227 research outputs found

    Educação infantil no Brasil: reflexões sobre a supervisão e a gestão de recursos humanos

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    O artigo reporta-se à pesquisa sobre gestão da educação infantil no Brasil, realizada em 2011 e 2012, em seis capitais. Apresenta parte da dimensão qualitativa do estudo, cujas fontes de informação foram as entrevistas realizadas nas Secretarias Municipais de Educação. Os dados referem-se ao trabalho de supervisão na educação infantil, aos recursos humanos que trabalham com as turmas de creches e pré-escolas e às formas de ingresso para o cargo de diretor. Constatou-se que: as atividades de supervisão estão vinculadas à formação continuada; existem planos de carreira diferenciados para professores de educação infantil, professores de outras etapas da educação básica e para auxiliares de turma. A indicação e a eleição são os mecanismos mais utilizados para a ocupação do cargo de diretor

    Burden of cardiovascular diseases attributable to risk factors in Brazil : data from the "Global Burden of Disease 2019" study

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    Introduction: To better understand trends in the main cause of death in Brazil, we sought to analyze the burden of cardiovascular risk factors (RF) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) attributable to specifi c RFs in Brazil from 1990 to 2019, using the estimates from the GBD 2019 study. Methods: To estimate RF exposure, the Summary Exposure Value (SEV) was used, whereas for disease burden attributed to RF, mortality and disability-adjusted life-years (DALY) due to CVD were used. For comparisons over time and between states, we compared age-standardized rates. The sociodemographic index (SDI) was used as a marker of socioeconomic conditions. Results: In 2019, 83% of CVD mortality in Brazil was attributable to RF. For SEV, there was a reduction in smoking and environmental RF, but an increase in metabolic RF. High systolic blood pressure and dietary risks continue to be the main RF for CVD mortality and DALY. While there was a decline in age-standardized mortality rates attributable to the evaluated RF, there was also a stability or increase in crude mortality rates, with the exception of smoking. It is important to highlight the increase in the risk of death attributable to a high body mass index. Regarding the analysis per state, SEVs and mortality attributable to RF were higher in those states with lower SDIs. Conclusions: Despite the reduction in CVD mortality and DALY rates attributable to RF, the stability or increase in crude rates attributable to metabolic RFs is worrisome, requiring investments and a renewal of health policies

    Microesferas para absorção de metais pesados, processo para sua preparação, e processo de remoção de metais pesados de meios aquosos

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    Em 04/11/2016: Expedição de carta-patente ou certificado de adição de invenção no prazo ordinárioConcedidaRevela microesferas compostas de um polissacarídeo de origem biológica e um mineral pertencente ao grupo das apatitas, em especial o alginato e a hidroxiapatita, processos para sua preparação e seu uso na remoção de metais pesados como o chumbo em soluções aquosas em qualquer faixa de pH, como, por exemplo, em reservatórios contaminados e in vivo através de sua ação nos fluidos gástricos e/ou entéricos

    Dirofilaria immitis: Ocorrência na câmara anterior do globo ocular de canis familiaris

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    This paper present the first finding of Dirofilaria immitis parasiting the anterior chamber of a dog's eye in Brazil.Objetiva-se assinalar pela primeira vez no Brasil a presença de Dirofilaria immitis na câmara anterior do globo ocular de cão doméstico

    Trends in prevalence, mortality, and morbidity associated with high systolic blood pressure in Brazil from 1990 to 2017 : estimates from the “Global Burden of Disease 2017” (GBD 2017) study

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    Background: Hypertension remains the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) worldwide, and its impact in Brazil should be assessed in order to better address the issue. We aimed to describe trends in prevalence and burden of disease attributable to high systolic blood pressure (HSBP) among Brazilians ≥ 25 years old according to sex and federal units (FU) using the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 estimates. Methods: We used the comparative risk assessment developed for the GBD study to estimate trends in attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years (DALY), by sex, and FU for HSBP from 1990 to 2017. This study included 14 HSBP-outcome pairs. HSBP was defined as ≥ 140 mmHg for prevalence estimates, and a theoretical minimum risk exposure level (TMREL) of 110–115 mmHg was considered for disease burden. We estimated the portion of deaths and DALYs attributed to HSBP. We also explored the drivers of trends in HSBP burden, as well as the correlation between disease burden and sociodemographic development index (SDI). Results: In Brazil, the prevalence of HSBP is 18.9% (95% uncertainty intervals [UI] 18.5–19.3%), with an annual 0.4% increase rate, while age-standardized death rates attributable to HSBP decreased from 189.2 (95%UI 168.5–209.2) deaths to 104.8 (95%UI 94.9–114.4) deaths per 100,000 from 1990 to 2017. In spite of that, the total number of deaths attributable to HSBP increased 53.4% and HSBP raised from 3rd to 1st position, as the leading risk factor for deaths during the period. Regarding total DALYs, HSBP raised from 4th in 1990 to 2nd cause in 2017. The main driver of change of HSBP burden is population aging. Across FUs, the reduction in the age-standardized death rates attributable to HSBP correlated with higher SDI. Conclusions: While HSBP prevalence shows an increasing trend, age-standardized death and DALY rates are decreasing in Brazil, probably as results of successful public policies for CVD secondary prevention and control, but suboptimal control of its determinants. Reduction was more significant in FUs with higher SDI, suggesting that the effect of health policies was heterogeneous. Moreover, HSBP has become the main risk factor for death in Brazil, mainly due to population aging

