21 research outputs found

    Low Oxygen Tension Inhibits Senescence in Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BMSCs)

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    Background: Stem cells have been used in regenerative medicine but are so few in the body that they require cell culture. Stem cell culture was performed under normal oxygen tension and passage was carried out until the number of cells was sufficient for therapy. Stem cell cultures under normal oxygen tension do not match the stem cell microenvironment, which can lead to premature senescence. This study aims to determine the association of low oxygen tension with premature senescence of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) through inhibition of p21 expression by HIF-1a. Methode: The research method used rabbit bone marrow in New Zealand as a source of MSCs. The results of isolation of MSCs were divided into two groups for cultured on normal and low oxygen tension until 10 passages. Cells were identified using flowcytometry for cd105 and cd34. At early and late passage, the expression of p21 and HIF-1a was examined using immunofluorescence while senescence was examined using β-galactosidase assay. Results: The results showed that in low oxygen cultures HIF-1a  expression increased significantly (p <0.05) while p21 expression decreased significantly (p <0.05) as did the β-galactosidase assay. Conclusions: The conclusion of this research is low oxygen tension culture able to decrease premature senescence culture of invitro stem cells mesenchymal through obstacles p21 by HIF-1a. Keywords: p21 expression, HIF-1a expression, late passage, premature senescence

    Pelaksanaan Wajib Notifikasi (WiFi) TB di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Jember

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    Indonesia mengikuti target eliminasi global yaitu Eliminasi TB 2035 dan Indonesia bebas TB 2050. Tantangan dalam program pengendalian Tuberkulosis di Indonesia adalah banyaknya kasus tuberkulosis yang tidak terdeteksi maupun kasus yang sudah terdeteksi namun belum terlaporkan, sehingga perlu dilakukan perubahan pendekatan penemuan kasus, dari secara pasif menjadi intensif dan aktif. Rumitnya pengisian form TB oleh dokter swasta, membuat rendahnya notifikasi pasien TB. Maka dibuat aplikasi berbasis smartphone  yaitu  Aplikasi  Wajib Notifikasi TB (WiFi) TB yang lebih sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pelaksanaan wajib noifikasi (WiFi) TB di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sampel penelitian adalah 2 petugas TB. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran dari aspek input, proses, dan output dalam pelaksanaan wajib notifikasi (WiFi) T

    Pelaksanaan Wajib Notifikasi (WiFi) TB di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Jember

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    Indonesia will follow the global elimination target, is the elimination of TB in 2035 and Indonesia to be free of TB in 2050. The challenge in the Tuberculosis control program in Indonesia is there are many undetected cases of tuberculosis and cases that have undetected and unreported. So, needs to change the case-finding approach from passive to intensive and active. The complexity of filling out TB forms by private doctors has resulted in the low notification of TB patients. So, I made an electronic system using a smartphone-based application, namely the Application Mandatory Notification (WiFi) of TB, which application is made simpler and easier. This study aims to describe the implementation of compulsory TB notification (WiFi) in the Public Health Office Jember District. This research uses descriptive research. The research sample was 2 TB officers. This research was analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate the description of the input, process, and output aspects of the implementation of mandatory notification (WiFi) TB


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    Gaya hidup masyarakat selalu berubah mengikuti situasi yang ada di sekitarnya, seperti trendsetter, situasi politik, ekonomi dan sosial. Sistem sosial yang terbentuk memperkenalkan manusia pada budaya hedonisme dalam aliran Aristippus yang cenderung memikirkan kesenangan badaniah seperti freesex dan alcoholic saat ini tengah merajalela di masyarakat. Mengacu pada keadaan tersebut, komposer melawan hedonisme Aristippus dengan hedonisme Epikuros karena menurut komposer ada tujuan utama dari kehidupan manusia yang lebih penting daripada sekedar kesenangan badaniah yaitu ketenangan jiwa (Ataraxia). Komposer merefleksikan fenomena tersebut dalam karya musik berjudul “Ataraxia” dengan fokus kekaryaan yaitu bentuk penyajian.Menyesuaikan dengan fenomena tersebut, komposer menggunakan teori bentuk penyajian musik dan teori tangga dramatik Freytag. Metode penciptaan pada karya musik “Ataraxia” dilakukan melalui pengamatan dan visual untuk mengetahui fenomena yang terjadi ditengah masyarakat, yaitu merebaknya isu hedonisme. Secara visual, hedonisme sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah dan dianggap biasa.Karya musik “Ataraxia” merupakan sebuah penyajian musik dalamalur tangga dramatik Freytag yang membagi musik pada karya ini ke dalam lima bagian yaitu eksposisi, komplikasi, klimaks, reversal(falling action), dan denoument. Pada karya ini terdapat 226 birama dengan durasi komposisi selama 8 menit. Musik yang ditampilkan pada karya ini dimainkan dalam berbagai variasi tempo yaitu moderato, rubatto, allegro dan grave. Pada karya ini digunakan empat macam sukat, yaitu sukat 2/4, ¾,4/4, dan 6/4. Tangga nada yang digunakan berturut-turut ialah b minor, A mayor, C mayor, G#mayor, a minor, F mayor kemudian ke C mayor lagi hingga bagian akhir.Simpulan bentuk penyajian pada karya musik “Ataraxia” meliputi: (1) format penyajian, (2) formasi alat musik, dan (3) formasi bentuk musik. Selanjutnya, pada karya musik “Ataraxia” terdapat seni pendukung meliputi: properti dan dua aktor. Properti ini merupakan sarana dari keberadaan dua aktor pendukung dalam gerak yang dilakukan di area panggung. Sarana pendukung ini diperlukan sebagai kekuatan dalam menampilkan fenomena hedonisme melalui simbol tertentu disamping bentuk komposisi musiknya, yaitu solois yang ikut bermain peran bersama aktor pendukung.Kata Kunci : Ataraxia, Hedonisme, Bentuk Penyajian Musi


