269 research outputs found
Aim: to compare nutritional status between old and young women, from anthropometric, dietetic and biochemical variables, looking for relation with leptin and IGF-I concentration. Methods: 18 voluntary women were distributed in two groups: -more than 60 years old (n=10), named “old” (O); - between 20-30 years (n=8), named “young” (Y). They were evaluated: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and body composition by bioelectric impedance (fat mass and fat free mass); diet evaluation by three food diary calculated by energy, macronutrients and cholesterol; plasmatic concentration of lipids, glucose, albumin, leptin and IGF-I. Methods: 18 voluntary women were distributed in two groups: -more than 60 years old (n=10), named “old” (O); - between 20-30 years (n=8), named “young” (Y). They were evaluated: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and body composition by bioelectric impedance (fat mass and fat free mass); diet evaluation by three food diary calculated by energy, macronutrients and cholesterol; plasmatic concentration of lipids, glucose, albumin, leptin and IGF-I. Results: “O” group presented higher values from BMI, WC, percent body fat, leptin levels and low density lipoproteins. “Y” group presented higher values from IGF-I and percent lean body mass. Leptin correlated positive and significantly with fat mass and WC, when analyzed for all individuals. After adjustment of leptin for body fat, there were not significant differences between groups. After adjustment of IGF-I by body lean mass, “Y” presented higher values. Conclusions : leptin levels are higher in old women, proportional to an increase in body fat, specifically visceral fat. It was possible to identify a relation among leptin, somatotrophic axis and liver lipoprotein metabolism. Energetic balance was negative for all the subjects without any deviation in nutritional status; it should be due to underreporting of food ingestion and overreporting of physical activity. Objetivos:comparar, entre mulheres idosas e mulheres jovens, o estado nutricional a partir de variáveis antropométricas, dietéticas e bioquímicas, buscando relação com as concentrações plasmáticas de leptina e IGF-I. Métodos: 18 mulheres voluntariamente recrutadas foram distribuídas em dois grupos: I= idosas (mais de 60 anos, n=10) e J= jovens (entre 20-30 anos, n=8). Foram avaliados: índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferência de cintura (CC) e composição corporal (massa gorda e massa livre de gordura) por bioimpedância elétrica; três diários alimentares calculados quantitativamente em energia, macronutrientes e colesterol; concentrações plasmáticas de glicose, lipídeos, albumina, leptina e IGF-I. Resultados :O grupo I apresentou maiores valores de IMC, CC, percentual de gordura corporal e concentração plasmática de leptina e lipoproteínas de baixa densidade. O grupo J apresentou maiores valores para as concentrações plasmáticas de IGF-I e para o percentual de massa magra. A leptina correlacionou-se positiva e significativamente com a massa gorda e com a CC na análise do grupo todo. Após o ajuste da leptina pela massa gorda, não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos. Após o ajuste do IGF-I pela massa livre de gordura, o grupo J apresentou maiores valores. As concentrações plasmáticas de albumina e de glicose apresentaram-se dentro da normalidade e sem diferenças entre os grupos. Conclusões: as concentrações de leptina são mais elevadas em mulheres idosas, proporcionalmente ao aumento da massa gorda, em especial a gordura visceral. Foi possível identificar relação entre leptina, eixo somatotrófico, e metabolismo hepático de lipoproteínas. O balanço energético foi negativo para ambos os grupos, porém não foram identificados desvios no estado nutricional, o que pode indicar subnotificação de relatos alimentares e supernotificação de atividade física
Demographic Histories of ERV-K in Humans, Chimpanzees and Rhesus Monkeys
We detected 19 complete endogenous retroviruses of the K family in the genome of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta; RhERV-K) and 12 full length elements in the genome of the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes; CERV-K). These sequences were compared with 55 human HERV-K and 20 CERV-K reported previously, producing a total data set of 106 full-length ERV-K genomes. Overall, 61% of the human elements compared to 21% of the chimpanzee and 47% of rhesus elements had estimated integration times less than 4.5 million years before present (MYBP), with an average integration times of 7.8 MYBP, 13.4 MYBP and 10.3 MYBP for HERV-K, CERV-K and RhERV-K, respectively. By excluding those ERV-K sequences generated by chromosomal duplication, we used 63 of the 106 elements to compare the population dynamics of ERV-K among species. This analysis indicated that both HERV-K and RhERV-K had similar demographic histories, including markedly smaller effective population sizes, compared to CERV-K. We propose that these differing ERV-K dynamics reflect underlying differences in the evolutionary ecology of the host species, such that host ecology and demography represent important determinants of ERV-K dynamics