    Effects of pompage associated with aerobic exercises on pain, fatigue, and sleep quality in female patients with fibromyalgia: a pilot study

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    Para evaluar los efectos de la pompage como terapia complementaria a los ejercicios aeróbicos y de estiramiento en el dolor, fatiga y en la calidad de sueño de mujeres con fibromialgia (MF), se dividieron veintitrés mujeres con este diagnóstico en grupos al alzar: Grupo Experimental (GE, n=13) y Grupo Control (GC, n=10). Después les aplicaron el Cuestionario de dolor McGill, el Cuestionario de fatiga de Chalder y el Inventario del sueño. Durante 12 semanas, dos veces a la semana, el GE hizo pompage, ejercicios aeróbicos y estiramientos, mientras que el GC solo hizo ejercicios aeróbicos y estiramientos. Se repitió la evaluación después de 6 y 12 semanas. La cantidad de participantes redujo para 15 (GE, n=7, GC, n=8). En el análisis estadístico se empeló la ANOVA para medidas iguales, la prueba t para las muestras independientes, en las cuales presentaron diferencias significantes (p ≤ 0,05). En la puntuación de dimensión mixta del Cuestionario de dolor McGill tras 12 semanas presentó reducción significativa en el GE comparado al GC. En los demás ítems evaluados, dolor, fatiga y calidad de sueño, no se observaron diferencias significantes. Así que la pompage como terapia complementaria a ejercicios aeróbicos y de estiramiento no presentó efectos relevantes en mujeres con FM, debido a que solamente uno de los ítems de dolor evaluados ha presentado mejora. Son necesarios estudios con muestras más grandes para un análisis más detenido de los ítems evaluados.O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar os efeitos da pompage como terapia complementar a exercícios aeróbicos e de alongamento sobre dor, fadiga e qualidade do sono em mulheres com fibromialgia. Para isso, 23 mulheres com esse diagnóstico foram alocadas aleatoriamente nos grupos: Experimental (GE, n=13) e Controle (GC, n=10), e em seguida foram avaliadas através do Questionário McGill de Dor, Questionário de Fadiga de Chalder e Inventário do Sono. Durante 12 semanas, duas vezes por semana, o GE realizou pompage, exercícios aeróbicos e alongamentos, enquanto o GC fez apenas exercícios aeróbicos e alongamentos. A avaliação foi repetida após 6 e 12 semanas. Ocorreram perdas amostrais, resultando em 15 indivíduos (GE, n=7/GC, n=8). Na análise estatística, utilizou-se ANOVA para medidas repetidas, seguido do teste t para amostras independentes em que houve diferença significativa (p ≤ 0,05). Houve redução significativa do escore da dimensão mista do Questionário McGill de Dor após 12 semanas no GE comparado ao GC. Nos outros aspectos avaliados de dor, fadiga e qualidade do sono, não foram observadas alterações significativas. Assim, sugere-se que a pompage como terapia complementar a exercícios aeróbicos e de alongamento não apresentou efeitos benéficos importantes para mulheres com fibromialgia, uma vez que houve melhora em apenas uma das dimensões de dor avaliadas. Estudos com amostras maiores são necessários para uma análise mais consistente dos desfechos investigados.Aiming at evaluating the effects of pompage as a complementary therapy to aerobic exercises and stretching on pain, fatigue, and sleep quality in women with fibromyalgia, 23 women with this diagnosis were allocated randomly in the groups: Experimental (EG, n = 13) and Control (CG, n = 10). Subsequently, they were assessed using McGill Pain Questionnaire, Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire, and Sleep Inventory. For 12 weeks, twice a week, the EG made pompage, aerobic exercises, and stretching, while the CG only aerobic exercises and stretching. Evaluation was repeated after 6 and 12 weeks. We had sample losses totaling 15 individuals (EG, n=7/CG, n=8). We used ANOVA for repeated measurements in the statistical analysis, followed by the T test for independent samples with significant differences (p≤0.05). There was a significant reduction of McGill Pain Questionnaire joint score after 12 weeks in the EG compared with CG. There were not significant changes in other aspects evaluated for pain, fatigue and sleep quality. Therefore, we suggest that pompage as a complementary therapy to aerobic exercises and stretching did not have beneficial effects on women with fibromyalgia, since there was improvement in only one aspect of the pain evaluated. Studies with larger samples are necessary for a more consistent analysis of the results investigated

