1,232 research outputs found

    [Review of] Michelle Maria Cruz Skinner. Balikbayan / A Filipino Homecoming

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    Homecoming is that eternal and unrealizable dream for expatriated Filipinos, from the migrant workers of the 1930s to the skilled and professional immigrants of the last two decades. Sheer economic hardship or cultural estrangement after relocation consign them to limbo and leave-taking. Homecoming becomes an act to be imagined; a dream pursued by Carlos Bulosan in his village stories and 1950s novella, The Power of the People; a hope nursed by the hurt men of Bienvenido Santos\u27s Scent of Apples (1981); an experience textualized by Ninotchka Rosca\u27s account of the 1986 Four-Day Revolt in Endgame: The Fall of Marcos

    [Review of] Florentino Valeros and Estrellita Valeros-Gruenberg, Filipino Writers in English: A Biographical and Bibliographical Directory

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    With the rise of Filipino nationalism in the sixties and the consequent resort to literature written in Filipino and the vernacular, Philippine writing in English ebbed in importance. At that decisive juncture of national crisis, the verdict was made that Philippine literature in English had reached a dead end. Scholars and critics produced searching critiques of aesthetic orthodoxies and turned their attention to other cultural legacies. This reversal of fortunes for the literature in English after four decades of undisputed hegemony in Philippine cultural life partly explains why its history remains unwritten


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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Arts of Bard College. Artist’s Satement: Bettina Campomanes is a Filmmaker and Music Producer specializing in online content creation and short form narrative film. Her films and music videos have garnered viral success and have earned multiple festival selections for categories such as best student director, best short, and best music video. As an electronic producer, she performs under the stage name “Valiant Vermin” and continues to mix or produce for other musical acts. Muse is a short film about a writer who is unable to live in the present when his authorial dreams begin to merge with his past. Blaming himself for the loss of his loved ones, he is ultimately putting his own life at a standstill and fighting the guilt he has bottled up inside. The story explores love, mental health, loss, and the ways in which people cope. Using both drama and horror to better display the protagonist’s intentions, we get a better idea of how frightening the mind can be when we assume the worst of the people we care for most. In this piece, I take on the role of the writer, director, director of photography, and composer. Here, I try to further my craft by creating an aural and visual experience of the corrosive, unrelenting nature of grief. Using my knowledge in both film and music, I created a piece that highlights my strengths and test the balance between my two passions. The scoring of Muse uses a combination of modular serge synths, analog synths, computer generated synths, and cello. Inspired by the horror drama film The Exquisite Cadaver (1969) and the science fiction film Annihilation (2018), I focused on a style the culminates the stresses of being watched, ignored, and confronted with foreign emotions

    “Operación y monitoreo de planta de tratamiento de aguas industriales de lavado y pintado de balones en Solgas del Perú”

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    En el presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional se dará a conocer las experiencias realizadas en la empresa Aquafil S.A.C. sobre la operación y monitoreo de una planta de tratamiento de aguas industriales de lavado y pintado de balones en Solgas del Perú. El tratamiento de aguas industriales es usado actualmente en diferentes industrias que requieren agua para sus procesos los cuales se vierten a un cuerpo receptor o se reutilizan como es en el caso de Solgas del Perú S.A. El tratamiento de las aguas industriales está constituido por procesos físicos y químicos que tratan un volumen de 12 m3 diarios provenientes de 3 carruseles donde se realiza el lavado y pintado de balones con alta carga orgánica e inorgánica proveniente de los insumos que se utilizan en el pintado de los balones siendo estos efluentes tratados en la planta de tratamiento de aguas industriales PTARI para ser reutilizados nuevamente en el proceso. El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional describe las actividades realizadas tanto en el monitoreo y en la operación de la planta de tratamiento de aguas industriales PTARI, el cual servirá de ayuda a quienes se encuentren interesado e involucrados en el tratamiento de origen industrial.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Early Miocene evolution of the rodent Megacricetodon in Europe and its palaeobiogeographical implications

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    Received 20 June 2014, accepted 15 September 2014, available online 23 October 2014The Megacricetodon material from Aliveri (Isle of Evia, Greece) was previously assigned to M. primitivus, implying palaeobiogeographical relationship between south-eastern and south-western Europe. The material from Aliveri is here assigned to the new species Megacricetodon hellenicus sp. nov. This form has significant morphological differences compared to other Early Miocene species from Europe. This new evolutionary hypothesis of this genus has implications on the Early Miocene paleobiogeography of Europe. This work presents a new interpretation on the earliest European representative of the genus Megacricetodon from Aliveri localities. Analyses of the Megacricetodon material from MN 4 and MN 5 localities enable to propose a new palaeobiogeographical framework in which there are three main migration events of the genus Megacricetodon into Europe, each corresponding to different lineages that evolved independently. The new Greek taxon is considered the first migration wave from Anatolia, representing an endemic lineage different from any other European Megacricetodon.This research was supported by the Spanish MINECO Project No. GL-2008-04200/BTE and CGL2011-28877Peer reviewe

