877 research outputs found

    Stenomicra (Diptera: Opomyzoidea) en Argentina, con información sobre la biología del género

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    This is the first literature record of the genus Stenomicra Coquillett (Diptera: Periscelididae) from South America (Neotropical Region). New information on the biological cycle of Stenomicra species in the wild is provided, and four species of the genus Eryngium L. (Apiaceae) are recorded as host plants for immature stages of this taxon. The specimens of Stenomicra sp. were collected in Sierra de la Ventana, Buenos Aires province, Argentina.En este estudio, se publica por primera vez para Sudamérica (Región Neotropical) el género Stenomicra Coquillett (Diptera: Periscelididae). Se aporta información sobre su ciclo biológico en condiciones naturales y se mencionan cuatro especies del género Eryngium L. (Apiaceae), como plantas hospedadoras de los estados inmaduros. Los ejemplares de Stenomicra sp. fueron colectados en Sierra de la Ventana, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.Fil: Campos, Raul Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Gramajo, Maria Cecilia. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Lizarralde, Mercedes Sara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto Superior de Entomología; Argentin

    Capped polyethylene glycol esters of fatty acids as novel active principles for weed control

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    [EN] BACKGROUND Ever since the beginning of agriculture, yields have been threatened by weeds. Chemical weed control is far more effective and economical than other methods. The frequent use of herbicides has led to environmental and human health concerns, resulting in the banning of several herbicides and challenges for the future of important active compounds such as glyphosate. RESULTS The herbicidal activity of sustainable alternatives based on certain esters of fatty acids (FA), the action of which is unrelated to the free acid, on common weeds is assessed and reported. The 13 derivatives of FA showed better physicochemical properties than pelargonic acid-based herbicides. All the reported compounds have phytotoxic activity, the highest efficacy being displayed by the methyl end-capped polyethylene glycol (mPEG) ester of pelargonic acid having 6EO (ethylene oxide). This mPEG ester showed equal or better phytotoxicity than the pelargonic acid benchmark at reduced application rate and spray volume. The active compound is a liquid at ambient temperatures, has no bad smell and is not volatile, in contrast to pelargonic acid. Notably, this active compound can be the final product, can be sprayed without adjuvants and is relatively easy to co-formulate. CONCLUSION A new lead substance is presented that is a sustainable alternative to current contact herbicides. In particular, it has potential application on railways, in precision agriculture and as a harvest aid. Its good performance and technical properties suggest this mPEG ester group may also overcome the volatility-related problems of other organic acids such as auxins.Campos, J.; Verdeguer Sancho, MM.; Baur, P. (2021). Capped polyethylene glycol esters of fatty acids as novel active principles for weed control. Pest Management Science. 77(10):4648-4657. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.6505S46484657771

    The predicting role of professional self-efficacy in teachers’ well-being : challenge and hindrance demands.

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    The objective of the present study is to analyse the role of professional self-efficacy as a predictor of psychosocial well-being (burnout and engagement), following the Dual Self-Efficacy Model (Salanova, Llorens, Cifre, & Martínez, 2006) of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (1997). We performed structural equation modelling (sem) in a sample of secondary school teachers (n=460). The results support the predicting role that professional self-efficacy plays in the perception of challenge (i.e., mental overload) and hindrance (i.e., role conflict, lack of control, and lack of social support) demands, which, in turn, lead to burnout (i.e., erosion process) and engagement (i.e., motivational process). Finally, the study analyses the theoretical and practical implications, and also presents future research in this area

    Poverty and Education

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    En este trabajo fin de máster, se pretende estudiar cómo afecta la pobreza a la etapa de Educación Infantil, considerándose dicha etapa como el período de formación del niño o niña con edades comprendidas entre 0 y 6 años. El objeto de esta investigación resulta claro y conciso, pretendo fundamentalmente analizar hasta qué punto las variables educación y pobreza se relacionan entre sí centrándome en la etapa de Educación Infantil.In this master's thesis, it is intended to study how poverty affects the stage of Early Childhood Education, considering that stage as the period of formation of the child between 0 and 6 years old. The purpose of this research is clear and concise, I intend to analyze fundamentally the extent to which the variables education and poverty relate to each other focusing on the stage of Early Childhood Education

    Childhood Education. What should we know about this stage?

