405 research outputs found

    Diseño de un sistema de supervisión y control mediante PLC de un robot cartesiano de dos ejes eléctricos, que simula el taladrado y la inserción de pivotes en un proceso productivo de laboratorio

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    El objetivo del proyecto es la realización de la automatización de una estación de trabajo de un proceso productivo simulado. Se plantea la necesidad de poder controlar y supervisar el funcionamiento de una estación de taladrado e insertado de pivotes, de forma que la selección de la posición de taladrado de los mismos sea seleccionable por el usuario. Se trata pues, de la programación de un robot tipo cartesiano de tres ejes, dos de ellos eléctricos (X e Y), y un tercero (Z) neumático

    Colònies escolars: anàlisi històrica d'una aventura pedagògica (1876-1920) = School summer camps: historical analysis of a pedagogical adventure (1876-1920)

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    Les colònies escolars, aparegudes amb l'objectiu bàsic de millorar la salut d'un sector de la població urbana, esdevingueren, a finals del segle XIX, un aspecte educatiu d'abast considerable i d'acceptació unànime. La seva extensió per molts països d'Europa es va produir en un curt període de temps, tot i que no sempre van gaudir del necessari suport oficial, com és el cas d'Espanya. Al nostre país es van iniciar de la mà d'institucions privades, municipis i d'altres, amb el suport, poc més que testimonial, de l'Estat. Quan el 1911 s'amplien els ajuts estatals a les colònies, la seva presència, que era ja un fet, no farà més que incrementar- se. En aquest article s'estudia el naixement de les colònies a Espanya, la seva implantació i consolidació fins als anys trenta del passat segle XX, les iniciatives que les van promoure, el sistema de finançament i la seva organització i regulació normativa.School summer camps, which arose with the basic objective of improving the health of a sector of the urban population, became a unanimously accepted educational aspect of considerable scope at the end of the 19th Century. They rapidly spread to other European countries, although they did not always enjoy the necessary official support, as was the case of Spain. In our country they were implemented with the help of private institutions, municipalities and other organisations, with a purely token state support. When the state subsidies were extended to summer camps in 1911, the latter began to spread. This article studies the birth of these camps in Spain, their implementation and consolidation until the nineteen thirties, the initiatives they promoted, the funding system and how they were organised and regulated

    L'Educació física en el tombant del segle XIX

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    A partir de l'aparició formal de l'educació física en els plans d'estudis de secundària en el curs 1893-1894, aquesta ha tingut una implantació irregular i accidentada. La revisió dels plans d'estudis de finals del segle XIX ens presenta una situació titubejant, en paral·lel amb la situació sociopolítica: decadent, controvertida i amb una evident manca de recursos. En aquesta època es creen les bases d'una educació física precària, amb presència i importància vacil·lants en els diferents plans d'estudis, definida com a especial, igual que els seus professors. Això pel que fa als ensenyaments secundaris, ja que en la formació de mestres no apareix fins al pla de 1898, amb una clara tendència higiènica i militar, i ni tan sols arriba als centres de primària. En aquest article s'estudia la presència i la significació de l'educació física, des del seu naixement fins al tombant del segle XIX, mitjançant l'anàlisi del tractament que se'n va fer en els plans d'estudis i en les normes que la regularen: organització de la matèria, continguts i plantejaments pedagògics i altres aspectes derivats d'una discutida i canviant política educativa que tants anys va trigar a equiparar-se a les tendències pedagògiques més avançades.Since the formal appearance of Physical Education(PE) in the secondary education curriculum in the school year 1893—1894, its implementation becomes irregular and variable. The revision of the Curriculum at the end of the 19th century presents a hesitant situation, in parallel with the socio-political situation: decadent, controversial and with an evident lack of resources. At this time the basis for a precarious Physical Education are defined, with a faltering presence and importance in the different Curriculum, where the subject and its teachers were defined as special. This for Secondary Education, whereas in Primary School Physical Education does not appear until the Curriculum of 1898 with a clearly hygienic and military tendency, not even arriving at the Primary School Centres. This article exposes the presence and significance of PE, from its first appearance to the end of the 19th century, through the study of its treatment in the Curriculum and in the norms that regulated it: subject’s organisation, contents and pedagogical treatment as well as other aspects derived from a disputed and changing educational policy that took many years to reach the same level as the more advanced pedagogical tendencies

