille dans ses textes thĂ©oriques par rapport Ă  l’expĂ©rience mystique traditionnelle fait ensuite l’objet du deuxiĂšme chapitre. Le troisiĂšme et dernier chapitre montre les points de convergence et de divergence entre l’auteur français et l’auteur quĂ©bĂ©cois et met en valeur la spĂ©cificitĂ© de l’expĂ©rience de ce dernier. Comment Hubert Aquin conçoit-t-il et reprĂ©sente-t-il « l’extrĂȘme du possible » dans l’ensemble de son Ɠuvre ? C’est Ă  cette ultime question que nous tĂąchons de rĂ©pondre.Affinities link Hubert Aquin’s and Georges Bataille’s writings. These two authors explore a mystic path, which presents strong similarities related to what Roger Caillois called «left sacred», that is to say the impure, malefic sacred, accessible to Georges Bataille by transgression, and which corresponds to the « privileged moment of communal unity ». The French author’s goal is to free the mystic experience from its religious background and to make ecstasy accessible to everybody. It is precisely by communicating that men can break their isolation and that of the others and reach ecstasy. Even if Hubert Aquin doesn’t share the same cultural background as Georges Bataille, he also theorizes and represents in his novels a form of « extreme of the possible », which is very close to the bataillian « impossible ». This thesis aims to show how Georges Bataille’s theories of «inner experience » and eroticism highlight Hubert Aquin’s essays, Journal and novels, leading us to define the peculiarities of the mystic experience explored by the author from Quebec, and more generally and fundamentally, to focus on two different ways to think and to live the refusal of transcendence: the first, that of Georges Bataille, which consists in embracing the loss of God and of ourselves in laughter, and the second one, that of Hubert Aquin, which consists in being ceaselessly and painfully torn between what takes away from the Christ and what moves closer to Him. The first chapter of the thesis is theoretical; it is dedicated to three key concepts for our whole analysis: mysticism, sacred and eroticism. The object of the second chapter is the peculiarity of the new mystic theology of Georges Bataille in his theoretical texts compared to the traditional mystic experience. The third and last chapter shows the points of convergence and the differences between the French author and the author from Quebec and emphasizes the specificity of the latter’s experience. How does Hubert Aquin conceive and represent «the extreme of the possible » in his writings? It is the ultimate question we try to answer in this thesis

    Flight behaviour of European corn borer infected with Nosema pyrausta

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    The microsporidian Nosema pyrausta Paillot is a common and widespread pathogen of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (HĂŒbner), in North America and Europe. Nosema negatively affects European corn borer longevity and fecundity. In this study, we used flight mills to examine the effects of Nosema infection on flight activity of unmated males and females at 1 and 3 days after pupal eclosion, taking the level of infection, as measured by number of Nosema spores per mg of tissue, into consideration. Nosema infection had a significant negative effect on distance, duration and speed of the longest uninterrupted flight, as well as on total distance and duration of flight of 1-day-old males, but not of 3-day-old males or females of either age. However, when insects with a light infection (\u3c15 spores/mg) were pooled with uninfected moths, significant negative effects of a moderate/heavy infection (≄15 spores/mg) were observed for most flight parameters in 1-day-old, but not 3-day-old, moths of both sexes. The magnitude of reduction was often substantial: e.g., distance and duration were sevenfold, and 3.5-fold less, respectively, in 1-day-old females with a moderate/heavy infection. Flight distance and duration were significantly negatively correlated with level of Nosema infection in 1-day-old, but not 3-day-old, moths of both sexes. The percentage of moths of either sex or age with a moderate/heavy Nosema infection flying given distances was less than that of lightly infected (\u3c15 spores/mg) moths. Among uninfected adults, forewing length was positively correlated with several measures of flight performance in males, but not females. However, some performance measures were correlated with wing length in females when infected with Nosema. Nosema infection was associated with reduced adult weight, but not forewing length, suggesting that negative effects of Nosema infection on flight performance are related to reduced energy reserves rather than smaller body size per se

    Clinical- and cost-effectiveness of the STAR care pathway compared to usual care for patients with chronic pain after total knee replacement: study protocol for a UK randomised controlled trial.

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    Approximately 20% of patients experience chronic pain after total knee replacement. There is little evidence for effective interventions for the management of this pain, and current healthcare provision is patchy and inconsistent. Given the complexity of this condition, multimodal and individualised interventions matched to pain characteristics are needed. We have undertaken a comprehensive programme of work to develop a care pathway for patients with chronic pain after total knee replacement. This protocol describes the design of a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the clinical- and cost-effectiveness of a complex intervention care pathway compared with usual care.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Additional Link above to access the full-text via the publisher's site

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    “Black sacred” in Georges Bataille’s and Hubert Aquin’s writings

