517 research outputs found

    Optical microscopy on agrobacterium-mediated transient transformated arabidopsis nahg plants

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    Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient transformation has demonstrated to be an invaluable tool in plant cell biology. However, low efficiency and inconsistency of this method in Arabidopsis has forced the implementation of Nicotiana benthamiana as a surrogate system, limiting applicability. Previous results suggested that hormone-mediated defence responses against bacteria might be responsible for the low efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation in Arabidopsis. In this work, we evaluate the efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation in Arabidopsis genotypes affected in JA perception or signalling (coi1, jin1), or with low SA or JA content (sid2, NahG, aos). We demonstrate that expression of the NahG transgene dramatically improves this process. Arabidopsis NahG plants can be efficiently used for transient expression-based optical microscopy assays routinely performed in N. benthamiana, such as determination of subcellular localization of GFP-fused proteins or analysis of protein-protein interactions by Bimolecular Fluorescent Complementation. Considering the wide-spread use of Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation, this system can enormously facilitate research in the model plant Arabidopsis, allowing for an efficient use of the full potential of the numerous tools and resources currently available to the community.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A masterpiece by Sinan:Süleymaniye Camii

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 102-Camilerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Comparative Performance Simulation of DSDV AODV and DSR MANET Protocols in NS2

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) are self-configured and infrastructure less networks with autonomous mobile nodes. Due to the high flexibility, these kind of networks are heavily used in rescue operations, military missions etc. Many routing protocols for this kind of networks exist. This article presents a comparative and quantitative performance study of DSDV, AODV and DSR routing protocols using different simulation models in NS2. Performance metrics like PDR, E2E Delay and Throughput are analyzed under varying network, traffic and mobility parameters like number of nodes, traffic flows, mobility speed and pause time. Results show that AODV outperforms DSDV and DSR in all the performance metrics. DSDV performs better than DSR in terms of PDR and E2E delay. DSR gives 20-30 higher Throughput than DSDV. Performance metrics are highly influenced by network topology parameters like number of nodes and number of traffic flow connections. Mobility parameters like speed and pause time have slight impact on performance

    Comparative Performance Simulation of DSDV AODV and DSR MANET Protocols in NS2

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) are self-configured and infrastructure less networks with autonomous mobile nodes. Due to the high flexibility, these kind of networks are heavily used in rescue operations, military missions etc. Many routing protocols for this kind of networks exist. This article presents a comparative and quantitative performance study of DSDV, AODV and DSR routing protocols using different simulation models in NS2. Performance metrics like PDR, E2E Delay and Throughput are analyzed under varying network, traffic and mobility parameters like number of nodes, traffic flows, mobility speed and pause time. Results show that AODV outperforms DSDV and DSR in all the performance metrics. DSDV performs better than DSR in terms of PDR and E2E delay. DSR gives 20-30 higher Throughput than DSDV. Performance metrics are highly influenced by network topology parameters like number of nodes and number of traffic flow connections. Mobility parameters like speed and pause time have slight impact on performance

    Pre-service Science Teachers’ Concerns about Chemistry Laboratory (Case of Muğla University-Turkey)

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    AbstractThe purpose of the present study is to investigate whether there will be some changes in pre-service teachers’ concerns about chemistry laboratories as a result of the activities to be performed within the framework of the course of General Chemistry Laboratory I. The present study was carried out on 101 first-year students attending the department of science teacher education within the program of elementary education at the Faculty of Education of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in the fall term of 2011-2012 academic year and these students were taking the course of General Chemistry Laboratory I. Within the study, “The Scale of Concern about Chemistry Laboratories” developed by Bowen and translated into Turkish by Azizoğlu and Uzuntiryaki was used to collect data (Azizioğlu and Uzuntiryaki, 2006; Bowen, 1999). The data collected from the administration of the scale as pre-test and post-test revealed that the activities done in the laboratory resulted in reductions in concern level of the pre-service teachers


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    Albanian students have many difficulties when using English as the second/foreign language in the classroom. This study will be based on second language learning research (English) and only on speaking errors made from the 12th grade students of Secondary High School “Xhelal Hajda – Toni” in Rahovec, in terms of the most common mistakes. The main focus of the study is the elaboration of facts in: 1. mistakes students make when speaking; 2. Grammatical errors when learning English in the classroom environment; 3. To what extent the oral corrective reaction emotionally affects students learning English and how they react and respond to the spoken feedback process; 4. What is the role of correcting these grammatical errors in teaching, as well as how teachers will need to approach these errors when making them in the classroom environment; 5. Introducing techniques that can be used to control mistakes when speaking to students, a procedure that enables them to become more aware of the type of mistake they have made and thus how can they correct these mistakes by themselves.Keywords: Grammatical errors, mistakes, performance errors, competence errors, etc

