512 research outputs found

    Percepción de imagen país. Una aplicación a Nicaragua

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el concepto de imagen percibida de Nicaragua, sus dimensiones, medición y principales aplicaciones en el área de Turismo, con el fin de identificar líneas de acción para el desarrollo del sector Turismo. Para ello, en una primera parte se realiza una revisión de la literatura académica existente, se analiza el concepto imagen país percibido desde el punto de vista del Marketing Turístico. En un segundo apartado se examinan las características de los turistas que visitaron Nicaragua procedentes de sus principales mercados emisores (Europa, Estados Unidos de América y Canadá), así como la imagen percibida de Nicaragua. Los resultados permiten identificar líneas de acción que se asocien con los planes estratégicos de la administración pública para el desarrollo del sector turístico, que permitan mejorar la imagen país y atraer futuros turista

    Destination website quality, users’ attitudes and the willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences

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    Purpose – An official destination website (ODW) is a key component for tourist’s decision-making processes. ODW acts as a direct channel where users may share experiences and opinions about previous or future travels. At the same time, it drives user participation in destination branding activities. In this context, it is crucial to identify how the destination website, using Web 2.0 technologies, could motivate user’s participation with the brand. The purpose of this paper is to propose and evaluate a model that posits the destination website quality as a determinant factor to predict users’ attitudes toward the website and their willingness to participate in co-creation experiences. Design/methodology/approach – Using a combined qualitative and quantitative method, this paper provides an exploratory research that examines the role of destination website quality on attitudes toward the website and the willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Findings – Findings confirm that there is a direct and significant relationship between website quality, attitudes toward the website and willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Moreover, attitudes toward the website partially mediate relationships between destination website quality and willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Originality/value – The literature of value co-creation is trying to identify which factors drive consumer’s participation with brands across different consumption contexts. This study provides evidence that confirms, from a tourism destination website point of view, that website quality is one of these key factors that motives user’s co-creation with a destination.This research was funded by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, with the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation ECO2014-59356-P, and also with the research project ECO2015-69103-

    Am I Ibiza? Measuring brand identification in the tourism context

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    Understanding brand identification is critical when developing successful relationships between tourists and the destinations they visit. Nevertheless, there is an absence of academic work that measures tourist destination brand identification. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure brand identification within the context of tourism. The study develops 24 measurement items to construct a survey instrument. The instrument is then administered to collect data from a sample of 308 Ibizan tourists. Following a rigorous scale development process, a one-dimensional brand identification model is identified. Finally, a refined scale consisting of seven measurement items is developed. This scale is validated with a new sample of 126 Ibizan visitors. Multi-step psychometric tests verify that the new brand identification scale is reliable and valid. Destination managers could use this scale to evaluate and identify highly acknowledged tourist segments, and more accurately implement the corresponding promotional strategies to this target.This research was funded by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation ECO2014-59356-P and ECO2015-69103-R

    Las promociones en precios en el mercado turístico: efectos sobre la formación de la lealtad del consumidor a la marca y al punto de venta

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Financiación e Investigación Comercial. Fecha de lectura : 22-10-0

    Towards novel biomimetic in vitro models of the blood-brain barrier for drug permeability evaluation

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    Current available animal and in vitro cell-based models for studying brain-related pathologies and drug evaluation face several limitations since they are unable to reproduce the unique architecture and physiology of the human blood–brain barrier. Because of that, promising preclinical drug candidates often fail in clinical trials due to their inability to penetrate the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Therefore, novel models that allow us to successfully predict drug permeability through the BBB would accelerate the implementation of much-needed therapies for glioblastoma, Alzheimer’s disease, and further disorders. In line with this, organ-on-chip models of the BBB are an interesting alternative to traditional models. These microfluidic models provide the necessary support to recreate the architecture of the BBB and mimic the fluidic conditions of the cerebral microvasculature. Herein, the most recent advances in organ-on-chip models for the BBB are reviewed, focusing on their potential to provide robust and reliable data regarding drug candidate ability to reach the brain parenchyma. We point out recent achievements and challenges to overcome in order to advance in more biomimetic in vitro experimental models based on OOO technology. The minimum requirements that should be met to be considered biomimetic (cellular types, fluid flow, and tissular architecture), and consequently, a solid alternative to in vitro traditional models or animals

    ¡Anímate a leer! Propuesta de animación a la lectura en la etapa inicial de Educación Primaria

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    La lectura es una actividad que desarrolla una serie de competencias básicas en los niños como son la competencia lingüística, la competencia social y cívica, la competencia de aprender a aprender y la competencia en conciencia y expresiones culturales. No todo el mundo puede disfrutar de las ventajas que nos proporciona el hábito lector, dado que una mayoría de la población siente rechazo hacia el mismo porque nadie les ha enseñado a adquirirlo adecuadamente, sino que en muchos casos se ha impuesto como una obligación. Con esta propuesta queremos paliar esta deficiencia y fomentar en los alumnos de primer ciclo de Educación Primaria una lectura amena que dé lugar al hábito de leer de manera desinteresada y por propia iniciativa.Grado en Educación Primari

    Correlación entre espesores de fascia plantar y tejido graso plantar: proyecto de estudio

