29 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Gero-Oncology Nursing

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    This article summarizes the evolution of gero-oncology nursing and highlights key educational initiatives, clinical practice issues, and research areas to enhance care of older adults with cancer

    El cuidado de los adultos mayores en la perspectiva de la educación en Enfermería

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    La población de América Latina y el Caribe envejece aceleradamente en un proceso continuo e irreversible que obliga a los países de la región a prepararse para enfrentar exitosamente ese hecho demográfico, especialmente en los sectores educación y salud en los que la profesión de enfermería se convierte en factor determinante. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el desafío de la formación de personal de enfermería en los escenarios de educación superior y sus implicaciones en el currículo de pregrado. La revisión bibliográfica realizada y especialmente las recomendaciones emanadas de organismos globales, ofrecen el marco teórico que soporta los planteamientos formulados. Se presenta una propuesta curricular para la inclusión del cuidado de los adultos mayores, así como las condiciones institucionales requeridas para promover dicha inclusión. La formación de enfermeras y enfermeros con competencias en el cuidado de la salud de los mayores, principalmente en escenarios comunitarios que promuevan el envejecimiento saludable, se convierte en una meta a cumplir a corto plazo. La enseñanza del cuidado a los adultos mayores de hoy y del futuro, es una responsabilidad ineludible de las instituciones de educación superior en enfermería de América Latina y en una exigencia social que debe ser atendida con prontitud y eficiencia.Palabras clave: Envejecimiento, cuidados, enfermería, enseñanzaABSTRACTThe Latin American and the Caribbean population gets older rapidly in a continuous and irreversible process that forces the countries to prepare in order to face, successfully, this demographic fact, especially in the educative and health areas, where nursing becomes an important role. The objective of this research paper is to analyze the challenge of the formation of nurses, in the scenery of superior education, and its implications in the curriculum. The literature revision, and specially the recommendations done by worldwide organizations, offers the theoretical aspect that supports the formulated poses. A curricular proposal is presented for the inclusion of the care of adults, as well as institutional conditions required to promote such inclusion. The formation of nurses with competences in the health's care of adults, mainly in the community scenery, that would promote a healthy aging process, is a short-tem goal to fulfill. The care teaching of adults is an unavoidable responsibility of nursing institutions in Latin America, and it is a social demand that must be attended rapidly and efficiently.Keywords: Aging, care, nursing, teaching

    Nursing care in gerontology

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    Starost je starija dob karakterizirana fiziološkim promjenama te specifičnom socijalnom ulogom. Gerontologija je znanstvena disciplina koja proučava starost kao kronološku dob sa specifičnostima u socijalnoj ulozi pojedinca. 2013. godine Ministarstvo zdravstva imenovalo je Referentni centar za zaštitu zdravlja starijih osoba koji provodi gerontološku javnozdravstvenu djelatnost. Gerontološka sestrinska skrb dinamičan je proces između starije osobe i medicinske sestre koji se objašnjava u brojnim teoretskim konceptima od kojih je najpoznatiji Roper – Juchli i V. Fiechter – M. Meier. Budući da je sestrinska skrb u gerontologiji, odnosno gerijatrijska / gerontološka zdravstvena njega u Hrvatskoj u povojima, gerontološku skrb provode medicinske sestre na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite analogno razini obrazovanja. Sestrinska skrb podijeljena je na skrb u bolničkim ustanovama, skrb u vlastitom domu te skrb u ustanovama trajnog boravka. Sestrinska skrb za starije osobe najvećim djelom provodi se na primarnoj razini zdravstvene zaštite. U ovom radu biti će prikazana gerontološka sestrinska skrb u svijetu, teorije sestrinske skrbi, odrednice gerijatrijske / gerontološke zdravstvene njege, kompetencije gerijatrijske / gerontološke medicinske sestre, organizacija sestrinske skrbi u Hrvatskoj te uloga sestre u gerontologiji.An age, as an old age is characterized by physiological changes and a specific social role. Gerontology is a scientific discipline that studies age as a chronological age with specifics in the social role of an individual. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, in the year 2013, established the Reference Centre for Health Care of Elderly People which implements public health activities in the field of gerontology. Gerontological nursing care is a dynamic process between the elders and nurses, being the main topic of interest of various theoretical concepts, most notably Roper / Juchli and V. Fiechter - M. Meier. Since the gerontology nursing care, i.e. geriatric/gerontology nursing care in Croatia has just been profiled as a scientific and practical discipline, gerontological nursing care is implemented by nurses at all levels of health care, analogue to the level of their education. Nursing care is divided to care in hospital facilities, home-care and is divided to care in society and in institutions providing full accommodation. Nursing care for elderly people is mostly based on primary health care. In this paper, I am going to present global gerontology nursing care practice, nursing care theories, geriatrics / gerontology nursing care principles, geriatric / gerontology nurse competencies, nursing care organization in Croatia and nurse's role in gerontology