    Afghanistan in transition: institution and security nexus

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    After more than a decade of NATO-led intervention, Afghanistan is now transitioning into a fully functioning state. Two main challenges lie ahead as NATO plans to withdraw its forces and turn security over to the Afghan government. The short-term challenge relates to guaranteeing an effective and efficient turnover of power to Afghan authorities. In the longer term, NATO wants to ensure a healthy consolidation of Afghan state institutions. The way in which NATO manages this turnover as well as its role in the transition’s aftermath will have immense implications on the evolution of the Afghan state. As such, the transatlantic alliance, as well as civil and military policy makers, are at a critical juncture in its Afghanistan endeavor. The transition from a stage of acute conflict to that of institutional consolidation will bring about new challenges for Afghanistan across a spectrum of policy issues. In this transition stage, Afghanistan needs not reinvent the wheel in many of the challenges it will face. Istanbul Policy Center in cooperation with USAK and the financial support of NATO Public Diplomacy Division convened a series of panels to further the debate on specific policy challenges facing NATO and the Afghan government during this transition. More specifically, these panels hosted experts in specific fields that we deemed may be critical to a healthy consolidation of the Afghan state. We chose the panel topics to address concrete policy challenges that stand at the security-economics-society nexus and that can lend themselves to specific policy proposals

    Druri në identitetin arkitektonik – Një pasqyrë mbi zhvillimin e arkitekturës me bazë druri në Kosovë

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    Arkitektura tradicionale me bazë druri është trashëgimi e çmuar e Kosovës, që është zhvilluar në relacion me klimën, pozitën gjeografike, rrethanat politike, diversitetin e ndikimeve kulturore, qasjen në materiale ndërtimore dhe njohuritë në teknikat e ndërtimit. Në këtë kontekst, ky punim trajton tipologjitë e objekteve në dy aspekte: sistemet e ndërtimit tradicional dhe strukturat bashkëkohore, duke i analizuar dhe klasifikuar elementet strukturore si dhe duke i interpretuar vlerat arkitektonike. Është dhënë një përshkrim kronologjik që pason me shpjegim të detajuar. Janë paraqitur detaje dhe të dhëna teknike lidhur me mënyrat e ndërtimit duke u bazuar në literaturën përkatëse dhe studimin në terren të arkitekturës tradicionale dhe bashkëkohore me bazë druri. Për më tepër, është përshkruar artizanati dekorativ në dru i mjeshtrit popullor kosovar, që zë një pjesë të rëndësishme në shtëpinë tradicionale. Në përfundim, punimi pohon disa rezultate të kategorizuara duke pasuar me sugjerime përkatëse. Sugjerimet adresohen drejt rëndësisë së arkitekturës tradicionale dhe bashkëkohore me dru në Kosovë, rëndësisë së mbrojtjes dhe zhvillimit të mëtejshëm të aplikimit të drurit në ndërtimtari

    Integrative Genome Assembly of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus hominis Strains

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    Due to rapid advances in sequencing technology, it is becoming increasingly easier to assemble unknown genomes from millions of short sequencing reads of nucleotides taken from the full genomic sequence (Hernandez, 2008). In this study, we used various computational programs to align reads from unsequenced strains of the bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus hominis into a hitherto undefined, single contiguous genomic sequence. We used SPAdes to assist with template free assembly (Bankevich, 2012), BLAST to identify a suitable reference genome from closely related species (Madden, 2013), Bowtie2 to align our reads to the reference genome, SAMtools to sort and organize files (Li, 2009), RGAAT to incorporate variants into our reads and update our final genome (Liu, 2018), and Mauve to rapidly align the reads and provide a visual representation of the final genome (Darling, 2011). In all, we assembled ten bacterial genomes which have never been sequenced and assembled previously. Importantly, we have developed and validated a high throughput computational pipeline capable of quickly assembling full genomes from millions of individual reads. Excitingly this protocol can continue to be used as needed to sequence and assemble more bacterial genomes to provide a genetic basis for studying bacterial characteristics