57 research outputs found


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    An approach to assess the impact of the creation or expansion of an air transport infrastructure over regional development is proposed in this paper. Effective long term planning of this costly investment requires performing an overall analysis of socio-economic consequences through long term forecasting, scenario generation and risk analysis. One of main aspects of this task is related with the estimation of future demand over the modified transportation network which attends the considered region. The proposed approach makes use of two complementary models: One model is devoted to demand forecasting taking into account the modified accessibility of the multimodal transportation network, the other one defines the global transport supply according to a profit maximization behavior for the involved transport system. The demand forecasting process is based on an entropy maximization approach with flexible origin-destination levels to determine the intensity and the distribution of new origin-destination vectors. A two level solution technique considering vehicle flows at the first level and the payload/passengers flows at the second level is introduced. The proposed solution scheme is composed of an iterative process between the current solution for demand forecasting and the supply optimization problem: the entropy maximizing distribution problem provides the origin-destination matrix given a cost/capacity structure, while the supply optimization problem provides this cost/capacity structure resulting from the accessibility level, given the updated origin-destination vectors. The proposed approach is illustrated in the case of a fast developing rural agro-industrial area in central Brazil, where the consequences of the installation of a medium size airport are assessed.

    Procesos de reapropiación del espacio público en Quito: el caso del graffiti en la administración de Augusto Barrera (2009 – 2014)

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    A finales del siglo XX, se asiste a una nueva etapa del desarrollo de la estética urbana, marcada por la aplicación y presencia de las nuevas tecnologías y la aparición de nuevos agentes sociales como el escritor de grafiti, el artista de la calle o el activista contracultural. El grafiti, entendido como práctica cultural tradicionalmente urbana, se encuentra sujeto a las transformaciones que manifiestan la sociedad y el espacio de la ciudad, adaptándose continuamente y desde diferentes formatos a la realidad social. En esta práctica se observa un modo de reafirmar identidades, criticar y proponer proyectos de ciudad posibles. Además, las intervenciones de calle producidas por escritores de grafiti, artistas urbanos o activistas culturales, sociales y políticos contribuyen a la construcción y definición de la imagen pública de una determinada área urbana, subrayando o alterando la imagen tradicional de dichos espacios. En esa línea de ideas, la investigación analizará el graffiti en los aspectos correspondientes a los actores que ejecutan las intervenciones, el contexto político y coyuntural en el que nacen estas iniciativas, el contenido visual y lingüístico de los mismos, así como el espacio geográfico en el que se plasman, entendiendo que cada uno de ellos brinda una espesor interpretativo que enriquece el trabajo desarrollado. Por lo tanto, el estudio del grafiti en la ciudad de Quito es relevante en cuanto permite evaluar, en términos cualitativos: la vitalidad ciudadana del área metropolitana, la pluralidad de sus agentes culturales, sus pretensiones, su carácter crítico, su nivel de pensamiento y formación, el grado de conciencia y participación en la transformación social

    Trabajo sexual 2.0: activismo y economía visual; estudio de caso Zelda Zonk en Twitter

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    La imagen es una arena viva de conflicto, que genera formas inéditas de socialidad que, si bien adquieren una dimensión de levedad, también permiten idear formas de comunidad y militancia. El interés de esta investigación radica en eludir las simplificaciones alrededor del trabajo sexual caracterizadas por un abordaje paternalista asociado a la marginalidad y la discriminación. Esta postura, deja de lado la posibilidad de entender el trabajo sexual como una actividad laboral en tanto una opción económica legítima que se asienta paulatinamente en espacios online y offline. En ese sentido, se ejecuta una etnografía virtual alrededor de Zelda Zonk, trabajadora sexual quiteña, quien establece un cuestionamiento a la economía visual de la mujer, a través de la red social Twitter. La muestra se concentra en el análisis de las publicaciones generadas en la red mencionada durante los años 2019, 2020 y 2021. Sumado a aquello, se desarrollan entrevistas a profundidad que dotan de un matiz dialógico al estudio. Como se verá en adelante, su ejercicio laboral en redes sociales plantea una doble lógica. Por un lado, aprovecha un nicho de mercado virtual para la promoción de sus servicios sexuales y, por otro, establece un espacio de construcción identitaria, articulación con otras trabajadoras sexuales y la institución de ciberactivismos. Al final de la investigación, se dará cuenta de las posibilidades que permiten las redes sociales para habitar los dominios del mercado y del activismo