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    La Educación Infantil es una etapa fundamental en la vida del niño, ya que en estas edades es donde tienen lugar procesos que son determinantes en la configuración de su personalidad, así como aprendizajes cruciales para su desarrollo futuro. La importancia del artículo se fundamenta en la relevancia de trabajar en esta etapa, el máximo desarrollo de las capacidades y habilidades de cada niño. La idea sería la siguiente: “Si conocemos el desarrollo, somos capaces de influir en él”.Childhood Education is a fundamental stage in the life of the child. In these ages, there are processes that determine the personality of the child and the future development. The importance of the article is based on the relevance of working in this stage, the maximum development of the abilities of each child. We should know that all children are different and special. The idea would be: "If we know their development, we are able to influence it.

    The work of feeding in a kindergarten dining room

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    El tópico de la alimentación es esencial para hablar de salud y por supuesto, tema a incluir durante toda la Educación Infantil. Hemos de ser conscientes de que la alimentación, definida como ese proceso voluntario mediante el cual suministramos al cuerpo las sustancias que son necesarias para mantenerlo con vida, es uno de los factores que más poderosamente influye en el bienestar general y en la calidad de vida. Además, en la etapa 0-6 años, los niños tienen una mayor receptividad e interiorización de hábitos.The topic of food is essential to talk about health and of course, a theme to include during all Child Education. We must be aware that food, defined as that voluntary process by which we supply the body with the substances that are necessary to keep it alive, is one of the factors that most powerfully influences overall well-being and quality of life. In addition, in the stage 0-6 years, children have a greater receptivity and internalization of habits

    Socio-educational intervention for the elderly

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    Las personas mayores constituyen un grupo social muy diversificado, no todos son iguales. Se envejece de diferente manera según el estilo de vida que se ha llevado, el género, el trabajo desempeñado, aficiones, vida en ciudad o campo, la actitud que se ha tenido ante la vida... La mayoría de las personas mayores siguen estando en condiciones de salud adecuadas y mantienen la capacidad para vivir de forma independiente y por ello se presenta un ejemplo de una intervención socioeducativa dirigida a ellos. Envejecer no es ser viejo.Older people are a very diverse social group, not all are the same. We old grow old in a different way according to the way of life: gender, work, hobbies, life in city or country, the attitude that we had in the life... Most older people are still in adequate health and maintain the capacity to live independently and therefore an example of a socio-educational intervention addressed to them is presented. Growing old is not being old

    Obstacles towards gender violence comprehension: Influence of sexism and academic training in gender issues

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    La violencia de género es un problema de gran relevancia social y política. Las creencias distorsionadas sobre este tipo de violencia constituyen obstáculos para su comprensión y suponen un factor de riesgo para su tolerancia y mantenimiento. La identificación de estos obstáculos para la comprensión de la violencia hacia la mujer y de los factores que influyen sobre los mismos, es necesaria en profesionales que tratan este tipo de situaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la presencia de obstáculos a la comprensión de la violencia de género en estudiantes de Derecho. También se analizó el impacto del género, de los niveles de sexismo y de la formación en género sobre estas creencias obstaculizadoras. Ciento cuarenta y siete estudiantes cumplimentaron un cuestionario anónimo y voluntario. Los resultados del análisis de regresión mostraron que tanto hombres como mujeres presentan obstáculos a la comprensión de violencia de género, siendo más elevada su presencia entre los hombres. Las creencias sexistas hostiles de hombres y mujeres, y las creencias sexistas benévolas de los hombres se relacionaban con una mayor presencia de obstáculos. Finalmente, haber recibido formación sobre materias de violencia de género actuaba como un factor de protección asociado con una menor presencia de obstáculos.Gender violence is a highly important social and political concern. Distorted beliefs about it are obstacles towards its comprehension and an important risk factor for its tolerance and maintenance. Some professionals often deal with gender violence issues. Thus, it is necessary to identify these obstacles towards the comprehension about gender violence and factors affecting them. The aim of this study was to analyze the existence of obstacles towards gender violence comprehension in law university students. We also investigated the impact of participants’ gender, sexist attitudes and gender education on the presence of these obstacles. One-hundred and forty seven law university students completed an anonymous and voluntary survey. Results from regression analysis evidenced that both men and women have obstacles towards gender violence comprehension. Males showed a higher level of obstacles than females. Also, hostile sexism of both, men and women, and men´s benevolent sexism levels were positively related with a higher presence of obstacles. Finally, having received training related to gender violence acted as a protective factor that was associated with lower obstacles towards gender violence comprehension

    Species Composition and Plant Traits of South Atlantic European Coastal Dunes and Other Comparative Data

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    The data reported in this article relates to the research article entitled “Changes in plant diversity patterns along dune zonation in south Atlantic European coasts” (Torca et al., 2019) [1]. Data about traits of species from coastal dunes, a synoptic table and PERMANOVA comparisons are given. The information detailed in the methodology section can be used as a guide to perform analyses on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity