237 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to identify the incidence of postural deformity in students. Assessments of static posture, goniometrics and scapular measurements were mada in girls from 6 to 17 years old (n=154). The results indícate that the occurrence of postural deviation is common, specially from 10years old, when also starts to occur i righer percentage of asymmetry between the left and right sides of both the scapular and pelvic girths. The deformities most frequently observed were: anteriorization of the cervical spine (66,23%), protrusion of the shoulders (47,40%), scapular abduction (80,52%), dorsal kyphosis (10,39%), lombar lordosis (31,17%) and kypholordosis (29,22%).O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a incidência de desvios posturais em escolares. Foram realizadas avaliações posturais estáticas, goniométricas e medições das distancias escapulares em meninas entre 6 e 17 anos de idade (n=154). Os resultados indicaram que é comum a ocorrência de desvios posturais, principalmente a partir dos 10 anos, quando passa a ocorrer também um percentual maior de assimetrias entre as medidas do lado direito e esquerdo da cintura escapular e pélvica. Analisando as faixas etárias como um todo, os desvios mais observados foram: anteriorizaçao da coluna cervical (66,23%), protusão de ombros (47,40%), abdução escapular (80,52%), nipercifose dorsal (10,39%), hiperlordose lombar (31,17%) e cifolordose (29,22%). The objective of this study was to identify the incidence of postural deformity in students. Assessments of static posture, goniometrics and scapular measurements were mada in girls from 6 to 17 years old (n=154). The results indícate that the occurrence of postural deviation is common, specially from 10years old, when also starts to occur i righer percentage of asymmetry between the left and right sides of both the scapular and pelvic girths. The deformities most frequently observed were: anteriorization of the cervical spin

    Análise cinemática da estratégia de corrida de crianças em idade escolar na prova de 50 metros

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    Objetivo: avaliar a cinemática da corrida durante a prova de 50 metros de 28 escolares do ensino fundamental. Método: para a avaliação cinemática foram realizadas filmagens no plano sagital, durante a corrida ao longo de todo percurso da prova de 50 metros. Foi mensurado o tempo total do percurso e a cada 5 metros, o comprimento da passada e foram calculadas a frequência de passos e a velocidade. Resultados e considerações finais: não houve diferença na quantidade de passos (p=0,417) e no comprimento da passada (p=0,868) durante os 50 metros entre os sexos. Entretanto, para as variáveis tempo e frequência de passos, verificou-se diferença entre os sexos (p=0,001), sendo que os meninos realizaram a prova em menor tempo e maior frequência de passos que as meninas

    Prevalência de dor nas costas e hábitos posturais inadequados em escolares do Ensino Fundamental do Colégio de Aplicação da UFRGS

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    O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a prevalência e a associação da dor nas costas e dos hábitos posturais inadequados em escolares do Ensino Fundamental do Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. 197 escolares (a partir do 5º Ano) foram avaliados com o questionário Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument (BackPEI), o qual visa identificar a presença de dor nas costas e avalia fatores de risco demográficos (idade e sexo) e comportamentais (hábitos de vida diários). Os resultados demonstraram uma prevalência de dor nas costas dos escolares de 55,3%, tendo associação significativa com o sexo feminino. Foi encontrada prevalência superior a 90% de hábitos posturais inadequados nas atividades de sentar para escrever, sentar em uma cadeira e/ou banco, sentar para utilizar o computador e pegar objeto do chão. Houve associação significativa entre sentar para escrever inadequadamente e dormir adequadamente com a dor nas costas.

    Radiography and photogrammetry-based methods of assessing cervical spine posture in the sagittal plane: a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    There are numerous radiography and photogrammetry-based methods of assessing the cervical spine posture in the sagittal plane. The choice of instrument should be based on scientific parameters such as validity and reliability, thus avoiding restrictions to the applicability of the instrument. What radiography and photogrammetry-based methods used to assess the cervical spine posture in the sagittal plane are valid and/or reliable? Methods Systematic searches were conducted following Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines. Methodological quality was assessed according to the Brink & Louw appraisal tool. Twenty-one studies were included in the qualitative analysis. Twenty different methods of calculating cervical spine posture in the sagittal plane were found. Two studies included validation measures, 16 studies assessed inter-rater reliability, and 17 studies assessed intra-rater reliability. Fourteen studies were included for the quantitative analysis. The meta-analysis shows that the cervical arrow and cervical lordosis photogrammetry-based methods present very high intra-rater reliability. In radiography, the meta-analysis also showed that the Cobb method (inferior C2 - inferior C7), Cobb method (middle C1 - inferior C7), absolute rotation angle, and Gore angle (C2-C7) present very high inter-rater reliability, and the Cobb method (inferior C2 - inferior C7) and absolute rotation angle present very high intra-rater reliability. This systematic review presents an overview of the methods used to assess cervical spine posture and the respective information on validity and reliability. This panorama facilitates the choice of method when conducting radiography or photogrammetry-based assessment of the cervical spine in thesagittal plane. In addition, it shows the need for new studies that investigate the accuracy and precision of these methods for their possible use in larger studies