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    [Resumen] El pie juega un papel muy importante en la vida del ser humano. Soporta el peso corporal, lo empuja hacia delante al caminar y absorbe impactos al correr, saltar y caminar. Las diferencias en la postura del pie están asociadas con patrones de presión plantar alterados con una posible alteración de los momentos articulares externos. La piel del pie está constituida por una capa de tejido subcutáneo muy gruesa en su parte posterior para resistir las fuerzas de impacto, se adelgaza a nivel de mediopie para luego volver a engrosarse bajo las articulaciones metatarsofalángicas y disminuir así las cargas en las estructuras profundas. La fascia plantar, por otro lado, es una banda gruesa de tejido conectivo cuyo origen es el calcáneo y su inserción en los huesos metatarsianos. Este tejido juega un papel muy importante en términos de propiedades biomecánicas del pie y su movilidad. Las células del tejido graso plantar se insertan en el borde superficial de la fascia plantar y es por ello que hemos decidido estudiar su posible relación. El estudio se llevará a cabo en las instalaciones de la Clínica Universitaria de Podología y serán seleccionados 203 participantes. El objetivo es analizar si existe algún tipo de correlación entre el grosor de la fascia plantar y el del tejido graso plantar.[Resumo] O pe xoga un papel moi importante na vida do ser humano. Soporta o peso corporal, empuxao cara diante o camiñar e absorbe os impactos o correr, brincar e camiñar. As diferenzas na postura do pe están asociadas con patróns de presión plantar alterados cunha posible alteración dos momentos articulares externos. A pel do pe está constituida por unha capa de tecido subcutáneo moi grosa na súa parte posterior para resistir as forzas de impacto, adelgázase a nivel de mediope para logo volver a engrosarse baixo as articulacións metatarsofalánxicas e así diminuir as cargas nas estructuras profundas. A fascia plantar, por outro lado, e unha grosa banda de tecido conectivo cuxa orixe é o calcáneo e a súa inserción os osos metatarsianos. Este tecido xoga un papel moi importante en términos de propiedades biomecánicas do pe e a súa movilidade. As células do tecido graso plantar insértanse no borde superficial da fascia plantar e é por iso que decidimos estudar a súa posible relación. O estudo levarase a cabo nas instalacións da Clínica Universitaria de Podología e serán seleccionados 203 participantes. O obxectivo é analizar se existe algún tipo de correlación entre o grosor da fascia plantar e o tecido graso plantar.[Abstract] The foot plays a very important role in human life. It supports body weight, pushes it forward when walking, and absorbs shock when running, jumping, and walking. Differences in foot posture are associated with altered plantar pressure patterns with possible alteration of external joint moments. The skin of the foot is made up of a very thick layer of subcutaneous tissue on the back to resist impact forces, it thins at the midfoot level and then thickens again under the metatarsophalangeal joints and thus reduces loads on deep structures. The plantar fascia, on the other hand, is a thick band of connective tissue whose origin is the calcaneus and its insertion in the metatarsal bones. This tissue plays a very important role in terms of the biomechanical properties of the foot and his mobility. The cells of the plantar fatty tissue are inserted at the superficial edge of the plantar fascia and that is why we have decided to study their possible relationship. The study will be carried out in the facilities of the University Podiatry Clinic and 203 participants will be selected. The objective is to analyze if there is any kind of correlation between the thickness of the plantar fascia and the thickness of the plantar fat tissue.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2019/202

    Linking the online brand experience and brand credibility with tourists' behavioral intentions toward a destination.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/17162 (submitted version)Even though concepts such as brand experience and online brand credibility are critical in destination marketing strategies, there have been no previous studies that have analyzed their relationships and influence on tourists’ behavioral intentions. This paper develops a multimethod approach using a projective technique, an online experiment, and a multigroup analysis with five official destination platforms (the website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube). The results confirm positive direct and indirect relationships among online destination brand experience (BE), perceived online destination brand credibility (PODBC), and users’ behavioral intentions toward the destination (intentions to visit/recommend). The multigroup analysis that was conducted revealed that users who had not visited the destination shaped their behavioral intentions by assigning a greater importance to the online destination BE than did those who had physically visited the destination. Conversely, users who had visited the destination showed a higher intensity in the path between PODBC and behavioral intentions.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness, Grant Number: ECO2015-69103-R, and by Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía (Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia) (Spain)

    Destination brand authenticity: What an experiential simulacrum! A multigroup analysis of its antecedents and outcomes through official online platforms

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    Tourists’ intensive use of information and communication technologies when planning travel has forced destination marketing organizations to design online simulacra of destinations in multiple formats. We focus our study on official online destination platforms to analyze preliminary experiences with destination brands and the online perception of authenticity. Previous consumption studies have theorized that consumers’ encounters with products/services are antecedents of their perceptions of authenticity. In the tourism literature, however, the link between online destination experiences and online destination authenticity constitutes a research gap. To fill that gap, we used a multimethod approach to develop a causal-predictive model by which we observed that the online destination brand experience directly affects destination brand authenticity. The findings also show that both of these constructs directly and indirectly influence users’ behavioral intentions toward the destination. We examine the moderating role of various official online destination platforms to enrich the theoretical and managerial implications discussedThis work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness: [Grant Number ECO2015-69103-R
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