869 research outputs found

    Use of Sentinel-2 Derived Vegetation Indices for Estimating fPAR in Olive Groves

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    Olive tree cultivation is currently a dominant agriculture activity in the Mediterranean basin, where the increasing impact of climate change coupled with the inefficient management of olive groves is negatively affecting olive oil production and quality in some marginal areas. In this context, satellite imagery may help to monitor crop growth under different environmental conditions, thus providing useful information for optimizing olive grove management and final production. However, the spatial resolution of freely-available satellite products is not yet adequate to estimate plant biophysical parameters in complex agroecosystems such as olive groves, where both olive trees and grass cover contribute to the vegetation indices (VIs) signal at pixel scale. The aim of this study is therefore to test a disentangling procedure to partition the VIs signal among the different components of the agroecosystem to use this information for the monitoring of olive growth processes during the season. Specifically, five VIs (GEMI, MCARI2, NDVI, OSAVI, MCARI2/OSAVI) as recorded by Sentinel-2 at a spatial resolution of 10 m over five olive groves in the Montalbano area (Tuscany, Central Italy), were tested as a proxy for olive tree intercepted radiation. The olive tree volume per pixel was initially used to linearly rescale the VIs signal into the relevant value for the grass cover and olive trees. The models, describing the relationship between rescaled VIs and observed fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fPAR), were fitted and then validated against independent datasets. While in the calibration phase, a greater robustness at predicting fPAR was obtained using NDVI (r = 0.96 and RRMSE = 9.86), the validation results demonstrating that GEMI and MCARI2/OSAVI provided the highest performances (GEMI: r = 0.89 and RRMSE = 21.71; MCARI2/OSAVI: r = 0.87 and RRMSE = 25.50), in contrast to MCARI2 that provided the lowest (r = 0.67 and RRMSE = 36.78). These results may be related to the VIs’ intrinsic features (e.g., lower sensitivity to atmosphere and background effects), which make some of these indices, compared to others, less sensitive to saturation effects by improving fPAR estimation (e.g., GEMI vs. NDVI). On this basis, this study evidenced the need to improve the current methodologies to reduce inter-row effects and select appropriate VIs for fPAR estimation, especially in complex agroecosystems where inter-row grass growth may affect remote sensed-derived VIs signal at an inadequate pixel resolution

    Programas preventivos de assédio moral: um estudo multicasos de sua aplicabilidade em empresas do estado do Espírito Santo / Preventive programs of moral harassment: a multicasth study of its applicability in companies of the state of Espírito Santo

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    A conscientização sobre o assédio moral mostra-se um assunto relevante nas empresas, pois suas consequências são de forte preocupação, devido aos impactos negativos que causa não só à vítima, mas também à organização. Diante deste contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo identificar se as empresas do estado do Espírito Santo investem em programas preventivos de assédio moral.A pesquisa utiliza uma abordagem qualitativa, pois não procura enumerar ou medir os eventos em estudo e nem acessar regras estatísticas para analisar os dados coletados em quatro empresas do estado do Espírito Santo, a fim de compreender em que estágio encontram-se os programas de prevenção ao assédio moral.Após análise, pode-se concluir que as empresas pesquisadas investem em programas de assédio moral, porém pode-se afirmar que apenas duas utilizam meios e ferramentas mais adequadas e estruturadas, que previnem, facilitam a denúncia e a resolução dos casos

    Programas preventivos de assédio moral: um estudo multicasos de sua aplicabilidade em empresas do estado do Espírito Santo / Preventive programs of moral harassment: a multicasth study of its applicability in companies of the state of Espírito Santo

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    A conscientização sobre o assédio moral mostra-se um assunto relevante nas empresas, pois suas consequências são de forte preocupação, devido aos impactos negativos que causa não só à vítima, mas também à organização. Diante deste contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo identificar se as empresas do estado do Espírito Santo investem em programas preventivos de assédio moral.A pesquisa utiliza uma abordagem qualitativa, pois não procura enumerar ou medir os eventos em estudo e nem acessar regras estatísticas para analisar os dados coletados em quatro empresas do estado do Espírito Santo, a fim de compreender em que estágio encontram-se os programas de prevenção ao assédio moral.Após análise, pode-se concluir que as empresas pesquisadas investem em programas de assédio moral, porém pode-se afirmar que apenas duas utilizam meios e ferramentas mais adequadas e estruturadas, que previnem, facilitam a denúncia e a resolução dos casos