    Desarrollo de un geocircuito educativo, recreativo y deportivo en la ciudad de Balcarce: puesta en valor de la geodiversidad local

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    En los últimos años, se observa una demanda creciente del público en general de la valoración del paisaje que secontempla. Para satisfacer dicha necesidad planteamos proyectos de investigación y extensión universitaria que permiten caracterizar y difundir la valoración de áreas de interés científico, cultural e histórico del sudeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Por lo expuesto, se propone un geocircuito integrado al ejido urbano de la ciudad de Balcarce con el apoyo y participación de las autoridades locales. El mismo cuenta con geositios, aptos para llevar acabo múltiples actividades, interconectados por senderos y caminos cuya traza es aproximadamente de 7,5 km ypueden recorrerse a pie, en bicicleta o a caballo. Dicho circuito tiene un ordenamiento temporal iniciando en el Precámbrico y finalizando en el Cenozoico. Dos geositios, corresponden a pasivos ambientales en rehabilitación (canteras municipales inactivas) y dos restantes son relevantes por sus características geológicas y paleontológicas. Este circuito ofrece la síntesis de la historia geológica de la región y permite a los lugareños y turistas conocer el lugar desde una perspectiva mucho más amplia que la mera contemplación del paisaje. Esta propuesta apunta a la puesta en valor del patrimonio geológico,paleontológico y ambiental, entre otros, y constituye una herramienta para fortalecer la identidad cultural ciudadana.Simposio 8: Patrimonio Geológico, Geoparques, Desarrollo Sostenible y Estilos de Vida Saludable

    A description of Blatticola ancoracauda (Nematoda, Thelastomatidae) a parasite of cricket (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) with notes of cytogentics from Argentina

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    Blatticola ancoracauda n. sp. (Oxyurida, Thelastomatidae) a parasite of the cricket Anurogryllus muticus (DeGeer) (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) from Argentina, is described and illustrated. This is the second species of the genusBlatticola found parasitizing crickets. Females of this new species are characterized by the cuticle that isannulated from the anterior end up to the middle of the body, the mouth opening being subtriangular in shapesurrounded by 8 cephalic papillae, the short stoma and the telostoma with two movable teeth, small pore shapedamphids, an oesophagus divided into three parts, anterior cylindrical corpus, isthmus distinct, and basal bulbvalvated, the nerve ring situated a rounded the isthmus, the intestine broadest anteriorly, eggs oval, smoothshell, in apical view show a triangular section, males with one pair of preanal and two pairs of postanal papillae,and the tail appendage short, conical and pointed, females have a structure of anchorage on the top, likestructure of grasp. Cytogenetically presents 2n with 8 chromosomes in female and 4 chromosomes in maleCentro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Components of dental clinic patient loyalty as perceived by the dentist

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    The dental clinic market has been subject to different changes while have led to the development of a new business model for the sector. These changes have been the great increase in the number of dentists, new business models, the demand of new services, churn patients, among others. With the purpose of stopping patient churn, the main objective of this research is to investigate the perception that the dentist has of the behavior of Loyal Patient (LP) and Non-loyal Patient (NLP) in dental clinics. The study analyzes the data obtained from a survey collected among 220 Spanish dentists who were active during 2012. The main findings obtained from the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) are: (i) the dentist perceives that the behavior of the LP is driven by three components: "Same dental clinic and recommendation", "Patient willingness" and "Low sensitivity to prices"; (ii) the dentist perceives that the behavior of the NLP is driven by three components: "High sensitivity to prices", "High churn and few recommendation" and "Less visits". This study allow to understand patient loyalty in dental clinics by a holistic approach, evaluating the dentist's perception; at the same time, it helps in decreasing negative bias in the dentist in order not to condition their professional behavior when a new patient arrives at the clinic

    Paranoid ideation during a simulated social encounter in people with either psychosis with persecutory delusions or anxiety disorder.

