231 research outputs found

    World Café at Summer School of WHO Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology and Community Dentistry

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    This study is a qualitative evaluation of a teaching method. The 2015 Summer School organized by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Epidemiology and Community Dentistry of Milan took place in Sardinia. The educational objectives of the first day included: make an informal conversation with other members of the summer school; create an interesting exchange of ideas and experiences also between new, \u201chabitu\ue9\u201d and beginners with senior professionals of this event; make a group for the works in the next days. Considering the different professional roles, age and context of origin, the purpose of the Pedagogists was to create a positive, relaxed but intimate atmosphere using the pleasure of \u201cinformal\u201d conversation, through a creative and practical method: The World Caf\ue8. Materials & methods: The Pedagogists\u2019 first task focused on: caring of the location and the physical setup of the table, creating relevant questions to the concerns of the group, establishing the rules, managing the process to encourage participants to have a non- formal learning experience consequently improving thinking, speaking and listening skills. Finally the participants answered self-administered questionnaire to write about their emotions and cognitive processes that went out during the World Caf\ue8. Results: The analysis of the questionnaires was carried out with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), The interpretative steps identified two emerging themes: \u201cdifferent vs peer\u201d and \u201cdiscovering vs practicing\u201d. Conclusions: The World Caf\ue9 experience improves learning by connection; thinking and learning become dynamic processes instead of learning outcomes

    The burden of tooth loss in Italian elderly population living in nursing homes

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    Background: This survey aims to evaluate the prevalence and severity of tooth loss in the Italian elderly population living in nursing homes and to associate the oral data with demographic, socioeconomic factors, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) scores. Methods: A cluster sample method was performed using each nursing home as a cluster. Twenty-three nursing homes located in the five areas of the Italy (North-West, North-East, Centre, South and Islands) were selected. An informed consent to participate was distributed by the personnel of the selected nursing homes and signed directly by subjects/caregivers; 2114 forms were distributed, 1998 forms signed and finally 1976 subjects were examined. Chewing ability was scored as good ( 6510 functional units (FUs)), sufficient (7\u201310 FUs), and insufficient (< 7 FUs). The presence of prosthetic dental restorations was summarized as: absent of prosthesis, fixed prosthesis, removable prosthesis, combined prosthesis. Age, gender, socioeconomic status, MMSE, BMI and MNA were obtained from medical charts. Results: Almost three quarters of the subjects were 6580 years old (74.37%) and women (74.04%). The prevalence of edentulism was 42.10% with a large variation among the five areas of Italy (from 34.43% in Centre to 53.46% in North- West). Insufficient presence of FUs was preeminent in each age group (prevalence 42.10%) and statistically associated to age and to female gender (p< 0.01). Overweight/obese (7.47%) subjects showed the highest FUs. Area of living, MMSE (both < 0.01), BMI (p= 0.01) were statistically significant associated to the type of prosthetic dental restorations in the oldest group. Subjects with no mental impairment showed the highest percentage of prosthetic dental restorations (32.36%). Conclusions: More than half of the sample has an insufficient number of functional units for chewing and this is more pronounced in females. The presence and the type of prosthetic dental restorations are linked to cognitive impairment: the higher is the mental impairment the higher is the number of subjects with absence of prosthetic restorations. The findings of this national survey highlight the need for public health policy, aiming to increase awareness regarding oral health though health educatio

    Screening of suitable cationic dopants for solar absorber material CZTS/Se: A first principles study

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    The earth abundant and non-toxic solar absorber material kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S/Se)(4) has been studied to achieve high power conversion efficiency beyond various limitations, such as secondary phases, antisite defects, band gap adjustment and microstructure. To alleviate these hurdles, we employed screening based approach to find suitable cationic dopant that can promote the current density and the theoretical maximum upper limit of the energy conversion efficiency (P(%)) of CZTS/Se solar devices. For this task, the hybrid functional (Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof, HSE06) were used to study the electronic and optical properties of cation (Al, Sb, Ga, Ba) doped CZTS/Se. Our in-depth investigation reveals that the Sb atom is suitable dopant of CZTS/CZTSe and also it has comparable bulk modulus as of pure material. The optical absorption coefficient of Sb doped CZTS/Se is considerably larger than the pure materials because of easy formation of visible range exciton due to the presence of defect state below the Fermi level, which leads to an increase in the current density and P(%). Our results demonstrate that the lower formation energy, preferable energy gap and excellent optical absorption of the Sb doped CZTS/Se make it potential component for relatively high efficient solar cells

    Italian multicenter study on infection hazards during dental practice: Control of environmental microbial contamination in public dental surgeries

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    Background. The present study assessed microbial contamination in Italian dental surgeries. Methods. An evaluation of water, air and surface microbial contamination in 102 dental units was carried out in eight Italian cities. Results. The findings showed water microbial contamination in all the dental surgeries; the proportion of water samples with microbial levels above those recommended decreased during working. With regard to Legionella spp., the proportion of positive samples was 33.3%. During work activity, the index of microbial air contamination (IMA) increased. The level of microbial accumulation on examined surfaces did not change over time. Conclusion. These findings confirm that some Italian dental surgeries show high biocontamination, as in other European Countries, which highlights the risk of occupational exposure and the need to apply effective measures to reduce microbial loads

    Ecological correlates of Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) breeding occurrence in Sardinia (Italy).