Molecular species delimitation and description of a new species of Phenacogaster (Teleostei, Characidae) from the southern Amazon basin
Phenacogaster is the most species-rich genus of the subfamily Characinae with 23 valid species broadly distributed in riverine systems of South America. Despite the taxonomic diversity of the genus, little has been advanced about its molecular diversity. A recent molecular phylogeny indicated the presence of undescribed species within Phenacogaster that is formally described here. We sampled 73 specimens of Phenacogaster and sequenced the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene in order to undertake species delimitation analyses and evaluate their intra- and interspecific genetic diversity. The results show the presence of 14 species, 13 of which are valid and one undescribed. The new species is known from the tributaries of the Xingu basin, the Rio das Mortes of the Araguaia basin, and the Rio Teles Pires of the Tapajós basin. It is distinguished by the incomplete lateral line, position of the humeral blotch near the pseudotympanum, and shape of the caudal-peduncle blotch. Meristic data and genetic differentiation relative to other Phenacogaster species represent strong evidence for the recognition of the new species and highlight the occurrence of an additional lineage of P. franciscoensis
The interplay between morphology and photocatalytic activity in ZnO and N-doped ZnO crystals
Photocatalytic materials can perform oxidative and reductive reactions over their surfaces when excited with light. Intrinsic characteristics of the material such as superficial area, morphological structure, and crystalline phase exposition play a fundamental role in the corresponding reaction paths. However, especially in doped semiconductors, as ZnO:N, less is known about how the synthesis parameters affect the morphologies and the photocatalytic activity simultaneously. To solve this issue, ZnO and ZnO:N samples were obtained using microwave-assisted hydrothermal and modified polymeric precursor methods of synthesis. Samples morphologies were characterized by TEM and FE-SEM. Crystallographic phases were observed by XRD and optical characteristics by DRS. XPS results confirmed the doping process. Degradation of Rhodamine-B and Cr(VI) reduction were employed as probe reactions to investigate their photocatalytic activity. Although the crystallographic structure of these powders maintains the ZnO hexagonal wurtzite structure, the optical properties and morphologies, and photocatalytic activities present different behaviors. Also, density functional theory calculations were employed to determine the specific features related to electronic structure, morphology, and photocatalytic activity. Different synthesis methods produce a singular behavior in the physicochemical properties of materials, and the doping effect produces various modifications in RhB degradation and Cr(VI) reduction for each synthesis method. Crystal face exposition and morphologies are related to the improvement in the photocatalytic activity of the materials.The authors acknowledge São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP),
grants #2014/17343-0, #2015/04511-5, #2013/26671-9, #CEPID 2013/
07296-2. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
– CNPQ, grant #444926/2014-3. J. A. acknowledges the financial support
of the Spanish research funding projects: PrometeoII/2014/022 and
ACOMP/2014/270 and ACOMP72015/1202 projects (Generalitat
Valenciana), CTQ2015-652017-P and Salvador Madariaga program,
PRX15/00261 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and
Spanish-Brazilian Program (PHBP14-00020). The XPS facilities were
provided by LNNano/CNPEM (Brazilian Nanotechnology Nation Laboratory,
Proposal no. 20389)
Social Networks Shape the Transmission Dynamics of Hepatitis C Virus
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects 170 million people worldwide, and is a major public health problem in Brazil, where over 1% of the population may be infected and where multiple viral genotypes co-circulate. Chronically infected individuals are both the source of transmission to others and are at risk for HCV-related diseases, such as liver cancer and cirrhosis. Before the adoption of anti-HCV control measures in blood banks, this virus was mainly transmitted via blood transfusion. Today, needle sharing among injecting drug users is the most common form of HCV transmission. Of particular importance is that HCV prevalence is growing in non-risk groups. Since there is no vaccine against HCV, it is important to determine the factors that control viral