    Validity and reliability of smartphones in assessing spinal kinematics: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective Advances in mobile technology have led to the development of smartphones, whose applications present numerous utilities, such as the analysis of human movement based on inertial sensors. The purpose of this review was to investigate validity and reliability of smartphones in assessing the kinematics of the human spine. Methods A systematic search was performed on MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, and LILACS databases, as well as manual searches. The included studies evaluated psychometric properties of smartphones in assessing kinematic variables of the spine (range of motion [ROM], speed, and acceleration). Two independent reviewers performed the selection, reading, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment of the studies. Results Of the 2651 articles initially found, 9 were included and had their results for ROM analyzed. The meta-analyses for validity showed very high correlation coefficients in the evaluation of cervical flexion, extension, and lateral flexion; high ones in the evaluation of cervical rotation; and also high ones for intrarater and interrater reproducibility of all cervical movements. The meta-analyses for interrater reproducibility showed high correlation coefficients in the evaluation of lumbar flexion and very high ones for intrarater reproducibility. Conclusion The use of smartphones for assessing the ROM of cervical flexion, extension, and lateral flexion and lumbar flexion is feasible. Their use for assessing thoracic rotation is potentially viable, but further validation studies are still needed to ensure a safe use. There is a lack of validation studies that evaluate the applicability of this device in assessing other kinematic characteristics, such as speed and acceleration


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    Objectives: (i) to identify if there are spine alterations in the thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis in bodybuilders who practice hypertrophy training; (ii) to verify an association between postural alterations and the type of the training program for flexor and extensor horizontal muscles of the shoulder; (iii) to verify if there is an association between postural alterations with back pain. Methods: bodybuilders, who practice hypertrophy training for two years, participated in three procedures: (1) interview to identify the training type for flexor and extensor horizontal muscles, (2) back pain measurement, and (3) thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis measurement using the flexicurve. The statistical analyses were realized by Chi-Square test and Phi Coefficient. (α = 0.05). Results: The bodybuilders who practice hypertrophy training showed no postural alterations in thoracic curvature, but most of them showed lumbar curvature decreased. The associations between all variables were weak and not significant. Conclusion: we cannot say that the training hypertrophy with emphasis on the action of the flexors horizontal muscles of the shoulder can develop postural alterations in the spine

    Risk factors for back pain among southern brazilian school children: a 6-year prospective cohort study

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    Risk factors associated with back pain vary in different countries. Given the lack of studies in Latin America, our study aimed to assess back pain and its associated factors for six years in Southern Brazilian school children. All children attending the fifth grade of Teutônia, Brazil, were invited to participate in the study. Only schoolchildren who did not report back pain were included in the first assessment. The schoolchildren completed the Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument (BackPEI) during three assessments (2011, 2014, and 2017). BackPEI assesses the presence of back pain and possible associated risk factors (postural, behavioral, and sociodemographic). Generalized estimated equations (GEE) were used to perform a Poisson regression model with robust variance for longitudinal analysis. After six years of follow-up, 75 schoolchildren completed all the assessments. The risk factors associated with back pain were spending more than six hours daily watching television, lifting objects from the ground adopting an inadequate posture, using another backpack type different from those with two straps, and carrying a backpack in an asymmetric way. These results are important in guiding the planning of public policies to minimize this public health problem

    Métodos clínicos de avaliação dinâmica e quantitativa do complexo ombro e escápula: uma revisão de escopo