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    ABSTRACT Reason for Study To evaluate differences in the perception of threat by patients, with either psychosis in whom persecutory delusions are a key symptom or patients with an anxiety disorder. Method A between groups design in which patients who met DMS-IV criteria for psychosis, with persecutory delusions (n=20), were compared to patients with anxiety disorders (n=20) as well as a matched healthy control group (n=20). Participants observed videos of social encounters and rated the actors on four scales measuring different aspects of paranoid ideation. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore reports of perceived threat. Results The patient groups did not differ on any of the paranoid ideations measures ( p>.10) but both produced significantly higher scores than the healthy controls on all measures (p <.01 ) . However, patients with persecutory delusions inferred more detailed, negative attributes about the actors and failed to integrate the perception of hostile intent with other attributes. Major conclusions Anxiety causes paranoid ideas during person perception in non-psychotic as well as psychotic patients. We propose that cognitive processing in patients with persecutory delusions is characterized by poor integration of perceptual attributes and inadequate meta-cognition during person perception.Peer reviewe

    Cambio estructural en la competitividad ecuatoriana después de la dolarización

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    Many studies, both empirical and theoretical, have established thenegative effects that a contractive monetary policy can inflict onmarket competitiveness and how these effects can become permanent.The following article seeks evidence of a permanent change inEcuadorian competitiveness with its commercial partners Colombiaand Peru; between the decade of the 90s, when there was a discretionalmonetary policy, and the years following the economy`s dollarization.Muchos estudios teóricos y empíricos establecen que una políticamonetaria contractiva tiene efectos negativos en la competitividady que pueden ser permanentes. El presente artículo busca evidenciade un cambio permanente en la competitividad ecuatoriana conrespecto a sus socios comerciales Colombia y Perú entre los añosnoventa, cuando había una política comercial discrecional, y los añosposteriores a la dolarización de la economía.

    Clinically significant personality traits in individuals at high risk of developing psychosis

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    It is still unclear to what extent personality may influence the development of psychosis. We aimed to explore significant personality traits in individuals at high-risk (HR) for psychosis. Personalities of forty HR individuals and a matched sample of 40 HVs were evaluated with the Millon Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III). They were also assessed with the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS), Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories (BDI-II and BAI), Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI 6.0.0). Fisher's exact test was employed to compare frequency of traits. Mann-Whitney U test and logistic regression were used to establish relationships between traits and symptoms, and the effect of age, sex and symptoms on such traits. Most HR individuals (97.5%) had at least one significant trait; 75% had personality disorders, mainly depressive, borderline or schizotypal. Only histrionic and narcissistic traits were more prevalent in HVs. Negative symptoms were related to schizoid and paranoid traits. Depression was more severe with borderline traits. Most HR individuals (67.6%) had more than one DSM-IV Axis I diagnosis, mainly depressive/anxiety disorders. Transition rate was low (5%). Certain personality profiles may not be markers for conversions to psychosis but contribute to high morbidity in HR individuals

    A long term demand forecasting framework for a network of airports / Uma estrutura de previsão de demanda de longo prazo para uma rede de aeroportos

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    The study presented in this paper has been developed with the perspective of generating long term development plans for a network of domestic airports. As a first step towards this objective, the problem of generating long term predictions of demand for a network of domestic airports is considered. This is a step towards the objective of producing long term capacity investments plans allowing to manage adequately a network of airports. Then the different demand flows at airports which are relevant to characterize the need for new airport facilities and upgardes in capacity, are analysed and compatibility constraints between these flows introduced. An appraisal is realized about the basic data necessary to perform these network demand forecasts. A sequential scheme is proposed to generate in a coherent way predictions of the different dimensioning networks and airport flows. Passenger, freight and aircraft flows from and to external airports are also considered in this study