214 research outputs found


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    Objective: To analyze scientific evidence on changes in the myocardial injury marker troponin and clinical outcome in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.  Method: A scoping review was adopted, in the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Scientific Electronic Library Online and Virtual Health Library bases, from May to July 2022. Using as descriptors: Troponin; COVID-19; Cardiovascular System. Results: 23 studies revealed cardiac alterations in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 by examining the cardio specific biomarker troponin, in addition to relating it to high mortality rates. Studies have shown a great relationship between acute myocardial injury, evidenced by elevated troponin, and a worse outcome during hospitalization.Conclusion: Cardiovascular changes were mapped in patients hospitalized with COVID -19 who progressed to severe cases of the disease. This study can contribute to care planning through protocols aimed at clinical management, specific for patients with the disease, both in the acute phase and in the post- COVID -19 phase

    Strategies for the prevention of errors in medication administration: a contribution to nursing practice

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    Obejctive: Identify the factors related to the professional practice of nursing what lead to errors in medication administration and analyze the strategies pointed to prevent and/or minimize these errors. Method: This is an integrative literature review. To the selection the analyzed material were used the databases SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), LILACS (Latin-American and Caribbean Literature in Science of Health) and BIREME (Virtual Health Library), in the period to april to june of 2013. Results: The strategies suggested for the prevention of errors, was the continuing education of professionals and the proper dimensioning. Conclusion: Educational measures and changes in nursing practices collaborate to prevent errors and promote holistic care with minimal risk and maximum quality

    Nursing activities in the prevention and control of nosocomial infection in the emergency sector

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    Objective: To evaluate the performance of the nursing staff in the prevention and control of nosocomial infection in the emergency sector. Method: This is a field study, the exploratory kind with quantitative and qualitative approach and was conducted through a questionnaire and a check list of invasive procedures. The study population consisted of 77 professionals of nursing staff, 15 nurses, 59 practical nurses and 03 nursing assistants. Results: The results showed that the professionals of the nursing staff know the importance of the prevention and control of hospital infection, but only a few knew conceptualize this issue correctly and completely. Conclusion: The safe and effective care can be reality from the acknowledgment of health professionals about the standard precautions to be taken while handling a hospitalized patient

    A dimensão espiritual no processo de cuidar da pessoa com câncer: uma revisão integrativa

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    Justificativa: Esclarecer o que compõe o cuidado espiritual e também investir em estudos que esclareçam sobre o mesmo no processo de cuidar da pessoa com câncer. Objetivo: Identificar as atividades de enfermagem, direcionadas a pacientes adultos com câncer, que compõem o cuidado espiritual. Método: Revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados BDENF, CINAHL e PUBMED com os descritores “cuidados de enfermagem”, “espiritualidade”, “câncer” e “adulto”. Utilizou-se como critérios de inclusão artigos em português, inglês e espanhol; com resumos disponíveis e que respondesse a questão: “Quais são as atividades de enfermagem direcionadas ao cuidado espiritual da pessoa adulta com câncer?”. Resultados: Foram selecionados oito estudos para compor a amostra. A equipe de enfermagem proporcionava alguns cuidados espirituais ao paciente com câncer, dentre eles foram: realizar meditação e providenciar a visita de líder religioso. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros desempenham atividades que englobam o cuidado espiritual a pessoa com câncer. Entretanto, há necessidade que esse cuidado seja desempenhado por meio de embasamento científico com boas evidências.Justificación: Aclaración de lo que constituye el cuidado espiritual y también invertir en estudios para aclarar sobre el mismo proceso del cuidado de la persona con cáncer. Objetivo: Identificar las actividades de enfermería dirigidos a pacientes adultos con cáncer, que representan el cuidado espiritual. Método: Revisión integradora contenida en las bases BDENF, CINAHL y PUBMED con los descriptores “cuidados de enfermería”, “espiritualidad”, “neoplasia” y “adulto”. Fue utilizado como criterios de inclusión artículos en portugués, Inglés y Español; con resúmenes disponibles y que contestasen a la pregunta: “Cuáles son las actividades de enfermería dirigidos a la atención espiritual de la persona adulta con el cáncer?”. Resultados: Se seleccionaron ocho estudios para la muestra. El equipo de enfermería proporcionaba algún tipo de atención espiritual a los pacientes con cáncer, entre ellos estaban realizando la meditación y organizando una visita de un líder religioso. Conclusión: Las enfermeras desempeñan actividades que abarcan el cuidado espiritual de la persona con cáncer. Sin embargo, necesitamos que este tipo de atención sea interpretado por base científica con buena evidencia.Justification: To clarify what makes up the spiritual care and also invest in studies to clarify on it in the care of people with cancer. Objective: To identify nursing activities, directed to adult patients with cancer, which make up the spiritual care. Methods: Integrative review conducted on the BDENF, CINAHL and PubMed databases using the keywords “nursing care”, “spirituality”, “neoplasm” and “adultery”. We used the following inclusion criteria items in Portuguese, English and Spanish; with abstracts available and to answer the question: “What are the nursing activities directed to the spiritual care of the adult with cancer?”. Results: Eight studies were selected for the sample. Nursing staff provided some spiritual care of the patient with cancer, among them were: perform meditation and arrange to visit religious leader. Conclusion: Nurses play activities that encompass the spiritual care the person with cancer. However, we need that care be performed by means of scientific background with good evidence