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    Porphyromonas gingivalis is a gram-negative anaerobic bacteria and has been shown previously to be one of the major pathogens in aggressive periodontitis. Outer membrane protein is the major virulence factor of P. gingivalis and plays role in the host immune response impair againts P. gingivalis, which in turns, causing tissue destruction and bone resorption. This study was aimed to investigate the isolation and characteristic outer membrane protein of P. gingivalis. Protein of OMP P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 was isolated using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and than continued by hemaglutination test. The result showed that protein profil in SDSPAGE of OMP protein was 40 kDa molecular weight dan hemaglutination test was positive in titer of hemaglutination 1/8.In conclusion, outer membrane protein molecular mass of 40kDa produced by P. gingivalis is a key virulence factor involved in the co-aggregation activity of P. gingivali

    Perancangan Dan Pengembangan Website Covid Care Di Jember

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    Lots of information that is spread in the community about Covid1-19 needs to be confirmed so as not to disturb the public. Many people have not been able to distinguish between true and false information. There are still many people in Jember who have not received accurate and reliable information about the current Covid vaccine. It's not just about how to get vaccinated, but the requirements that must be met in order to get vaccinated in Jember, also have not been conveyed properly to the public. In view of this, we need a means that can facilitate the dissemination of such information properly. This service activity resulted in a website with the name CovidCare. CovidCare provides information to assist the University of Jember's covid task force in collecting data on UNEJ residents who have been vaccinated and also exposed to Covid. The CovidCare website can also make it easier for the Covid task force to accept students who want to register as Covid volunteers who are part of the Thematic KKN at UNEJ. In addition to these internal parties, the CovidCare website can also be used by outside parties (health workers) in registering the Covid vaccine

    Correlation Between Wash and Stunting in Toddlers in Jember Regency

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    Stunting in the working area of ​​the Jelbuk Public Health Center Jember Regency is high. In addition, the working area of ​​the Jelbuk Public Health Center is also in the second worst position in terms of access to sanitation facilities. This study aims to determine the relationship between water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) with stunting in toddlers aged 24-59 months in the working area of ​​Jelbuk Public Health Center. The research was conducted from October 2021 to August 2022 using an observational analytic method with a case-control. The sample is 98 respondents consisting of 49 case samples and 49 control samples. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. They collected data using interviews, documentation studies, and observation. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that the variables that were related were sources of drinking water (p-value= 0,012 OR = 3,212 95% CI = 1,361-7,581), latrine access (p-value= 0,039 OR = 2,604 95% CI = 1,129-6,004), waste disposal (p-value= 0,009 OR=7,622 95% CI=1,605-36,186), sewerage (p-value=0,002 OR=4,111 95% CI=1,735-9,740), and mother's hand washing habits (p-value= 0,000 OR = 6,923 95% CI = 2,852-16,804), while drinking water treatment is not related (p-value= 0,068). The community is expected to be able to further improve the behavior of consuming protected drinking water sources by always cooking from the water they consume so that the potential for contamination can be minimized, carrying out proper waste disposal, and improving the habit of washing mother's hands using soap and running water at the recommended time

    Utilization of viable bone marrow derivat stem cells through an adaption in low oxigen tension as an attempt to increase cellular transplantation efficacy for spermatogenesis process

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    Cellular transplantation using stem cells provides very promising solutions in the regeneration and repairment of cells that have experienced degeneration where recovery through medical or surgical intervension is impossible. However, the very low viability of transplanted stem cells limits the transplantation efficacy. The aim of this research was to obtain viable bone marrow derived stem cells by an adaptation treatment in a low oxygen tensioned in vitro culture. Low oxygen tension adaptation was adjusted to the niche of the stem cells in vivo. In this study, in vitro culture of stem cells in 1% oxygen was compared to those of the conventional culture in 21 % oxygen.Results showed that under 1% oxygentension cell proliferation was slower with larger or rounded triangle shaped cells, and senescence or dead cells was low. Meanwhile under 21 % oxygen tension cell proliferation was two fold faster with flattened and slender cells, and senescence or dead cells was higher. In conclusion, conventional in vitro culture under 21% oxygen caused cell aging (senescence) and rapid cell death, therefore the transplanted cells were not viable