36 research outputs found

    Contributions to Libration Orbit Mission Design using Hyperbolic Invariant Manifolds

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral està emmarcada en el camp de l'astrodinàmica. Presenta solucions a problemes identificats en el disseny de missions que utilitzen òrbites entorn dels punts de libració, fent servir la teoria de sistemes dinàmics.El problema restringit de tres cossos és un model per estudiar el moviment d'un cos de massa infinitessimal sota l'atracció gravitatòria de dos cossos molt massius. Els cinc punts d'equilibri d'aquest model, en especial L1 i L2, han estat motiu de nombrosos estudis per aplicacions pràctiques en les últimes dècades (SOHO, Genesis...). Genèricament, qualsevol missió en òrbita al voltant del punt L2 del sistema Terra-Sol es veu afectat per ocultacions degudes a l'ombra de la Terra. Si l'òrbita és al voltant de L1, els eclipsis són deguts a la forta influència electromagnètica del Sol. D'entre els diferents tipus d'òrbites de libració, les òrbites de Lissajous resulten de la combinació de dues oscil.lacions perpendiculars. El seu principal avantatge és que les amplituds de les oscil.lacions poden ser escollides independentment i això les fa adapatables als requeriments de cada missió. La necessitat d'estratègies per evitar eclipsis en òrbites de Lissajous entorn dels punts L1 i L2 motivaren la primera part de la tesi. En aquesta part es presenta una eina per la planificació de maniobres en òrbites de Lissajous que no només serveix per solucionar el problema d'evitar els eclipsis, sinó també per trobar trajectòries de transferència entre òrbites d'amplituds diferents i planificar rendez-vous. Per altra banda, existeixen canals de baix cost que uneixen els punts L1 i L2 d'un sistema donat i representen una manera natural de transferir d'una regió de libració a l'altra. Gràcies al seu caràcter hiperbòlic, una òrbita de libració té uns objectes invariants associats: les varietats estable i inestable. Si tenim present que la varietat estable està formada per trajectòries que tendeixen cap a l'òrbita a la qual estan associades quan el temps avança, i que la varietat inestable fa el mateix però enrera en el temps, una intersecció entre una varietat estable i una d'inestable proporciona un camí asimptòtic entre les òrbites corresponents. Un mètode per trobar connexions d'aquest tipus entre òrbites planes entorn de L1 i L2 es presenta a la segona part de la tesi, i s'hi inclouen els resultats d'aplicar aquest mètode als casos dels problemes restringits Sol Terra i Terra-Lluna.La idea d'intersecar varietats hiperbòliques es pot aplicar també en la cerca de camins de baix cost entre les regions de libració del sistema Sol-Terra i Terra-Lluna. Si existissin camins naturals de les òrbites de libració solars cap a les lunars, s'obtindria una manera barata d'anar a la Lluna fent servir varietats invariants, cosa que no es pot fer de manera directa. I a l'inversa, un camí de les regions de libració lunars cap a les solars permetria, per exemple, que una estació fos col.locada en òrbita entorn del punt L2 lunar i servís com a base per donar servei a les missions que operen en òrbites de libració del sistema Sol-Terra. A la tercera part de la tesi es presenten mètodes per trobar trajectòries de baix cost que uneixen la regió L2 del sistema Terra-Lluna amb la regió L2 del sistema Sol-Terra, primer per òrbites planes i més endavant per òrbites de Lissajous, fent servir dos problemes de tres cossos acoblats. Un cop trobades les trajectòries en aquest model simplificat, convé refinar-les per fer-les més realistes. Una metodologia per obtenir trajectòries en efemèrides reals JPL a partir de les trobades entre òrbites de Lissajous en el model acoblat es presenta a la part final de la tesi. Aquestes trajectòries necessiten una maniobra en el punt d'acoblament, que és reduïda en el procés de refinat, arribant a obtenir trajectòries de cost zero quan això és possible.This PhD. thesis lies within the field of astrodynamics. It provides solutions to problems which have been identified in mission design near libration points, by using dynamical systems theory. The restricted three body problem is a well known model to study the motion of an infinitesimal mass under the gravitational attraction of two massive bodies. Its five equilibrium points, specially L1 and L2, have been the object of several studies aimed at practical applications in the last decades (SOHO, Genesis...). In general, any mission in orbit around L2 of the Sun-Earth system is affected by occultations due to the shadow of the Earth. When the orbit is around L1, the eclipses are caused by the strong electromagnetic influence of the Sun. Among all different types of libration orbits, Lissajous type ones are the combination of two perpendicular oscillations. Its main advantage is that the amplitudes of the oscillations can be chosen independently and this fact makes Lissajous orbits more adaptable to the requirements of each particular mission than other kinds of libration motions. The need for eclipse avoidance strategies in Lissajous orbits around L1 and L2 motivated the first part of the thesis. It is in this part where a tool for planning maneuvers in Lissajous orbits is presented, which not only solves the eclipse avoidance problem, but can also be used for transferring between orbits having different amplitudes and for planning rendez-vous strategies.On the other hand, there exist low cost channels joining the L1 and L2 points of a given sistem, which represent a natural way of transferring from one libration region to the other one. Furthermore, there exist hyperbolic invariant objects, called stable and unstable manifolds, which are associated with libration orbits due to their hyperbolic character. If we bear in mind that the stable manifold of a libration orbit consists of trajectories which tend to the orbit as time goes by, and that the unstable manifold does so but backwards in time, any intersection between a stable and an unstable manifold will provide an asymptotic path between the corresponding libration orbits. A methodology for finding such asymptotic connecting paths between planar orbits around L1 and L2 is presented in the second part of the dissertation, including results for the particular cases of the Sun-Earth and Earth-Moon problems. Moreover, the idea of intersecting hyperbolic manifolds can be applied in the search for low cost paths joining the libration regions of different problems, such as the Sun-Earth and the Earth-Moon ones. If natural paths from the solar libration regions to the lunar ones was found, it would provide a cheap way of transferring to the Moon from the vicinity of the Earth, which is not possible in a direct way using invariant manifolds. And the other way round, paths from the lunar libration regions to the solar ones would allow for the placement of a station in orbit around the lunar L2, providing services to solar libration missions, for instance. In the third part of the thesis, a methodology for finding low cost trajectories joining the lunar L2 region and the solar L2 region is presented. This methodology was developed in a first step for planar orbits and in a further step for Lissajous type orbits, using in both cases two coupled restricted three body problems to model the Sun-Earth-Moon spacecraft four body problem. Once trajectories have been found in this simplified model, it is convenient to refine them to more realistic models. A methodology for obtaining JPL real ephemeris trajectories from the initial ones found in the coupled models is presented in the last part of the dissertation. These trajectories need a maneuver at the coupling point, which can be reduced in the refinement process until low cost connecting trajectories in real ephemeris are obtained (even zero cost, when possible).Postprint (published version