    A Review of the Potential Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Options for European Viticulture

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    Viticulture and winemaking are important socioeconomic sectors in many European regions. Climate plays a vital role in the terroir of a given wine region, as it strongly controls canopy microclimate, vine growth, vine physiology, yield, and berry composition, which together determine wine attributes and typicity. New challenges are, however, predicted to arise from climate change, as grapevine cultivation is deeply dependent on weather and climate conditions. Changes in viticultural suitability over the last decades, for viticulture in general or the use of specific varieties, have already been reported for many wine regions. Despite spatially heterogeneous impacts, climate change is anticipated to exacerbate these recent trends on suitability for wine production. These shifts may reshape the geographical distribution of wine regions, while wine typicity may also be threatened in most cases. Changing climates will thereby urge for the implementation of timely, suitable, and cost-effective adaptation strategies, which should also be thoroughly planned and tuned to local conditions for an effective risk reduction. Although the potential of the different adaptation options is not yet fully investigated, deserving further research activities, their adoption will be of utmost relevance to maintain the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of the highly valued viticulture and winemaking sector in Europe.This study was funded by Clim4Vitis project—“Climate change impact mitigation for European viticulture: knowledge transfer for an integrated approach”, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement no. 810176; it was also supported by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04033/2020

    Phenological Model Intercomparison for Estimating Grapevine Budbreak Date (Vitis vinifera L.) in Europe

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    Budbreak date in grapevine is strictly dependent on temperature, and the correct simulation of its occurrence is of great interest since it may have major consequences on the final yield and quality. In this study, we evaluated the reliability for budbreak simulation of two modeling approaches, the chilling-forcing (CF), which describes the entire dormancy period (endo- and eco-dormancy) and the forcing approach (F), which only describes the eco-dormancy. For this, we selected six phenological models that apply CF and F in different ways, which were tested on budbreak simulation of eight grapevine varieties cultivated at different latitudes in Europe. Although none of the compared models showed a clear supremacy over the others, models based on CF showed a generally higher estimation accuracy than F where fixed starting dates were adopted. In the latter models, the accurate simulation of budbreak was dependent on the selection of the starting date for forcing accumulation that changes according to the latitude, whereas CF models were independent. Indeed, distinct thermal requirements were found for the grapevine varieties cultivated in Northern and Southern Europe. This implies the need to improve modeling of the dormancy period to avoid under- or over-estimations of budbreak date under different environmental conditions.This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under the Clim4Vitis project: “Climate change impact mitigation for European viticulture: knowledge transfer for an integrated approach”, grant agreement no. 810176. It was also supported by FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04033/2020 and the French National Research Agency (ANR) in the frame of the Investments for the Future Program, within the cluster of excellence COTE (ANR-10-LABX-45)

    Generalized Subcutaneous Emphysema Secondary to Pneumomediastinum in a Newborn kitten

