146 research outputs found
Congressos mundiais de parques nacionais da UICN (1962-2003) : registros e reflexões sobre o surgimento de um novo paradigma para a conservação da natureza
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2013.Os Congressos Mundiais de Parques Nacionais da União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza (UICN), um dos principais organismos internacionais voltados para a conservação da biodiversidade e o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais, guardam registros sobre a recente história da conservação da natureza. A análise e reflexão sobre a documentação proveniente de tais reuniões, realizadas em Seattle (1962), Yellowstone (1972), Bali (1982), Caracas (1992) e Durban (2003), e sobre a literatura especializada permitem o entendimento de como percepções, motivações e disposições para a conservação foram sendo afirmadas e modificadas ao longo do período. Entre outros pontos, foi constatado o surgimento de um novo paradigma para a conservação da natureza, marcado pela inclusão de aspectos sociais, econômicos, culturais e políticos no contexto das áreas protegidas. Apesar de representar um avanço para uma efetiva conservação da natureza em nível mundial, o paradigma moderno não se apresenta como um substituto do modelo clássico, mas, sim, como complementar na busca pelo equilíbrio entre a manutenção da biodiversidade e o desenvolvimento humano. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe World Congress on National Parks of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), one of the main international organizations concerned with the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources, keep records about the recent history of nature conservation. The analysis and reflection on the documentation from these meetings in Seattle (1962), Yellowstone (1972), Bali (1982), Caracas (1992) and Durban (2003), and the literature allow the understanding of how perceptions,
motivations and provisions for conservation were being asserted and modified over the period. Among
other points, it was noted the emergence of a new paradigm for the conservation of nature, marked by the inclusion of social, economic, cultural and political context of protected areas. Despite representing a
breakthrough for effective nature conservation worldwide, the modern paradigma not presented as a substitute for the classic model, but rather as complementary in the search for a balance between maintaining biodiversity and human development
Community-based population recovery of overexploited Amazonian wildlife
The Amazon Basin experienced a pervasive process of resource overexploitation during the 20th-century, which induced severe population declines of many iconic vertebrate species. In addition to biodiversity loss and the ecological consequences of defaunation, food security of local communities was relentlessly threatened because wild meat had a historically pivotal role in protein acquisition by local dwellers. Here we discuss the urgent need to regulate subsistence hunting by Amazonian semi-subsistence local communities, which are far removed from the market and information economy. Following positive examples from community-based management of aquatic and terrestrial resources, we advocate that hunting practices, based on modern scientific principles firmly grounded in population ecology, represent a strong window of opportunity to recover viable populations of previously overexploited wildlife
Contribuições para o planejamento e controle de obras em uma empresa de porte médio – estudo de caso
Artigo submetido ao Curso de Engenharia Civil da UNESC - como requisito parcial para obtenção do Título de Engenheiro CivilO atual cenário da indústria da construção civil apresenta um alto grau de exigências para a sua competitividade e produtividade, constatando que é inevitável investir em novas práticas de gestão de planejamento e controle de obras. Nesta pesquisa o objetivo geral caracterizou-se por estudar os processos de planejamento e controle adotados para a obra do estudo de caso e compará-los com os conceitos e práticas propostos na literatura. Considerou-se para o estudo de caso uma edificação comercial, com múltiplos pavimentos, localizada no município de Criciúma-SC e executada por uma empresa construtora local na modalidade de empreitada global de material e mão de obra. Pesquisou-se referências bibliográficas para a obtenção e organização das práticas e conceitos teóricos propostos por diversos autores para o processo de planejamento e controle de obras. Organizou-se estes dados em um quadro sinóptico observando-se o trinômio prazo, custos e qualidade. Para a coleta de evidências, foi elaborado um plano de ação, composto por entrevistas, observações diretas, documentos e registros fotográficos. Apresentou-se os resultados para a situação atual e para as contribuições nos processos de planejamento e controle da obra em diagrama de fluxo de dados (DFD). Os resultados apontam a ausência formal de algumas ações, quando comparadas à situação atual do processo de planejamento e controle da obra com as proposições da literatura. O estudo sugere que a carência do planejamento a médio prazo é onde se encontram o maior número de ausências das práticas e conceitos propostos pelas referências bibliográficas estudadas