transmission in order to develop more efficient control measures. However, despite the health costs associated with HCV, the factors that determine the spread of virus at the epidemiological scale are often poorly understood. Here, we sequenced partial NS5b gene sequences sampled from blood samples collected from 591 patients in São Paulo state, Brazil. We show that different viral genotypes entered São Paulo at different times, grew at different rates, and are associated with different age groups and risk behaviors. In particular, subtype 1b is older and grew more slowly than subtypes 1a and 3a, and is associated with multiple age classes. In contrast, subtypes 1a and 3b are associated with younger people infected more recently, possibly with higher rates of sexual transmission. The transmission dynamics of HCV in São Paulo therefore vary by subtype and are determined by a combination of age, risk exposure and underlying social network. We conclude that social factors may play a key role in determining the rate and pattern of HCV spread, and should influence future intervention policies
Booklet and Motivational Interviewing to Promote Self-efficacy in Parents/Caregivers of Children with Asthma:A Clinical Trial
Background: Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood which accounts for numerous annual hospitalizations due to a lack of management and proper management of the disease. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of using an educational booklet with or without combination with motivational interviewing (MI) on the self-efficacy of parents/caregivers in the control and management of childhood asthma. Methods: A clinical trial was carried out with 86 parents/caregivers of children with asthma aged between 2 and 12 years who were followed up in primary health care units from March 2019 to December 2020. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: one of the groups read the booklet and the other read the booklet combined with the MI. The Brazilian version of the Self-Efficacy and Their Child’s Level of Asthma Control scale was applied before and 30 days after the intervention for assessment of self-efficacy. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 and R 3.6.3 software. P values<0.05 were considered significant. Results: There were 46 participants in the booklet group and 40 in the booklet and MI group. Both groups were effective in increasing total self-efficacy scores after the intervention (P<0.001). No statistically significant difference was found between the scores of the two groups (P=0.257). Conclusion: The educational booklet with or without combination with MI can increase the self-efficacy of parents/caregivers of children with asthma. The findings could be considered by healthcare providers for the empowerment of caregivers of children with asthma in the control and management of their children’s asthma.</p
Efeito da irrigação subgengival com seringa e ultrassônica passiva nos níveis de IL-1?, IL-6 e TNF-? na periodontite experimental em ratos / Effect of subgingival syringe irrigation and passive ultrasonic irrigation on IL-1?, IL-6 and TNF-? levels in experimental periodontitis in rats
Introdução: A persistência de sítios com doença periodontal após raspagem e alisamento radicular desencadeou a realização de estudos buscando um tratamento complementar. Considerando a melhor eficácia da irrigação ultrassônica na endodontia, buscou-se adaptar essa técnica na periodontia. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a irrigação subgengival com seringa (IS) e/ou a irrigação subgengival ultrassônica passiva (ISUP) com soro fisiológico (SF), hipoclorito de sódio (HS) e extrato de própolis (PRO) influencia na concentração de Il-1?, IL-6 e TNF-? em periodontite experimental induzida em ratos. Métodos: Periodontite Experimental foi induzida com ligadura nos primeiros molares inferiores de 35 ratos Wistar. Após 14 dias, as ligaduras foram removidas, e os animais submetidos à raspagem, seguido por IS no lado esquerdo e ISUP no direito, com SF 0,9%, HS 0,1% e PRO 11%. Os animais foram sacrificados 2 dias após o tratamento e submetidos a análise ELISA para avaliação dos níveis das citocinas IL-1?, IL-6 e TNF-?. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística com nível de significância (?) de 5%.Resultados: A IL-1? aumentou de forma estatisticamente significante no grupo raspagem (p=0,015) e reduziu no grupo de IS com HS (p=0,016). A IL-6 reduziu nos grupos de IS com SF, HS e PRO em relação ao grupo raspagem (p=0,007) e aumentou de forma estatisticamente significante no grupo ISUP em relação à IS (p=0,033). O TNF-? e as soluções irrigantes não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os grupos. Conclusão: As técnicas de irrigação com seringa associadas à raspagem apresentaram uma redução da concentração das citocinas inflamatórias quando comparadas ao tratamento somente de raspagem.