    Nursing care in gerontology

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    Starost je starija dob karakterizirana fiziološkim promjenama te specifičnom socijalnom ulogom. Gerontologija je znanstvena disciplina koja proučava starost kao kronološku dob sa specifičnostima u socijalnoj ulozi pojedinca. 2013. godine Ministarstvo zdravstva imenovalo je Referentni centar za zaštitu zdravlja starijih osoba koji provodi gerontološku javnozdravstvenu djelatnost. Gerontološka sestrinska skrb dinamičan je proces između starije osobe i medicinske sestre koji se objašnjava u brojnim teoretskim konceptima od kojih je najpoznatiji Roper – Juchli i V. Fiechter – M. Meier. Budući da je sestrinska skrb u gerontologiji, odnosno gerijatrijska / gerontološka zdravstvena njega u Hrvatskoj u povojima, gerontološku skrb provode medicinske sestre na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite analogno razini obrazovanja. Sestrinska skrb podijeljena je na skrb u bolničkim ustanovama, skrb u vlastitom domu te skrb u ustanovama trajnog boravka. Sestrinska skrb za starije osobe najvećim djelom provodi se na primarnoj razini zdravstvene zaštite. U ovom radu biti će prikazana gerontološka sestrinska skrb u svijetu, teorije sestrinske skrbi, odrednice gerijatrijske / gerontološke zdravstvene njege, kompetencije gerijatrijske / gerontološke medicinske sestre, organizacija sestrinske skrbi u Hrvatskoj te uloga sestre u gerontologiji.An age, as an old age is characterized by physiological changes and a specific social role. Gerontology is a scientific discipline that studies age as a chronological age with specifics in the social role of an individual. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, in the year 2013, established the Reference Centre for Health Care of Elderly People which implements public health activities in the field of gerontology. Gerontological nursing care is a dynamic process between the elders and nurses, being the main topic of interest of various theoretical concepts, most notably Roper / Juchli and V. Fiechter - M. Meier. Since the gerontology nursing care, i.e. geriatric/gerontology nursing care in Croatia has just been profiled as a scientific and practical discipline, gerontological nursing care is implemented by nurses at all levels of health care, analogue to the level of their education. Nursing care is divided to care in hospital facilities, home-care and is divided to care in society and in institutions providing full accommodation. Nursing care for elderly people is mostly based on primary health care. In this paper, I am going to present global gerontology nursing care practice, nursing care theories, geriatrics / gerontology nursing care principles, geriatric / gerontology nurse competencies, nursing care organization in Croatia and nurse's role in gerontology

    Annual Report, 2006-2007

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    The Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University creates a dynamic community of learning to develop exceptionally well-prepared nurses who will lead to improve health outcomes locally and globally. We promote excellence in teaching, research, service, and practice with a focus on the vulnerable and underserved. We are committed to being purposeful, open, just, caring, disciplined, and celebrative.https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/mcnar/1006/thumbnail.jp

    216 Jewish Hospital of St. Louis

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    Assessing nursing staff's competences in mobility support in nursing-home care: development and psychometric testing of the Kinaesthetics Competence (KC) observation instrument

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    Background: Between 75 and 89% of residents living in long-term care facilities have limited mobility. Nurses as well as other licensed and unlicensed personnel directly involved in resident care are in a key position to promote and maintain the mobility of care-dependent persons. This requires a certain level of competence. Kinaesthetics is a training concept used to increase nursing staff's interaction and movement support skills for assisting care-dependent persons in their daily activities. This study aims to develop and test an observation instrument for assessing nursing staff's competences in kinaesthetics. Methods: The Kinaesthetics Competence (KC) observation instrument was developed between January and June 2015 based on a literature review, a concept analysis and expert meetings (18). The pilot instrument was evaluated with two expert panels (n = 5, n = 4) regarding content validity, usability and inter-rater agreement. Content validity was assessed by determining the content validity index (CVI). The final instrument was tested in a cross-sectional study in three nursing homes in the German-speaking part of Switzerland between July 2015 and February 2016. In this study nursing staff (n = 48) was filmed during mobilization situations. Based on this video data two observers independently assessed nursing staff's competences in kinaesthetics with the KC observation instrument. Inter-rater reliability and inter-rater agreement was evaluated using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and percentage of agreement. Construct validity was assessed by a discriminating power analysis. Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and item analysis. Results: The final version of the KC observation instrument comprised of four domains (interaction, movement support of the person, nurses' movement, environment) and 12 items. The final instrument showed an excellent content validity index of 1.0. Video sequences from 40 persons were analysed. Inter-rater reliability for the whole scale was good (ICC 0.73) and the percentage of inter-rater agreement was 53.6% on average. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the whole instrument was 0.97 and item-total correlations ranged from 0.76 to 0.90. The construct validity of the instrument was supported by a significant discrimination of the instrument between nursing staff with no or basic and with advanced kinaesthetics training for the total score and 3 of 4 subscales. Conclusions: The KC observation instrument showed good preliminary psychometric properties and can be used to assess nursing staff's competences in mobility care based on the principles of kinaesthetics.</p