In this paper, we discuss the creation of the Institute of Conciliation in Brazil, as well as the transformations induced by it and its role as an instrument of delivering justice. As will be seen, the country's longest-standing legal culture has consisted in making conciliation an instrument for implementing the constitutional guarantee of a reasonable time duration of the process, aimed at the maintenance of public order, so as to resolve disputes before they become lawsuits. During the Empire, the conciliation, a constitutionally established step, legally preceded the judicial process, its being a necessary procedure to commence any legal action. When the country became a Republic, however, conciliation was transformed from a conditional legal act into a mere procedural technique. Since the 1988 Constitution, though, conciliation has returned to the condition of a constitutional determination, which also reinstated the former lay authorities known as judges of peace. Keeping these factors in sight, the present paper shows how conciliation ceased to be just a conditional legal act to start a process to become a prominent procedural technique assured by the New Code of Civil Procedure which came into force in 1988.Neste artigo, busca-se discutir a criação do instituto da Conciliação no Brasil, bem como as transformações advindas dele, de modo a compreender seu papel como meio de realização da justiça. Como se observará, a cultura jurídica de mais longa duração no país foi a de tornar a conciliação um instrumento de concretização da garantia constitucional de duração razoável do processo, voltada à conservação da ordem pública, de modo a dirimir conflitos e contendas antes que se transformassem em demandas judiciais. No Império, a conciliação, prevista constitucionalmente, separava-se absolutamente do processo, mas consistia em procedimento necessário para início de qualquer ação. Na República, porém, a conciliação se transformou, de ato jurídico condicional, em mera técnica processual. Desde a Constituição de 1988, a conciliação voltou à condição de determinação constitucional, tendo sido restituída também às antigas autoridades leigas conhecidas como juízes de paz. Tendo presente tais fatores, este artigo apresenta como a conciliação deixa de ser apenas um ato jurídico condicional no início do processo para se transformar em técnica processual, recebendo grande destaque no Novo Código de Processo Civil do país instituído em 1988
Unintended multispecies co-benefits of an Amazonian community-based conservation programme
Urgent challenges posed by widespread degradation in tropical ecosystems with poor governance require new development pathways to reconcile biodiversity conservation and human welfare. Community-based conservation management has shown potential for integrating socio-economic needs with conservation goals in tropical environments; however, assessing the effectiveness of this approach is often held back by the lack of comprehensive ecological assessments. We conduct a robust ecological evaluation of the largest community-based conservation management initiative in the Brazilian Amazon over the last 40 years. We show that this programme has induced large-scale population recovery of the target giant South American turtle (Podocnemis expansa) and other freshwater turtles along a 1,500-km section of a major tributary of the Amazon River. Poaching activity on protected beaches was around 2% compared to 99% on unprotected beaches. We also find positive demographic co-benefits across a wide range of non-target vertebrate and invertebrate taxa. As a result, beaches protected by local communities represent islands of high biodiversity, while unprotected beaches remain ‘empty and silent’, showing the effectiveness of empowering local conservation action, particularly in countries experiencing shortages in financial and human resources
Preliminary Results of Flash Sinter-Crystallization of Li1.3Al0.3Ti0.7(PO4)3 for All Solid-State Batteries
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Microstructural evolution of 3YSZ flash sintered with current ramp control
Ceramics sintered by Flash Sintering (FS), sometimes have heterogeneity in their microstructure. Among the possible causes of this problem, the formation of hotspots is probably the principal issue observed in flash sintering. The hotspots are formed due to the heterogeneity of the resistance of current passing in the green sample. In this way, in the flash phenomenon, the current finds preferential paths, carrying on non-uniform thermal runaway. In this work, we observed that one way of reversing this problem was gradually increasing the electric current density at FS. For this, 3YSZ was shaped in cylindrical form (5 mm height and 6 mm diameter) and flash sintered, at a tubular setup proposed before1, under the application of an AC electric field of 120 V/cm (RMS basis) applied from the beginning of the furnace heating. Three different electric current density ramps were studied: 0.012, 0.024 and 0.048 A.s-1, named as Z1, Z2 and Z3 respectively, until they reached the maximum value of 100 mA.mm-2 (the moment the power supply was turned off). For comparison purposes, conventional FS (Z0) was performed using the same electrical parameters. The electric source, in this case, remained on after reaching 100 mA.mm-2 for 142 s (time calculated to reach the same total energy supplied by the electrical source of samples Z1). After sintering, the apparent densities of the samples were measured according to the Archimedes principle. For analysis of the microstructure, the samples were cut radially and three regions of each sample were observed in SEM: center, right and left surfaces. The grain size distribution was made for each region using ImageJ software. The apparent density of samples sintered by FS was 94 % (Z0) and samples with electrical current ramp were 93 %, 92 % and 87 % for Z1, Z2 and Z3, respectively. The apparent density is proportional to the total energy supplied to the sample (energy provided by the power supply and thermal energy provided by the furnace). Thus, the density of Z0 was expected to be close to the density of Z1. As samples Z2 and Z3 had more abrupt ramps, the energy supplied was lower, which resulted in lower apparent density. The grain size distribution indicates that the mean grain size between the three different regions did not present statistically significant differences (ANOVA test) for the same sample.