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    Capsule Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Sardinia are clustered across the main mountain ranges of the island, with a preference for undisturbed and homogeneous inland habitats. Aims To analyse habitat preferences of the Golden Eagle in Sardinia, Italy, at the landscape and home range spatial scales. Methods Landscape scale habitat preferences were analysed using the 10 × 10 km Universal Transverse Mercator grid and the home range scale was based on the spatial distribution of breeding territories. Generalized linear models were fitted with three different sets of environmental predictors (topographic, bioclimatic and land use variables) to analyse the spatial distribution of Golden Eagles with a case-control design. Results Eagles showed a preference for rugged and elevated areas, characterized by a certain degree of humidity and surrounded by areas of forest. The distribution of Golden Eagles on this Mediterranean island was negatively affected by the occurrence of arable farmland and coastal areas, as well as by the effects of habitat fragmentation. Conclusions The results of this study could contribute to future management strategies and conservation projects aimed to protect this species, and may be used to identify the most suitable conservation areas for this and other competing species, such as the Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata, which is currently the subject of a reintroduction project in Sardinia

    Managing carious lesions:consensus recommendations on carious tissue removal

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    The International Caries Consensus Collaboration undertook a consensus process and here presents clinical recommendations for carious tissue removal and managing cavitated carious lesions, including restoration, based on texture of demineralized dentine. Dentists should manage the disease dental caries and control activity of existing cavitated lesions to preserve hard tissues and retain teeth long-term. Entering the restorative cycle should be avoided as far as possible. Controlling the disease in cavitated carious lesions should be attempted using methods which are aimed at biofilm removal or control first. Only when cavitated carious lesions either are noncleansable or can no longer be sealed are restorative interventions indicated. When a restoration is indicated, the priorities are as follows: preserving healthy and remineralizable tissue, achieving a restorative seal, maintaining pulpal health, and maximizing restoration success. Carious tissue is removed purely to create conditions for long-lasting restorations. Bacterially contaminated or demineralized tissues close to the pulp do not need to be removed. In deeper lesions in teeth with sensible (vital) pulps, preserving pulpal health should be prioritized, while in shallow or moderately deep lesions, restoration longevity becomes more important. For teeth with shallow or moderately deep cavitated lesions, carious tissue removal is performed according toselective removal to firm dentine.In deep cavitated lesions in primary or permanent teeth,selective removal to soft dentineshould be performed, although in permanent teeth,stepwise removalis an option. The evidence and, therefore, these recommendations support less invasive carious lesion management, delaying entry to, and slowing down, the restorative cycle by preserving tooth tissue and retaining teeth long-term.status: publishe


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    In this paper are reported the results of the characterization of the lactic acid microflora isolated from Sardinian &ldquo;provoletta&rdquo;, a traditional pasta filata cheese obtained from cow&rsquo;s milk. Cheese samples from two batches were taken in triplicate from three dairy plants after 7 and 21 days of ripening. Each sample was analyzed for mesophilic and thermophilic lactic acid bacteria (LAB). From plates, 118 isolates were identified by Rep- PCR GTG5, species-specific PCR and DNA sequencing. The identified LAB belonged to 7 different species: Lb. paracasei, Lb. rhamnosus, Lb. delbrueckii, Lb. fermentum, E. faecalis, E. faecium e Lc. Lactis. Enterococci were the most common isolates, they were recovered from all the dairy plants and from all the products analysed at 7 and at 20 days of ripening. Although with some differences within the various producers, the technology used aids mesophilic LAB growth, guaranteeing a large biodiversity protection

    Deposition of fluoride on enamel surfaces released from varnishes is limited to vicinity of fluoridation site

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    The aim of the in-situ study was to determine fluoride uptake in non-fluoridated, demineralized enamel after application of fluoride varnishes on enamel samples located at various distances from the non-fluoridated samples. All enamel samples used were demineralized with acidic hydroxyethylcellulose before the experiment. Intra-oral appliances were worn by ten volunteers in three series: (1, Mirafluorid, 0.15% F; 2, Duraphat, 2.3% F and 3, unfluoridated controls) of 6 days each. Each two enamel samples were prepared from 30 bovine incisors. One sample was used for the determination of baseline fluoride content (BFC); the other was treated according to the respective series and fixed in the intra-oral appliance for 6 days. Additionally, from 120 incisors, each four enamel samples were prepared (one for BFC). Three samples (a–c) were placed into each appliance at different sites: (a) directly neighboured to the fluoridated specimen (=next), (b) at 1-cm distance (=1 cm) and (c) in the opposite buccal aspect of the appliance (=opposite). At these sites, new unfluoridated samples were placed at days 1, 3 and 5, which were left in place for 1 day. The volunteers brushed their teeth and the samples with fluoridated toothpaste twice per day. Both the KOH-soluble and structurally bound fluoride were determined in all samples to determine fluoride uptake and were statistically analyzed. One day, after fluoridation with Duraphat, KOH-soluble fluoride uptake in specimen a (=next) was significantly higher compared to the corresponding samples of both the control and Mirafluorid series, which in turn were not significantly different from each other. At all other sites and time points, fluoride uptake in the enamel samples were not different from controls for both fluoride varnishes. Within the first day after application, intra-oral-fluoride release from the tested fluoride varnish Duraphat leads to KOH-soluble fluoride uptake only in enamel samples located in close vicinity to the fluoridation site