    Structure-properties correlation in PP/thermoplastic starch blends containing sustainable compatibilizer agent

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    It was studied the effect of different sustainable compatibilizer agents(myristic and stearic acid), at varied content (0% to 10%), on the properties of polypropylene (PP)/thermoplastic starch (TPS) blends. The performance was evaluated by impact resistance, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), melt flow index (MFI), colorimetric analysis and biodegradability. In addition, the influence of two PP grades—Low-Flow and High-Flow Index—was evaluated. Impact strength of uncompatibilized blends did not show PP melt flow index influence. Compatibilized blends were positively influenced by acid addition. The optimum acid content for 30% of thermoplastic starch was 6.5%. For each polypropylene there was a preferential acid. At higher contents(10%), the acids appear to act as plasticizers as well. Scanning electron microscopy images showed improvements in the components interphase. PP with high melt flow had its rheology more affected by acid insertion, while PP with low flow index had its biodegradability more affect

    Extração com fluidos pressurizados de compostos bioativos : polifenóis e tiosulfinatos

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    Orientador: Maria Angela de Almeida Meireles PetenateTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Nos últimos anos, resíduos do processamento de alimentos vêm sendo considerados e utilizados como fontes de baixo custo para a obtenção de compostos bioativos. Os compostos bioativos, entre eles os polifenóis e tiosulfinatos, são encontrados em pequenas concentrações nas plantas e são utilizados na indústria de alimentos, cosmética e farmacêutica já que acrescentam propriedades sensoriais e farmacológicas interessantes aos produtos onde são aplicados. A grande incidência de doenças degenerativas e a crescente exigência de qualidade dos extratos estão promovendo o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que visem a obtenção mais eficiente e sustentável de extratos vegetais. Os processos de extração que utilizam fluidos pressurizados como solvente de extração (Extração com Líquido Pressurizado - PLE e Extração com Fluido Supercrítico - SFE) têm se mostrado mais eficientes, respeitosos ao meio ambiente e economicamente viáveis quando comparados aos métodos convencionais. Nesse contexto, este tese visou estudar a obtenção de polifenóis e tiosulfinatos a partir de sabugo e grãos do milho roxo (Zea mays L.), semente de piquiá (Caryocar villosum), semente de açai (Euterpe precatória) e alho (Allium sativum L.) via PLE, e casca de abiú (Pouteria caimito) via SFE, utilizando como solventes de extração etanol pressurizado e dióxido de carbono supercrítico nos processos PLE e SFE, respectivamente. Inicialmente foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os fundamentos da PLE e SFE e sua aplicação na obtenção de polifenóis e tiosulfinatos. Na sequencia, a etapa de extração foi realizada e os efeitos das variáveis de extração sobre o rendimento e composição dos extratos foram avaliados. Em seguida, a viabilidade econômica do processo PLE na obtenção de compostos bioativos foi avaliada utilizando o simulador SuperPro Designer 8.5 ®. O processo PLE mostrou-se um processo eficiente na obtenção de polifenóis e tiosulfinatos uma vez que extratos altamente concentrados foram obtidos utilizando temperaturas e pressões moderadas, curtos períodos de extração e baixo consumo de etanol. Por outro lado, SFE de casca de abiu produz extratos com baixo potencial bioativo e com presença de polímeros. Assim, a SFE pode ser usada como pré-tratamento para melhorar a extração de compostos bioativos a partir de cascas de abiu através do uso de outras técnicas como PLE. Através da análise econômica, o processo PLE mostrou-se um processo economicamente viável para a obtenção de compostos bioativos a partir de sabugo e grãos de milho roxoAbstract: In recent years, food processing wastes have been considered and used as low¿cost sources for obtaining bioactive compounds. The bioactive compounds, including polyphenols and thiosulfinates, are found in low concentrations in plants and are used in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries due to add interesting sensorial and pharmacological properties to products which are applied. The high incidence of degenerative diseases and the growing demand for quality of extracts are promoting the development of more efficient technologies that aim the production of plant extracts in a sustainable manner. Extraction processes which use pressurized fluids as extraction solvent (Pressurized Liquid Extraction ¿ PLE and Supercritical Fluid Extraction - SFE) have shown to be more efficient, environmentally friendly and economically viable when compared to conventional extraction methods. In this context, this thesis aimed to study the obtaining of polyphenols and thiosulfinates from purple corn waste (Zea mays L.), piquia seeds (Caryocar villosum), assai seeds (Euterpe precatória) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) via PLE, and abiu peels (Pouteria caimito) via SFE, using as extraction solvents pressurized ethanol and supercritical carbon dioxide in the PLE and SFE processes, respectively. Initially, a review about fundamentals of PLE and SFE and its applications for obtaining polyphenols and thiosulfinates was performed. Afterwards, the extractions were performed and the effects of extraction parameters on the global yield and the extracts composition were evaluated. Then, the economic feasibility of a PLE process for obtaining bioactive compounds was evaluated using the software SuperPro Designer 8.5®. PLE proved to be an efficient extraction process for obtaining polyphenols and thiosulfinates because highly concentrated extracts were obtained by using moderate pressures and temperatures, short extraction times and low ethanol consumption. SFE of abiu peel produced extracts with low bioactive potential and with presence of polymers. Thus, SFE can be used as a pretreatment to improve the extraction of bioactive compounds from abiu peels through the use of other extraction techniques such as PLE. From economic analysis, PLE proved to be an economically feasible process for obtaining bioactive compounds from purple corn wasteDoutoradoEngenharia de AlimentosDoutora em Engenharia de Alimentos5817-11-02012/10685-8, 2013/04304-4CAPESFAPES