    Homoclinic and heteroclinic transfer trajectories between Lyapunov orbits in the Sun-Earth and Earth-Moon systems

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    In this paper a method for finding homoclinic and heteroclinic connections between Lyapunov orbits using invariant manifolds in a given energy surface of the planar restricted circular three body problem is developed. Moreover, the systematic application of this method to a range of Jacobi constants provides a classification of the connections in bifurcation families. The models used correspond to the Sun-Earth+Moon and the Earth-Moon cases

    Contributions to Libration Orbit Mission Design using Hyperbolic Invariant Manifolds

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral està emmarcada en el camp de l'astrodinàmica. Presenta solucions a problemes identificats en el disseny de missions que utilitzen òrbites entorn dels punts de libració, fent servir la teoria de sistemes dinàmics.El problema restringit de tres cossos és un model per estudiar el moviment d'un cos de massa infinitessimal sota l'atracció gravitatòria de dos cossos molt massius. Els cinc punts d'equilibri d'aquest model, en especial L1 i L2, han estat motiu de nombrosos estudis per aplicacions pràctiques en les últimes dècades (SOHO, Genesis...). Genèricament, qualsevol missió en òrbita al voltant del punt L2 del sistema Terra-Sol es veu afectat per ocultacions degudes a l'ombra de la Terra. Si l'òrbita és al voltant de L1, els eclipsis són deguts a la forta influència electromagnètica del Sol. D'entre els diferents tipus d'òrbites de libració, les òrbites de Lissajous resulten de la combinació de dues oscil.lacions perpendiculars. El seu principal avantatge és que les amplituds de les oscil.lacions poden ser escollides independentment i això les fa adapatables als requeriments de cada missió. La necessitat d'estratègies per evitar eclipsis en òrbites de Lissajous entorn dels punts L1 i L2 motivaren la primera part de la tesi. En aquesta part es presenta una eina per la planificació de maniobres en òrbites de Lissajous que no només serveix per solucionar el problema d'evitar els eclipsis, sinó també per trobar trajectòries de transferència entre òrbites d'amplituds diferents i planificar rendez-vous. Per altra banda, existeixen canals de baix cost que uneixen els punts L1 i L2 d'un sistema donat i representen una manera natural de transferir d'una regió de libració a l'altra. Gràcies al seu caràcter hiperbòlic, una òrbita de libració té uns objectes invariants associats: les varietats estable i inestable. Si tenim present que la varietat estable està formada per trajectòries que tendeixen cap a l'òrbita a la qual estan associades quan el temps avança, i que la varietat inestable fa el mateix però enrera en el temps, una intersecció entre una varietat estable i una d'inestable proporciona un camí asimptòtic entre les òrbites corresponents. Un mètode per trobar connexions d'aquest tipus entre òrbites planes entorn de L1 i L2 es presenta a la segona part de la tesi, i s'hi inclouen els resultats d'aplicar aquest mètode als casos dels problemes restringits Sol Terra i Terra-Lluna.La idea d'intersecar varietats hiperbòliques es pot aplicar també en la cerca de camins de baix cost entre les regions de libració del sistema Sol-Terra i Terra-Lluna. Si existissin camins naturals de les òrbites de libració solars cap a les lunars, s'obtindria una manera barata d'anar a la Lluna fent servir varietats invariants, cosa que no es pot fer de manera directa. I a l'inversa, un camí de les regions de libració lunars cap a les solars permetria, per exemple, que una estació fos col.locada en òrbita entorn del punt L2 lunar i servís com a base per donar servei a les missions que operen en òrbites de libració del sistema Sol-Terra. A la tercera part de la tesi es presenten mètodes per trobar trajectòries de baix cost que uneixen la regió L2 del sistema Terra-Lluna amb la regió L2 del sistema Sol-Terra, primer per òrbites planes i més endavant per òrbites de Lissajous, fent servir dos problemes de tres cossos acoblats. Un cop trobades les trajectòries en aquest model simplificat, convé refinar-les per fer-les més realistes. Una metodologia per obtenir