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    O salário mínimo e a determinação da taxa de salários na economia brasileira: uma revisão da literatura existente

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    This article aims to sum up tiie contributions for the debate on the role played by the official minimum wage in the determination of the basic wage rate of the brazilian idustrial urban sector since the early sixties. Firstly, it makes a few comments about the institutional determinants of wages. Secondly, it focuses the original theoretical arguments and empirical evidence developed favoring either the market forces or the institutional factors influence. At last, it presents the recent empirical contributions concluding that they are not yet totally conclusive.This article aims to sum up tiie contributions for the debate on the role played by the official minimum wage in the determination of the basic wage rate of the brazilian idustrial urban sector since the early sixties. Firstly, it makes a few comments about the institutional determinants of wages. Secondly, it focuses the original theoretical arguments and empirical evidence developed favoring either the market forces or the institutional factors influence. At last, it presents the recent empirical contributions concluding that they are not yet totally conclusive

    A questão dos determinantes dos salários nas teorias clássica, marxista e neoclássica

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    The purpose of this article is to review critically part of the heritage of wage determination theories. Specially concerned with the period prior to the so known " Keynesian Revolution", and particularly conscious of the importance of factors such as the dominant economic theory, the stage of social and economic development and the existing wage-setting institutions, the author begins analysing the classical contribution, specifically the subsistence wage and the fund of wages theories. In continuation, the article examines the marxist concepts on the subjectThe purpose of this article is to review critically part of the heritage of wage determination theories. Specially concerned with the period prior to the so known " Keynesian Revolution", and particularly conscious of the importance of factors such as the dominant economic theory, the stage of social and economic development and the existing wage-setting institutions, the author begins analysing the classical contribution, specifically the subsistence wage and the fund of wages theories. In continuation, the article examines the marxist concepts on the subjec

    Ônibus: um segmento industrial em expansão

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    Neste artigo, busca-se analisar o comportamento do segmento produtor de ônibus (chassi e carroceria), no qual o Brasil vem mostrando competitividade, garantindo-lhe participação crescente no mercado internacional, a partir da segunda metade dos anos 90. O esforço de modernização em busca de qualidade, conforto e segurança empreendido pelos fabricantes de chassis e carrocerias, juntamente à adoção de uma política agressiva de conquista de novos mercados, tem alavancado as exportações nacionais de ônibus. As melhorias nos processos produtivos, os novos materiais utilizados, o “design” inovador, a variedade de modelos e tamanhos de veículos, o processo de internacionalização, dentre outros, contribuem para o aumento da competitividade do segmento

    As mudanças no comércio internacional e as exportações brasileiras de têxteis e vestuário

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    Several important changes have occured in the textile and clothing articles production and world trade over the past two decades. The present article aims to verify if and how brazilian exports oí these products accompanied the changes at international level. It begins with the sector's new trends analysis, follows with the changes' determinants identification and finishes with the brazilian textile and clothing exports performance and concluding remarks.Several important changes have occured in the textile and clothing articles production and world trade over the past two decades. The present article aims to verify if and how brazilian exports oí these products accompanied the changes at international level. It begins with the sector's new trends analysis, follows with the changes' determinants identification and finishes with the brazilian textile and clothing exports performance and concluding remarks

    Desempenho da produção industrial brasileira e gaúcha em 2011

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    ABSTRACT This paper examined the evolution of the productive activity of the Brazilian and Rio Grande do Sul State industries in 2011. The analysis of the indices of physical production, calculated by IBGE, showed that the trend of deceleration in manufacturing activity started in 2010, even though the cumulative annual growth still reached a high rate. The factors responsible for the contraction in industrial production are well known. Besides the low competitiveness, due to the appreciation of the real, the reduced level of investment in innovation and the poor country’s infrastructure, other factors were added this year: unwanted inventories accumulation, wage growth above the rate of expansion of the sector's productivity and the deepening crisis in the U.S. and Europe increasing the uncertainty in the international economic environment. In addition, imports grew much more than exports in some industries, jeopardizing important links of the production chain. Key words: Brazilian industry; State of Rio Grande do Sul industry; competitiveness; slowing production. Artigo recebido em 13 fev. 2012E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] AGRADECIMENTOS As autoras agradecem aos colegas: Beky Macadar; Clarisse C. Castilhos; Rodrigo Feix; Rodrigo Costa e Vanclei Zanin pelos valiosos comentários, críticas e sugestões ao texto. Agradecemos também ao apoio da estagiária Natália Stein. Os erros e omissões restantes são de responsabilidade das autoras.RESUMO Examinou-se, neste artigo, a evolução da atividade produtiva das indústrias brasileira e gaúcha no ano de 2011. A análise dos índices de produção física, calculados pelo IBGE, mostrou que a trajetória de desaceleração da atividade manufatureira teve início em 2010, ano em que a taxa acumulada ainda atingiu um percentual elevado. Os fatores responsáveis pela contração da produção industrial são bem conhecidos. Além da baixa competitividade, decorrente da valorização do real, do nível reduzido de investimentos em inovações e da infraestrutura deficiente, dentre outros fatores, somou-se, neste ano, o acúmulo indesejado de estoques, o crescimento dos salários acima do ritmo de expansão da produtividade do setor e o agravamento da crise nos EUA e na Europa, que aumentou a incerteza no ambiente econômico internacional. As importações, em alguns setores industriais, cresceram bem mais do que as exportações, comprometendo elos importantes da cadeia produtiva. Palavras-chave: indústria brasileira; indústria gaúcha; competitividade; desaceleração produtiva