    Prática de ensino supervisionada em educação pré-escolar e 1º ciclo do ensino básico: desocultar a matemática à nossa volta

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    O relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) é o resultado de uma investigação realizada ao longo da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), através de estudo teórico e observação/intervenção desenvolvida no pré-escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do ensino básico, tendo como foco o desocultar da Matemática à nossa volta. Os meus grandes objetivos são de compreender de que modo as crianças se apercebem da matemática à sua volta, de que modo a usam para se relacionarem com a realidade e como se pode promover o desenvolvimento de conexões entre a matemática e a realidade por parte das crianças. Assim, as questões que me orientaram foram: de que modo as crianças relacionam a matemática com a realidade e identificam as conexões, de que modo as crianças percorrem o ciclo de modelação matemática, as ideias e interpretações que as crianças criam sobre a matemática e a realidade e as ideias e interpretações que a educadora e professora têm da matemática com a realidade. Para conseguir os dados que pretendia, segui uma metodologia de investigação sobre a própria prática com o intuito de programar, conduzir e refletir sobre as minhas intervenções com as crianças no que diz respeito ao tema em estudo. Analisei as produções dos alunos para identificar conexões e caracterizar como percorrem o ciclo de modelação matemática. Entrevistei crianças e a educadora e professora para auscultar as suas perspetivas sobre a relação da matemática com a realidade. Conclui que as crianças desde cedo podem trabalhar sobre as conexões da realidade com a Matemática, aproveitando os contextos da vida real, e que elas conseguem dar sentido à Matemática dessa forma, estando a educadora e professora cientes dessa importância; Report of Teaching Practice in Pre-school and Primary School: Unveiling the mathematics around us Abstract: The report of the Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) is the result of an investigation conducted along the Supervised Teaching Practice (STP), through theoretical study and observation / intervention developed in preschool and elementary school, focusing on unveiling the mathematics around us. My major goals in this study are to understand how children are aware of the mathematics around them, how they use it to engage with reality and how it can promote the development of connections between mathematics and reality. The questions that oriented the study were: How do the children relate math with reality and identify the connections? How do the children run around the cycle of mathematical modelling? What are the perspetctives that the children have about the relation between mathematics with reality? What are the perspetctives that the educator and the teacher have about the relation between mathematics with reality? I followed a methodology of researching my own practice in order to plan, conduct and reflect a teaching experience focused on the theme of my interventions with the children, in wich I collected many data that I analysed. I concluded that children from an early age can work on the connections between reality and mathematics, taking advantage of the real-life contexts, and that they can make sense of mathematics. The educator and the teacher are aware of this importance

    Nuevas Ciclaciones Catalizadas por Carbenos de Rutenio

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    En este trabajo de tesis se estudian detalladamente nuevas ciclaciones de derivados alquinílicos funcionalizados mediante procesos catalíticos en los cuales intervienen especies carbénicas de rutenio generadas in situ. En la primera parte de este trabajo se estudiaron las ciclaciones catalizadas por complejos de rutenio mediante procesos neutros-redox intramoleculares en alquinilacetales, éteres y carbamatos. Estos procesos requieren la generación inicial de un intermedio vinilcarbénico de rutenio electrofílico, a partir del complejo de Ru(II) inicial coordinado con diazoalcanos y alquinos, que es atrapado por un “hidruro”, un enlace Csp3-H activado por heteroátomos (O, N). En la segunda parte se estudiaron nuevas heterociclaciones de alquinales y alquinonas catalizadas por rutenio. Estas ciclaciones transcurren a través de la formación inicial de una especie vinilcarbénica de rutenio electrofílica (generada por coordinación del complejo inicial de Ru(II) con diazoalcanos y alquinos) atrapada por nucleófilos oxigenados (aldehídos y cetonas) para dar dihidropiranos, dihidro-1,4-oxazinas y epoxipirrolidinas, núcleos heterocíclicos presentes en muchos compuestos bioactivos

