15 research outputs found

    Unified genus-1 potential and parametric P/NP relation

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    We study a parametric deformation of the unified genus-1 anharmonic potential and derive a parametric form of perturbative/non-perturbative (P/NP) relation, applicable across all parameter values. We explicitly demonstrate that the perturbative expansion around the perturbative saddle is sufficient to generate all the nonperturbative information in these systems. Our results confirm the known results in the literature, where the cubic and quartic anharmonic potentials are reproduced under extreme parameter values, and go beyond these known results by developing the nonperturbative function of real and complex instantons solely from perturbative data

    Refined Topological Vertex, Cylindric Partitions and the U(1) Adjoint Theory

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    We study the partition function of the compactified 5D U(1) gauge theory (in the Omega-background) with a single adjoint hypermultiplet, calculated using the refined topological vertex. We show that this partition function is an example a periodic Schur process and is a refinement of the generating function of cylindric plane partitions. The size of the cylinder is given by the mass of adjoint hypermultiplet and the parameters of the Omega-background. We also show that this partition function can be written as a trace of operators which are generalizations of vertex operators studied by Carlsson and Okounkov. In the last part of the paper we describe a way to obtain (q,t) identities using the refined topological vertex.Comment: 40 Page

    Link Homologies and the Refined Topological Vertex

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    We establish a direct map between refined topological vertex and sl(N) homological invariants of the of Hopf link, which include Khovanov-Rozansky homology as a special case. This relation provides an exact answer for homological invariants of the of Hopf link, whose components are colored by arbitrary representations of sl(N). At present, the mathematical formulation of such homological invariants is available only for the fundamental representation (the Khovanov-Rozansky theory) and the relation with the refined topological vertex should be useful for categorifying quantum group invariants associated with other representations (R_1, R_2). Our result is a first direct verification of a series of conjectures which identifies link homologies with the Hilbert space of BPS states in the presence of branes, where the physical interpretation of gradings is in terms of charges of the branes ending on Lagrangian branes.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figure

    The Refined Topological Vertex

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    We define a refined topological vertex which depends in addition on a parameter, which physically corresponds to extending the self-dual graviphoton field strength to a more general configuration. Using this refined topological vertex we compute, using geometric engineering, a two-parameter (equivariant) instanton expansion of gauge theories which reproduce the results of Nekrasov. The refined vertex is also expected to be related to Khovanov knot invariants.Comment: 70 Pages, 23 Figure

    Refined Hopf Link Revisited

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    We establish a relation between the refined Hopf link invariant and the S-matrix of the refined Chern-Simons theory. We show that the refined open string partition function corresponding to the Hopf link, calculated using the refined topological vertex, when expressed in the basis of Macdonald polynomials gives the S-matrix of the refined Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 17 page

    Affine sl(N) conformal blocks from N=2 SU(N) gauge theories

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    Recently Alday and Tachikawa proposed a relation between conformal blocks in a two-dimensional theory with affine sl(2) symmetry and instanton partition functions in four-dimensional conformal N=2 SU(2) quiver gauge theories in the presence of a certain surface operator. In this paper we extend this proposal to a relation between conformal blocks in theories with affine sl(N) symmetry and instanton partition functions in conformal N=2 SU(N) quiver gauge theories in the presence of a surface operator. We also discuss the extension to non-conformal N=2 SU(N) theories.Comment: 40 pages. v2: minor changes and clarification

    A & B model approaches to surface operators and Toda theories

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    It has recently been argued by Alday et al that the inclusion of surface operators in 4d N=2 SU(2) quiver gauge theories should correspond to insertions of certain degenerate operators in the dual Liouville theory. So far only the insertion of a single surface operator has been treated (in a semi-classical limit). In this paper we study and generalise this proposal. Our approach relies on the use of topological string theory techniques. On the B-model side we show that the effects of multiple surface operator insertions in 4d N=2 gauge theories can be calculated using the B-model topological recursion method, valid beyond the semi-classical limit. On the mirror A-model side we find by explicit computations that the 5d lift of the SU(N) gauge theory partition function in the presence of (one or many) surface operators is equal to an A-model topological string partition function with the insertion of (one or many) toric branes. This is in agreement with an earlier proposal by Gukov. Our A-model results were motivated by and agree with what one obtains by combining the AGT conjecture with the dual interpretation in terms of degenerate operators. The topological string theory approach also opens up new possibilities in the study of 2d Toda field theories.Comment: 43 pages. v2: Added references, including a reference to unpublished work by S.Gukov; minor changes and clarifications