trajectòries en efemèrides reals JPL a partir de les trobades entre òrbites de Lissajous en el model acoblat es presenta a la part final de la tesi. Aquestes trajectòries necessiten una maniobra en el punt d'acoblament, que és reduïda en el procés de refinat, arribant a obtenir trajectòries de cost zero quan això és possible.This PhD. thesis lies within the field of astrodynamics. It provides solutions to problems which have been identified in mission design near libration points, by using dynamical systems theory. The restricted three body problem is a well known model to study the motion of an infinitesimal mass under the gravitational attraction of two massive bodies. Its five equilibrium points, specially L1 and L2, have been the object of several studies aimed at practical applications in the last decades (SOHO, Genesis...). In general, any mission in orbit around L2 of the Sun-Earth system is affected by occultations due to the shadow of the Earth. When the orbit is around L1, the eclipses are caused by the strong electromagnetic influence of the Sun. Among all different types of libration orbits, Lissajous type ones are the combination of two perpendicular oscillations. Its main advantage is that the amplitudes of the oscillations can be chosen independently and this fact makes Lissajous orbits more adaptable to the requirements of each particular mission than other kinds of libration motions. The need for eclipse avoidance strategies in Lissajous orbits around L1 and L2 motivated the first part of the thesis. It is in this part where a tool for planning maneuvers in Lissajous orbits is presented, which not only solves the eclipse avoidance problem, but can also be used for transferring between orbits having different amplitudes and for planning rendez-vous strategies.On the other hand, there exist low cost channels joining the L1 and L2 points of a given sistem, which represent a natural way of transferring from one libration region to the other one. Furthermore, there exist hyperbolic invariant objects, called stable and unstable manifolds, which are associated with libration orbits due to their hyperbolic character. If we bear in mind that the stable manifold of a libration orbit consists of trajectories which tend to the orbit as time goes by, and that the unstable manifold does so but backwards in time, any intersection between a stable and an unstable manifold will provide an asymptotic path between the corresponding libration orbits. A methodology for finding such asymptotic connecting paths between planar orbits around L1 and L2 is presented in the second part of the dissertation, including results for the particular cases of the Sun-Earth and Earth-Moon problems. Moreover, the idea of intersecting hyperbolic manifolds can be applied in the search for low cost paths joining the libration regions of different problems, such as the Sun-Earth and the Earth-Moon ones. If natural paths from the solar libration regions to the lunar ones was found, it would provide a cheap way of transferring to the Moon from the vicinity of the Earth, which is not possible in a direct way using invariant manifolds. And the other way round, paths from the lunar libration regions to the solar ones would allow for the placement of a station in orbit around the lunar L2, providing services to solar libration missions, for instance. In the third part of the thesis, a methodology for finding low cost trajectories joining the lunar L2 region and the solar L2 region is presented. This methodology was developed in a first step for planar orbits and in a further step for Lissajous type orbits, using in both cases two coupled restricted three body problems to model the Sun-Earth-Moon spacecraft four body problem. Once trajectories have been found in this simplified model, it is convenient to refine them to more realistic models. A methodology for obtaining JPL real ephemeris trajectories from the initial ones found in the coupled models is presented in the last part of the dissertation. These trajectories need a maneuver at the coupling point, which can be reduced in the refinement process until low cost connecting trajectories in real ephemeris are obtained (even zero cost, when possible)

    Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) - Design, Development and Delivery of a Small Asteroid Lander Aboard Hayabusa2

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    MASCOT is a small asteroid lander launched on December 3rd, 2014, aboard the Japanese HAYABUSA2 asteroid sample-return mission towards the 980 m diameter C-type near-Earth asteroid (162173) 1999 JU3. MASCOT carries four full-scale asteroid science instruments and an uprighting and relocation device within a shoebox-sized 10 kg spacecraft; a complete lander comparable in mass and volume to a medium-sized science instrument on interplanetary missions. Asteroid surface science will be obtained by: MicrOmega, a hyperspectral near- to mid-infrared soil microscope provided by IAS; MASCAM, a wide-angle Si CMOS camera with multicolour LED illumination unit; MARA, a multichannel thermal infrared surface radiometer; the magnetometer, MASMAG, provided by the Technical University of Braunschweig. Further information on the conditions at or near the lander‘s surfaces is generated as a byproduct of attitude sensors and other system sensors. MASCOT uses a highly integrated, ultra-lightweight truss-frame structure made from a CFRP-foam sandwich. It has three internal mechanisms: a preload release mechanism, to release the structural preload applied for launch across the separation mechanism interface; a separation mechanism, to realize the ejection of MASCOT from the semi-recessed stowed position within HAYABUSA2; and the mobility mechanism, for uprighting and hopping. MASCOT uses semi-passive thermal control with Multi-Layer Insulation, two heatpipes and a radiator for heat rejection during operational phases, and heaters for thermal control of the battery and the main electronics during cruise. MASCOT is powered by a primary battery during its on-asteroid operational phase, but supplied by HAYABUSA2 during cruise for check-out and calibration operations as well as thermal control. All housekeeping and scientific data is transmitted to Earth via a relay link with the HAYABUSA2 main-spacecraft, also during cruise operations. The link uses redundant omnidirectional UHF-Band transceivers and patch antennae on the lander. The MASCOT On-Board Computer is a redundant system providing data storage, instrument interfacing, command and data handling, as well as autonomous surface operation functions. Knowledge of the lander’s attitude on the asteroid is key to the success of its uprighting and hopping function. The attitude is determined by a threefold set of sensors: optical distance sensors, photo electric cells and thermal sensors. A range of experimental sensors is also carried. MASCOT was build by the German Aerospace Center, DLR, with contributions from the French space agency, CNES. The system design, science instruments, and operational concept of MASCOT will be presented, with sidenotes on the development of the mission and its integration with HAYABUSA2