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    Background: Pneumomediastinum is a rare entity characterized by the introduction of air into the mediastinum. Primary or spontaneous pneumomediastinum may occur in the absence of any disease whereas secondary pneumomediastinum may be due to a number of precipitating factors. The clinical picture is severe and the onset is acute. The present report describes the clinical presentation, treatment, and the findings of a forensic investigation of a case of generalized subcutaneous emphysema secundary to pneumomediastinum in a newborn kitten. Case: A newborn kitten was presented to a veterinary climic with a history of generalized air accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue of acute onset which was noted whenever the animal suckled. Clinical care and radiographic examination were performed. Radiographic findings included areas of radiolucency within the subcutis suggestive of generalized subcutaneous emphysema. In the thoracic cavity, there was ventral displacement of the thoracic trachea and increased radiolucency in the cranial mediastinum suggestive of pneumomediastinum. There was loss of definition of the cervical trachea suggestive of tracheal rupture. Based on the radiographic findings, the clinician decided to aspirate the air accumated within the subcutis using a needle and a syringe. However, this emphysema rapidly formed after the subcutaneous air was aspirated. Euthanasia was elected due to the poor prognosis and the animal was submitted for necropsy. Main gross findings included traumatic intercostal laceration adjacent to the lungs under the axilla and tracheal perforation. Tracheal perforation resulted in persistent air leakage from the trachea causing pneumomediastinum which evolved into generalized subcutaneous emphysema causing the animal to inflate as air became trapped within the subcutis imparting a blown up appearance to the cat. Microscopically pulmonary collapse was observed. Symptomatic treatment was instituted and consisted of puncturing the distended skin with needle and syringe. Percutaneous drainage of the subcutaneous air was unsuccessful.Discussion: In the present case, the diagnosis of generalized subcutaneous emphysema due to pneumomediastinum in a newborn kitten was based on the history, clinical signs, radiographic findings, and gross necropsy lesions. However, the histopathological findings were non-specific. The present case is an example of secondary pneumomediastinum. Tracheal perforation resulted in massive air penetration into the mediastinum. Generalized subcutaneous emphysema developed as a complication of the pneumomediastinum. Queens carry their offspring using their mouth. We suggest that the tracheal lesion is a penetrating tracheal trauma and that this injury was inflicted by the mother's canine teeth as she transported the kitten with the animal's neck and chest inside her mouth. There was no history that the kitten was attacked by other animal or of any other type of trauma. Initial conservative treatment consisted of puncturing the skin in order to release subcutaneous air and relieve pain. Oxygen supply was not considered due to practical reasons since such supportive therapy would worsen the clinical picture of the patient. Necropsy findings were of major importance to establish a definitive diagnosis. Gross lesions included tracheal perforation, which caused pneumomediastinum through air leakage into the mediastinum and lead to the subcutaneous emphysema. We conclude that unintentional traumatic injuries in a newborn kitten caused by the queen should be considered as a cause of pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema. The clinical picture is severe, of acute onset, and exhibits a rapidly progressive course


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    The biodiversity of the Brazilian Northeast region is threatened by human action due to activities such as deforestation and the removal of wild species from their original environment. Thus, this research aims to carry out a descriptive survey about the actions of reception and destination of wild animals performed by the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources Brazilian Institute Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) in the State of Sergipe. For this, data from capture records carried out by IBAMA/SE between 2016 and 2020 were used. The animals that made up this database were classified according to their taxonomic class, being, Birds, Reptiles, or Mammals. The origin of animals that arrived at IBAMA was subdivided as follows: from seizure, rescue, or voluntary delivery. The destination of these animals was classified as: death, release, captivity, or others (when they did not fit into the previous classes). A database was created using Excel® software, and the data were analyzed descriptively. Of the 5247 individuals apprehended over the period studied, most belonged to the bird class (81.9%), followed by reptiles (16.4%) and mammals (1.7%). Seizure was the most common origin of animals received by IBAMA/SE in all evaluated years, in second and third place are voluntary delivery and rescue, respectively. For all taxonomic classes, the main destination of the animals was release, while sending to captivity was the least frequent alternative in all years.A biodiversidade da Região Nordeste Brasileira encontra-se ameaçada pela ação humana devido a atividades como o desmatamento e a retirada de espécies silvestres do seu ambiente de origem. Assim, objetiva-se, com esta pesquisa, realizar um levantamento descritivo acerca das ações de recebimento e destinação dos animais silvestres realizadas pelo Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) no estado de Sergipe. Para isso, foram utilizados os dados provenientes dos registros de captura realizados pelo IBAMA/SE entre os anos de 2016 e 2020. Os animais que compunham esse banco de dados foram classificados conforme sua classe taxonômica, sendo: aves, répteis ou mamíferos. A origem dos animais que chegaram ao IBAMA foi subdividida da seguinte forma: oriundos de apreensão, de resgate ou de entrega voluntária. Já a destinação desses animais foi classificada como: óbito, soltura, cativeiro ou outros (quando não se enquadravam nas classes anteriores). Foi elaborado um banco de dados utilizando o software Excel®, e os dados foram analisados de maneira descritiva. Dos 5.247 indivíduos apreendidos ao longo do período estudado, a maior parte pertencia à classe das aves (81,9%), seguida pela dos répteis (16,4%) e dos mamíferos (1,7%). A apreensão foi a origem mais comum dos animais recebidos pelo IBAMA/SE em todos os anos avaliados; em segundo e terceiro lugar estão a entrega voluntária e o resgate, respectivamente. Para todas as classes taxonômicas, a principal destinação dos animais foi a soltura, enquanto o envio para cativeiros foi a alternativa menos frequente em todos os anos