Hippocampal Astrocytes in Migrating and Wintering Semipalmated Sandpiper
Seasonal migratory birds return to the same breeding and wintering grounds year after year, and migratory long-distance shorebirds are good examples of this. These tasks require learning and long-term spatial memory abilities that are integrated into a navigational system for repeatedly locating breeding, wintering, and stopover sites. Previous investigations focused on the neurobiological basis of hippocampal plasticity and numerical estimates of hippocampal neurogenesis in birds but only a few studies investigated potential contributions of glial cells to hippocampal-dependent tasks related to migration. Here we hypothesized that the astrocytes of migrating and wintering birds may exhibit significant morphological and numerical differences connected to the long-distance flight. We used as a model the semipalmated sandpipe
Revisiting the term neuroprotection in chronic and degenerative diseases
Thanks to the development of several new researches, the lifetime presented a significant increase, even so, we still have many obstacles to overcome - among them, manage and get responses regarding neurodegenerative diseases. Where we are in the understanding of neuroprotection? Do we really have protective therapies for diseases considered degeneratives such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and its variants, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and many others? Neuroprotection is defined by many researches as interactions and interventions that can slow down or even inhibit the progression of neuronal degeneration process. We make some considerations on this neuroprotective effect.Department of Neurology, Antonio Pedro University Hospital, Fluminense Federal University , NiteróiNeurology Service, Nova Iguaçu Hospital , PosseBrain Mapping Laboratory and Electroencephalogram, Federal University of Rio de JaneiroBrain Mapping and Functionality Laboratory, Federal University of PiauíSeverino Sombra University Center, School of Medicine , VassourasDepartment of Neurology, Federal University of São Paulo , BrazilDepartment of Neurology, Federal University of São Paulo , BrazilWeb of Scienc
Efeito da época de preparo do camalhão no desenvolvimento de plantas de soja em terras baixas/ Effect of the time of preparing the camalhão on the development of soybean plants
Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o estabelecimento e o desempenho de crescimento de plantas de soja, quando cultivadas em sistema de sulco-camalhão, preparado antecipadamente ou na hora da semeadura, em terras baixas de clima temperado. O experimento foi conduzido a campo, na área experimental da Embrapa Clima Temperado, Estação Experimental Terras Baixas, no município do Capão do Leão-RS, em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com parcelas dispostas em faixas, com seis repetições. Os tratamentos constaram da época de preparo do camalhão. Os camalhões antecipados (tratamento 1 - TCA), foram construídos em abril de 2018, com camalhoeira, sendo imediatamente semeado a lanço o azevém cv. BRS Ponteio, na densidade de 15 kg ha?1 de sementes. Previamente a semeadura da soja, a área foi dessecada com 1440 ge.a. ha?1 de glyphosate, e a semeadura foi realizada com semeadeira Vence Tudo. Os camalhões confeccionados concomitantemente ao plantio (tratamento 2 - TCFH), foram feitos pela própria semeadeira, que possuía pé de pato específicos para tal operação. Foram avaliadas a área foliar, diâmetro do caule, altura de planta e conteúdo de água das plantas de soja em função dos dias após emergência (DAE). As avaliações foram efetuadas quinzenalmente da emergência à maturação dos grãos. A soja semeada no camalhão feito concomitante à semeadura apresentou melhor desenvolvimento vegetativo, comparativamente ao plantio sobre sulco-camalhão antecipado, principalmente aumentando a área foliar e diâmetro de caule. Supõe-se que condições diferenciais de adensamento e fertilidade do solo e consequente desenvolvimento radicular possam ter contribuído para esse resultado, mas isso deve ser investigado em maiores detalhes futuramente para confirmar ou refutar esses resultados
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