    The meaning of home for aging women living alone in North Eastern Ontario

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    The experience and meaning of home for older, community dwelling women, was investigated. In the world of gerontology there is a paucity of knowledge about those in their eighth and ninth decade, and this becomes more pronounced among older women. With the older demographic expanding and resources being directed at keeping seniors in their home- a solid knowledge base is required. This study built on the knowledge that exists around home, aging at home, formal care, and the vulnerabilities of aging in two ways. First, the literature around home was synthesized with an evolutionary concept analysis which served to focus further research. Secondly, an interpretive description study added to the knowledge of home by bringing to light the precariousness of formal and informal care and the effect this precariousness has on the meaning of home. The knowledge built in this study has the ability to inform policy, organizations, education, and individual providers as well as highlighting areas for further research.Masters of Science (M.Sc.) in Nursin

    Informal caregiving from the perspectives of older people living alone in India

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    Background: The cultural and social norms in India stipulate that family and preferably children of the older person, provide the support and care that is needed. In recent years, we have witnessed an overall upsurge in interest in informal care from all countries in the developed world considering their ageing populations. The older people living alone group is, especially interesting in this matter, since it seems to deviate from the expectations of extended family living.Objective: The aim was to describe older persons' experiences of informal care when living alone in India.Methods: The study has a hermeneutic design, analysing interviews of older persons living alone in India.Results: Findings revealed informal care as the thematic patterns: Informal care as a fundamental human responsibility, an obligation and thereby a way to act in 'common sense'. It was a way of 'paying-back' care that they had received from others in their life history, motivated by governmental care was not presented as an option. Informal care also created safety by the provision of alert and actionable care by loved ones, including spatial safety. Most of the informants experienced themselves as informal caregivers assisting others in need even if they themselves were old and fragile. Providing self care was also seen as a part of informal care conducted by capable and worthy persons. They also pointed out their own obligation to seek informal care and even to listen to the suggestions of younger generations regarding the type and scope of care.Conclusions/Implications for practice: Informal care in India is not only dependent on having children who ensure that you receive the care you need. Extended family, neighbours and friends feel a basic human obligation to care for the older people in their environment. This responsibility is deeply rooted even within the older people who become fragile in old age

    "I Took the Photograph Just to Show You a Little Bit of Perspective": Photo-Elicitation Interviewing With Family Caregivers in the Dementia Context

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    Photo-Elicitation-Interviews (PEI) sind ein bekannter Ansatz in der qualitativen Forschung. In der vorhandenen Literatur fehlt es jedoch an ausreichenden Informationen über die Perspektiven der Teilnehmer*innen, die Fotos verwenden, um ihre Erfahrungen zu erläutern, und darüber, wie die von ihnen aufgenommenen Fotos das Verständnis des untersuchten Phänomens verbessern können, dies insbesondere im Kontext von Demenzerkrankungen. In diesem Artikel berichte ich über die Erfahrungen von Teilnehmer*innen, die in einer qualitativen Studie über die familiären Pflegeerfahrungen mit einem an Demenz erkrankten Angehörigen teilgenommen haben. Insgesamt handelte es sich um fünf pflegende Angehörige, die an dem PEI-Prozess teilnahmen und 28 Fotos zur Verfügung stellten, um ihre Erfahrungen präsentieren. Mittels thematischer Analyse wurde ein übergreifendes Thema, Erleichterung eines tieferen gemeinsamen Verständnisses, identifiziert, das drei Hauptthemen über die Erfahrungen der Teilnehmer*innen unterlag: PEI förderten 1. eine eingehendere Reflexion und neue Perspektiven, 2. ermöglichten sie einen reichhaltigeren Dialog und 3. konnten durch sie komplexe und ansonsten verborgene Erfahrungen aufgedeckt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass PEI eine wirksame Methode sind, um die komplexen und vielschichtigen Erfahrungen bei der Pflege von demenzkranken Angehörigen besser zu verstehen. Die durchdachte Verwendung von Fotografien der Teilnehmer*innen in Interviews kann zu einem umfassenderen Verständnis führen und den pflegenden Angehörigen die Möglichkeit geben, zur Bedeutungsgebung beizutragen, die für die relationalen Aspekte der Pflege im Demenzkontext relevant ist.Photo-elicitation interviewing (PEI) is a well-known approach in qualitative inquiry. Yet existing literature lacks sufficient information on participants' perspectives on using photographs to explicate their experiences and ways in which their captured photographs can enhance understanding of the phenomenon under study, especially in the dementia context. In this article, I report on participants' experiences of partaking in the auto-driven approach of PEI in a qualitative descriptive study on family caregiving experiences to a relative living with dementia. Five family caregivers participated in the PEI process and provided 28 photographs that represented their experiences. Using thematic analysis, an overarching theme, facilitated deeper shared understandings was identified, underpinning three main themes about the participants' experiences of PEI, i.e., it 1. promoted more in-depth reflection and new perspectives; 2. enabled richer dialogue; and 3. revealed complex and otherwise hidden experiences. Findings show that PEI is an effective method for researchers to further understand the complex and multifaceted experiences involved in caring for a relative, living with dementia. Thoughtful implementation of using participant-taken photographs in interviews can provide a richer level of understanding and the means through which family caregivers can contribute to meaning-making relevant to the relational aspects of caregiving in the dementia context