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O ensino do basquetebol na Educação Física escolar: uma revisão sistemática
The aim of this study was to produce a systematic review of the teaching of basketball, with an emphasis on physical education at school. Articles were searched in Scielo databases and in the CAPES Portal, from 2010 to 2021. After the selection process, filters and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, 12 articles were included in the review. The included studies were analyzed in two spheres: a) characterization of the scientific production included in the study and b) objectives and results of the articles found, the latter was divided into emerging themes of the respective research, such as proposals and methods for teaching basketball, training/perception of teachers for teaching basketball at school, motivation and interest of students to participate in basketball classes, gender and values. We observed a trend in teaching proposals based on a combination of methods, and on the purposes of the proposals to increase students' interest in participating in classes, and the inclusion and reflection on gender in sports classes.El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la enseñanza del baloncesto, con énfasis en la educación física em la escuela. Se realizaron búsquedas de artículos en las bases de datos Scielo y en el Portal CAPES, de 2010 a 2021. Luego del proceso de selección, se aplicaron filtros y criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se incluyeron 12 artículos en la revisión. Los estudios incluidos fueron analizados en dos ámbitos: a) caracterización de la producción científica incluida en el estudio y b) objetivos y resultados de los artículos encontrados, este último fue dividido en temas emergentes de la investigación respectiva, tales como propuestas y métodos de enseñanza. baloncesto, formación/percepción del profesorado para la enseñanza del baloncesto en la escuela, motivación e interés de los alumnos por participar en las clases de baloncesto, género y valores. Observamos una tendencia en las propuestas didácticas basadas en una combinación de métodos, y en los propósitos de las propuestas de incrementar el interés de los estudiantes por participar en las clases, y la inclusión y reflexión sobre el género en las clases deportivas.O objetivo deste estudo foi produzir uma revisão sistemática sobre o ensino do basquetebol na escola, com ênfase na educação física escolar. Foram buscados artigos nas bases de dados da Scielo e do Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, no período de 2010 até 2021. Após o processo de seleção, aplicados os filtros e os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram incluídos 12 artigos na revisão. Os estudos incluídos foram analisados em duas esferas: a) caracterização da produção científica incluída no estudo e b) objetivos e resultados dos artigos encontrados, esta ultima se dividiu em temáticas emergentes das respectivas pesquisas tais como propostas e métodos de ensino do basquete, formação/percepção dos professores para o ensino do basquete na escola, motivação e interesse dos alunos para participar das aulas de basquete, gênero e valores. Observamos uma tendência nas propostas de o ensino pautado na combinação de métodos, e as finalidades das propostas em aumentar o interesse dos estudantes para participação nas aulas, e a inclusão e reflexão sobre gênero nas aulas de esportes
ECIR 2018: Text2Story Workshop-Narrative Extraction from Texts
The 1st International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story 2018) was held in conjunction with the 40th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2018, Grenoble on the 26th March 2018. The workshop aimed to help foster the collaboration of researchers on a wide range of multidisciplinary issues related to the text-to-narrative- structure. The program consisted of two keynote talks, six research presentations, a poster session and a slot for demo presentations. This report briefly summarizes the workshop.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Warfare-induced mammal population declines in Southwestern Africa are mediated by species life history, habitat type and hunter preferences
Civil wars often coincide with global biodiversity hotspots and have plagued the everyday reality of many countries throughout human history. However, how do civil wars affect wildlife populations? Are these impacts the same in savannah and forest environments? How persistent are the post-war consequences on wildlife populations within and outside conflict zones? Long-term monitoring programs in war zones, which could answer these questions, are virtually nonexistent, not least due to the risks researchers are exposed to. In this context, only a few methodologies can provide data on wild populations during war conflicts. We used local ecological knowledge to assess the main consequences of a prolonged civil war (1975-2002) in Southwestern Africa on forest and savannah mammals. The post-war abundance in 20 of 26 (77%) mammal species considered in this study was lower in open savannah compared to the closed-canopy forest environments, with some species experiencing a decline of up to 80% of their pre-war baseline abundance. Large-bodied mammals were preferred targets and had been overhunted, but as their populations became increasingly depleted, the size structure of prey species gradually shifted towards smaller-bodied species. Finally, we present a general flow diagram of how civil wars in low-governance countries can have both positive and negative impacts on native wildlife populations at different scales of space and time
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