312 research outputs found
Hechos y evidencias de la encuesta de opinión del alumnado de la UB
Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Desde 2009 la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) recoge la opinión de sus
estudiantes sobre la actuación docente del profesorado mediante encuesta
como elemento necesario en el nuevo marco de seguimiento y acreditación de
los títulos oficiales. El documento utilizado es un cuestionario múltiple y autoadministrado,
disponible para cumplimentación por vía telemática durante
varias semanas. Los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha se basan en tasas de
participación bajas y han generado controversia entre los agentes implicados.
En consecuencia la Agència de Polítiques i Qualitat de la UB propuso en 2014
varias líneas de actuación para promocionarla.
El objetivo de esta comunicación encaja en la línea L6-J, que es crítica para
implicar al profesorado: incrementar la difusión, transparencia, debate, análisis
y uso de los resultados. Partiendo de una revisión de los informes agregados
de las asignaturas del grado de Medicina de los últimos cinco años..
Design of a Mathematical Text Analysis Tool Using Matlab for a Study of Lexical Errors
The study of the process of foreign language acquisition can be carried out from different and varied perspectives. In this case, the aim is to analyse a corpus of learners of English as a foreign language. In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to have at least two tools at our disposal: a corpus representative of a given population and a computer application that provides an answer to our research questions. In our case, we have the Canary Islands Corpus of Written English (Wood et al., 2004) but we do not have a computer application that would allow us to analyse student errors in this corpus. To solve this problem, we have opted to use the Matlab programming and numerical calculation platform. This programming platform is increasingly being used by scientists and engineers, while its use in the humanities is progressing more slowly. Taking into account that Matlab is a programming platform, the first thing we have done is to develop a code that we make freely accessible, as well as detailing and exemplifying the functions that this programme offers for an error analysis
Una Experiencia de flipped classroom
En este trabajo presentamos nuestra experiencia en la impartición de la asignatura Fundamentos de Informática de la Universidad de Granada utilizando la metodología de Clase Invertida (Flipped Classroom), realizada con el objetivo de mejorar los resultados académicos de nuestros alumnos. Describimos las características más destacadas de la enseñanza invertida, la metodología docente y las herramientas utilizadas, así como las conclusiones obtenidas de los resultados académicos y de la evaluación de encuestas a los alumnos.In this paper we present our experience in teaching the subject “Fundamentals of Computers” at Granada University (Spain) using the methodology Flipped Classroom. Our goal is to improve our students’ academic outcomes. We describe the main features of the Flipped Classroom, showing the methodology and tools used, as well as the conclusions drawn from academic results and the surveys of our students
Process Model Metrics for Quality Assessment of Computer-Interpretable Guidelines in PROform
Background: Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) include recommendations to optimize patient care and thus have the potential to improve the quality and outcomes of healthcare. To achieve this, CPG recommendations are usually formalized in terms of Computer-Interpretable Guideline (CIG) languages. However, a clear understanding of CIG models may prove complicated, due to the inherent complexity of CPGs and the specificities of CIG languages. Drawing a parallel with the Business Process Management (BPM) and the Software Engineering fields, understandability and modifiability of CIG models can be regarded as primary quality attributes, in order to facilitate their validation, as well as their adaptation to accommodate evolving clinical evidence, by modelers (typically teams made up of clinical and IT experts). This constitutes a novel approach in this area of CIG development, where understandability and modifiability aspects have not been considered to date. Objective: In this paper, we define a comprehensive set of process model metrics for CIGs described in the PROforma CIG language, with the main objective of providing tools for quality assessment of CIG models in this language. Methods: To this end, we first reinterpret a set of metrics from the BPM field in terms of PROforma and then we define new metrics to capture the singularities of PROforma models. Additionally, we report on a set of experiments to assess the relationship between the structural and logical properties of CIG models, as measured by the proposed metrics, and their understandability and modifiability from the point of view of modelers, both clinicians and IT staff. For the analysis of the experiment results, we perform statistical analysis based on a generalized linear mixed model with binary logistic regression. Results: Our contribution includes the definition of a comprehensive set of metrics that allow measuring model quality aspects of PROforma CIG models, the implementation of tools and algorithms to assess the metrics for PROforma models, and the empirical validation of the proposed metrics as quality indicators. Conclusions: In light of the results, we conclude that the proposed metrics can be of great value, as they capture the PROforma-specific features in addition to those inspired by the general-purpose BPM metrics in the literature. In particular, the newly defined metrics for PROforma prevail as statistically significant when the whole CIG model is considered, which means that they better characterize its complexity. Consequently, the proposed metrics can be used as quality indicators of the understandability, and thereby maintainability, of PROforma CIGs
Quick detection of nonmelanoma skin cancer by histopathology: feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of immediate cutaneous diagnosis
Background: Dermoscopy, diagnostic cytology, confocal microscopy are used to improve diagnostic accuracy. Frozen section techniques have been used to control margins but not for diagnosis. Objectives: We used a new frozen section technique called immediate cutaneous diagnosis for nonmelanoma skin cancer, assessing its feasibility and accuracy in obtaining a result within 15 minutes and recording limitations. Methods and Materials: An observational, prospective clinical study was designed. Biological samples were divided into two: one half was included in paraffin, following the standard procedure, and immediate cutaneous diagnosis was applied in the other. Fresh tissue was examined by frozen sections with perpendicular slides and staining with toluidine blue. Two hundred and sixty patients were enrolled. Results: Immediate cutaneous diagnosis-toluidine blue had a sensitivity of 98.7% (95%CI: 93.0-100%) and a specificity of 92.6% (95%CI: 87.4-96.1%) in detecting nonmelanoma skin cancer. Inter-rater agreement between two dermatopathologists using Cohen's kappa was 0.796 (P<0.0001) in a subsample of 101 cases. Immediate cutaneous diagnosis-toluidine blue had a sensitivity for squamous epithelial lesions of 78.3% (95%CI: 63.689.1%) and a specificity of 98.4% (95%CI: 95.5-99.7%)
La diversidad en los centros de secundaria desde la perspectiva de orientación
El objetivo de este estudio fue constatar mediante la opinión de los responsables de los Departamentos de Orientación, la incidencia del centro educativo de secundaria en la atención a la diversidad. En el estudio participaron 75 profesionales con edades entre los 25 y 65 años (M= 44.5±10.45). Se administró el cuestionario para la evaluación de la atención a la diversidad (EVADIE). Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que los centros educativos deben proporcionar ocasiones a todo el alumnado en el logro de sus objetivos a través de a través la filosofía de la coeducación (inclusión)
Atención a la diversidad en secundaria: valoración del curriculum desde la orientación
El objetivo del estudio fue constatar la incidencia del curriculum en la atención a la diversidad en educación secundaria obligatoria. Participaron 75 profesionales con edades comprendidas entre los 25 y 65 años (M= 44.5; DT= 10.45). Se administró el cuestionario para la evaluación de la atención a la diversidad. Los resultados muestran que debería contemplarse en los proyectos educativos de los centros educativos la atención del alumnado con discapacidades, siendo el mismo currículo para todos incluyendo las adaptaciones necesarias con un núcleo central y común para todos que permitiese la optatividad necesaria en la creación de diferentes itinerarios
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