814 research outputs found

    A Context-Oriented Extension of F#

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    Context-Oriented programming languages provide us with primitive constructs to adapt program behaviour depending on the evolution of their operational environment, namely the context. In previous work we proposed ML_CoDa, a context-oriented language with two-components: a declarative constituent for programming the context and a functional one for computing. This paper describes the implementation of ML_CoDa as an extension of F#.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2015, arXiv:1512.0694

    Archaeological Evidence of the Cult of Mithras in Ancient Italy

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    This thesis focuses on the analysis of the material evidence of the Cult of Mithras in ancient Italy between the late 1st and early 5th century CE. The first chapter is devoted to locating the Cult of Mithras in the religious context of the Roman Empire. After a first general introduction to the Religions of the Roman Empire, F. Cumont’s work and the latest research developments on the Oriental Cults, we will continue with the literature overview on the Cult of Mithras, focusing in particular on the existing Mithraic catalogues. Finally, we will briefly present the main features of Mithraism according to the most recent research developments. The second chapter consists of the update of the existing catalogs of Mithraic finds and the integration of recent discoveries. Entries follow a progressive numbering and are listed following a geographical order. The following chapters three and four develop a comment on selected epigraphic (chapter three) and iconographic (chapter four) topics based on the data collected in chapter two. The epigraphic comment focuses on the phrasings used to address Mithras, on the occasions chosen by the devotee to consecrate him a monument, on the social status of the devotees, and on their grades and priesthoods. The iconographic comment focuses on the variations of the tauroctony image, on the supports and sizes it came in, and on the distribution of the occurrences of minor Mithraic subjects. The fifth chapter focuses on the analysis of the spatial distribution of Mithraea within the urban layout, on the pattern of accessibility of these sanctuaries, and on the analysis of their internal organization. This spatial approach highlighted the existence of two major layouts for Mithraea: the single-room sanctuary (with or without vestibule) and the multiple-room sanctuary. Crossing this spatial acquisition with chronological, social, and cultural data we suggested a new hierarchy for Mithraic sanctuaries. The conclusions summarize the new data we added updating CIMRM and the results of the spatial and architectural analysis of Mithraea

    Resistance against the obligation to arm themselves: recruitment and militia service in the frontier national guard, Buenos Aires 1852-1879

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    El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el reclutamiento de los guardias nacionales, el servicio miliciano que desarrollaron y las resistencias esgrimidas ante la obligación de armarse. Estas últimas fueron identificadas con desacatos a la autoridad, deserciones, amotinamientos y sublevaciones; es decir, mecanismos no contemplados por la legislación que fueron penados y reprimidos. Además, debemos sumar otras prácticas evasivas menos contestarias usadas para evitar el servicio activo y que contaron con el aval del Estado, como los pedidos individuales de dispensa, las súplicas colectivas de excepción y la utilización de personeros. Esto nos permitirá evaluar si es factible utilizar la noción de “ciudadanía armada” para estudiar la Guardia Nacional en la frontera.In this paper, we will analyze the recruitment of national guards, the conditions of militia service and the resistances against the obligation to arm themselves. The latter were identified as contempt for authority, desertions, mutinies, uprisings; and since all were considered criminal acts against the State they were penalized. Moreover, there were less contested practices to avoid active service and had the endorsement of the State, like individual dispensation requests, collective exception pleas and the use of surrogates. The above mentioned material will enable us to assess whether it is feasible to use the notion of “armed citizenship” in order to study the National Guard on the frontier.Fil: Canciani, Leonardo Daniel. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Estudios Sociales de America Latina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil; Argentin

    Tan pródiga para los mitristas y las rebeliones: the revolution of in the south of bonaerense campaign, National Guard and local leaderships