    Characterization of users of a psychosocial care center of the city of Teresina-PI

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    Objective: Describe the profile of users that require monitoring at CAPS III. Identify the variables and history of hospitalization of users CAPS III. Levantar the most prevalent diagnosis among those who require hospitalization even being followed at CAPS III. Method: It is about a descriptive research, in a retrospective quantitative approach. The study was conducted at the Center for Psychosocial Care (CAPS III). A questionnaire for data collection, with closed questions was used. Results: The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the results were presented in tables. Conclusion: The data may indicate the profile of the users of CAPS III, indicates that most of the users are male, are aged between 41-50 years, are single, with incomplete primary education, do not work, are referred from other hospitals, have no history of psychiatric hospitalizations and the most frequent diagnosis are schizophrenia, and delusional disorder schizothymes'

    Influence of risk factors on the long-term survival of oral rehabilitation with extra-narrow implants: a retrospective study

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    Objective: This study aimed to retrospectively collect clinical data to evaluate the influence of possible risk factors on the long-term success of implant treatment with extra-narrow (2.9 mm diameter) implants in a daily dental practice setting. Methodology: Data were collected from records of patients who received at least one extra-narrow implant from 2012 to 2017, regarding implant survival, prosthesis survival, patient characteristics, and implant characteristics. The association between the dependent variables “implant survival”, “prosthesis survival,” and “adverse events” related to patient and implant characteristics was statistically evaluated by chi-square tests. Moreover, implant and prosthesis survival were analyzed by Kaplan-Meier survival curves.  Results: The sample was constituted of 58 patients (37 women and 21 men) with a mean age of 54.8 years old (SD: 12.5), followed up for up to eight years. In total, 86 extra-narrow implants were placed within this sample. Four implants were lost, resulting in an implant survival rate of 95.3%. A total of 55 prostheses were inserted and only one (1.8%) was lost, resulting in a prosthesis survival rate of 98.2%. The mean implant and prosthesis survival time was, respectively, 7.1 years and 6.3 years, according to the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. A correlation was found between smoking and implant loss, which makes implant loss eight times more likely to occur in smokers than non-smokers. A significant association was also found between prosthesis loss and previous need of prosthesis repair. However, it was not considered clinically relevant. No association was found between the occurrence of adverse events and later implant or prosthesis loss. Conclusion: High implant and prosthesis survival rates were found in the long term for treatment with extra-narrow implants. Moreover, a significant correlation between smoking and implant loss was observed