    Variations and particularities in cardiovascular disease mortality in Brazil and Brazilian states in 1990 and 2015 : estimates from the Global Burden of Disease

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    Objetivo: Analisar as variações e os diferenciais da mortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) no Brasil e em seus estados, em 1990 e 2015. Métodos: Foram utilizados os dados de mortalidade compilados pelo Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2015, obtidos da base de dados do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde. Foram realizadas a correção do sub-registro de óbitos e a reclassificação dos códigos garbage por meio de algoritmos específicos. As causas cardiovasculares foram subdivididas em 10 causas específicas. As taxas de mortalidade — dos anos 1990 e 2015 — foram padronizadas pela idade, de acordo com o sexo e o estado brasileiro. Resultados: A taxa de mortalidade por DCV padronizada por idade caiu de 429,5 (1990) para 256,0 (2015) a cada 100 mil habitantes (40,4%). A redução proporcional foi semelhante em ambos os sexos, mas as taxas em homens são substancialmente mais altas do que nas mulheres. A redução da taxa padronizada por idade foi mais acentuada para a doença cardíaca reumática (44,5%), cardiopatia isquêmica (43,9%) e doença cerebrovascular (46,0%). A queda na mortalidade diferiu marcadamente entre os estados, sendo mais acentuada nos estados das regiões Sudeste e Sul do país e no Distrito Federal, e atenuada nos estados do Norte e Nordeste. Conclusão: A mortalidade por DCV padronizada por idade reduziu no Brasil nas últimas décadas, porém de forma heterogênea entre os estados e para diferentes causas específicas. Considerando a magnitude da carga de doença e o envelhecimento da população brasileira, as políticas de enfrentamento das DCV devem ser priorizadas.Objective: To analyze variations and particularities in mortality due to cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Brazil and in Brazilian states, in 1990 and 2015. Methods: We used data compiled from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2015, obtained from the database of the Mortality Information System (SIM) of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Correction of the sub-registry of deaths and reclassification of the garbage codes were performed using specific algorithms. The cardiovascular causes were subdivided into 10 specific causes. Age-standardized CVD mortality rates — in 1990 and 2015 — were analyzed according to sex and Brazilian state. Results: Age-standardized CVD mortality rate decreased from 429.5 (1990) to 256.0 (2015) per 100,000 inhabitants (40.4%). The proportional decrease was similar in both sexes, but death rates in males were substantially higher. The reduction of age-standardized mortality rate was more significant for rheumatic heart disease (44.5%), ischemic cardiopathy (43.9%), and cerebrovascular disease (46.0%). The decline in mortality was markedly different across states, being more pronounced in those of the southeastern and southern regions and the Federal District, and more modest in most states in the north and northeast regions. Conclusion: Agestandardized CVD mortality has declined in Brazil in recent decades, but in a heterogeneous way across states and for different specific causes. Considering the burden magnitude and the Brazilian population aging, policies to prevent and manage CVD should continue to be prioritized

    Hepatitis C among blood donors: cascade of care and predictors of loss to follow-up

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    OBJECTIVE To investigate the HCV cascade of care and to identify the factors associated with loss or absence to follow-up of patients identified as infected with hepatitis C through blood donation. METHODS Blood donors from 1994 to 2012, identified with positive anti- HCV by enzyme immunoassay and immunoblot tests were invited to participate in the study, through letters or phone calls. Patients who agreed to participate were interviewed and their blood samples were collected for further testing. The following variables were investigated: demographic data, data on comorbidities and history concerning monitoring of hepatitis C. Multiple regression analysis by Poisson regression model was used to investigate the factors associated with non-referral for consultation or loss of follow-up. RESULTS Of the 2,952 HCV-infected blood donors, 22.8% agreed to participate: 394 (58.2%) male, median age 48 years old and 364 (53.8%) Caucasian. Of the 676 participants, 39.7% did not receive proper follow-up or treatment after diagnosis: 45 patients referred not to be aware they were infected, 61 did not seek medical attention and 163 started a follow-up program, but were non-adherent. The main reasons for inadequate follow-up were not understanding the need for medical care (71%) and health care access difficulties (14%). The variables showing a significant association with inadequate follow-up after multiple regression analysis were male gender (PR = 1.40; 95%CI 1.15–1.71), age under or equal to 50 years (PR = 1.36; 95%CI 1.12–1.65) and non-Caucasians (PR = 1.53; 95%CI 1.27–1.84). CONCLUSIONS About 40.0% of patients did not receive appropriate follow-up. These data reinforce the need to establish strong links between primary care and reference centers and the need to improve access to specialists and treatments