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    El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el rol de los liderazgos locales y la Guardia Nacional en la revolución de 1880. Para ello, adoptamos como recorte territorial el sur de la campaña bonaerense. En primer lugar, damos cuenta de la importancia política de la Guardia Nacional, del proceder del gobernador en la campaña y de los “trabajos” realizados por los líderes mitristas locales en pos de la victoria electoral de los partidos conciliados. En segundo lugar, analizamos la movilización militar y para ello nos concentramos en el rol de los comandantes militares en la difícil tarea de proveer guardias nacionales a la revolución y mantener viva la resistencia en la campaña, una vez derrotada la revolución en la ciudad y ante el avance de las fuerzas de la Intervención Nacional. Procuramos indagar el rol de la Guardia Nacional en la construcción del Estado nacional y resaltar resistencia de los líderes locales a su pérdida poder, frente a un Estado que avanzaba de modo irreversible en su proceso de consolidación.In this work, we analyze the role of the local leaderships and National Guard in the revolution of 1880. Focusing on a territorial cut in the southern rural space of the province of Buenos Aires. Initially considering the political importance of the National Guard, then how the governor proceeded in the campaign and the "works" made by local mitristas leaders for the electoral victory of the concealed parties. Next, analyze the military mobilization and for that focusing on the role of military commanders with the difficult task of providing national guards to keep alive the revolution and resistance in the campaign, after the failure of the revolution in the city and to the advancing forces of the National Intervention. Finally, investigating the role of the National Guard in the construction of a National State and highlight local resistance leaders loss of power, faced with a State irreversibly progressing towards consolidation.Fil: Canciani, Leonardo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Estudios Sociales de America Latina; Argentin

    Absolute Positioning Using the Earth\u27s Magnetic Anomaly Field

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    Achieving worldwide alternatives to GPS is a challenging engineering problem. Current GPS alternatives often suffer from limitations such as where and when the systems can operate. Navigation using the Earth\u27s magnetic anomaly field, which is globally available at all times, shows promise to overcome many of these limitations. We present a navigation filter which uses the Earth\u27s magnetic anomaly field as a navigation signal to aid an inertial navigation system (INS) in an aircraft. The filter utilizes highly-accurate optically pumped cesium (OPC) magnetometers to make scalar measurements of the Earth\u27s magnetic field and compare them to a map using a marginalized particle filter approach. We demonstrate navigation accuracy of 13 meters DRMS with a high quality magnetic anomaly map at low altitudes with real flight data. We conduct a simulation over the continental United States to predict accuracies with respect to variables like location and altitude. Finally, we address the problem of map availability by presenting a method for a self-building magnetic anomaly model

    Politics and war in a local perspective: arms, institutions and social actors in the process of building the national state, Argentina (1852-1880)

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    Los cuatro artículos que dan forma a este Dossier estudian diversos momentos del conflictivo proceso de construcción del Estado nacional en Argentina. Tradicionalmente considerado como el período de “organización nacional”, nuevas interpretaciones ponen de relieve que la noción “treinta años de discordia”, acuñada por Tulio Halperin Donghi en 1980,resulta más elocuente para referir a los años que transcurrieron entre 1850 y 1880, ya que da más cuenta de las incertidumbres y turbulencias que caracterizaron ese período de la historia argentina, signado por la puja de proyectos contrapuestos, las disputas políticas intensas y las resistencias del heterogéneo conglomerado social del país.Fil: Canciani, Leonardo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Estudios Sociales de America Latina; ArgentinaFil: Daghero, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Cs.humanas. Departamento de Historia. Centro de Investigaciones Historicas; Argentin

    Identifying and Visualizing Macromolecular Flexibility in Structural Biology

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    Structural biology comprises a variety of tools to obtain atomic resolution data for the investigation of macromolecules. Conventional structural methodologies including crystallography, NMR and electron microscopy often do not provide sufficient details concerning flexibility and dynamics, even though these aspects are critical for the physiological functions of the systems under investigation. However, the increasing complexity of the molecules studied by structural biology (including large macromolecular assemblies, integral membrane proteins, intrinsically disordered systems, and folding intermediates) continuously demands in-depth analyses of the roles of flexibility and conformational specificity involved in interactions with ligands and inhibitors. The intrinsic difficulties in capturing often subtle but critical molecular motions in biological systems have restrained the investigation of flexible molecules into a small niche of structural biology. Introduction of massive technological developments over the recent years, which include time-resolved studies, solution X-ray scattering, and new detectors for cryo-electron microscopy, have pushed the limits of structural investigation of flexible systems far beyond traditional approaches of NMR analysis. By integrating these modern methods with powerful biophysical and computational approaches such as generation of ensembles of molecular models and selective particle picking in electron microscopy, more feasible investigations of dynamic systems are now possible. Using some prominent examples from recent literature, we review how current structural biology methods can contribute useful data to accurately visualize flexibility in macromolecular structures and understand its important roles in regulation of biological processes

    MagSLAM: Aerial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using Earth\u27s Magnetic Anomaly Field

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    Instances of spoofing and jamming of global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) have emphasized the need for alternative navigation methods. Aerial navigation by magnetic map matching has been demonstrated as a viable GNSS‐alternative navigation technique. Flight test demonstrations have achieved accuracies of tens of meters over hour‐long flights, but these flights required accurate magnetic maps which are not always available. Magnetic map availability and resolution vary widely around the globe. Removing the dependency on prior survey maps extends the benefits of aerial magnetic navigation methods to small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) at lower altitudes where magnetic maps are especially undersampled or unavailable. In this paper, a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm known as FastSLAM was modified to use scalar magnetic measurements to constrain a drifting inertial navigation system (INS). The algorithm was then demonstrated on real magnetic navigation flight test data. Similar in performance to the map‐based approach, MagSLAM achieved tens of meters accuracy in a 100‐minute flight without the use of a prior magnetic map. Aerial SLAM using Earth\u27s magnetic anomaly field provides a GNSS‐alternative navigation method that is globally persistent, impervious to jamming or spoofing, stealthy, and locally accurate to tens of meters without the need for a magnetic map

    Dissecting the Extracellular Complexity of Neuromuscular Junction Organizers

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    Synapse formation is a very elaborate process dependent upon accurate coordination of pre and post-synaptic specialization, requiring multiple steps and a variety of receptors and signaling molecules. Due to its relative structural simplicity and the ease in manipulation and observation, the neuromuscular synapse or neuromuscular junction (NMJ)—the connection between motor neurons and skeletal muscle—represents the archetype junction system for studying synapse formation and conservation. This junction is essential for survival, as it controls our ability to move and breath. NMJ formation requires coordinated interactions between motor neurons and muscle fibers, which ultimately result in the formation of a highly specialized post-synaptic architecture and a highly differentiated nerve terminal. Furthermore, to ensure a fast and reliable synaptic transmission following neurotransmitter release, ligand-gated channels (acetylcholine receptors, AChRs) are clustered on the post-synaptic muscle cell at high concentrations in sites opposite the presynaptic active zone, supporting a direct role for nerves in the organization of the post-synaptic membrane architecture. This organized clustering process, essential for NMJ formation and for life, relies on key signaling molecules and receptors and is regulated by soluble extracellular molecules localized within the synaptic cleft. Notably, several mutations as well as auto-antibodies against components of these signaling complexes have been related to neuromuscular disorders. The recent years have witnessed strong progress in the understanding of molecular identities, architectures, and functions of NMJ macromolecules. Among these, prominent roles have been proposed for neural variants of the proteoglycan agrin, its receptor at NMJs composed of the lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4) and the muscle-specific kinase (MuSK), as well as the regulatory soluble synapse-specific protease Neurotrypsin. In this review we summarize the current state of the art regarding molecular structures and (agrin-dependent) canonical, as well as (agrin-independent) non-canonical, MuSK signaling mechanisms that underscore the formation of neuromuscular junctions, with the aim of providing a broad perspective to further stimulate molecular, cellular and tissue biology investigations on this fundamental intercellular contact