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    La articulación del hombro tiene la mayor amplitud demovimiento y es más susceptible a disfunciones. Las evaluacionesdinámicas y cuantitativas de esta región proporcionan mejoresinformaciones para la clínica, pero la elección del método a utilizardepende de sus propiedades de medición. El objetivo de esteestudio fue identificar los métodos existentes de evaluacióndinámica cuantitativa del complejo del hombro y escápula enun contexto clínico para la población general, identificandolas propiedades de medición y los resultados evaluados paracada método. La revisión de alcance incluyó estudios in vivo,con muestras sin una condición clínica específica y con métodosaplicables en un contexto clínico. Se identificaron el resultadoevaluado, el método de medición y sus propiedades de medición.Se seleccionaron 29 estudios que investigaron 12 métodos demedición, y se evaluó su validez y confiabilidad para 17 resultadosdiferentes. La posición del hombro y de la escápula, y losresultados derivados fueron abordados por el mayor númerode estudios (n=21), y sus principales métodos de evaluaciónfueron las unidades de medición inercial (n=5) y las unidades demedición magnética inercial (n=6). Los resultados que presentaronmétodos válidos y confiables fueron: amplitud articular del hombro;amplitud de movimiento de la escápula y del hombro; actividadmuscular; centro articular del hombro; longitud del húmero; curvatorque-tiempo; desempeño funcional; discinesia escapular; fuerzade los rotadores externos del hombro; funcionalidad y amplitudarticular; movimiento escapular inicial; posición de la escápula ydel hombro; y velocidad angular del hombro.Shoulder joint has the greatest range of motion and is the most exposed to dysfunctions. Dynamic and quantitative evaluations of this region provide better information, but the choice of the method to be used relies on its measurement properties. The aim of this study was to identify the existing methods of quantitative dynamic evaluation of the shoulder and scapula complex, in a clinical context for the general population, identifying the measurement properties and the outcomes that were evaluated for each method. This scope review includes in vivo studies, with samples without a specific clinical condition and involving methods applicable in a clinical context. It was identified the evaluated outcome, the measurement method and measurement properties analyzed. 29 studies were selected that investigated 12 measurement methods, and their validity and reliability were evaluated for 17 different outcomes. The shoulder and scapula position and derived outcomes have been addressed by the largest number of studies (n=21) and their main assessment methods were inertial measurement units (n=5) and magnetic inertial measurement units (n=6). The outcomes that presented valid and reliable methods were: shoulder range of joint; shoulder and scapular range of motion; muscular activity; shoulder joint center; humerus length; torque-time curve; functional performance; scapular dyskinesis; shoulder external rotators strength; functional capabilities and range of joint; initial scapular movement; shoulder and scapula position; shoulder angular velocity.A articulação do ombro possui a maior amplitude de movimento e está mais exposta a disfunções. Avaliações dinâmicas e quantitativas dessa região fornecem melhores informações para a clínica, mas a escolha do método a ser utilizado depende de suas propriedades de medição. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar os métodos existentes de avaliação dinâmica quantitativa do complexo ombro e escápula, em um contexto clínico para a população em geral, identificando as propriedades de medição e os desfechos que foram avaliados para cada método. A revisão de escopo incluiu estudos in vivo, com amostras sem uma condição clínica específica e envolvendo métodos aplicáveis em um contexto clínico. Foram identificados: desfecho avaliado, método de medição e suas propriedades de medição. Foram selecionados 29 estudos que investigaram 12 métodos de medição, sendo avaliadas sua validade e confiabilidade para 17 desfechos diferentes. A posição do ombro e da escápula e desfechos derivados foram abordados pelo maior número de estudos (n=21), sendo seus principais métodos de avaliação as unidades de medição inercial (n=5) e unidades de medição magnética inercial (n=6). Os desfechos que apresentaram métodos válidos e confiáveis foram: amplitude articular de ombro; amplitude de movimento da escápula e do ombro; atividade muscular; centro articular do ombro; comprimento do úmero; curva torque-tempo; desempenho funcional; discinese escapular; força de rotadores externos do ombro; funcionalidade e amplitude articular; movimento escapular inicial; posição da escápula e do ombro e velocidade angular do ombr

    Kinematic characteristics of sit-to-stand movements in patients with low back pain: a systematic review

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    The purpose of this review was to identify different kinematic characteristics between the movements of sit-to-stand-to-sit, sit-to-stand, or stand-to-sit of individuals with and without low back pain (LBP). Methods A systematic search was conducted on scientific databases. The analyzed kinematic variables were duration of the movement, reproduction of the movement, ranges of motion, velocity, and acceleration. The studies were appraised for methodological quality using the Downs & Black scale and for the level of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach. Results After all screening stages, this systematic review comprised 8 cross-sectional studies. When comparing the patients with LBP vs controls, patients with LBP take longer to perform the sit-to-stand-to-sit, sit-to-stand, and stand-to sit movements (eg, 9.33 ± 1.49 seconds vs 8.29 ± 1.23 seconds in the sit-to-stand-to-sit movement), show decreased mobility of the lumbar spine (eg, 26.21° ± 8.76° vs 32.07° ± 6.77° in the sit-to-stand-to-sit movement) and the hip (eg, 51.0° vs 77.25° in the sit-to-stand movement), present decreased velocity of the trunk (eg, 95.31° ± 25.13°/s vs 138.23° ± 23.42°/s in the sit-to-stand-to-sit movement) and the hip (eg, 46° ± 13°/s vs 69° ± 13°/s in the sit-to-stand movement), and decreased overall acceleration of the trunk (eg, 280.19° ± 113.08°/s2 vs 460.16° ± 101.49°/s2 in the sit-to-stand-to-sit movement), besides presenting greater variability of the trunk (eg, 5.53° ± 0.48° vs 4.32° ± 0.46° in the sit-to-stand movement). Conclusion There are kinematic alterations in the lumbar spine, the hip, and the trunk of patients with LBP. However, information about pelvic and overall trunk mobility, velocity, and acceleration of the lumbar spine; and mobility, speed, and acceleration of hip and pelvis remain incipient in individuals with LBP. Based on the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation criteria, the results of this review indicate that there is low scientific evidence on the characteristics of the kinematic variables (duration of the movement, reproduction of the movement, range of motion, velocity, and acceleration) of the trunk, lumbar spine, pelvis, and hip in patients with LBP