    Mascot: Analyses of the Descent and Bouncing Trajectories to Support the Landing Site Selection

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    The Japanese mission Hayabusa-2 has been launched in December 2014 towards the near Earth asteroid 1999JU3, also called Ryugu. This carbonaceous asteroid considered to conceal unchanged traces of the Solar System’s origin will be reached by the JAXA space probe in 2018. As done by its predecessor for the asteroid Itokawa a few years ago, Hayabusa-2 will observe Ryugu during several months and perform a touchdown to gather samples before returning them to Earth. In addition to the three Japanese micro-landers MINERVA taken on board, the probe carries the German-French lander Mascot (Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout). This shoe-box sized spacecraft of 10 kg is equipped with four scientific instruments aiming at improving the knowledge of mineralogical, geological, magnetic and thermal characteristics of Ryugu. It has no propulsive system and is planned to land onto Ryugu’s surface by the end of 2018 after a passive descent from an altitude of a few tenths of meters

    Homoclinic and heteroclinic transfer trajectories between Lyapunov orbits in the Sun-Earth and Earth-Moon systems

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    In this paper a method for finding homoclinic and heteroclinic connections between Lyapunov orbits using invariant manifolds in a given energy surface of the planar restricted circular three body problem is developed. Moreover, the systematic application of this method to a range of Jacobi constants provides a classification of the connections in bifurcation families. The models used correspond to the Sun-Earth+Moon and the Earth-Moon cases

    Homoclinic and heteroclinic transfer trajectories between Lyapunov orbits in the Sun-Earth and Earth-Moon systems

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    In this paper a method for finding homoclinic and heteroclinic connections between Lyapunov orbits using invariant manifolds in a given energy surface of the planar restricted circular three body problem is developed. Moreover, the systematic application of this method to a range of Jacobi constants provides a classification of the connections in bifurcation families. The models used correspond to the Sun-Earth+Moon and the Earth-Moon cases

    Stability analysis of three-dimensional quasi-satellite orbits around Phobos

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    The exploration to Martian moons is of growing interest with several space missions proposed to return samples from these bodies. The proximity operation planning needs to consider the complex dynamical environment. The purpose of the present work is to identify three-dimensional quasi-satellite orbits (3D QSO) around Phobos that are suitable for global mapping and bounded in the realistic model for a permissible period (i.e. 7 days). Linear stability and deviation indices are defined to indicate the safety of the orbit for operations. Periodic resonant 3D QSO are first computed in the circular-restricted three-body problem (CR3BP) based on the approach of bifurcation and continuation. Bifurcations are identified along the continuation curve. A skipping routine is used to recover solutions with high z-amplitudes. The 3D QSO obtained in the CR3BP serves as a database of initial guesses for bounded orbits in the realistic model and leads to a picture of the stability region. Stable solutions with high z-amplitudes (e.g. up to 40 km at x-amplitude = 30 km) are found in this stage. As the CR3BP is a simplified model, the eccentricity and higher-order gravity terms can strongly perturb the orbits in the realistic model. Orbit stability is assessed by a validation model that considers Phobos moves in the Mars J2-perturbed elliptic orbit. With the validation model a picture of orbit robustness to the initial phase can be quickly generated. Orbits that are always bounded regardless of the initial phase are identified. Those promising orbits are then verified in the realistic model starting from varied epochs. For instance, an always bounded orbit of favorable characteristics has an x-amplitude of 24 km and an inclination of 38°.</p

    Effective Stability of Quasi-Satellite Orbits in the Spatial Problem for Phobos Exploration

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    Impulsive transfers between lissajous libration point orbits

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    A complete methodology for the transfer between two Lissajous orbits around the same collinear equilibrium point is developed making use of the geometry of the phase space around these points. The result of the study gives both strategies to change the amplitudes of the Lissajous orbit and simple procedures to avoid the exclusion zone in an optimal way. The presentation is centered on the linear problem which provides good initial guesses for orbits of small amplitude, likethe requirements for the mission FIRST/Planck of the European Space Agency (ESA), where part of the results of this paper were used for the mission design