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    Des affinitĂ©s rapprochent l’oeuvre d’Hubert Aquin et celle de Georges Bataille. Ces deux auteurs explorent une voie mystique prĂ©sentant de fortes similitudes, apparentĂ©e Ă  ce que Roger Caillois appelle le « sacrĂ© gauche », c’est-Ă -dire le sacrĂ© impur, malĂ©fique, dont l’accĂšs serait donnĂ© selon Georges Bataille par la transgression, et qui correspondrait, pour reprendre l’expression bataillienne, au « moment privilĂ©giĂ© d’unitĂ© communielle ». L’objectif de l’auteur français est de dĂ©gager l’expĂ©rience mystique de ses antĂ©cĂ©dents religieux et de rendre le phĂ©nomĂšne de l’extase accessible Ă  tous. La sortie de soi est rendue possible par la communication, qui implique la rupture de son intĂ©gritĂ© et de celle d’autrui. Bien que provenant d’un horizon culturel diffĂ©rent, Hubert Aquin thĂ©orise Ă©galement et met en scĂšne dans et par le rĂ©cit une certaine forme d’« extrĂȘme du possible » qui s’avĂšre trĂšs proche de « l’impossible » bataillien. Cette thĂšse se propose de montrer en quoi les thĂ©ories de « l’expĂ©rience intĂ©rieure » et de l’érotisme de Bataille Ă©clairent tant les essais que le Journal, les romans, rĂ©cits et nouvelles d’Aquin, nous amenant par la mĂȘme occasion Ă  dĂ©finir les particularitĂ©s de la voie mystique empruntĂ©e par l’auteur quĂ©bĂ©cois, et aussi, plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement et plus fondamentalement, de souligner deux façons diffĂ©rentes d’apprĂ©hender et de vivre le refus de la transcendance : l’une, celle de Georges Bataille, qui consiste Ă  embrasser Ă  corps perdu la perte de Dieu et de soi-mĂȘme dans un formidable Ă©clat de rire, et l’autre, celle d’Hubert Aquin, qui rĂ©side dans le tiraillement incessant et douloureux entre ce qui Ă©loigne du Christ et ce qui rapproche de Lui. Le premier chapitre de la thĂšse est thĂ©orique ; il est consacrĂ© aux trois concepts qui rĂ©gissent l’ensemble de notre analyse : le mysticisme, le sacrĂ© et l’érotisme. C’est ensuite la singularitĂ© de la nouvelle thĂ©ologie mystique que propose Georges Bataille dans ses textes thĂ©oriques par rapport Ă  l’expĂ©rience mystique traditionnelle qui fait l’objet du deuxiĂšme chapitre. Le troisiĂšme et dernier chapitre met en valeur la spĂ©cificitĂ© de l’expĂ©rience de l’auteur quĂ©bĂ©cois : comment Hubert Aquin conçoit-t-il et reprĂ©sente-t-il « l’extrĂȘme du possible » dans l’ensemble de son oeuvre ? C’est Ă  cette question que nous tĂąchons de rĂ©pondre.Affinities gather Hubert Aquin’s and Georges Bataille’s writings. These two authors explore a mystic way wich presents strong similarities, related to what Roger Caillois called « left sacred», that is to say the impure, malefic sacred, accessible to Georges Bataille by transgression, and which corresponds to the « privileged moment of communal unity ». The French author’s goal is to free the mystic experience from its religious background and to make ecstasy accessible to everybody. It is precisely by communicating that men can break their isolation and that of the others and reach ecstasy. Even if Hubert Aquin hasn’t the same cultural background than Georges Bataille, he also theorizes and represents in his novels a form of « extreme of the possible », which is very close to the bataillian « impossible ». This thesis aims to show how Georges Bataille’s theories of « inner experience » and eroticism highlight Hubert Aquin’s essays, Journal and novels, leading us to define the pecularities of the mystic way explored by the author from Quebec, and more generally and fundamentally, to focus on two different ways to think and to live the refusal of transcendence : the first, that of Georges Bataille, which consists in embracing the loss of God and ourself laughing, and the second one, that of Hubert Aquin, which consists in being ceaselessly and painfully torn between what takes away from the Christ and what moves closer to Him. The first chapter of the thesis is theoretical ; it is dedicated to three key concepts for our whole analysis : mysticism, sacred and eroticism. The object of the second chapter is the peculiarity of the new mystic theology of Georges Bataille in his theoretical texts compared to the traditional mystic experience. The third and last chapter emphasizes the specificity of the author from Quebec’s experience. How does Hubert Aquin conceive and represent « the extreme of the possible » in his writings ? It is to this question we try to answer

    Georges Bataille and Hubert Aquin and the « Left Sacred »

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    Georges Bataille and Hubert Aquin both explore a mystical experience displaying strong similarities, related to what Roger Caillois called « left sacred », that is the impure, malefic sacred, which is accessible by transgression and corresponds to the privileged moment of unity between people. For Bataille, God is absent, even dead: Lamma sabachtani is no longer a question but an assertion in his essays. The object of his new mystical theology is not God, but « the unknown». The divine is reduced to the human, transcendence to immanence. The goal is to free the mystical experience from its religious background and to make ecstasy accessible to every-one. It is precisely by communicating that men can break their isolation and unite themselves with others. « Eroticism of bodies » and « eroticism of hearts » are two of the experiences proposed by Bataille which lead to the sacred. Hubert Aquin is also fascinated by the « left sacred », by eroticism in particular, but it represents for him a temptation which eliminates from the « right sacred » Jesus Christ and perfection He is, for Aquin, the absolute corresponding to the communion between the human being and the Son of God ; it consists in being reborn and in living in “the Christ of the Revelation”