    Opetusvideo palpaation hyödyntämiseksi kipuolkapään natiivikuvantamisessa

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa opetusmateriaalia röntgenhoitajaopiskelijoille olkapään anatomian ja palpaation oppimisen tueksi. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin Turun ammattikorkeakoulun toimeksiannosta. Opinnäytetyö pohjautuu teoreettiseen viitekehykseen, jossa käsitellään olkapään pinta- ja syväanatomiaa, palpaatiota sekä videon soveltuvuutta opetusmateriaaliksi. Tuotoksena on opetusvideo, joka opastaa ja demonstroi videon, äänen ja valokuvien avulla potilaan oikeellisessa asettelussa tarvittavaa osaamista. Video koostuu anatomian ja palpaation teoriaosiosta, havainnollistavista kuvista ja videoesimerkeistä sekä konkretisoivista natiivikuvantamisen projektiokuvista. Opetusvideon sivutuotteena syntyi kirjallinen palpaatiotehtävä, jota voidaan käyttää opetuksen tukena. Opetusvideota tullaan käyttämään Turun ammattikorkeakoulun röntgenhoitajakoulutusohjelman opiskelijoiden oppimateriaalina. Opetusvideo on sarjassaan ensimmäinen ja tulevaisuudessa koulutusohjelman tavoitteena on tuottaa opinnäytetöinä samaa linjaa noudattavat opetusvideot kattaen koko ihmisanatomian. Linkki opetusvideoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHP5orczRz4&The objective of this functional thesis was to produce educational material of the anatomy and palpation of the shoulder for radiographic students. The thesis was assigned by Turku University of Applied Sciences. The thesis is based on theoretical literature of anatomy and surface anatomy of the shoulder, palpation and video based learning as study material. The product of this functional thesis is a study video which guides and demonstrates with help of video, audio and images the skills needed for correct positioning of the patient. The video consists of theory of anatomy and palpation with illustrating images and videos; reinforced by the use of pictures representing the optimum radiographic technique. As a side product of the work a document of written palpation assignment was created. The study video will be used as a part of educational material for the students of radiography and radiotherapy in Turku University of Applied Sciences. It is the first of the series of study videos and the aim in the future according to the course programme is to produce similar study videos covering the entire human anatomy in thesis format. Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHP5orczRz4

    Effect of infill pattern in Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printing on materials performance

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    Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is an Additive Manufacturing process popularized in the last decade due to its easiness of use and lower costs. However, despite its increasing popularity, the process itself has several gaps in knowledge, hindering further uses on more advanced objects. Also, the freedom of design allows significant variances in the printed parts, many influencing production and mechanical properties. This work studies the influences of the infill patterns in the mechanical response of printed parts. Using poly (lactic acid) (PLA), a widely used polymer in FFF process, the mechanical responses of parts printed with different infill patterns were analyzed. Rectilinear, Honeycomb, Triangle and Grid patterns were tested on impact resistance and tensile strength. Additionally, samples masses were measured and compared to the mechanical response. Results shown significant differences in the on tested properties. Tensile strength varied from 2.4 to 1.1 MPa, and impact resistance from 3.8 to 1.5 kJ/m² Also, measured mass was found to be significantly higher on the Honeycomb pattern. Considering mechanical response from both tensile and impact tests along with printed mass, Rectilinear pattern can be considered the most advantageous from the economic point of view