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    Espiritualidade e religiosidade constituem as duas das mais comuns e antigas formas que a humanidade encontrou de dar significado para a vida, bem como oferecer às pessoas meios para enfrentar às condições adversas. Objetivou-se avaliar as percepções do profissional de enfermagem frente à espiritualidade e ao cuidado espiritual durante a assistência. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e transversal, realizada com 32 profissionais de enfermagem, de um hospital particular de Minas Gerais, avaliados no período de agosto a setembro de 2018. Foram utilizados três instrumentos: o questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala de espiritualidade Spirituality Self Rating Scale e a Escala de Bem-estar Espiritual (EBE). Os dados coletados foram agrupados em um banco de dados e posteriormente avaliados para análise descritiva e apresentados em forma de gráficos e tabelas. A média de idade dos participantes foi de 34 anos, permeando o intervalo de 31-40 anos. Predominou-se o gênero feminino com ensino superior completo, sendo a média de tempo de serviço de sete anos, variando de 6-10 anos. Em relação à espiritualidade e religiosidade, 87,50% sabem a distinção entre elas. A maioria dos profissionais de enfermagem apresentou alto índice de bem-estar espiritual (78%) e de espiritualidade (81%), bem como reconhecem a importância da espiritualidade na saúde. Conclui-se que profissionais de enfermagem possuem alta percepção de espiritualidade e religiosidade. Além disso, acreditam na importância do cuidado espiritual durante a assistência.  Palavras-chave: Bem-Estar Espiritual. Enfermagem. Cuidado Espiritual. Espiritualidade. Religiosidade

    Sexualidade de idosos com demência: representações sociais de estudantes de enfermagem

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    Objective: to learn about the social representation of nursing students about the sexuality of elders with dementia. Methods: qualitative study, based on the Theory of Social Representations, developed with 20 Nursing Graduation students from a Brazilian higher education institution. Data was collected through a focal group, processed in the software IRAMUTEQ and analyzed using a Descending Hierarchical Classification. Results: four semantic classes emerged: Sexuality as a right, The theme was insufficient in graduation, Meanings attributed to sexuality, and Care from the perspective of students. Conclusion: the study showed that the nursing students investigated had polysemic representations about the sexuality of elders with dementia, among which discriminatory and stigmatizing conceptions stood out, socially constructed and anchored in common sense.Objetivo: apreender as representações sociais de estudantes de enfermagem acerca da sexualidade de idosos com demência. Métodos: estudo qualitativo, fundamentado na Teoria das Representações Sociais, desenvolvido com 20 estudantes de Graduação em Enfermagem de uma instituição de ensino superior brasileira. Os dados foram coletados por meio de grupo focal, processados no software IRAMUTEQ e analisados por Classificação Hierárquica Descendente. Resultados: emergiram quatros classes semânticas: A sexualidade como um direito, Temática insuficiente na graduação, Significados atribuídos à sexualidade e O cuidado na perspectiva de estudantes. Conclusão: o estudo demonstrou que os estudantes de enfermagem investigados possuíam representações polissêmicas sobre a sexualidade de idosos demenciados, em que se destacaram concepções discriminatórias e estigmatizantes, ancoradas no senso comum e construídas socialmente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica sobre los cambios en el marcador de lesión miocárdica troponina y el resultado clínico en pacientes hospitalizados con Covid-19.Método: Se adoptó una revisión del alcance, en las bases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Scientific Electronic Library Online y Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, de mayo a julio de 2022. Utilizando como descriptores: troponin; covid-19; cardiovascular system. Resultados: 23 estudios revelaron alteraciones cardiacas en pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19 mediante el examen del biomarcador cardioespecífico troponina, además de relacionarlo con altas tasas de mortalidad. Los estudios han demostrado una fuerte relación entre la lesión miocárdica aguda, evidenciada por la elevación de la troponina, y un peor pronóstico durante la hospitalización.Conclusión: Se mapearon alteraciones cardiovasculares en pacientes hospitalizados con Covid-19 que progresaron a enfermedad grave. Este estudio puede contribuir a la planificación asistencial mediante protocolos dirigidos al manejo clínico, específicos para pacientes con la enfermedad, tanto en la fase aguda como en la fase post-Covid-19