    Cyclization by Catalytic Ruthenium Carbene Insertion into Csp3-H Bonds

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    NOTICE: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Cambeiro, F., López, S., Varela, J. A., Saá, C. (2017). Cyclization by Catalytic Ruthenium Carbene Insertion into Csp3-H Bonds. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 3, 723-727. [doi: 10.1002/anie.201107344]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archivingA novel tandem Ru-catalyzed carbene addition to terminal alkynes/insertion of Csp3–H bonds in alkynyl acetals, ethers and amines has been accomplished under mild conditions. This cascade provides an efficient approach to form complex spiro and fused bicyclic structures in 1,5- and 1,6-hydride shift/cyclization sequences from vinylcarbene Ru intermediates.We thank the MICINN [Projects CTQ2008-06557, CTQ2011-28258, Consolider Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-00006)] and Xunta de Galicia (2007/XA084 and CN2011/054) for financial support. F. C. thanks the Xunta de Galicia and MICINN for a predoctoral grantS

    DFT and Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of TMS-Substituted Ruthenium Vinyl Carbenes: Key Intermediates for Stereoselective Cyclizations

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    NOTICE: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Cambeiro, F., Martínez-Núñez, E., Varela, J. A., Saá, C. (2015). DFT and Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of TMS-Substituted Ruthenium Vinyl Carbenes: Key Intermediates for Stereoselective Cyclizations. ACS Catalysis, 5, 11, 6255-6262. [doi: 10.1021/acscatal.5b01333]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with American Chemical Society Terms and Conditions for self-archivingMechanistic pathways for the cyclization of 1,5-alkynylacetal with N2CHTMS in the presence of Cp- and Cp*RuCl(cod) to afford Z and E (trimethylsilyl)vinyl spiroacetals have been calculated. Calculations show the presence of three conformers in equilibrium for the initially formed ruthenium carbenes. Differences in the stabilities and reactivities of the conformers, depending on the use of a Cp- or Cp*-ruthenium catalyst, are responsible for the favorable active reaction pathways in each case, even though the geometry of the resulting product is the same regardless of the catalyst used. Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations with rate coefficients, including tunneling probabilities for the hydride transfer step, were used to model the evolution of reactants, intermediates and products for all calculated pathways. It was shown that one path is almost exclusively active for each catalyst. Finally, the energetic span model of Kozuch and Shaik was used to calculate the energetic span (δE), the TOF-determining transition state (TDTS), the TOF-determining intermediate (TDI) and the TOF value for each of the feasible mechanistic pathways.This work was supported by MICINN (Spain) (projects CTQ2011-28258 and CTQ2014-51912REDC), Xunta de Galicia, and the Euro-pean Regional Development Fund (projects GRC2014/032 and EM 2012/051). F.C. thanks XUGA for a predoctoral contractS

    Vinyl Dihydropyrans and Dihydrooxazines: Cyclizations of Catalytic Ruthenium Carbenes Derived from Alkynals and Alkynones

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    NOTICE: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Cambeiro, F., López, S., Varela, J. A., Saá, C. (2014). Vinyl Dihydropyrans and Dihydrooxazines: Cyclizations of Catalytic Ruthenium Carbenes Derived from Alkynals and Alkynones. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53, 23, 5959-5963. [doi: 10.1002/anie.201400675]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archivingA novel synthesis of 2‐vinyldihydropyrans and dihydro‐1,4‐oxazines (morpholine derivatives) from alkynals and alkynones has been developed. The cyclizations require a mild generation of catalytic ruthenium carbenes from terminal alkynes and (trimethylsilyl)diazomethane followed by trapping with carbonyl nucleophiles. Mechanistic aspects of the new cyclizations are discussed.This work was supported by MICINN (Spain) [projects CTQ2011-28258, Consolider Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-0006)] and Xunta de Galicia and the European Regional Development Fund (project CN2011/054 and EM 2012/051). F.C. thanks XUGA for a predoctoral contractS

    The promotion of self-care in the elderly, psychomotor reality

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    Abstract: Along the aging occur several changes that influence the reduction in functionality. As a result of this process, becomes the loss of autonomy in the elderly. The ability to self-care is aimed at maintaining life and well-being, and the individual carries it around himself and the world that surrounds him. This article aims to address the way in which psychomotricity is related to the promotion of self-care taking into account the importance of self-care in the elderly and the caregiver